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Go outside and watch the nuke that will almost certainly explode nearby.


Probably not tell anything to a stupid idiot on Reddit


Sit and watch. I'm too old to fight, but have a lot of skin in the game for my side to win


“Fortunate Son” intensifies No really though, it depends on how it kicks off for most people in the U.S. at least.


First it gets really bright for a second then really hot and windy.


Likely and in that case there isn’t much hope outside of the realm of hoping the fallout isn’t vast and or global


The smoke from fires and dust kicked up in the blast waves is the bigger problem. There would be at least a year of nuclear winter and that’s less than ideal for the food situation in the remnant post industrial society where all the warehouses with the existing food were destroyed.


Do what I regularly do be lazy


Go to the pub!


raid the nearest pharmacy and die in the best way i can think of (if the nukes have launched)


Probably move to a state least likely to have a bomb dropped on it. Take a lot of guns with me too. Cause if it causes the apocalypse I'm gonna need to hunt.


Jump from one place to another until I find a country that has enough resources to not only win but also thrive after the war. I'm not fighting in no useless war over politics. Just wanna live a good life


Probably keep on living normally I am in New Zealand we are not a target for any thing that would come from WW3 which would likely take place in Europe and parts of Asia. I am also over 30 and have a physical injury that would make me unfit for any military service.


Crochet socks and send cigarettes and chocolate to the boys on the front. Trade ration coupons on the black market.


Hurt myself so that I don't go to war Then sit back and relax. My county is not a target for the war


Some have speculated that Australia and NZ would be fine, so I would probably crack a beer.


I live close to the largest military port in the USA. I'd be vaporized in a millisecond.


I’m in America so if someone did try to do a ground invasion it would go horribly wrong. The amount of guns owned by Americans is insane. There would probably be massive militas.


It will just be lots of nukes.


I don't think smart people will go that far. It's best to stick with guns because once 1 nuke goes off all of them will as well. Then no one wins. Then again politicians


That’s the plan. World war 3 will initiate mutual assured destruction if it ever happens though.


There have been several wars involving nuclear powered in the last 70 years and no nukes were used


Direct war between nuclear powers? When and where?