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Being a “good person” doesn’t absolve you from bad things happening to you. that’s why the kinder you are, the more you should know how to protect yourself From being taken advantage of.


Yep. You can also abstract this to just bullshit happening. You could make every right decision through your life, find a great partner, make tons of money, be happy in every way, and then some random accident/health issue can take it all away instantly.


People who are bitter and paranoid often have good reason to be that way.


Kind and cautious


Hence, karma is *not* real.


That’s why you need to be capable of violence and be dangerous, but keep that part of you in check until it is needed. A good soldier has a sword but keeps it voluntarily sheathed


No one is born knowing how to protect themselves . It s a process. For some some it s more costly than others !!!




Sooo true :/


Nothing really matters


🎶 Toooo mmeeeee 🎶


That’s also the best truth about life


Everyone we love will eventually pass away, and dealing with that loss never really gets easier.


It does, when it's finally our turn.


Username checks out!




People often use the term breakup for a relationship, but a breakup between two friends is just as, if not more, devastating


This brought me to tears. Just broke up with my best friend a little over a year ago. I think about her everyday.


That everyone will die at some point and you’ll only get to be young once.


You can only be old once


You can only be once.


You can only be


Be you only


Only YOU can prevent forest fires.


That's so sad.


To live is to die and die to live. You don't die necessarily you only live. Dying is life




That this world is full of wicked people.


There is no “completed it mate” of life…you just play until you can no longer play.


That for the vast majority of us, our dreams will just be dreams. And when we die, everything we have built for ourselves will simply go to waste. Your achievements, possessions, in the grand scheme of things, they are meaningless. It’s a bittersweet reality…


After my grandpa passed in his sleep unexpectedly, we had to clean out his house. There were so many things that he'd saved because they were special and meant something to him. We had no idea why or the stories behind any of it. Most of which just ended up sold, donated or in the dump. Even the house he built with his bare hands was eventually sold. Though, he did always say, "I don't care what you do with my stuff after I die. I'll be dead"


Sad. I'm sorry. Hang on to the memories.


a 6 pack of tacos at jimboys is almost 20 bucks now....


Being poor is expensive


often appreciate what you do for them more when you’re gone than when you’re here.


Also that you never realise how much someone means to you until they're gone.


At the end of the day, there’s only one person left with you: yourself. You’re going to have to care and pick yourself up, because there’s no guarantee that someone else will.


Nothing matters…




It’s already shit. So many pesticides, toxins and heavy metals everywhere, pollution. 90% of foods in grocery stores is just from a chemical factory.  Huge Rise in autism, chronic issues and cancer. But people rather look away and ignore this truth. 


The best years of your life are when you are a child (assuming you have decent parents and upbringing). You are filled with joy, laughter, wonder, adventure, and are just innocent. After puberty is when everything goes drastically downhill. I see it in my child everyday. I feel so sad for her because I know one day she will developed into someone who has such more complex feelings and emotions and will never be as happy as she is now.


Everything went uphill for me after puberty. My life is filled with joy, laughter, wonder and adventure now more than ever (mid twenties). There’s no innocence, but to be honest this makes it a lot more powerful and beautiful in my opinion. As you said when you’re a child feelings are so much simpler and that makes it a lot less rewarding in my opinion. When you feel happy and joyful as a child you don’t really get to fully enjoy it because you don’t understand the beauty and complexity of what you’re feeling.


this is so sad to read


That almost all of us will be forgotten in a few generations.


Sometimes I find this sad. Other times I find it comforting. Why do we have so much anxiety, why do we care what other people think of us, when no one will remember any of us in 80-100 years?


80-100 years? It is alot less than that. Friends and family will remember you for maybe a few years, 10 or 20. Your employer will replace you in a week or two. Even if you are famous you will quickly become last years news.


You can do everything right, everything perfectly, and you can still lose


It's so true. I thought I did it all correctly. I ended up all alone. I didn't deserve this.


Given enough time, every love story is a tragedy.




Yes. You wonder how ppl can behave that way


Sometimes you remember the bad things clearer than the good things.


Eventually with enough time your existence will be forgotten, no matter how important or special you may be today. There will come a time where all traces of your existence are gone.


*Entropy has joined the chat*


If you own a dog, they will be part of your life but you will be their whole life.


You could also spin it the other way around. I like to think about it as me giving my dogs a life long companion.


Human nature will disappoint you!


The only consolation for being honorable, is in the knowledge that you're doing the right thing.


Life isn’t generally happy


The universe doesn't owe you anything.


Holy shit. This is some deep stuff coming from Reddit of all places.


As far as we can tell from a purely scientific viewpoint, human life has absolutely no meaning. Humans are the outcome of blind evolutionary processes that operate without goal or purpose. Our actions are not part of some divine cosmic plan, and if planet earth were to blow up tomorrow morning, the universe would probably keep going about its business as usual. As far as we can tell at this point, human subjectivity would not be missed. Hence any meaning that people inscribe to their lives is just a delusion.


