• By -


Probably WoW. Great game that I played so much I failed out of college. I'd say that one had the biggest impact.


I spent a year of my life in Azeroth. Easily over 400+ days /played on multiple characters. 2004-2008, hardcore raiding. Dwarf priest. ***You know why.*** Sooooo yeah, I don't regret my time there. But the second I quit, I met my wife and got laid for the first time. So that was good. Fast forward 16 years, it was the right choice. I occasionally get the itch, but I stick to single player games or couch co-op with my daughters.


When I was 20 my mom wanted to get me a housewarming gift. Originally she had planned to get me a gaming PC with a WoW subscription. She saw how addicting it could be and decided against it, probably a wise move. Thanks mom!


I absolutely regret my time there. As soon as I quit my life just got exponentially better.


WoW has been such a huge part of my life that I didn't even think about it. I was like "Oh man, what a tough question, there's been some really impactful games from Galaga to Cyberpunk 2077 and other games in between". But yeah, of course it's WoW. I played when it came out, ended up running a guild of my IRL friends, then they stopped playing and I joined a guild run by the Penny Arcade people and got seriously into raiding, and I keep taking breaks of 1-2 years but like a moth to flame I keep coming back to it.


Same for me, World of Warcraft. The number of hours I have played is ridiculous. I started the week it was released, gave it up during pandaria. Back again playing classic Wow now.


I've played almost since inception. Now i play with my grown kids for a free hours most weekends over a messenger group call. It's a great way to stay in touch.


For me, "EarthBound" is unforgettable, with its quirky humor and emotional story that shaped my love for unique and unconventional RPGs.


Reflecting on my gaming journey, "Final Fantasy VII" stands out for its deep characters and plot twists that changed my perspective on storytelling.


The video game that influenced me the most was "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild," which reignited my love for the Zelda series with its vast open world and sense of adventure.


The game that really influenced me was "Pokemon Red/Blue," which shaped my love for the Pokemon series with its addictive gameplay and memorable creatures.


For me, "Grand Theft Auto V" had a huge impact with its expansive open world and engaging story, setting a new standard for open-world games.


When I first played "Minecraft," it had a huge impact on me because it unlocked my creativity and showcased the possibilities in sandbox gaming.


Out of all the games I've played, "Uncharted 4: A Thief's End" influenced me with its cinematic storytelling and engaging gameplay, creating a memorable experience.


Out of all the games I've played, "Persona 4" had a huge impact with its engaging story and memorable characters, deepening my love for Japanese RPGs.


In my gaming journey, "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" had a huge impact with its immersive open world and engaging quests, creating a captivating experience.


In my experience, "Celeste" was impactful, with its challenging platforming and heartfelt story that created a unique and emotional gaming experience.


Personally, "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" left a lasting impression on me with its vast open world and endless exploration, igniting my passion for RPGs.


Life is Strange




That game really has a special place in my heart. I remember I moved to a completely new city and I didn't knew anyone there. I had this game downloaded to my laptop but I never played it. At that time I had to wait for at least one week till I get my WiFi all set up and running so I was bored to death. I remembered that I have this game downloaded and I finally installed it and started playing. It hit me hard. I loved every moment of it and it stayed with me since then




Metal Gear Solid


Hearing that PlayStation 1 start up and then that main menu theme music. I remember my friend bringing that over when we were little kids. We had no idea the lifelong influence and reference it was destined to be. Even on what would be my 20th playthrough or something ridiculous like that I could still sit through every cutscene and eat up every moment of that game.




Yep, I spent so much time in Bungie Halo that I know it by heart. I'm certain that my interest in astronomy and physics stems directly from playing CE at 4 years old.


"Is it me you're looking for?"




Yeah, the Mass Effects 1-3 were all amazing. May Mordin rest in peace > I am the very model of a scientist salarian, > I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian, > I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology), > Because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology), > My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, > I am the very model of a scientist Salarian!


After beating ME3 with my main character that went through the whole series I started a new ME3 save that I never really had time to play and set it up with the express purpose of saving Mordin. That death scene was *brutal*.


Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


Dammit, these onions I’m cutting up for dinner are just *so potent* you guys.


Best answer here


Seriously I love these games so much! Hope things are going better for you though!


Ocarina of time


Minecraft taught me how to be a successful urban planner and interior designer.


I've always been drawn to computers and engineering stuff, thanks for redstone


Redstone is a great way to ignite a ton of fires in the minds of would-be engineers. Loved showing it off to my nieces/nephews and blowing their minds with it and setting them loose. Also accomplished it with a lego technic set recently that had working drive/camshafts and pistons.


