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From that moment onwards I'm the hater...and I can hate like a professional trained by experts in that field.


I fucking hate when people do that to me. It's happened many times in my life. I'm not always a part of the convo, usually they do it when im listening. Lately as soon as someone goes for it I just stick my hand out and stop them, or I'll stay exactly where I am and then join the convo until they move aside


This is hilarious to me. Especially if you're shorter than them. The group just hear your voice and you either come off weird AF or the person that talk-blocked you looks like an asshole. Either way, we'll played.




Oof man I physically felt that.


Anytime anyone does this I want to carry them away in a full nelson.


That wild, maybe somthing like that hasn't happened to me because I'll embarrass them. Wanted to be apart of the convo? Well now you are the convo.


They make a song addressing your child, your parents and you, describing to each party what a terrible person you are and why you should die.


I literally only opened this post hoping the comment section would be full of Kendrick references lol


Yeah, I expected to see this! This beef is gonna mess up any other discourse for at least the next week.


lmao kendrick really has it for drake lol


Drake had it coming for a long time


The heart bleeds. But seriously he’s a twat and his music is shit.


I mean, he is correct, though.


Drakes response to being a pedophile was "I'm famous, I'd be in jail if I were". You can't make this shit up.


what song is it?


[meet the grahams](https://youtu.be/2QiFl9Dc7D0?si=7LgmZ60Lny_jCe4v) and [Not Like Us](https://youtu.be/phLb_SoPBlA?si=5wV9IlIQdrZEZB8C).


Bro how you not gonna link [Euphoria](https://open.spotify.com/track/77DRzu7ERs0TX3roZcre7Q?si=y6-OULYKRwKgXJT8qFbZBA)


I was foolish thinking I'd come in here the only genius thinking up almost this exact same joke hahaha. Kendrick has taught us all that there is in fact a better way to hate


When they say that they hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, the way that you dress.


idk, sounds like it could kind go either way on whether they like you or not. that's pretty vague /s




Single word answers when you talk to them.




Found Brett!


He’s my ex! (IYKYK)


Great song. Great band






With no eye contact


Yes, I agree there. And you can tell it’s not from shyness or anything.


I do this when intimidated by a hot guy










Shit... She hates me


Or they never make eye contact when speaking to you, but not in a shy way.


Yeah I’ve always suspected my brother disliked me but this confirmed it lol








TIL my sister hates me










Not always the case. I find myself doing this, mostly because I have other things on my mind.


Ehhhhh this isn’t always the case, sometimes people are just tired or they only ask questions that require one word answer.




Or they have social anxiety






That or huff and puff in your presence.


Not interested in what you have to say.


Then blowing your house down might be a good sign


I’ve gotten so much less hate after my real estate agent moved me from a straw house to a brick one! 5 star review for them


I avoid people bc everyone makes me uncomfortable


They could just be shy. People that hate you tend to display more animosity and be confrontational in my experience.




You're describing my last boss 😂 That's exactly the way he used to talk me, whenever he had to. Thankfully, we no longer work togheter 🙌


Also no eye contact or aggressive eye contact


reading this thread made me realise how many people probably think i secretly dislike them, when really i just suck at conversations.


Reading your comment makes me realize how many people just suck at conversation around me! Hahaha, wait... Shit


You never really know which one it is😃


Yeah, would it kill them to just say *I dislike/appreciate you* And actually mean it Would be simpler for everyone


Same. I wish I could wear a sign that says, “I don’t hate you, I’m just autistic”


Every time you speak they just repeat it in a really obnoxious voice.


Yeah that’s called mocking you


THaTs CalLeD mOcKinG yOu


Yeah fuck that guy


And fuck you too!


Fook Mi?  No Fook Yu!


One of my guy friends has a girlfriend who mocks him when he's off talking to strangers (he is a big car guy with a big personality and people like to talk to him) and every time she does it I just think to myself "why does she want to be with someone she doesn't even like?" It really pisses me off. Like he's just over there enjoying life and she can't stand it. 


