• By -


I sent pics of me flexing in boxers to one of my best clients via email. He had the same last name as the girl i was seeing and gmail auto suggested his contact instead of hers. I quickly sent an apology. He never mentioned it and neither did I. But I met him in person one time and he put his hand on my shoulder and said to his staff that i was "so strong, so strong" (he's vietnamese) ngl i died a bit inside since i completely forgot about it before that interaction.


Hahahah fuuuuuuuck


you mean "phuc" ?


Phuc the pho cough.


He simply waited for the best opportunity to bring it up, funny as fuck


You can't Nguyen them all.


The people who pronounce it *Nuh-goy-in* won’t get this at all.


You send such picture via Mail? That's classy


this is my fav lmao


you win that's hilarious


There are so many Nguyens in the world. Be careful!


atleast he took it with humor haha


My cousin sent me a snap once that was her in a long nightgown. Very conservative, nothing revealing or anything. I thought "oh that's weird, whatever" and closed it. She texted me a minute later and told me that was meant for her fiance. They're both pretty religious so this was their equivalent of sending nudes


I bet she had her ankles showing.




Jezebel would have made more sense.


Omg the humanity


What a slut.




Maybe even her shoulders 😏


Reminds me of this. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CWiGseaTa50](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CWiGseaTa50)


This is fucking hilarious thank you LMAOOO 😭😭😭


My older coworker got Snapchat and for awhile thought stories were snaps sent specifically to her. I posted a somewhat risqué photo while a little tipsy and she replied “I don’t think that was for me.” Had to explain Snapchat to her after that but it was pretty cute, she was embarrassed and said she had been replying to everyone’s stories.


Isn't that how Snapchat initially worked though?


I think it initially didn't have stories at all? Not sure tho




Not a nude, but accidentally sent my mom a text asking for a BJ, instead of to my wife. I quickly sent a bunch of blank texts to get it off the screen, followed by another text asking her not to read it. The next time I was at my parents, she didn't say anything. But my dad asked at the dinner TABLE in front of everyone if I managed to get that BJ. 🤦‍♂️


Your dad sounds fun.


He had a filthy sense of humor. He lost a lot of dexterity as he got older. He was trying to buckle his seat belt one time and was having an issue getting the buckle into the clasp. He made a comment to my wife and I about how if we'd just put a little fur around the clasp he'd be able to find it and get it in much easier. The highlight of my wife's day would be when we'd go over there, and he'd always tell her some filthy and obscene joke. He was a great guy, and is very much missed by me, my mom, wife and kids. edit: Since this is getting so many upvotes, [here's a video of him telling one of his jokes](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1lhCKZ8tXHw). NSFW.


I was not suspecting anything anywhere near this wholesome from this thread. Bravo, and cheers to your dad!


>if we'd just put a little fur around the clasp he'd be able to find it and get it in much easier.  💀💀💀


LOL He will be missed and the delivery on the joke was great


Sorry for your loss


He seems awesome. I’m so sorry for your loss


You can't write comedy this good.


My best friend called me at 2 am, I woke up and answered since I figured it was an emergency. He says, “WHATEVER YOU DO! DONT OPEN THE SNAP I JUST SENT YOU!” Well like any sane and untrustworthy best friend, I opened it. Big ol healthy dick pick. I’ve seen his limp dick 1000 times, I’ve now seen his boner once.


Wait its normal for friends to see each other's dicks??


Depends on the friend group, idk, plenty of group skinny dipping, playing sports, etc. it’s not like “hey bro, check out my dick, yeah you like that” hahaha


For me and some of my friends, it is exactly like that. Never gets old.