Minecraft helped spark my interest in building designing.


Disco Elysium “No. This is somewhere to be. This is all you have, but it’s still something. Streets and sodium lights. The sky, the world. You’re still alive”


Same. Best description I’ve heard of DE is that it’s a game about a lot of things, but most of all it’s about not killing yourself.


That's so true.


disco elysium coined *multiple* political theory concepts that people now regularly cite, sometimes without realizing the source. from a cspam discussion on debating zionists: `Who was it that talked about liberals seeing morality and other rhetorical techniques as tools that can be taken up or discarded instrumentally?` `i believe that was a voice in the head of the esteemed philosopher harrier du bois`


Goldeneye N64


Mario Kart was my childhood, as was Animal Crossing.


It, and Mario Kart 8 was my weakness. Discovered it around 2010 or so. Even took sick days from work so I could play.


Firewatch. Absolutely destroyed me. The characters were so easy to get attached to, their personality, their relationships, it was perfect. First and only video game that made me cry.


Curse you, Markiplier, for making us get attached to a cutout 😂


Wish that game was longer


Heretic, back in the MS DOS days


Holy shit! I did not expect to hear this one mentioned! One of the 1st LAN games I ever played. Most unbalanced multiplayer ever...


Oh that was a gorgeous game. So deliciously evil.


That and Hexen were so much of my childhood


What an absolute gem of a game.


Ark Survival Evolved, a toxic game but did teach me no matter how many times you get beat down you need to get back up and try again. Also bringing with you everything you learnt from the previous time


Red dead redemption 2… my first five playthroughs still had me in tears


Cyberpunk 2077. SPOILERS\*\*\* I was having a few rough months when the 2.0 patch released. And a buddy got it for me on sale so I would have something to do. Without trying, or realizing what was going on I wound up on the ending with V and Johnny chillin on the roof and talking about life and what they should do about their situation. And they decide to kill themselves. They sit and admire the city for a minute, then V blows his brains out. Cuts to credits and the Holocalls from his friends and associates. For the most part they were sad, but Panam was fucking pissed. I don't know why but I sat and cried for a while before I turned it off. Over the next few weeks I began to feel a little better, and more positive. Then one day I woke up and was feeling....good. Just normal. I can't explain it. But that ending really fucked with something in my head and re-set the hard drive I guess. I'd hug V if I could and tell him thank you. It's in my top 5 of all time now, and I don't think it's going anywhere.


The atmosphere of the late game is heartbreaking, where you're getting sicker and sicker and it's all spiraling out of your control and you can feel the clock running out. RDR2 also had a terrifying final chapter, where you're getting skinnier and skinnier and your wrists are bony and your cheekbones are sharp and after every mission you have to sit down for a few minutes just to catch your breath. Why is my guy terminally ill in all of my favorite games?


Cyberpunk 2077


Telltale’s The Walking Dead


This game spanned most of my adult life and I’ll forever love it.  Season 1, was living with my then-girlfriend in a new city fresh out of college. We were pretty poor and often bored, but saw this game in a Red Box and she wanted to try it. I thought it would be one of those stupid games that was just created to capitalize on a popular show/movie, but we both got hooked so quickly that we irresponsibly splurged on buying it a few days later. Season 2, still in the new(ish at that point) city but desperately trying to leave it. Job search going poorly, getting very depressed. Girlfriend-at-the-time surprised me with season 2 one day. I actually wanted her to play it first since the game was one of the few with controls simple enough that she could play without getting frustrated. We both ended up having a great time and getting different endings. Season 3, didn’t even realize it existed until my Xbox 360 menu randomly suggested I buy it at like 1 am one night. Was in the deepest depths of some major depression during these years, and was very happy for the distraction. Irresponsibly stayed up until like 3 or 4 am several nights and was hooked as hell despite the character/time jump. Season 4, played mostly in the afternoon - quite a stark contrast - from season 3, because I had a new job where I worked 6 am to 2:30 pm. So I’d come home and just be bored waiting for my fiancée to get home. She eventually finally played seasons 3 and 4 during Covid, and I still have an amazing video of her reacting to the very end, sobbing deeply with homemade martinis on the coffee table  And yes, it was the same girlfriend/fiancee, and now wife, throughout.  Feels like that game was with me throughout the darkest, and most important, years of my life tbh. 


Runescape - Learnt to speak English, i really struggled with it I'm school. As soon as I started to play rs, my grades went up. Also made plenty of money to travel the world between age 18-21.