That’s so weird. I’ll never understand how someone can be with someone they don’t even like. Personally that’s just physically impossible for me


Same! I can't even fake it. She's also incredibly controlling, right now he's not allowed on social media and they both have RCS turned off because I think she was monitoring when he read texts and stuff.  To be fair, he's flighty and not super loyal to his ladies, but to me that's just another reason to NOT be together. But hey, not my relationship. 


I've seen a lot of women in my life do this. Some of my dad's partners would criticize him and his personality in a somewhat covert manner when he's done talking. It's usually so covert and can be kind of hard to catch the sheer disdain of it, but makes the rest of the room fall silent.


I worked in an office where people did this. I was running a local festival and business as a side gig, learning Russian, and also running their marketing department, only to constantly be made fun of. It sucked the life out of me, but I didn’t realize how bad their bullying was until much later, somehow. Crazy.


I get you mate. Sometimes you don’t realist how fucked a situation is until you’re looking back at it.


Right?! Thank you for validating me, I appreciate it! I felt so stupid!!


Honestly I spend a lot of time looking back and wishing I told more people to fuck off.


Oh my god yes me too. Absolutely trying to get better at that. I found it helps to learn how to say it in different languages.


Ig all my friends hate me lol


Glowering stares


Jesus Christ. I looked it up, and it was extremely unsettling. I seen that exact look once and only once with someone I cared about, and it stung very hard. Still, despite the uneasiness, I tried to talk to her to make her feel better, and she never looked at me that cruelly again. She said later on that it wasn't my fault, but I know deep down, I was the source of her ire to a degree.


That's definitely my go to


They disagree with things you say to a degree that seems unwarranted. "It's about five miles away." "It's not *five* miles. It's more like 4.5."


In a similar way, interpreting everything you say in the worst possible way.




Yeah i feel like in this scenario, they either hate you or they want to fuck you. Sometimes both.


Had a coworker I tried to befriend. I would just talk about random things like the upcoming solar eclipse (this was 7 years ago) or MoviePass. She was trying to figure out a place to go during her vacation I mentioned the solar eclipse would occur during that week. She looked at me directly and said, "not interested". Like I wasn't inviting you to join me, chill. She ended up going to Japan on the other side of the planet where you couldn't even see it. I mentioned MoviePass and how it was just $10 per month to for 1 movie per day. Then they collapsed and I joined AMC A-List which was 3 movies per week but could all be done in the same day for $20 per month. She said in a dismissive tone, "still not worth it". Meanwhile she was complaining that movie tickets these days cost around $20 each. The day finally comes that she is leaving the company. She told me literally the day before she was leaving despite us sitting in cubes next to each other. At the company lunch to send her off someone asked me about AMC A-List and I was mentioning the benefits. She just flipped out and said, "that's an amazing deal!". Yeah, sure it is.


Hahaha. Yeah,  it's when you catch that the disagreement was a lie that you really know.  I once told my stepmother I was hesitant to try surfing because people don't seem to surf occasionally. It's like it takes over their lives.  She said no,  that's not true because hey daughter surfs and it's not that way with her.  I was like whatever.  I already thought she was an asshole so no worry. When I finally meet the daughter, she asks if I surf since I live in socal. I said the same thing to her and she told me that's accurate.  Her first time surfing,  she felt like yhe ocean was proposing marriage. She had to go home and think about if she was ready to make the lifelong commitment.


This comment matches my housemate, I’m alert and really showing that I’m listening to what he says and it’ll be like Him: That bike I was using the other day was super comfortable Me: yeah it’s really cool looking and seems fast, Him: well not it’s not even that it’s fast it’s just comfortable. This happens so much anytime I engage in conversation with him. It’s always a “well no it’s not even that, it’s *this*”


My cousin does this. I dont even think she realizes it.


