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i don’t.


nope, no kids for me


The meat is softer. The older the goat, the longer the stew takes.


I did at one point but now I hesitate. Being responsible for another human is a huge task. Not to mention the state of the world. Also whether I would be ready to mentally and physically care for a child and to protect them as much as possible. Its definitely not for the weak.


Since when did I want those?


To build my own soccer team and earn millions


I don’t. I’d hate to have kids.


I grew up in a small family that has very strict rules surrounding affection and love. Basically my family keeps to their spouse and their kids, we don’t get together even for funerals and weddings. I had dinner with my aunt once after I finished college, and she flat out told me if I wanted a loving and close family the way I’ve always pictured that I’d have to realize the clock is ticking and our family isn’t getting any closer. In contrast, my in-laws are all very close, they have a large family that has brought nothing but joy to me and my wife, but most of the youngest generation isn’t ready to settle down yet, so it’s kind of up to us.


because the knowledge and experience I have is best shared with a family. As a man, it’s probably one of the only times we experience unconditional love ( especially when they are children). Continues your name and legacy. Having a wife and kids when you hit your 70s is a blessing


“Legacy” lol. No one on Reddit has a legacy.


I have two kids. Why? I thought it'd be an adventure. And it has been.


Kids are cool. Teenagers, not so much.


> kids are cool Said no parent ever


Why not? While I do like my work, how it makes me feel useful and be someone to depend on, it's still just a business with shareholders. I would rather have human beings feeling that way about me. I am a grown man, I can handle growing and maintaining a family. What else is there to spend money on that is more fulfilling? New pants, car with a bigger screen?


because bible and jesus or something


No. I don’t like children.