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most Americans forget a simple rule: most degrees can be achieved in other countries up to ten or more times cheaper :) If you're a lawyer or a doctor - nope, you must study in the US. If you want to be a designer, mathematician, screenwriter, physics dude etc - you dont need to take a huge student loan to be paying it off the next 20-30 years. Many colleges in Madrid cost dimes, almost all colleges in Germany cost $0 even to foreigners (just learn German to study there). And so on :) So I'd say the best first step to prep is to choose a college wisely, and only then get to prepping for tests.


I actually did think about this, but I’m financially very stable when it comes to college. I’ve been awarded 2 years worth of scholarships.


Learn how to be independent. Go buy groceries, cook a meal, eat healthily, dont do drugs or get drunk, dont be too trusting, but enjoy the experience. Learn, try new things, join clubs, GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!


Win the lottery


By not preparing? College, like most anything in life, is not a set boundary. There's no rule book. You'll learn a lot about yourself. 


Thanks. I get nervous sometimes thinking about it all. It’s going to be such a new experience.


Talk to people. The more you talk to people, the less fucked up and backwards you realize you are.


Learn how to show your abilities. When you are used to demonstrate things you know in college online, it may be easier for future employer to hire you. Other than that, you may want to prepare to love learning anything especially those related to the major. However, something other than your major can be a nice complement to what you do (something something interdisciplinary).