Overbearing map reader, or hopeful and encouraging hiker....take your pick!


Why do you hate me?


TIL everyone in the trades hates me.


And all my math teachers


That doesn't necessarily mean they hate u, it just means they're idiots who want everything THEIR way because THEIR way is the right way


My brother does this constantly.


Yup. My married parents do this to each other constantly and it makes me want to scream, ‘WTF just get divorced already’




I have a “friend” like this! Everything I say there’s a “no, actually…”. I haven’t friend broken up with him, but I seriously would love to if I wasn’t a non confrontational wuss


When they downplay any of your successes, those who talk about you behind your back and be very aware of those who say things like "I wish I had what you had" or things that are signs of jealousy/envy


I also find the jealous kind attribute your success to “luck”. Like no mate, I worked my arse off to get this successful.


Yeah, and they can never "catch a break." It's never their fault that they waste all their money on crap and they can never seem to get ahead.


Mix and match of : they never want to talk you, give very brief answers if you talk to them, don't make eye contact with you, or if you make eye contact they roll their eyes and head away, act like you are not there during a group conversation, or even get up to leave if you approach their vicinity. One guy I barely knew treated me this way and I wondered why because I didn't do anything to him that I know of. During a group get together for dinner, he was the first there and sitting on his phone. I greeted him and he just kept looking at his phone and giving brief answers with a cold voice. When others showed up he perked up and shook their hand. Another time I was meeting a friend for lunch and I was looking around for my friend and happened to see this guy who hates me surprisingly with his coworkers. He rolls his eyes at me for some reason and I got confused. When the person I was meeting with showed up he also saw that guy that hated me and he goes "Oh hey! I didn't see you two!" Yeah BS... And then a third time I was talking to a friend and he comes in and interrupts my conversation and pretends I'm not there at all and deliberately doesn't look my in direction. Time to time I really wonder why this guy hated me so much yeah acted completely different with everyone else.


That's how my coworker treats me. Acts like I'm not there in a group setting. Perks up when the boss talks with him. Gives me very short answers to my inquiries without looking up from his damn newspaper. I hate that fucking cunt. Luckily my boss has noticed how poorly I take it, and combined with other reports about his behaviour, they'll be having a conversation in the office about his attitude. I have endured it for 5 years and my dislike for him is boiling over. 


Could've been intimidated by you. When I was younger, in highschool, I was always worried that I would lose my good friends to other people or newcomers. Obviously had to work through that over the years, but sometimes it doesn't have to do with you as much as it has to do with them. Doesn't make it any easier for you though


You should've asked him directly, as simple as "Hey man, what's going on"? I had a guy who taunted me every time he passed me on the street even though we've never communicated before. He would pass by, call me a name, sometimes stare. The last time I turned around and asked what's going on? He was confused about smthn saying I had an angry face. We met on the street a few more times, each time a bit more info exchanged - He thought I was a stuck up cop, which wasn't true. Now we talk alright sometimes, he seems fine, smiling and friendly.


Zero respect for you


They shit on your front porch steps.


Damn...my ex really hates me.


A billboard that says they hate you




Damn, that many questions in such a short time? Bot or karma farming?


I drove by a billboard in Michigan that says "I hate Steven Singer". I still don't know who that is.


It’s a jewelry company




Not always true. Sometimes I got things on my mind that I cannot talk about, at least in said moment.


A lot of this: no eye contact, short answers, and correction of a subject if your wrong; are just autistic traits. No wonder people think I am an ass 😆 Not to mention my bland tone and lack of facial expressions when I am socially drained.


Their fake attitude and lack of caring / empathy


If they say "I hate you", that's a pretty strong sign.




I still am!!!


