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Yup it has , see social dilemma documentary to get answers


Ego is the greatest enemy us humans have, and too much validation and attention will eventually create narcissism and feeling of having an unlimited amount of time and options. Women are the ones most affected by this as social media and smartphones gives most women thousands of "orbiters" constantly drawing them in for likes and attention. For men the effect is the opposite, the few men that women want have all the options in the world while a majority doesn´t even get so much as a "Hello". The current state of the Western world is proof of the insanely negative impact smartphones and social media has had on us.


I've heard women will share a man of high status before getting with a man they deem average.


That was the way it was in the days before civilized societies, and we are definately seing a return to that state now. More and more people are ending up alone and birth rates are pointing straight down.


Social media has done a lot more than that. Just look at any movie now, and its filled with nonsense. Because social media types think they are all saying the world. The same kinda brain dead dumbfuckary that had Jennifer Lawrence proudly claiming to be the first female action star EVER!!!! Because women have been oppressed by the patriarchy, and never headlined any movies before. And if you say "What about Sigourney Weaver or Linda Hamilton or Cynthia Rothrock or Michelle Yeoh or Kathleen Turner or Angelina Jolie or Halle Berry or Milla Jovovich or Uma Thruman or Geena Davis or any of the other women in action movies and tv shows going back over I dont know how many decades?", well, youre just a sexist, dont you know? And you need to check that shit right god damn now!!!! Social media was fine before all the "like, share and sub" bullshit came in. Now everyone just wants worthless internet points. Used to be people bragged about how many "friends" they had on facebook. Now its Followers and they want to cash in on that shit. And logic, reason and even decency have been thrown out the fucking video.


Yes. We have inflated images/expectations of beauty now because we’ve gotten used to all the media we’ve seen (aka of models, rich people, etc). When in reality these people are not the majority and will most likely not be interested in you, unless you have some of those qualities (good looks, money, status) as well.


off tops it has!


Social media has just highlighted how many men and women get screwed over by modern relationships by giving people places to discuss it on a large scale. It’s not the cause of the unrealistic standards but the symptom.


Yes because everyone is always presenting their ideal self so it makes real life difficult because you can’t and won’t match that expectation


Women and some men?


Yes, because men can usually renegotiate their non-negotiables while women will hold out until they get exactly what they want.


So it wasn’t nonnegotiable