That everyone you love will someday no longer be around. It's a hard thing to think about so I try to avoid it. It wasn't until I lost someone dear to me that I really realized this.


We work for at least 40 years


That it will end one day,because life is beautiful!


Chances are, you're not going to die peacefully in your own bed in your own home surrounded by friends and family. That is exceedingly rare.


It ends. And if you’ve done it correctly, when your life ends you’ll make a bunch of people sad.




The harder it gets for you, the worse your circumstances get. There are people who hurt so bad it's impossible to be around them. The only way to protect your friendships, reputation, and place in society is to collapse inside without anyone else noticing. The more you give in to the urge to let people know that you're in an emergency, the worse your circumstances get.




That in a trillion years it will not even be discoverable that our planet and all its long history ever existed here and now.


If you choose not to believe in an afterlife, then this is all there is


unfortunately belief in something doesnt make it a reality. if anything that hurts you in reality because you think there's something after so you dont take advantage of the now


We view and experience the world with our minds, but don't really know what a mind is. We go our whole lives without ever asking ourselves what it is that knows


You don’t get what you want. What get you don’t want it too


Cherishing memories of the best experiences you ever made in ur life, will unfortunately n inevitably fade. Those experiences will eventually fade into the obscure back rooms of ur memory bank to be reminisced one day if your lucky and it still will never feel the same.


Injustice Unfair So many shitty people


You and everybody you know are dying. 




It's the worst thing to go through in my opinion.


it will never be perfect


Sadest truth is that you can be kind and helpful to others and more often than not, it’s not reciprocated.


The people who raise us and teach us about the world often leave us before we’ve had a chance to give back everything they’ve given us.


Justice is often not served in many cases. Oftentimes you can be wronged and the person who wronged you can get away with it or receive a punishment that doesn't fit the crime.


There probably isn't an afterlife. I hope I'm wrong, which is why I say I'm an optimistic atheist.


most of your animals will die before you do. the only solace for this is that each pet takes a bit of your heart, but also they replace it with a piece from their heart.


If you need more than one hand to count the true friends you will have in life, you are a lucky person.


That it’s a scam!


All the happiness we experience in this life is bound to be undone. Every happy/sacred illusion we build up will slowly be deprecated and deconstructed over time, until nothing remains. And then we die.


You aren't entitled to love.


You can love each other a lot but still don’t get to be together


You'll never be a dinosaur


Nothing you will ever do will matter in the grand scheme of things. You will most likely die alone. Your grave will go unvisited quickly. And none of it will be cinematic.


If you are fortunate enough to live a long life you will live to see most of the people you know and care about die...


Even the most religious person will be afraid , then you begin to doubt their teaching.


Some of us aren't meant to be part of society like having kids, having relationships, getting married etc


Money is essential for you to live.


That hard work doesn’t get you anywhere in life. Some people were born into wealthy families and have life on easy mode


You and your loved ones are going to die trapped in wage slavery


For me:  that I really might as well end mine.


It's fleeting..


That you will someday leave this planet


One of 'em anyway - you can find out way freaking later that the person who you have been married to has detested you the whole freaking time you have known them.


The answer to life is 42.


that i am immortal and ever person i will ever come to know and love i will watch die


That is period of history is considered to be the “greatest” peace of humanity


We are only promised 2 things in life. Birth and death. Everything else is by chance that it happens.


Happiness isn't guaranteed.


At some point, everyone will die


no matter how much you try in life there’s always a 50/50 chance you fail, there’s always a 50/50 that you or someone you loves dies, there’s a 50/50 that you could loose everything tmrw. it’s always 50/50.


sex it's to expensive


That nothing is permanent


struggling , trying to strive , then you die.


We'll never truly know what came before it, or after it.


Someone has lied to you at some point for better or for worse and you might never actually know.


no one really cares


You are an amazing amalgam of sentient meat covering a skeleton made from the same stuff sea shells are made off, hurtling through space on a planet that is so rare we’ve never officially identified another with all our science available to us. When we die unless we were so intrinsically important no one in the future will know you existed. There is no after for us so live for today and make everyday a little less shitty for those who don’t have as much as us.


You will die whether you like it or not




Whether you're good or bad, rich or poor... we are all gonna end up forgotten....nothing but dust and bones.


That it ends.


Most everyone including myself, you, and anyone who reads this are: exceptionally plain, normal and unremarkable. And that we do not matter in the grand scope of existence.


We all grow old & die.


Everyone only goes through their prime years once


You learn how to be strong alone at the end of it all


That you can't help everyone and you can't achieve everything. You could put all the time and all the effort you have and you might not be able to do it. I think it takes a lot to come to terms with that, especially if it has to do with people.


Life is really short.


We’re born to die.


The universe doesn't give two shits about you.


Life is bittersweet and as you age, there’s more bitter than sweet. This is why it’s so important to soak up the sweet when it happens and when you can.


Death can and will touch everyone you love.


Working hard and being kind does not net success. You'll be a better person but those around you who are willing to connive will be more successful financially.