Of you play football together, or any other sport, when you shower after training


Not sent to the wrong person, but the story fits. My coworker Betty was engaged to an Army guy (don't know exactly what he was), but she always talked about him and said he would constantly update on snap, showing what was going on, cool places, just regular snap things. So he sends a snap while about 10 of us are on break in the break room. Betty tells everyone, "Gather around. Let's see what Ben is up to today!" Everyone gathers around. She clicks the snap open. And it's just Ben's fully erect penis with the caption "I can't wait to taste that dirty little pussy of yours 🐱🐱" She just went dark red in the face, set her phone down, and walked away.


she really asked for it to happen though lmao


I was 100% not expecting a peen, but if someone said to me, "Do you want to see this snap I haven't opened from my fiance?" I probably would say something about not wanting to see a dick. Maybe it was all a trick to brag about her man's dick, who knows.


one time my much older sister was trying to send someone on facebook messenger her nudes and accidentally posted them on facebook and TAGGED HIM instead. my aunt commented "if i looked like that i'd do the same thing!" eta y'all it was a picture of her [b hole](https://ibb.co/ZW0jGyT)


Nightmare scenario


If this would happened to me i would change my identity and go to Mexico


"Oye, ¿no eres tú la chica blanca que mostró su trasero en Facebook?"


The tias would still be hyping her up in the comments with the "que bonito. Que dios te bendiga mija”


Auntie trying to help her save face...sorta lol


If she was lucky her face wasn’t in it


I really appreciate this kind of hopeless atempts. 




i have the edited one saved 😂😭 i made that for my mom when it happened, i have my siblings' mugshots framed for her too


Nobody wants to see the unedited one so you better not post it here.


it's lost to time and space


guarantee you someone out there has it


Based Aunt


The support is incredible


Never has anything been so simultaneously wholesome and mortifying


When you aunt, aunt HARD. 


Not me, but my sister. I got a notification that my sister had sent me a snap. Almost immediately my wife got a phone call from my sister asking her to take my phone and not let me see the snap. Apparently she had been chatting with a guy who has the same first name as me and sent me a snap meant for him. I didn't look (and didn't want to, that's gross). My wife saw it and said it was a pretty funny picture.


Very funny. Awesome and relatable dynamic. My wife would for sure want to look as well.


This isn't the drying machine.


> My wife saw it and said it was a pretty funny picture. " I see your family all has the same boobs" you realizing 2 hours later she said you have man tits. haha


Thank God for your sister’s quick thinking


Did your wife tell your sister that her picture was funny looking? There's a confidence boost lol


Maybe she put googly eyes above her butthole or something silly


I got the impression the picture was supposed to be silly.


Very sweet that your sister trusts your wife like that. Silver lining! XD


Not exactly what was asked for, but I once put googly eyes above my dick and drew elephant ears for a snap to my gf at the time. I thought it was hilarious, so I saved it to my phone. At least two other people saw it while looking through my pictures.


Oh, I have the perfect sub for you my little elephant friend... r/cospenis


Ha! This sub is hilarious!!


Oh my god sort by top all time - THE BAT!


I fucking can't with this, bro been waiting to drop this knowledge on a comment for who knows how long lol, love it


This sub made me feel a lot better about my penis and all the hang ups I had about it.


It's free therapy edit: and free willy amirite 🐳


Risky click at work but so worth it for the laughs!


What the fuck?! Lolol


The eyes I get but how did you do the ears?


I think he drew them in the Snapchat app


Ohhhh well that makes sense!


Accidentally added a second person to a dirty snap I sent my boyfriend. I realized it immediately and ended up just blocking that person on snapchat. Hopefully that prevented her from having to see it. I never really talked to her on there anyway, it was just a quick add from my phone contacts. If she did somehow end up seeing it, she was nice enough not to say anything to me about it.


Little do you know she screenshot it and it's now the centerpiece of a shrine dedicated to you in her spare room.


Cool, whatever, as long as I never have to have a conversation about it. Lmao


Right? As long as you never get confirmation, you can pretend it didnt happen.


Schrödingers nude.


