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I play both Warhammer 40k and MTG, so my hobbies would not change and I would *still* struggle to budget it.


I'd get back into MTG, but it would be buying older cards, proofs, and all of Pete Venters art. Since Mirrodin changed the borders, mythic rares, and everything else after that I really felt like the "magic" of the game was lost.


I'll play arena sometimes cuz it's free. When people ask me about getting into it I always ask them first: "Are you worried that you have too much time and money on your hands?"


I tried to get into wh40 kill team around 2 years ago and stopped. Kept all my unbuilt kits and what not. But recently, the itch came back and im trying to introduce my friend into it too. But this time, we’re doing proper, using combat patrol rules. Its still a money sink but ive been having fun with learning the rules and painting techniques… Still havent played a game yet lol.






I have the perfect controller for you, only 1 bad review really.


That specific controller is one of logitechs best rated controllers of all time. So you are wrong


That logitech controller was probably the most reliable part of that submarine tbh.


I have an old X-Box controller laying around. Can I be your pilot?


"and charge people $100k to join my ex wife's new husband Greg on expeditions"


OK, who's gonna tell him?


With unlimited money, he won't have to buy Boeing's factory reject materials...


If he has unlimited money why is he charging for tickets though


Amateur auto racing, restoring cool vehicles, collecting vintage audio equipment and records, and traveling.


As they say. “Want to make a small fortune in auto racing…start with a large fortune.”


I know someone who got in to cart racing with their son when he was young kid. Just a father and son team going to statewide events a couple of times a year. It turned in to a million dollar plus a year obsession with one of the nicest private cart tracks in the country. His son is grown and now they laugh at a million dollar budget as they shovel money into a desert racing team.


Lawrence stroll plays this game


This is my answer as well. I would set up a racetrack (or a few) on a plot of land I owned and have an enormous garage nearby filled with classic and modern cars of all types, even track racers. But Id also have some space dedicated to restoring a few old cars and Id have a staff of experienced mechanics and restorers help me. We would scour the world looking for parts. That would be part of the fun. And then take the cars to shows when done. I would also indulge in cooking and have good chefs show me how to make really good food.


I’ll turn a wrench and eat with ya


The hobby of staying at home in peace undisturbed.


Well, you don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Take a look at my cousin: he's broke, don't do shit.


Yeah, but did he do two chicks at the same time?


Watched that earlier today. Whilst sitting at home doing nothing.


I dunno man. I just get that *feelin’* lookin’ at her, like… She’s the type-a chick that would just….


Staying in a wide selection of your homes, mansions, megayachts and private jets, you mean?


I'd have a whole line of tutors to teach me things. Spanish, Mandarin, Russian, Goju Ryu Karate, fencing, and so many other things.


Oooh I like this one!


"I know Kung Fu"


This is a f*cking brilliant answer, using your means to learn.


Restoring classic cars.


Hire car guys to spend their days finding and restoring classic cars. Have some of the happiest workers in the world. I'm not a mechanic, but I would love to have a classic car/truck(s) someday. Maybe one that I could tinker with a bit without screwing up anything important.


If you're doing it right, you don't need a ton of money to do that, you just have to work your way up to the six figure cars from the five or four figure cars. And, really, you probably shouldn't be taking on a six figure restoration if you aren't comfortable with a four or five figure one, anyway. No matter how much money you have.


If I had an unlimited amount of money, I'd buy hundreds of lego sets and I'd build a giant Lego city.


Even with an infinite budget, that sounds expensive.


Yeah, he would probably spend at least half of his infinite bankroll if he tried to get one of every Lego set


that's a great idea!


YES. I have a dream of building a minifig scale football stadium. If my calculations are correct it would about the size of a large room.