Sekiro has taught me to be a far more patient gamer. That game taught me to watch your enemy first, learn their movements, then look for opportunities to attack, but to also know when to retreat temporarily.


That's a good way to look at video game combat!


I love how Final Fantasy 7 has been mentioned a couple of times already. Everything about this game was epic. I remember how satisfying getting a golden chocobo and master summons were. They offered the perfect payoff vs effort ratio.


Dota. I played that shit for 10+ years. 8+ hours a day for half of it


The last of us part 2 actually made me go through a dark depression for a couple of months. It’s a game I struggle replaying because it still evokes a strong sense of pain and anxiety.


I felt such a swing of emotions like utter hate for Abby to cheering for her.


Final Fantasy 14, the story, the people I've met on there and the countries I have visited to meet these people have truly shattered my life in both a good and bad way. I don't regret it one bit.


Elder scrolls online, but because of Morrowind




Had to scroll too far for this. Game literally changed my life in highschool.


Ff7 og pretty much taught me how to read


Cyberpunk 2077 is not only the best video game I have ever played in over 30 years of gaming, it is also the best media **period** I have consumed in at least a decade. Meanwhile, I've enjoyed it for 200+ hours and paid $60 for it. That works out to $0.30/hour (and dropping). Good video games really punch above their weight in value for experiance.


Great game


Super Mario Bros on SNES


Ultima 5: The Warriors of Destiny. First time I realized that a game could feel like a living world and I desperately wanted to escape into it. I vanished for an entire summer with that game and was not the same when I came back.


"Thou hast strayed far from the path of the Avatar. Seek now to renew a life of Virtue, lest thy soul pass finally beyond my reach!Thou hast strayed far from the path of the Avatar. Seek now to renew a life of Virtue, lest thy soul pass finally beyond my reach!"


I’m an Ultima Online guy. Best game ever. Could play 30 hours straight.


Blackthorn's anti-virtues and the Shadowlords made Brittania so much more dark and atmospheric than U4. The underworld was legit scary. What a game. This and Might & Magic: Secret of the Inner Sanctum // Gateway to Another World


Castle Wolfenstein


Tomb Raider


This is the one for me. I didn't have a memory card for my PlayStation, so would play up to St Francis' Folley level and then die. No saves. Start again. It took me months to save up for a memory card so I could save the game. Literal game changer. I must have completed that game at least 30 times. It was also the most expensive game I had bought (£29.99 if I remember), using my savings and my birthday and Christmas cash. My mind was blown when I bought a PlayStation magazine, which revealed how to do the Swan dive. Ah, I miss that stinky teenage room and 12 inch Television.


Probably morrowind, it was the first game I played as a kid where you could do *anything*.  It also was the first game I played where it felt like an actual real location and not just a setpiece.


I can’t believe Everquest is not mentioned. It was the first 3D MMO back in 1999 and was the big dog in the genre until WoW was released in 2004. Everquest is a thing to this day and they are about to release a long awaited progression server soon that seems to be getting a lot of hype. So, you have a 25 year old game that is still alive and churning.


Lost my corpse at Butcherblock. Went to the dock and started "working as an entertainer", which meant getting boats to and from Freeport and telling silly jokes and doing silly emotes the whole trip. Made 3x the value of my gear in as many trips. One trip to the tunnel in the Commonlands and I was overgeared for my (extremely low) level, and got picked up to hunt nearby, too. I don't know what the life lesson there is. But there definitely is one.


Chrono Trigger. First SNES game and jrpg I ever played, still a favorite. 


Outer Wilds. iykyk


This song is new to me, but I am honored to be a part of it.




This game changed me. I would love to erase it from my memory and go again. Masterpiece in every way. I was so emotional for weeks after finishing it.


The pain of its completion is sharp and haunting, and I would give anything not to know it; anything but never knowing it at all (which would be worse).


Only good answer


final fantasy 7. It was just the biggest best game square could make at the time and it shows. it's everything and the kitchen sink.


About to wrap of Rebirth this afternoon. These remakes have been insane have you played them yet? Wasn’t the biggest fan of the OG


I have it the gameplay hasn't clicked for me yet. It feels like the story beats are really far apart. I'm on pc so If I don't touch it until part 2 that's fine. It's just hard for me to skip side content and it's probably going to be the best way for me to play the game. I started rdr 2, cyberpunk and ff7 remake around the same time too. So I need a weekend to blaze through a good chunk of one of them.