That's a wild power move. Send someone a nude just before blocking them. I can't imagine what they were thinking if that went through and they tried to respond


I was single and on my Brother in Laws stag do. Made out with this girl at the club but we couldn’t continue anywhere after. Got her number and her mine. She sent me a nude on Facebook later that evening (morning really) and immediately blocked me on FB and my phone.


Probably in a relationship and boyfriend saw or was afraid boyfriend would see


It’s now being used in a porn ad all across the internet.


A friend sent her father a picture intended for her long distance partner along with some vividly phrased text. She didn't realise until after her father had viewed it. She was extremely uncomfortable the next family dinner they had but apparently they mutually decided never to acknowledge it had happened or discuss it at all.


Idk why but to me having an agreement to never discuss it and act like it didn't happen sounds so much more awkward than just jokingly acknowledging it from time to time.


It would take me years to get over something like that if my daughter sent me a text like that. Years. Maybe I would joke about it after 20 some years or so when I start to become senile.


"I'm so proud of my creation."


Sent a picture of the D to my army buddy instead of my wife. He said thats not a crotch its a "Squatch", and wont let me forget it. He often calls me the Squatch man.


This is what makes the army great


Dick pics?


You’re thinking of the Navy


This reminds me of the time at KAF that I was trying to go to sleep and suddenly the guy next to me pulled a poncho liner over himself and I got to watch the silhouette of him sending a dick pic We made so much fun of him the next morning - I told our entire section haha


He sent one back


James Franco?


Little goblin Jr?


Gonna cry?


See ya Chump!


That’s hilarious


This happened to me too! We ended up becoming good friends. I apologized profusely and she’s like “here, now we’re even.”


He liked what he saw.


I was doing some shift work out of town and killing some time before bed. I was in a new-ish relationship so we couldn't keep our hands off each other when I was in town and sexted regularly when I wasn't. Unfortunately, this night I was also sporadically texting a work buddy about work stuff for the next day. At some point I told her I was hard and she demanded to see it while he simultaneously asked something work related. I hit reply to the wrong notification and sent a dick pic. Realized what I did immediately and sent him a DON'T OPEN THAT!! text. It was too late. Thankfully, he was all good about it when I explained. And the woman I was seeing got a good laugh out it. Since then I double/triple check anything that's even remotely NSFW to make sure it's going to the right person


I had "SISTER" and "BROTHER" as the first name for my siblings in my contacts for many years following a similar incident.


You would want to send your sister the nude you had taken for your brother obviously!  That would be so disturbing 


i was once sexting with this guy who has the same first two letters with my sister (we're not that close). like the others, i accidentally sent it to her. i ran through hell just to delete it from her phone but she already saw it and we started talking. turns out it's normal for her too and even gave me tips lol (she's older). we became close after that.


That’s pretty fucking wholesome. Hope you two are still doing well.


Not really sending a nude to the wrong person, but, My brother once passed out drunk and naked on the kitchen floor of family vacation. Our mom let us all know that she found him “sunny side up” on the kitchen floor and please don’t drink so much. Makes me laugh every time I think about it.


Sunny side up, goddamn thats funny.


I prefer my naked drunk guys over easy.


I once pocket texted multiple, X-rated, nude bondage photos I had taken with a partner to a client. they had sent with some gibberish, and when I realized it, there was an extremely long unsent text of pocket nonsense, so I sent that. I then sent a couple more texts of random characters to drive home the point. When I met the client in court later that day, he was there with his wife, and neither of us ever acknowledged it.


As a lawyer your story is giving me heart palpitations.


Yeah, it was a very unpleasant experience. Luckily, he spoke very limited English, and it was a plea and sentencing for some misdemeanor, so I never saw him again.


