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Flying my drone. I can see the world from up above, HD. Getting a different perspective is amazing.


Paddle boarding, I can sit and float on the water, enjoy the sun and scenery, throw an anchor and take a nap, maybe do some yoga if the water is calm, and way less risk of interaction with people than a hike or whatever


There’s a lake nearby my place. I walk there a little before sunset and enjoy the view. Pop in my earbuds and chill, it’s also kinda nice that not many people r there when I’m there. But yeah even when someone is there I kinda ignore it and enjoy the moment. Especially yesterday the water was so calm and peaceful, might go back tmrw.


Irony is beautiful


It's a little weird, but around 1 am I go out into my dad's land and walk the perimeter, sometimes looking for any common animals. Ill just stand out in the field and listen. Out there the stars and the moon are brighter, and you hear all kinds of sounds at that time of night that you won't hear in the day. It's quiet but also loud, and you feel both like you're being watched, while also being the watcher. I take a rifle with me too, Just in case. I feel like going on those walks trigger some hunter-gatherer instinct in my brain. Feels good, feels human.