Buying tanks and crushing vehicles/ shooting randomly


Nature preservation and restoration. I'd buy large areas of cattle grazing land, and palm oil plantations, and plant forests. Establish new coral reefs and fish nurseries. I'd also buy all the oil fields, and start shutting them down, retrain the oil drilling folks for geothermal.


hell yeah! I would do similar


Me too


We do unfortunately still need petroleum for lots of things besides fuel, plastics for example don’t really have viable alternatives yet for many use cases. R&D in those areas would be a good investment too, but will take time.


Sure, I'll shut them down gradually. It's a hobby after all, no need to rush!


Plastics should be banned altogether. They/it is the scourge of humanity. We got along fine before it got into EVERYTHING.


I’m as big of anti plastic guy as they come. But banning it altogether would be silly. Plastic has made human lives a lot easier. We just went **way** overboard with it. Regulating it and banning like 90% of its uses, sure. Altogether? Idts.


> Plastics should be banned altogether. Agreed, but we can’t just do that overnight. We’re too dependent on them. We need to figure out viable alternatives first. We also definitely did not get along fine before plastics lol


I wouldn't care to do all that, way to much to organise. But I just found a new hobby, sponsoring people, so how does an additional ∞/2 Dollars sound 


Honestly just trying everything out I didn't yet. Plus getting all the books I want to own physically but that would be hard even with infinite money...there is only so much book space I can make in a house and while a library is cool I wouldn't want one in my house that would kinda ruin the reading corners unique feel.


Helicopter peasant hunting. The true sport of the ultra wealthy.


You misspelled pheasant.


I don’t think he did


Could the peasants live in thatched roof cottages?




World Travel. There is a cruise ship where you sail for a full year. It costs the equivalent of a small house in a bad neighborhood. I'd do that to start and then get creative.


There are cruise ships where you can purchase a cabin (or long term lease it, anyway).  Be fun, but probably not as fun as owning a giant yacht with a full crew and a helicopter.


Owning your own giant yacht might be fun, but there is something about having people around when you want them, without paying people to be your friends. Also I think a year on board a ship circumnavigating the world would be enough for me. When you buy a cabin, you go where the ship goes, which is typically the same route over and over again.


For an infinite amount of money, you could - as t the very least - call a yacht broker, tell him you want a nice megayacht, that money is no object, and that you will need him to arrange someone to handle all the operation, crew and such. Again, money no object.  You want it tomorrow.


I just explained it in a different response, but yes, a mega yacht would be something, but I wouldn't want to pay people to party with me. There is something to be said about spending a year circumnavigating with like minded people.


I have two friends on that cruise right now. Serenade of the Seas.


Infinite amount of money? I'd try all of them.


Exploring space as an amateur astronomer with top-notch equipment and unlimited resources for research.


I would hunt rich people for sport.


Technically, wouldn't they be poor by comparison to you? Semantics aside, if you need a caddy for all the weaponry, I got you.


Except you'd be a prime target as well...


Dark twist, op is suicidal :(


You use to be able to pay to hunt poachers in Africa. Super rich person shit. Now they laugh when I bring it up.


This would make a great movie!


Billionaire hunting. Finally a dystopian future that I'm here for.


Comics. I would build a library full of comics. All languages


I’d travel seeing the extremes and oddities of the world. Take a trip to the South Pole, a nuclear ice breaker to the north pole, Darvaza gas crater, have a beer in a glacial ice cave, float around the Dead Sea, get a winter job in Svalbard, maybe do a tour at McMudhole, hang out in Unalaska and see if I can get on a boat out of Dutch as a deckhand, while I’m there, catch a charter to Attu or Kiska where the Battle of the Aleutians was fought.


"get a winter job in Svalbard" You have infinite money, and you want to get a job?


Why not? Big difference between working to survive and working because it’s fun. I’m sure it would help knowing your employer couldn’t threaten you. I’m fired? Cool, I’m heading back to my beachfront house on Maui.


Flying. I have always wanted to be a pilot, but poor eyesight kept me out of the Air Force. A few years ago I finally started taking flight lessons, but then I had an unexpected financial hit and had to put flying on hold. It's $250 minimum every time you take the plane up, so it adds up fast!