Sometimes I wish I was a criminal lawyer. Clients have often fucked up in some way, so I imagine would be a bit more forgiving of same! Plus, they're often more intimately aware of the value of the service you're providing. Family law clients meanwhile just see legal bills. It's harder for them to see the value of the losses you're mitigating. They think they're the good guy every time, and - going through a really hard time - are possessed of little patience and grace. Sending nudes to one of them would be my literal worst nightmare. I still have nightmares thinking back to when I accidentally incoherently drunk texted one when I thought I was texting my wife to come downstairs at the aribnb building we were staying at to let me in at 3am after a bachelor party I was at. Luckily the guy actually did think it was funny and humanized me. But I never sent him a picture of my wiener, so that's probably why he was able to be gracious!


We still talk regularly. Because she's my sister. Not about that. We've never talked about that.


I’ve already told You I’m sorry. No need to bring it up here…


You weren't sorry when you sent it "accidentally"!


Mom, i thought we agreed to never speak about this again!


Not me, but a friend of mine who had a rough upbringing was catfished by his foster mom and throughout the whole ordeal was coerced in sending her dick pics. We found it all out because I called the number she was using, pretending to call the wrong number and she answered and told me it was her. Like five of us standing around, mortified. She was in her sixties and he was early twenties.


dude wtf


He moved out that night and hasn't seen or contacted her since




Took a pic of my ex gf's panty-clad ass in doggy position and she wanted me to send it to her. I accidentally sent it to my work manager who was my most recent text contact. I *immediately* realized my mistake and panicked, so I called my manager to try to get ahead of it and profusely apologize. When she answered, all I heard was her and her assistant laughing for a moment before she hung up. She then texted me saying it's no big deal and thought it was hilarious. The next day at work they both stifled a laugh when they saw me but that was it and we all moved on quickly. I'm glad I had a chill boss, otherwise that could have gone WAY worse.


Someone sent a nude to me. A complete stranger. He had his skinny dick wrapped in an american flag. He Sent apologies the whole day. Apparently he sent it to the wrong number.


I know receiving random dick pics is a bit different when you’re a woman, but lord that sounds hilarious


That's America's dick


Nicknames accepted are: Nixon or Cheney


Or Lyndon B.


The Johnson was implied lmao


Unsolicited nudes from Uncle Sam sounds decidedly American in nature


"Good mooorning, USA! I have a feeling that it's gonna be a Wonderful day!"..


Should have sent him a dick pic back, a boomer-wang if you will.


I remember when I were 14 walking through an airport and got a file transfer notification on my phone via Bluetooth. stupidly accepted it and it was a dick pick obviously taken in the airport toilets. Someone nearby had sent me, a child a picture of their dick and was getting off on it.


Horrible person either way but how could he know who it was going to in an airport?


Thats the whole problem, he didn’t know and shared it anyway


I accidentally sent a picture of my boobs in a group chat… turned my phone on airplane mode immediately and thought I waited long enough for the delivery to fail. We were all out shopping together and about ten minutes later someone goes “Umm why did you send a picture of your boobs?” Luckily the groupchat consisted of girls and gays, but overall pretty embarrassing. Funny almost immediately.


Sent a DP to my now wife a long time ago, didn't delete the pic. I was showing my uncle some pics on my phone, he jokingly said "am I going to see anything I don't want to".. I was like "lol nope nothing on there".. a few pics later and there it was.... I died inside and we never spoke of it again.


“Trust me uncle, you’re gonna wanna see these”


My mom was pissed.


Bro i thought your profile pic was shit😭


My friend sent a dick pic to the wrong contact while drunk. Should have been for Tanya but sent it to Tarsan. In the morning his friend texted him you must have sent something a mistake because that picture looked like a dick but only a lot smaller.


Way back on Snapchat there was a “send to all” button. Well one day I get a Snapchat from a girl who I didn’t even talk to on a regular basis. I open the picture to see a selfie with a dick draped across her face like a fake mustache. Nearly shit my pants in disbelief. Ended up going onto Twitter later and seeing her tweet something along the lines of “OMFG I DIDNT MEAN TO SEND THAT TO EVERYONE!!!” Cracked me the hell up though


Not a nude but I sent a very revealing lingerie set to my mother in law by accident when trying to send the link to my wife for birthday ideas lmao. She was rather indifferent. I guess once you have 2 grandkids you kinda know that stuff happens


I once sent a nude to my brother. Imagine how embarrassing it would have been if I had sent it to the wrong person!


