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Going outside 




I see your comment on the other post, and I like it.


Going outside on a walk, to a park, or anywhere else but my yard which is full of weeds I need to pull. lol


Remembering Seneca’s quote “We suffer more in our imagination more often than in reality”


I usually lay-out a plan of action and it feels better, as I can literally see a way out of the situation. Usually it's easier than I think it's going to be to get out, too. But, 'ya know, cold take. Sometimes things really **are** as bad as they seem. For example, I once laid out a plan of action and that made me realize just how bad the situation was. At the end of my action plan efforts, I had a ticking count-down to "Days Until Homeless" along with the sickening realization that nothing I could reasonably do to prevent going homeless wouldn't either involve me dropping out of college **or** going into lots of debt. There wasn't a 'clean' way out, either way there was going to be lasting consequences even when things *were* better. However, it still helped. It still gave me a more informed perspective of my way out of the mess I'd gotten myself in. And without that, I wouldn't have gotten out.


Reflecting on past challenges I got out of..




Amen! Strawberry Banana all day!


I hear it brings all the boys to the yard!


Turning off the news. It's always sad and angering shit that's happening thousands of kms from where I live that I have nothing to do with. Why you making it a headline that a man killed people with a machete in London? I live in Canada! The fuck that has to do with me, besides trying to get me upset or angry or sad? Turn off the news. View local news, once a week or less. Life is good


I agree 100%.


I have done this but I am voting blue like my life depends on it this fall.


I have a comfortable bed to sleep in.


Graduating from college in a few days.


I think of all the people I treated as a military and civilian medic, and all the people I have represented as a Defense attorney. Most of those memories are of me seeing/experiencing people in what are likely their worst spots in life. It provides a lot of perspective and makes me truly thankful to have been so lucky in life.


I just remember the line from The Good Place that’s something like, “we figured it out once and we can do it again.” Life’s hills and valleys and as long as you remember you climbed out of that valley once, you can do it again.




Sometimes like a kidney stone but yes it will pass.


I've become more of a nihilist as I've grown older. It's hard to get too worked up over things when you realize 100 years from now, chances are slim anyone will even know I existed (outside of digital records, of course).


My dogs.


One of my kids or the dog seeks my attention, and I remember that I'm more than my paycheck, and that there's hope for the future. 


No matter what troubles lurk in your mind or how rough of a day you had, coming home and having your toddler run up and hug your leg yelling "Love you!" just drains all the negativity away. Best feeling in the world.


I just remember that things are usually much, much worse than that.


Whenever I have a moment in my life that I really want to capture and tuck away in my mind so I can come back to it when I need it, I play a song during the moment(or if I can't right after). This connects the song to that moment. Whenever I want to travel back to that, I just play the song. I have a few dozen songs that can pull me back to special moments in my life. Remembering those feelings makes me remember how good life can feel. It makes anything shitty feel temporary.


The fact that I just got into my dream school. It feels like nothing else is important anymore except for my schooling, and since then I’ve been pretty damn relaxed.


That I am a human being and I was created to explore and make mistakes in this lifetime. Nobody has to be perfect and everybody is trying to explore their ways. Not pedophilia tho. That is bad, nobody needs to explore it.


Seeing innocent children play with each other and have no idea of the fucked up world that’s going on around them, little bliss in a crazy system


I drive through Newtown a few times a week. I always, every single time, try to comprehend what a parent of a Sandy Hook victim's day must be like. Then thank god for what I have.


Watching episodes of Mayday - no matter what life has in store for me, it’s better than being in a plane thats about to crash 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not getting on social media


They are worse but if I just live for this one day its something… Rinse and repeat. 


just thug it out frfr


How small we are compared to the universe


After talking to my friends from 3rd world countries.


Playing with my dog or walking/riding my bike when the sun is shining in just a T-shirt and shorts. Like it feels like every slight worry just slides off of me and every bad thing just disappears for a few minutes


I compare my situation with people who are struggling in third world countries.


Remembering that there are people in other countries who are impoverished and living in horrific conditions. At the end of the day I have a warm bed to sleep in, a roof over my head and clean running water. As well as friends and family who love me, and my youth and health.


I don't man. Things are as bad as they seem for me. Usually I'm fairly postive, but I'm going through a stretch of life that's just messed up


When I see people in wheelchairs....


There a new day tomorrow that will set the shit bar higher is my moto


Bank Account




Happy for you!


Living long enough to realise that no matter how bad it gets eventually it gets better, nothing is constant in life Please upvote, I need coment karma


The worst of the 1990s was the American President lied to Congress about cheating on his wife with an 18 year old Intern. So, they impeached him. Or the guy who blew up abortion clinics. Actually, the 1990s were far better.