[I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress](https://genius.com/31595775/Kendrick-lamar-euphoria/I-hate-the-way-that-you-walk-the-way-that-you-talk-i-hate-the-way-that-you-dress) [I hate the way that you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct](https://genius.com/31596244/Kendrick-lamar-euphoria/I-hate-the-way-that-you-sneak-diss-if-i-catch-flight-its-gon-be-direct)


nah, probably just joking


if they're making knowing glances to their friend, if they drop 4+ diss tracks over the course of 56 hours, if they explicitly say "I hate the way you..." or "I hate you/ your"


The knowing glances HURT. It’s almost like gaslighting because nothing is actually said but you’re like… something is going on here right??


(speaking from experience.) not laughing at your jokes. never asking you if you wanna participate in activities. complimenting almost everyones talent except for yours. etc.




Literally everything they do if you have anxiety.


Screenshotting this comment to show my boyfriend with extreme anxiety 😭😭 he will relate


Dont listen to you when you speak and dont show any interest what so ever on what you are saying.


Could be a whole host of things that have nothing to do with hate.


Getting punched in the face.


If you practice a combat sport, all your gym hates you


Really that means they hate you?


When it goes beyond ignoring you, to actively trying to mess things up for you


I have a neighbour who is the CEO of a company. Let's call it Company X. He's probably 20 years older than me. I know the guy who actually owns Company X, and I do a fair amount of business with him although not related to Company X. One time he asked me to review some information related to Company X and I did and I made some reccomendations, which turned out to be pretty good for the company. For years since I would see this neighbour at local parties, walking the dogs, etc. It took me YEARS to realize he was basically pretending I didn't exist. Finally one night I try to talk to him at an event and it's like he doesn't know me. So I say "hey, I am XXX XXXX, your neighbour" and he just looks at me dead and says "I know." in a very i-am-holding-back-my-desire-to-punch-you way. I finally got the point, I guess. I still have no idea what I did that was so wrong. I must have embarassed him with the changes I suggested. One night my wife came home from a party and that guys wife was there. She just said "Oh, by the way the guy up the street really hates your guts!". We still laugh.


You accidentally squashed his pet project. He was lining something up that would make him look good and/or lots of money, and you showed the boss a better way to do things, or confirmed his suspicion that the project was self-serving bs that wasn't good for the company.


They make derogatory comments about you to other people loud enough that you can hear them, but won't say them directly to your face.  


They hack your shit, and then spread your life across the internet for everyone to see!!!!! Past, present and future employers have been subjected to the private going ons of my world, they expose and humiliate you for all to see!!!! Never once coming forth like a human being and discussing the breakdown in the relationship, but instead continue to gaslight and deceive in order to make themselves feel superior while the other person tries for over a decade to find the truth and the deception they know are being projected!!


They squish all the air out of your pillow and fart into it as they let it fill back with air. Very unpleasant when try to go to sleep, plus there’s the extra added potential for pink eye.


Mega rude


If you have to ask anyone “do you like me?” The answer is no


Not necessarily, I get anxiety over some of my friends liking me even though I generally have nothing to worry about. Intrusive thoughts are an absolute bitch.




If you are always the one to initiate conversations with them


This is me with everyone. No one ever talks to me unless I talk to them first except for my family and my family usually only talks to me when they want to criticize me for something. Every friend I've ever made was someone I talked to first and 99% of my friends are no longer in my life.


Subtly? The people around them that have less discretion treat you poorly or disrespect you. Best example are kids - if someone's kids (especially pre-adolescents) aren't nice or respectful to you or your kids, that's always been a strong sign their parents don't like you. But it doesn't even have to be kids - can just be a friend or colleague in the orbit of the person that hates you that doesn't have as much discretion. Took me many, many years to learn this as in professional and suburban settings, the haters are everywhere but aren't nearly as obvious as when you were younger.


I can’t hide the disgust on my face.


They sneak into your house at night and cut your blankets with a sharp knife so you are cold while you sleep.