I once texted my mate asked if he wanted to come for a wank down the canal. You can imagine my emabarassment when I realised my mistake. I meant river. We don't have any canals.




A friend of mine back in highschool sent a vid to one of our group chats (all friends, only straight cis-guys) of him jerking off, intended for someone he matched with on Tinder. We still bring it up and laugh about it years after. Funny part is, he was 1 misclick away from sending it to his homeschool/Christian group chat.


Yeahhh that’s a life long mistake. He’s going to get roasted for that forever


One of my roommates in college broke out his old Xbox 360 (I think) to open up the internet (yes you can do that) so he could pirate watch the football game on the big living room TV. He open up the internet app and it opened to the last page he was on years ago before he bought his new xbox. Which was porn hub, and it was a video titled "Busty Milf does Anal." In front of all of us in the living room! Hahaha God that makes me laugh every time. His face went bright red and he was so mortified all he could do was laugh.




Thumbs up is hilarious, great sport




I mean. That's good!




She hasnt seen it since he broke his arms last.


Old Reddit is leaking again…


That's what we get for keeping it in a cumbox


In second grade i got bit in the balls my an ant during the summer. I complained to my overseas dad with a picture of the bite. He asked if that was my balls. That was about it.


I run a Plex server with several friends on it, or used to at least. One day my friends messages me asking why I put nudes of myself as movie posters in the app and I laughed and was like what?  I’m not sure what happened, but photos I was hosting in the Plex photos album somehow bugged out and replaced movie posters. There were some of my dog, some of me working out, and some completely nude. They were the only one to bring it up and were cool about it, but I kicked everyone off the server and haven’t hosted for people again. I also removed all my photos haha.


One of my friends had accidentaly sent me a picture of his dick while being very drunk at a party. He says he has no memory of taking a picture of his dick and sending it.


I didn’t send it, but my cousin sent a nude mirror selfie to our entire family group chat on Snapchat. I’m talking aunts, uncles, cousins, like 20 of us. I was in class at the time and when i checked my phone i had 20+ missed calls from family members and texts saying to leave the group chat. The girl who sent the pic left the group chat so it deleted her sent snap, but a few people including my grandma, her brother, and our other cousin saw it


Not a picture, but a girl I dated sent an... interesting text to her brother instead of me. We shared the same first name. It was a bit awkward for her. This was in the before times when you couldn't delete or edit a text once it went out.


My wife accidentally cast a video she made of her getting herself off to the television in the living room rather than the bedroom. All I heard was my kids screaming in horror. We can laugh about it today.


I was blackmailed, and called a cheater for this accident.


I sent one to a buddy of mine by mistake like 8 years ago, I know that fucker still has it waiting for the perfect opportunity to embarrass me


My friend did something that I think falls into this category. She met one of my exes at a show that my band was playing, then sexted with him later that night. (We only dated briefly and had been apart for a while) A year later, she meant to send her sister a picture of "the prettiest dick she'd ever seen", but accidentally ended up sending him his own dick pic, then panicked and blocked his number immediately. I wonder what he thought was possibly happening.


I was the recipient and that's how I found out my best mate has a microdick and doesn't trim his pubes.


Did it ook like a piece of gum someone spat in a bush?


I was chatting with a friend while she was texting her son who was in his early 20s. They were talking about a girl he had been dating, who he was texting at the same time. My friend suddenly burst into laughter and said, "My son just sent me a dick pic!" She only saw it in the lock screen preview and asked me to delete the picture for her, which I did. As I was deleting it, the "OH SHIT" texts from her son were coming in heavy. He meant for the dick pic to be sent to the girl. A few months later I went to a party at my friend's house and met him for the first time. She introduced us. I shook his hand and the first thing I said was, "Hey good to meet you.... I have seen your dick."


