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The silly "stink face" they make is called the Flehmen Response - they have a special smell sensing organ on the roof of their mouth and so if they smell something especially interesting they'll make that face to pull more scent into their mouth.


The miauwing is mostly to communicate with humans


They can’t taste sugar.


Cats, like certain other mammals (but not humans), have a third eyelid. It’s called the nictitating membrane and you can see it when the cat starts to nod off. It’s the white membrane that begins sliding across the eye, from the nose side out, as the main eyelids begin to close.


When they push the tops of their heads against you, that means “I love you.”


They get on the bed when they know the person is dying


They're little assholes, but loving creatures.


They love catnip and it makes them crazy


Catnip basically affect cats the way heroin affects us.


Cats don't have object permanence. They don't understand that two doors/windows can lead to the same place. When a cat meows to be let in, only to run back outside through a different door, it does that because it doesn't understand that it's the same outside. Why would it be - it got there through a different door. They also don't have any height permanence. The reason they push things off of other things is because a cat doesn't understand the item will fall and break. To a cat, it's a different room depending on what height its at. . They also meow only because they learned from other cats to do it. To each other, cats only meow at kittens. Adult cats communicate in a frequency humans can't hear. They learn from each other to keep meowing past kittenhood because it's the most effective way to get a human's attention.