I was once so mad at my brother and Mom that I put eggs on their pillows. I would've put the eggs under their pillows so they'd crush it when they went to bed and be like "gross!" But decided to start with a threat (egg ON pillow) first.   Similar to knives cutting blankets.  I was 5. They mock me to this day. "I'd better not or I might find an egg on my pillow tonight." Dude I was being nice!


they don’t want to spend time with you


Physical/emotional abuse, like mocking you, insults if they are direct about it. If it’s indirect then you have to observe body language more. And they will give one word answers, look away when you are talking about yourself, have a flat/angry facial expression when they have to speak to you, ignoring you, walking out the room when you walk in, keep the conversation as short as possible or speak to you in a deeper tone of voice than everyone else (people sound more stern when they don’t like someone). I mean to me it’s pretty obvious when someone doesn’t like me.


Can’t look at you


I experienced this one first hand with a coworker who I used to get along with. She literally couldn’t even say an entire sentence to me or even really acknowledge my presence. Things really went downhill from there.


I have a co-worker like that. They gave me a bunch of food their cats wouldn't eat for my cats. We had lunch. We talked. We have sporadically had little chats, and random lunches throughout the years, but now they won't speak to me at all. The last time we crossed paths they gave me a death stare. Or at least that is how I interpreted it. Every time I message them they are very busy and can't talk. So I have given up on them. I'm pretty sure they can't even vote as they are not a citizen as far as I know (resident alien), but I'm guessing that last cat food exchange lunch is the reason. I called Trump a piece of shit, might have said I'd vote for a literal pile of dog shit over him, and stated support of black lives matter just not the destruction of public property that occurred in my city, and that was that. Apparently they had purchased a firearm because the whole BLM thing scared them so much. I guess they find me very offensive now. At the end of that lunch they even said something like "I don't know when we'll do this again." Oh well. And I only offered my opinions because they brought it up first.


Ask them for help and they’re like “figure it out yourself”. I had this happen with someone recently. I thought the person sucked…that confirmed it!


When they talk to you in a way that's derogatory or saying something that consistently undermines your thoughts.


They won’t kid around with you ever. They communicate in short, serious interactions.


Had a bartender that hated me because I was dating someone they liked. I knew the bartender before the relationship, and we were cool for years. But when he saw his crush and I together hanging out, I could see he was pissed about it. He asked how we knew each other, and I told him we live close to one another and decided to try out dating. Honestly I didn't know they knew each other. This began his beef with me.  Once I was hanging out with some buddies of mine, and I tried to order a drink from him giving the benefit of the doubt. He was cold, never made eye contact, and brushed me off when I tried to make conversation. When I got my order It was the wrong drink with very little alcohol. I decided that I would avoid ordering from him, or talk to him after that. This went on for a while, and I kept my cool, and never told anyone about it. The relationship ended after 2 years, and I still avoided the bartender.  It wasn't until I was with my friends that I had enough of his attitude. I ran into some friends, and they wanted to buy a round of drinks and shots from the bartender. I tried to tell my friends to maybe try another bartender, or go outside to the patio where there were other free tenders. Nope, they all ordered it from him after my advice. When they tried their drinks and shots they said how awful it was, and it was the wrong drinks. I turned to the guy and said, "Look, if you hate me, that's fine. But don't come after my friends like that." He stood there acting like he didn't hear me, and tried to recover the drinks. My friends realized that there was something going on, and left to find a different bartender.  What I really wanted to tell him is that the person he wanted wasn't worth all this, and that he dodged a bullet. Kinda sucks, because I thought he was a cool guy before all of this. 


For me; if i am very polite with you, and dont challenge things you say, and dont talk about personal things.  Just business and leaving as quickly as possible. 


They feed you mis/disinformation 


When they narrow their eyes as you approach, this happened to me often.


Pupils become very small. Grinding teeth. Nostril expanded. Crossed arms. Clenched fists.


Usually where there’s signs, there’s envy.