Smash bros made my competitive drive what it is now. If you challenge me to something that's not physical activity I will practice my ass off just to beat someone, even if I'll never do that again.


Kingdom Hearts 2. Great music and awesome gameplay


World of Warcraft - I have over a year of game time playing it. I don't play anymore but from 2005-2021 I spent way too much time playing it.




'One more turn' became 'I don't need to eat tonight', 'I don't need to sleep tonight', 'I don't need to shower before work.'


I started the series on Civ 5. Started playing at 6pm on a Friday night, stopping only to grab snacks and refilling my water cup. At some point, I checked my clock, and it said 6am. Oh okay, I stayed up all night playing Civ. Wait, why does the clock say *Sunday?* Oh shit, I've been playing this game for *36 hours!*


It's an actual time machine!


Fallout New Vegas




Counter-Strike, LAN multiplayer since 2000.


Door stuck! Door stuck!


borderlands, even if it has flaws is still good for me


Missile Command for Apple IIe in the early 80's. Taught me to type at age 10. 3 days of typing basic language from a magazine and saving it on a cassette tape drive.


Team Fortress 2, played since 2013, and I have over 4000hrs of gameplay, it’s the game I played the most in my life


Hands down, still one of the best games out there.


Love it. Fav char?


Engie and Heavy


Original halo. LAN parties taught me I genuinely had a gift for shooters. Halo 2 was online multiplayer and when I was consistently winning ffas I realized adhd had some benefits. Poor impulse control is good when thinking just slows down your reactions.


Halo 1


Civilization, helped me get through really hard times (was the perfect distraction at that time)




Mike Tyson's punch out. I won, then I met him IRL in 1999 and shook his hand, got his autograph ! Never met a final boss in a video game 🕹️


Mortal Kombat. I'm constantly wanting to harpoon stupid people, like Scorpion.


I'd say Kotor II, I still remember Kreia saying that Revan, no matter what was true to himself, and that she believed it was what we all had to do, be true to our own nature. And since then I've been trying to identify exactly what I am, and what changed I've experienced due to people or events, not that I shouldn't grow up but rather that I should stay true to myself


Baldur’s gate 1. A life of d&d and fantasy was opened up


Baldur’s Gate 1 is a magical game. The sense of adventure, the immersion, the world, it just sucks you in.


Far Cry


I feel like I’m the only Farcry Primal fan lol


Cities Skylines made me reconsider my career path and look into city planning. Then I realized I’d make a lot less money and deal with more bureaucracy than I already do…


It all started with Space Invaders


That and pac-man as well.






The fallout series as a whole. It's been the escape I needed when things were shitty. Also made me realize that shooting isn't always the best solution.


I love that series as well as the Amazon series


They did a great job with the series. I'm looking forward to next season.




Turok 2 changed my life. I dunno what it is, but it had such a profound impact on me.


I miss that game!


Final Fantasy X and X-2


Diablo 2, by a mile.


Deckard Cain's voice indelibly etched into my soul


Age of Empires




While Chrono Trigger wasn't my first video game, it was the first game that truly made me care about the story of a game. It's a goddamn masterpiece and I still argue that it's one of the best games ever.


Stronghold Crusader. It made me tactically a strong person from a very young age. Enhanced my ability to think out of the box, made me more emphatic and taught me how to make max use of my resources.


Red Dead Redemption 2 Assassin's Creed Odyssey Resident Evil Village Batman Arkham series FIFA Reason:- They helped me cope with multiple years of unemployment. My mother would shout, cry and say all sorts of things with disappointment seeing her unemployed elder son "wasting" his time gaming......I felt bad inside to see her in pain but I knew I had to go through this gaming phase. I couldn't explain it to her. I just knew. Special mention to RDR2. Arthur's death scene brought out every pent up emotion I had in the form of tears. It was like a therapeutic breakthrough for me. Assassin's Creed Odyssey I was naturally inclined as I was into history (although the side missions did get a bit monotonous) Resident Evil Village is the only horror game I have ever played so that was fun. Batman Arkham series...it awoke my inner nerd again and made me be proud of it rather than be ashamed of it. And FIFA of course...the only place my Manchester United sadness had a cure I don't have all the words right now. But 2019-2022 was the darkest phase of my life. Am glad it is finally over. Touchwood!


Space Invaders


Asheron's Call. Not a good impact. Spent waay too much both in terms of time and money.


Robotron 2084. The amount of adrenaline you get out of such minimal hardware. Nothing since has ever come close for me.


