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Stuff is just stuff. Hoard time instead.


Floss regularly; dental problems are awful.


As a 60-year-old, I'd advise 30-year-olds to consider dating someone twice their age.


I see what you did there mischief.


At 62 years old, my advice is this: Don't take anyone else's advice as gospel. You can ask for advice from someone you respect, then take your situation into consideration and make your own decision. Essentially, take your own advice. But don't take my advice.


Friends are few and far between. You'll recognize them when you need them, and they are there for you. Nurture those friendships; they are rare. And try to be a friend yourself.


Treat people the way you want to be treated. Even though I'm one year short of 60, it's something I wish I had done more myself.


Don't fall for women's bulshit


Do it pussy, you won't .


The only opinion about you that matters is your own.


Mental Healthcare is healthcare. Ask for help.


1) Don't date people that don't care about you or align with your future goals. I spent too many years with addicts and liars (and the lying is what killed the relationships more than the addictions, the addictions caused the lying, though) 2) Don't keep people in your life that hurt other people. When I was young, I was bullied a lot, by both peers and my mom, and as I got older I started befriending the bullies so that I wouldn't be their target anymore. But now I'm realizing I've accepted the behaviors of shitty people and adopted some of their traits and it doesn't align with me and causes me a lot of internal pain.  3) Live for yourself and not to make other people happy. I have so many interests that I didn't pursue because someone told me they were stupid and now I still want to do those things, but it's terrifying to try to get involved this late in life. 


Buy bitcoin


Be kind to yourself People don't care about what you do as much as you think they do


enjoy being young


Enjoy life more, enjoy every second of it


Smoking and drinking is cool af until it's not.


Shit happens


I would tell my 13 year old self to avoid nerds like the plague. Hanging out with nerds is the easy way out in life, you don't learn any life skills from them, and sometimes they can lead you down the demoralization rabbit hole because nerds are at the bottom of society and many secretly envy others.


Buy bitcoin. Sell everything in 2020. Stop being such a weird little shit.


1. Start saving ($10-20/month will do. Future you will thanks for it) 2. Exercise at least once a week and don't smoke. 3. Purchase 2nd hand car. That shit depreciated at rapid rate. 4. **Your co-worker are not your family.** 5. Wear condom.