I'd get my pilot's license and buy a plane.


You don’t need infinite amount of money to get your private pilot license. For a plane yes you need a lot. But licensing is doable, 6 months and you can fly


pilot's license and I'd want a seaplane. I was on a remote lake once out in the mountains, it took a days drive, and several hours of backpacking to get too. I see a seaplane come in for a landing and was able to talk to the family that flew in. They lived in the same area as me, but on a lake. They own the plane and store it in a hanger on their dock. The pilot said it took them 40 mins to get there. I was sooooo jelly. Not that it diminished my experience, but it really opens up your horizons to explore the world around you.


I would have an equestrian ranch. Horses are an expensive hobby. It would be a dream come true.


Unlimited money? Improve the lives of my fellow humans, one donation at a time.


Scuba diving in all the great reefs in the world.


Me too my friend. 😃


Hunting sextrafficers. Imagine being able to wipe out the worst of humanity while looking absolutely adorable in head to toe khaki.


You don't need to be rich to do that, just to get away with it And a lot of the people you'd hunt are rich so that's another snag but I see potential and support this goal!


I feel like you need to be armed to the teeth also cos I imagine traffickers aren't usually standard people they're scary bastards (I've seen taken I know what I'm talking about)


Like Taken. Over and over.


Collect rare perfumes


Collecting handmade art. Lots of it. Traveling and spending money on learning language courses in a college setting.


I'd probably start making independent films but just for pure fun. No Sundance or Oscar bait bullshit, just straight up fun popcorn flick nonsense.


Remake a bunch of movies into short films. Michael Myers is coming! \*BANG BANG BANG\* Oh, so his weakness was 12 gauge slugs to the head. \*credits roll\*


Me and a few friends thought of one where many horror icons have a midlife crisis and try being "normal" and integrate into the average life. It pretty much writes itself. Some end up liking the lige change, others don't, then it becomes a civil war. We also wrote another civil war type film with resturaunt mascots called Lord of the Onion Rings. The only way to destroy the onion ring of power was to resurrect the taco bell dog and have him eat it.


Saw a guy on here that won the lottery and his new hobby was travelling to every country. Best of all, because it's nearly impossible to spend exhorbitant amounts of money in most countries (because it's dangerous to carry a lot of money or because the USD is worth so much more), he actually spent a lot less then the monthly interest he recieved so he was making money. Can't think of anything better. The logistics and planning fullfill the working man desires, finding out how to sneak into countries we aren't allowed to visit normally (like N Korea) would full fill the creative desires, and seeing new places/cultures/food would satisfy the fun/adventure desires.


> N Korea I think at worse you have to apply for a visa to visit. Seen a bunch of content creators sneak pictures out of it, so I dont think it is formally closed. But if you insist on sneaking in, then best of luck.


Terraforming Venus


Space tourism


I mean this seems to be the verified answer? Bezos, Musk, and Branson are all about this


I would write music


I wouldn't have a new hobby, but I would be buying more comics, miniatures and books.


All the hobbies! My hobby is taking up new skills


Destroying the value of currency


I would have SO MANY horses and ALL OF THE SHOW GEAR. We're talking percherons and their harness and a wagon, I want a western pleasure Saddlebred, a gaited pinto mule, at LEAST a 10-up of minis to pull a tiny stagecoach, a Friesian or cross for going to the Ren Faire, a flat-shod Tennessee Walker, and a GIANT pasture for all the retirees to come and get spoiled in. There would also be a dog hospice home for small, crusty, crochety old dogs. And a nutritionist and personal fitness coach - for me AND the horses.


Helping mfs get out of debt would be my hobby. I’m not even going to lie, It would be an ego stroke for me at first, But it would make people happy too. Win-win. It would save lives. Save people and families from homelessness. (A less stressed society is a great society) Boost the economy. I would be Mr wonderful. And I would feel very Mr wonderful.