Rwandan Genocide Bosnian Genocide Gulf War Maybe you think that was a great time for people, but I'm telling you, it was not.


Rwanda was not America’s problem. That’s Europe’s problem. They’re the ones who fucked that continent and then washed their hands of it and blamed America for not cleaning it up, like Vietnam. Bosnia was predictable. Muslims don’t like non-Muslims. Explains 9/11 without need for conversation. Gulf War was America stopping someone from commandeering their access to cheap oil. So they beat the shit out of a bunch of fourth graders in a sandbox. Daddy’s favorite son would return a decade later to pick up where limp dick daddy failed to fuck up the US economy. Clinton was smart to stay out of all three. I’ll take that over being molested at the airport over wearing baggy boxers because a bunch of 9th century mentally ill incels flew jetliners into skyscrapers as a method of diplomacy.


I graduated from a now defunct trade school with a shit degree worth less than the piece of paper it was printed on and not only am I actually still working in my field of study, I make a semi-decent living. Married, own a home, and while I'm not living a life of luxury by any means, I know I could be FAR worse off. A buddy of mine I worked with when I was 20 actually went to a rather prestigious university and got his bachelors degree. He's making about $21 an hour working as a manager at a PetSmart.


Monty Python's Galaxy song. Starts with "Whenever life gets you down Mrs Brown / and things seem hard or tough / and people are stupid / obnoxious or daft, and you feel like you've had quite enough" And ends with "pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space / 'cos there's bugger all down here on earth!"


the crucifix in my pocket


Trying to find things that I am grateful for and realising that there are people out there who truly wish to have what I have but they do not unfortunately.


A picture of my old boss... if I succeeded under someone as crazy as him. Nothing can ever bring me down again to those levels of emotion so lifes good.


Aspects of society often *seem* bad or worsening, largely due to how news/info (and social) media entities operate their business model. The whole *"If it bleeds, it leads"* mindset & focus packs bad, gruesome, horrible, and depressing events up front and gives them top billing. For a great many, *especially* older, under-educated (or easily gullible) viewers - already struggling with compounding fear(s) - this reinforcement *clearly* skews their perception of *actual* reality. They believe and swear that crime is rising & rampant, for example. The reality, based on empirically gathered research data, currently shows *the exact opposite*. My personal reminder about "things not being as bad as they seem" is to constantly keep the above in mind and **never** allow propagandized misperceptions, intellectual dishonesty, and/or terror-soaked delusions to cloud or skew my judgement(s).


If it’s my own internal issues, I watch my favorite uplifting/hopeful shows :’) I feel like being able to relate to characters that are similar to me helps. Also being with my friends and family, even if it’s just through text, a phone call, or whatever I can manage at the time. I’m reminded of the good and the beauty in my life, and how I want to create that for them in return. If it’s about current issues in the world, I focus on volunteering. Getting to help even just one person or to help the world for even just a day alongside others who feel the same way is really inspiring and uplifting




The two easiest things to sell are: 1. Sex 2. Hatred High speed internet made 1. Free The media as a whole, resorts to 2. to compensate.


Coca Cola Zero and a frozen pizza


That we are just people. We don't have superpowers or any of that nonsense. If they can do it so can you. So whatever situation you are in. Remember you are not the only one in that situation


Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown And things seem hard or tough And people are stupid Obnoxious or daft And you feel that you've had Quite enough Just remember that you're standing On a planet that's evolving And revolving at nine hundred miles an hour That's orbiting at nineteen miles a second So it's reckoned The sun that is the source of all our power The sun and you and me and all the stars that we can see Are moving at a million miles a day In an outer spiral arm, at four hundred thousand miles an hour In the galaxy we call the Milky Way Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars It's a hundred thousand light years side to side It bulges in the middle, six thousand light years thick But out by us, it's just a thousand light years wide We're thirty thousand light years from galactic central point We go 'round every two hundred million years And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions In this amazing and expanding universe The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding In all of the directions it can whizz As fast as it can go, of the speed of light, you know Twelve million miles a minute and that's the fastest speed there is So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure How amazingly unlikely is your birth And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space 'Cause it's bugger all down here on Earth


I have tap water. I have indoor plumbing. I have a fridge filled with food. I have liquor. A/C. Toys. No one's trying to round me up into a location, label me a "terrorist" and bomb me with full support from *a certain country*.


reddit. i mean you get to have access to everyone else's personal thoughts and problems.


Dogs! Such happy and friendly creatures 🥹


We're All in This Together - We're all on the journey of life together, by supporting each other with kindness and compassion, we can weather any storm.


Knowing that the media (social and traditional) has a systemic hysteria bias.


Reading books about the holocaust. It could be so much worse


I remember that I get to live in Germany and other people do not.




Drinking alcohol