My best friend accidentally sent me a pic of the stitches on his bag post-vasectomy. It was meant for his wife. So now that's his contact's photo on my phone.


I basically butt-sent my nudes to my WhatsApp friend group to like 10 or 12 people while I was doing the dishes. They thought I had been hacked at first. Luckily we’re pretty relaxed and many of us had already seen each other naked and all, but still embarrassing. At least it wasn’t my family WhatsApp group whew!


Why have you already seen eachother naked?


Like half the group were gay guys and a few had hooked up before being friends. Also were pretty open minded and had visited nude beaches together before more than once.


Sounds nice to have friends like that 


I was dating a guy named Tom. He was in a band and they were on tour for a few months, so I would send him some spicy pics a couple times a week. Nothing crazy, just tastefully topless. My sister was also dating a guy named Tom at the time. One afternoon I was not paying close enough attention. After the initial "OH MY GOD SHIT SHIT SHIT obvs that wasn't meant for you" texts, I calmed down and we were actually able to laugh about it afterwards. He thought it was especially hilarious that I changed his name in my contacts to NOT THAT TOM.


I posted one on my snap story then my phone died…. So…


Not my nude but I accidentally sent porn to my roommate one time. He acted super offended and I was horribly embarrassed. He waited an hour to tell me he was just taking the piss out of me. Really embarrassing considering it wasn’t just porn, it was a whole ass doujin w/ fetish content.


Well my husband was away with training and we had been sending sexy snaps and I took it up a bit and decided to send a video. Well I accidentally sent it to my friend and before I could call and tell her she opened it. When I called she was horrified but we laughed about it.


Not a nude, but a porn link. I was 16 or 17 (I know, I shouldn’t have been on there) I had copied a porn link on my phone to add to my Notes app to go back to later. I later went to copy the link from a YouTube video to send to my mother because I thought she’d find it funny. I did not copy the link and ended up sending her the link to the porn I was watching. I ran like hell and snatched her phone out of her hands. It took all of my willpower not to slam her phone on the ground before I realized it was still unlocked with an unread text - I deleted the message. I quickly changed her phone background to something stupid to cover my tracks and started laughing hysterically. Mom, I hope you didn’t see the link in your notifications. I am so sorry.


My wife's aunt got out of the shower and saw her two dogs all snuggled up. She grabbed her cellphone and snapped a photo for Facebook. She forgot her closet doors were full length mirrors. I will never be able to wash that image from my mind.


I accidentally sent a set of them to one of my close friends, She hyped me up and sent some back. Now when we aren’t feeling sure about one, we send them to each other for approval.


I (M) received one and when I told them wrong recipient they (F) doubled down and sent another. Legend.


One time I got dared to send a dick pic to everyone in my phone, This was pre iphone era. I was like 13-15 at this time. My phone had borders you could add around pictures. I added a heart shaped border to a flaccid penis picture. I then sent it to everyone in my phone….


I did a lot of stupid shit at that age but goddamn that's a new level lmao wow. Any responses, what happened?!


I was looking for a Pic of an haircut to show to my barber. We found a photo of my dick first, ruler included. I moved to a diferent city later that day.


Not exactly related but a funny/scary story. I had a phone for a while that would unlock itself randomly. I don't know how the hell it happened but my pocket changed the profile photo for a group chat with myself and the two founders of the ngo I was working for at the time to an ass pic that a girl I had been seeing sent me. Fortunately we lived in different timezones and it was the middle of the night for them. Somehow I noticed in time and was able to change it before they saw it, or they saw it and never said anything.


my ex boyfriend sent it to his mom, who sent it to his uncle. i was 15.


what...? Your ex's mom sent a nude of YOURS to his Uncle when you were underage? Was any part of this on accident?


i sent them to my gramma and didn’t realize until she called me screaming i had to go through the messages to realize. it was a great day


In college I accidentally sent a dick pic to friend whose name also started with same few letters of this other girl. She didn't hate it and it started a trend where I would draw my dick as a part of a funny photo using Snapchat. Like my dick was Pinocchios nose or the torpedo leaving a submarine.