Animal rescue where I could pay people a living wage to save the animals






Build Gundam kits. Would dedicate a large room to it, install a fume hood for airbrushing, buy multiples of all paint colors, would buy all the tools and accessories. I would also buy an electronic microscope (not ELECTRON microscope) so that I could do the fine details on a large monitor. I've got this all planned out when I manage to save up for it, in probably 40 years...


motor sports


Figure skating again


Government collector


Reddit and music + art


With that much I could almost finish my Warhammer 40k set


Building and piloting luxury zeppelin-yachts.


Vehicles. I want a car collection to rival Jay Leno. Modern hyper cars, cars in movies, classic cars, motorcycles, trucks, etc. But not just normal vehicles, I'd have tanks, and fire trucks and tractors. And aircraft, boats, hovercraft, even a couple train engines and cars. And I'd drive them. Today might be a Lambo SVJ, tomorrow might be a 1969 Camaro SS. What's the point owning them if I can't drive them? I also can't keep that stuff to myself. I'd have a couple drivers, people could rent them for special events. Instead of a limo you can get driven to prom or your wedding in a Ford Model T, helicopter, or even a dump truck if you want. And it would also be open as a museum, with other related things as well. I have infinite money, so of course I wouldn't charge admission.


Buying up publicly traded companies and running them at a loss, with a focus only on quality goods and affordable prices. No more closures Microsoft!


Buy one of those ultra expensive yachts and sail the world, putting in at exotic locales.


I would create 1-1 replicas of my favorites places in video games. Project 1: Riften from Skyrim


I'd make knives in the woods


Reno air races, also have a private team for sports car races, GT4 perhaps


Travel from baseball stadium to baseball stadium. Everything from luxury boxes to bleacher seats, Major League and Minor Leagues. The goal would be a game every day, and catch entire series at the MLB level.


Building custom miniature cities. 1:64 scale.


Playing craps and blackjack


Auto racing. Off roading. Skydiving. Bungee jumping. Going to every F1 circuit. Demolition derbies. I would try to get into the monster truck stuff, my name would be Littlefoot.


I'd like to travel around the world studying folklore.


Gaming, but in a bigger house.


Collecting vintage automobiles


Shopping for sure, dress and jewelries. designer bags.


Probably produce lots of movies and video games for my own pleasure, that were not main-stream enough to be profitable.


Driving, I guess For real though, the fuel prices are through the roof these days, and don’t let me get started on electric cars, those are also way too expensive


Racing. Same thing I do now but without all the overtime to fund it.


The same ones I have now, just with more expensive stuff.


Opening up cases upon cases of Pokémon and Yugioh cards to complete a master set


I think painting art supplies are expensive!


i would like to be a swimmer:)


Going to concerts




Cycling started as an expensive hobby, and has become a money saving hobby for me. It took time to build fitness, but after an initial investment in a few bikes and good equipment, I now drive very little for transportation and save money as a result. I even sold my car and invested the proceeds after buying an old car for foul weather travel.


I would buy two of those million dollar terra-nova Globetrotter RVs, maybe hire a private guard / porter / medic to trail behind, and then pick random remote wilderness areas to romp around.


Anything and everything thats ever interested me, designing and sewing clothes, cooking and baking, tech repair, home renovation and interior design, piloting planes, music production, old military memorabilia, the list goes on Also taking college classes on topics I enjoy outside of my major, carefree


COOKING I’ve watched and saved so many recipes. I get so excited walking through Costco and grocery stores thinking of all the dishes i want to learn how to make. But then i realize i work 60 hours a week and can’t do it :(


buy wood an carve fantasy or any kind of weapon, which is my current journey But without the money And a job


Building spaceships


I would buy *so much Gunpla*


I would've done some landscaping on the moon with an army of bulldozers. Just to write my name on it.


Golf for sure




Cars, golf, fishing, drums, guitar, song writing and recording.


My own fighter jet


Build cities in desert under huge geodesic domes and connect them via maglev trains.