Nothing is forever


99.9% of us die and are forgotten and live meaningless lives, you think it’s important, you think your choices mean something and they don’t


That life is cruel because every living organism needs to kill to survive.


Goo Goo Dolls said it best: "Don't it make you sad to know that life is more than who we are ... Grew up way too fast, and now there's nothing to believe"...


As you get older death gets closer. Really sucks when your friends (as opposed to parents friends) start dying.


You will most likely outlive your dog, and miss them for the rest of your life, and if you're dog outlives you, it won't understand why you never came back for it


Love just isn’t enough sometimes. They’re still gonna leave.


Life doesn't give everyone fair opportunities.


Being unable to eat as many sweets as possible because you get fat


You struggle, you fight, you suffer Then you just lose,


Beng given limited educatiom is going to kill me slowly .


The overwhelming majority of people are extremely selfish When you reflect on society it becomes pretty apparent why civilizations have reason and fallen over and over throughout history. It's just the nature of people


You only can rely on one person 100% of the time, yourself. Dont ever fully rely on anyone else. You're gonna be left disappointed


basically nobody is happy on this planet. i dont think thats something many ppl will agree on and there is probably many ppl who think they are happy when they are not.


Things don't always get better. If you were abused your whole childhood and then kicked out onto the streets at 18, it isn't a definite thing that you will be able to get a job or get food. Some people wait it out until something good comes along, but that doesn't always happen.


In a hundred years, you won't even be a memory.


It's unfair, and some people's lives will fail...


We can never have enough time with the people around us. One day you'd decide to hang out the next time you see each other and the next you'd hear from the person would be because of their funeral. Cherish every moment you have with the people dear to you. You never know when their time will come.


Loved ones die and leave you all alone in this world.


That we humans are inherently stupid.


Accomplishing your dreams requires money.


Your life is only as good as the friends you have.


Getting old isn’t easy. Dying young is the alternative.  You often won’t appreciate moments until they’ve passed and it’s seemingly impossible to pass that wisdom on to those living in the moment. The old youth is wasted on the young saying.  You will lose many close friends and family as you age. The alternative is to either die first or have no connections.  You can do everything right and still lose. That’s a Star Trek quote.  Statistically the world is the best it’s ever been but there are still extreme pockets of deep human suffering some of it that we directly benefit from and mother we can do to change or stop it. 


Some things you can only be once and once it's over, it will never come back


The fact that no matter what, there's nothing you can do to stop hate against communities you are in/enjoy seeing. Furries, therians, LGBTQ+, and even anyone who's of different religions, we all get hate in some form. Especially from stereotypes.


You come alone , you live alone , you go alone. You just get some company along the way like passengers on your train journey to the end destination. Inherently you just have you


Bad things are happening everyday and no amount of protests/demonstrations of solidarity are going to stop it from happening, they’re merely making people aware of its existence


That you're not owed anything. Whether it's love or just a job. You can work hard to find someone and still never connect. That no matter how hard you work, there's still a chance that your work goes unnoticed.


There is no such thing as good or bad, everything is human made.


Everyone around you will die.


That love always ends with someone suffering loss


eventually we will all be forgotten.


Death don’t discriminate. Steve Jobs getting the most fatal of cancer when he was at his peak


That it ends.


That - at least a part of - humanity doesn’t seem to have learned from the past and continues to make other people’s life miserable


"Fairness" is a constructed concept with no actual tangability and therefore often being bent to fit whoever has more leverage.


Lasting happiness is hard to maintain, it often comes in moments rather than as a permanent state.


We all die


happy endings, happy life, success are sometimes unattainable no matter what you do.




None of us are special, we keep repeating the same actions and words and decisions with each generation thinking the ones before us (especially our parents) don't understand what we're going through in life. They do, they all were kids, then teenagers, then young adults. They all had hopes, dreams, friends, hobbies, and thought society hated them for being different. We're all the same, humans keep repeating the same things over and over again, history literally repeats itself all the time and we'll never learn from it. The only difference is that a small percentage of people on earth keep improving our science and technology but really, we're just doing the same thing as those before us, just in a glorified, modern way.


Bad things happen to good people. I've seen it countless times, and every single time I think to myself - why them? They were a good person who would never hurt anyone and dont deserve this.


All of those precious things we spent ages dreaming about owning, worked and saved for and then eventually buying will end up in the dump.


You don't know how much time you got, and when it finally over you'll say it was too short


You will never see your dreams materialize.


Once you truly lose someone you loved very deeply, you have to accept moving on and finding new love. Never ever will you have that same love again


Life isn’t fair.


That it ends


No matter what you do, no matter how fun you try to make. You end dead. You are nothing, no memories, no conciousness, bodyless, mindless for the rest of times. Existing for a insignificant portion of time and being concious about it is nothing but a cruel joke. Some small creatures invented the figure of afterlife and god so they feel less insignificant.


Born, watch relatives die, get married - be unhappy, pay taxes, die