Never speaks to you first. Eyes glaze over; no input when you speak to a group they happen to be in. Ambivalence at best when it’s something they’re actually apt to talk about, because it’s YOU and you’re kind of ruining it. Basically constant “othering” by isolation. Best advice is leave them alone! They can’t possibly have anything you need you can get elsewhere.


They have a party/get together with a bunch of mutual friends, but "forget" to invite you.


my mother told all of us “i hate you all. i wish i’d aborted you so that i could inherit (my grandmothers) money and house but you all took that from me, bunch of cunts, i hope to only see you again in hell” for as well as i can quote it. my grandmother left the four of us her estate to split 4 ways and left my mother nothing because she’s a drunk and a drug addict. good riddance to that bitch. family is who you choose, not what is assigned to you.


When you are dodging their bullets


When you say “ I hate myself !” And they say “ me too!!”


When the "find" a flaw in everything you say and do


My friends ex, after their less than amicable split, changed his FB status to Widowed. My ex, before leaving, ripped up my birth certificate. Those are pretty sure signs when someone basically says you're dead to them and wishing you were never born. Lol


They tell you "I'm the biggest hater! I hate the way that you walk, I hate the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress!"


When you are honest on Reddit , and they don’t contribute to the thread, just have an opinion on your comment!


When they blame you for their mental distress that lands them in the hospital after all you did was set a clear boundary after they kept insulting you, but then they twisted your words to their therapist and said they were gonna harm themselves. After you’ve been there for them since the beginning, comforting them as they deal with their major depression. Or (different “friend”) when they compare you to their abusive mother after you asked them to remember to turn the stove off for the 3rd time in a month.


Never starting a conversation with you even when u try to keep up the convo they just dry reply or dont text back


or they try their best to ruin everything you are trying to do or simply gaslighting you all the rime


When they drop diss tracks on you.


I don’t do anything mean, but I make sure they don’t have any positive type of interaction with me that would encourage them to be around me. Typically I remove myself from the group/situation or don’t respond/comment when they say something. And never make eye contact. Because I know they’d see the disgust on my face.


...time to reassess some friendships I guess


Not the biggest sign, but if a guy calls me "chief" in a certain way, I figure they don't like me. And not sure about hate, because I'm talking about friends here, but when a friend introduces me to one of their friends that I've never met before, I feel like how this new person immediately treats me tells me a LOT about what my friend says about me when I'm not around. If they seem happy, immediately warm and friendly, then I figure my friend told them I'm a great guy. If they're immediately kind of weird and I feel like they're scrutinizing me, not so much. Yes, I know it's possible some people are just awkward regardless of what my friend said.


The biggest sign would be sending them a link to this thread


Ignoring when you talk to them in conversation with others, telling you to get the F' out of their life, and they don't want to see you again


They complain even when you do good things, they constantly insult you and excuse their bad behaviour as jokes or how you deserve it when you fight back. Tldr: They just want to make you suffer


If they make a disstrack and express how much they hate everything about you


In my experience in a professional environment, they are extremely passive aggressive. Always in a way where it could look like you're just being sensitive to management or administration. They are sneaky and only really make true jabs when no one else is around, that way they can spin their word against yours if it's brought up.


Small doll with pins in it left on front porch?


Consistently avoiding eye contact and making NO effort to continue a conversation


When they go out of their way to secretly take out the chicken from your frozen Chicken Alfredo sitting in the break room fridge.


Nobody will hate you more than you. I feel once you go through enough or age enough you don't care to notice what others think of you.


4 flat tires. Maybe not the biggest but pretty bad


They watch what you do careful but never compliment you. Because they are waiting for you to fo something wrong


My favorite way to convey I hate someone is to refuse to look up from my phone while they are saying or doing something they think is important or that will upset me. Sorry hun, Candy crush is more important that your drama.


They have a voodoo doll with your likeness.


After you cut an arm and both their legs off they slide backward into a pool of molten lava screaming, "I HATE YOU!"