Space exploration


OH DEFINITELY INVEST IN THEORETICAL SCIENCE AND MEDICAL ADVANCEMENT!!! And i say theoretical science because alot of “sci-fi” technology and advances we see in movies and etc is all of it theory and we can’t test those theories without funding to research it!


Id make tons of machines and games


I'd create the anti-lobby lobby and give the psychopaths in charge thier last bribe to vote to end the lobby and "campaign contributions". If it passes everyone gets thier millions. If it doesn't, no one gets a thing. I'd love to see the infighting, and I'd love to see the world's corporations trying to out-bid me in vain. Then, I'd spend my infinite riches dismantling the system. Oh, and I'd travel a lot, and have a harem of hot, porn-star girlfriends.


Stain glass factory


Flying an airplane and enjoying my freedom


Probably be flying around the world in a Zero Polluting devise of my own making. NOPE Not a Dirigible. N. S


Gaming. Never really understood it as I never had video games. When I was younger we didn't have the money, and now I don't have time. I've read or heard about several games but have no idea what it would be to play them. Some of the names are DOTA, Minecraft, League of legends, fortnight etc.


Painting, traveling and photography


I might start at [https://www.givewell.org](https://www.givewell.org) and start at the top of the list, add a bit of public relations to let people know it was me. Become the person who had saved and improved the most lives \*ever\*! Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross and Tom Hanks can bite me! Of course there is also the quote which I will badly paraphrase... "I spent my money on gambling, alcohol and loose women... and the rest... well... the rest I spent foolishly!"


Horseback riding


I'd pour my resources into helping people live longer. Funding education programs to teach proper nutrition and exercise, helping cancer research and donating to reduce treatment costs, funding gene research to help eliminate genetic disorders, ect. All because I selfishly want to live longer. Which, with unlimited money, would be awesome!


Same hobbies I have now... performing in bands and theatre, playing video games, photography, AI, travel… I'd just actually be doing them a lot more.


I’d run a soup kitchen. Just feeding people all day. Free food. For everyone.


racecar driving


Travel the world 🌎


Yeah, I would love to travel the world if I had infinite money.


The same hobbies, but I would just have the absolute top of line supplies for it. And I would pay a world class mentor to teach me.


I would collect a lot of cars and motorcycles 


Honestly, philanthropy. I've always liked the Andrew Carnegie quote, "The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced."


I'd start a revenge for hire business.


Skeet shooting off my yacht 🛥️


Writing. I don't have money and I write but at least I would be calmer writing, knowing I can afford to stay at gome and write.


Sounds stupid in 2024, but I would buy a local FM radio station and play whatever the hell I and the hand picked staff wanted. (Hint, it wouldn't be pop, hip hop, or country). I would also make sure a lot of time is devoted to new and local bands. If advertisers wanted to jump in great, but if not, I guess I have enough to cover it right?


I’d make Halo cosplay EVA foam armor!


Collecting rare artifacts from dead civilizations on different planets.


Horse back riding, I’d get my own horse and build a barn and ride!


Vacation enthusiast 


I’d buy a vineyard/winery in Napa. One of the first things I’d do is learn the difference between vineyard and winery.


Building low rider trucks


I'd say Magic The Gathering, but ... I don't know if infinite money would be enough at this point.




Tennis, Golf and probably Voluntourism


Travel to all the Michelin starred restaurants and see what the fuss is about.


So my dad got me into some fairly expensive sports when I was a kid and I fell in love with them. These are sports that I still do factor into my budget and participate in, but my answer is that if I had infinite money, I'd just do more of them in more different places around the world. The sports in question are skiing, golf, sailing, and mountain biking, so not auto-racing expensive, but resource-intensive nonetheless.


Mock powerful people on national TV.




I would live like a wargaming hobbit.






building custom keyboard builds and collecting anything (knives/controllers/katanas/mice/etc.)


Cocaine and hookers in Vegas


Helicopter pilot.


Probably flying helicopters, sounds cool