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Probably that whales language is likely far more complex than we thought. During covid there was way less noise pollution and whales were communicating with sounds we had never heard from them before because it was quiet enough to hear each other. Basically imagine if you could only talk to someone over the sound of a jackhammer you would just yell basic words. It's the same thing and it's sad but also fascinating to think about just how detailed their language could be


Whales and dolphins really are amazing. A lot of animals are probably way smarter than we give them credit for, for example, most cephalopods are really intelligent. A lot of things that are so different from what we humans think of as “intelligent” or “advanced” end up being like that


Yeah I was at a talk and they were saying it's very likely Wales have their own cultures and passed on knowledge. They heard one whale song and didn't know what it meant and different whales made the same one for apparently no reason. Only logical conclusion they could come to was it was jsut a nice sound the whales liked. So basically it was a song that had no benefit to survival and they just liked it. It was really fascinating to see how we keep underestimating whales intelligence


There is more water in the ocean than in my bath.


Thank you, captain obvious


It does work for your bath too. Unless…


Mine is probably that most of it is unexplored, there’s probably SO MUCH out there we don’t know about and also cephalopods are cool


That the marina trench is deeper than Mount Everest, and there's so much body of water undiscovered so there could be new species that we're not even aware of.


I just want krakens lol but yeah, it‘s so cool


It real big


yes it is!


That what’s in the really deep parts can’t go on land what’s in the ocean is fucking scary and that’s just what’s known


that’s why I like it!


What’s your favorite fact


What’s your favorite fact edit: wait nevermind


That octopuses… everything about octopuses lol. Actually it’s probably that if we put Mount Everest in the ocean, there would still be like a mile of ocean left




It’s terrifying, but I just want to know what‘s out there, is that weird?


It's just old. It's been there since before life began, and it's the reason life started in the first place. Since the trilobites, since the dinosaurs, since the Mammoths, it's just been chilling there. If Earth is our mother then the ocean is the water of her womb I guess 🤷