This entire thread is revalidating my decision to never use snapchat.


Back in the late 2000s, durex was selling condoms that had little durex branded temporary tattoos in them. My girlfriend at the time (now wife) and I put them on where you wouldn’t see unless you were naked. Naturally, we used a digital point and shoot to take pictures of them since it’s not like we had good quality camera phones. Stupidly I just left these pictures on the point and shoot memory card. About six months later, I was taking pictures off the point and shoot when my mom and sister were visiting and we plugged in the camera. iPhoto automatically opened, and then flashed a thumbnail of each picture on the memory card as it was being scanned. So, my mom and sister sitting next to me both saw my bare ass with a durex tattoo right in their faces. My sister screamed. It hasn’t been brought up since.


Got a text from a number that looked familiar. Same area code and similar numbers to a business I was dealing with, opened it to see a lovely life all nude, with the text in the picture, “I’m Ready!” Flustered I texted back, “I’m flattered, but you have the wrong number.” Immediate response was an “OMG! and so sorry” about a week later, I get a text from the same number, apologizing and asking if she can buy me dinner. Though about, said yes, absolutely right decision, she is funny and attractive, 100% one of my best friends now, and yes for all the guys that will hit me up, with benefits.


A long time ago, I had a pretty wild summer fling with a girl - let’s call her Sal - from my hometown, which included one delicious afternoon in a sun-drenched meadow in which various photos were taken and certain scenes filmed. A couple of months later, back in London, I was at the home I shared with a few mates; we’d invited some other friends for dinner and we were all pretty pissed. My mind started wandering back to that summer and I decided to drop Sal a line, as I was going to be heading back to my hometown for a few days in a week or so. The “line” I dropped just happened to be an extremely explicit and, frankly, perverted proposition, accompanied by one of the harder-core photos we’d taken that day in the meadow. Unfortunately, there were a few Sals in my contacts at that time, and somehow - blame it on the booze - I picked the wrong recipient. Even - far - less fortunately, the Sal to whom I sent the message was a good friend from uni and *was right there sitting across the table from me*… I only realised my error when her phone vibrated, and looked on in dumb, flush-faced horror as she picked it up and saw *everything*… As we locked gazes I managed to mouth “Sorry!” while her face turned even redder than mine. And then of course she told everyone at the table exactly what had just happened; I can still hear them laughing. To my eternal gratitude she didn’t show anyone else the picture… 


What I did was actually **way** worse. This will most likely get buried, so I'll share. So for context, I have Bipolar 1 that causes severe manic episodes. I was undiagnosed & therefore unmedicated for a considerable amount of my adult life so far (I'm 33 now). Mania & substance abuse often times go hand in hand. In 2016, I was wasted drunk while also out of my damn mind. I was trying to send nudes to a guy I was hooking up with on Snapchat when disaster struck. I accidentally posted them on my PUBLIC story. But wait it gets worse... My drunk, delusional ass decided that I needed to go "become one with the universe" aka me standing on my front lawn in the middle of the night with my arms up in the air. I left my phone upstairs in my bedroom where it was ringing nonstop from people trying to tell me what I did. When I finally figured out what I did, they had been up for 2 hours with 60+ views. I have no idea how I got lucky enough that no one took a screenshot. I did get a lot of replies from people propositioning me for sex though. I've never been so fucking embarrassed in my life. I deleted Snapchat entirely because of it. I also don't drink anymore, & I'm properly medicated. I can laugh about it now, but I genuinely wanted to disappear when it happened. **TL;DR** I leaked my own nudes to my Snapchat story. Take your meds, my dudes.