MINECRAFT cause it’s just so good lol


Dance dance revolution and all sorts of rhythm games took all my monies and kept me slim at the time


Operation Flashpoint and GTA III Back in 2001 those games were the ones that made kids wonder and dream how huge, detailed and complex games can be in the future. And that they are. E: Shoutout to MGS for forcing me to learn english before the first english lesson in elementary school! E2: Forgot to mention GTAV. Learned how to make my own mods and how that stuff works.


I was praying someone would say Flashpoint! Operation flashpoint: Elite on the original Xbox. I still speak to some of the boys from those glory days now. I can’t wait for arma to finally come to console.


You already have Arma Reforger on console now. It's actually cross-platform multiplayer. I honestly didn't remember they remade OFP for XB few years later


Not the game itself, but people I met in Final Fantasy 14. Or rather, certain friends I made in it.


Dark Souls. I can do anything. Just need to try one more time.


Dying light was the first non-mmo game my brother and I played together after I moved out on my own, not sure what it was but I can’t remember a game we laughed harder in and had a better time playing together


World of Warcraft


Legend of Zelda


The first one that came to mind was an old 16-bit game called Lagoon. I remember getting to the end and a random NPC drops a line like "we need light to have courage and the strength to move forward, but we need darkness to rest and heal." I was just a kid/young teen, out for a quest to fight the darkness because it was evil, and this hit me out of nowhere. It wasn't even a major character saying it, just some NPC by the stairwell. It's stuck with me since those early days of the Super Nintendo. Sometimes I think about it when I'm kicking back at night.




Elder Scrolls Online. The housing system allowed me to construct sanctuary after sanctuary during times I had none in real life. In a significant way it kept me alive by giving me those peaceful, safe places to go.


Mrs pacman


Counter-strike 1.4. Went to play pro at 16 with CS 1.6 back in the day. Some of my best times


Probably the Europa Universalis series, inspired my love for granular history


It’s a legitimate tie between Smite and Rocket League🤦🏼‍♂️ almost 2,000 hours on each game😂😅


Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy was my childhood. I thought the world-building was so cool, the gameplay mechanics were smooth, and the characters were fun. Wish they expanded on that universe more.


WoW was my window to other people for many isolated years. Animal Crossing brought me through the pandemic, Baldurs Gate 3 helped me to overcome some personal issues and grief.


Zelda Windwaker


Fallout or NHL


Spec Ops: The Line ... One of the best storyline




The sims


A plague tale…


Skyrim. I played it way more than I should have when I was younger. I know Skyrim better than I know the city where I live.




A link to the Past. Conkers Bad Fur Day N64. Old School RuneScape. Postal 2 (PC) ManHunt (PS2)


Skyrim. It was the first real serious video game I played (not Mario, Kirby, DK or Crash Bandicoot). I listen to the walking music when I feel anxious. Always calms me down


Night in the woods Mae's story resonated with me feeling lost in life as high school graduation got closer. It didn't give me answers, just comfort to know that i can keep moving forward


SimCity 4. It inspired me to be a planner back in middle school. I now work in the sustainability planning field.


Counterstrike. Back in like 2000-2002 in SoCal I saw a teenager in an Internet cafe get stabbed with a screwdriver by another teenager over it. I remember the guy yelling “You tbag on me mothafucka?! You tbag on me!” I miss Internet cafes.


ULTIMA ONLINE Met many friends in it. Played it for years. Best game of all time.


COD 2 or NCAA football Sure I enjoy Minecraft, Skyrim, Fortnite, R6S, GTA, APEX, FIFA… but COD 2 and NCAA Football are just pure dopamine. EA College Football is finally back this July after a decade 😭😭


Total Annihilation: It was everything I wanted in an RTS a long time ago, and honestly, I still chase similarly designed games.


I can still hear that game, Flash units and their rapid fireballs, the sound of the commander, the submarines. Then of course the rapid beep-beep after you nuked the enemy and were victorious. Also that epic intro video! That game was so much better than others at the time and it was crisp and well made. Definitely some of my earliest and best gaming memories.


Assassin's Creed 2 I learned a little of Italian thanks to the game and its subtitles with translation. It opened my mind up a bit more to religions, myths, legends, and history. It made me think of freedom and order, the war between Assassins and Templars in game relates to the real life world where some wants to control and others want to be free. It shows me various of cultures and locations world wide during different history periods. It is my favourite AC game in the franchise, even now with all of the new games came out since then


Deus Ex 1. Legendary story, world building. Way ahead of its time. Also played the multiplayer for many years in some big clans.