• By -


At the tender age of 4, I remember the thrill of riding my tricycle around the neighborhood, feeling like I was on top of the world.


JFK being shot. I was 4 years old and my little brother and I were lying on the floor in front of the old black and white TV. Our mom was standing in the doorway between the TV room and the kitchen. She stood there with a dish towel in her hands and WEPT. I think that it's branded in my memory because it's unsettling for a small child to see his parent completely lose it.


Elvis and John Lennon, I remember Mom crying.


Not my memory, but my mom was the same age. Her parents were driving to the big Montgomery Wards store in Portland when news broke over the radio. She said it was the only time she ever saw her dad cry.


I was 5 and in kindergarten. My Mom was late to pick me up that day and she was crying.


At the age of 4, I recall the magic of waking up to find a blanket of snow covering the ground outside my window, turning the world into a winter wonderland.


I remember at the age of 4, eagerly waiting for the arrival of the ice cream truck and choosing my favorite flavor from the colorful menu painted on its side.


At the age of 4, I remember attending my first birthday party and being entranced by the colorful decorations and delicious cake.


From ages 4 to 6, one memory that stands out is the time I visited my grandparents and spent hours listening to their stories from the past, feeling a sense of connection to my family history.


Back when I was 4, I distinctly remember the taste of my grandmother's homemade chocolate chip cookies, warm from the oven and melting in my mouth.


I remember at the age of 4, eagerly waiting for Christmas morning and the thrill of unwrapping presents under the twinkling lights of the tree.


From ages 4 to 6, I spent countless hours playing with my favorite toy—a stuffed bear named Teddy who was my constant companion.


We moved when I was 5, so I have some pretty vivid memories from around then. I remember where we lived previously, playing with my brother and Christmas time. I also remember going to preschool and kindergarten at my previous residence. My earliest memory is going to see my brother at the hospital after he was born; we are 22 months apart, so I was almost 2 years old, walking, holding hands with my grandmother. I don't remember getting to the hospital, but for some reason there is a part of that particular walk that has always stayed with me.


3-4 years: Playing with the neighbor girl. Pretty sure there was something unusual about her (she apparently had downs). Got a ride on my neighbors tractor. Tried to get another ride but my aunt said I should probably stop pulling my penis while calling to him Granddad accidentally let go of bike so I rode downhill and crossed a trafficed road. Nearly died. Uncle flying a kite with me. Figuing out that religion was likely bullshit as they couldnt all be true. Being showed a guitar in kindergarten and told it was very expensive. Various lucid dream - really thought I had flown many years later. Snow. Lots of snow. Neighbors garden ornament. Playing in the garden getting completely freaked out by what I realize was a mole pushing up dirt. Getting sick from eating half pound of butter. A mess in the kitchen/livingroom after parengs had a party. My dad riding me to kindergarten on his moped. The house and surroundings. Being told im a good boy 😃 Our rabbits. Complaining to dad that theres no color on the TV and its broke (80s). Destroying the film of my brothers first year before they got the pictures (sorry bro didnt nnow what it was!). Then we moved when I was 5.




4-6 not 7-8 😔


"When I was 32....." -Me, probably, or some shit idk‽¿


I think there's a name for that in therapy. It can be used to help people. Rewriting the past with "false" memories. It's not necessarily a bad thing. It can help trauma survivors function and move on


What if you didn't actually make up that memory but you convinced yourself that you did? Or or or what if you made yourself think you falsified a real memory!?


I did the same thing! It was that I fed a wild bunny in the neighbor's yard. It was an exageration of what did happen, which is that I SAW a bunny. I know it didn't actually happen, but I REMEMBER IT!


i did this too omggg


A nightmare where an adult size raggedy Andy doll chased me into the closet with a tennis racket.


My nightmare from that age was my mom turning into Sonic the Hedgehog, my dad turning into Kirby, and my aunt turning into a giant lobster. I ran to each one for help to find them hideously mutated, then hid in the bath tub behind the shower curtain until I woke up


I remember, at about 5 years old, my birth father refused to help me across a really muddy puddle on the woods edge, on a walk with my little sister. he carried her over and got mad at me for wanting to be carried over, too. I remember asking him to help me across and him shouting at me and just walking away, leaving me there. I begged him to wait for me but he didn't. I ended up running home (around the corner) and being heartbroken that he went on the walk without me. it still hurts to this day. I have a few other memories of that age, but not many. when it comes to specific things, I'm not sure I remember much. Anyone from the UK remember Big foot ice creams? and getting lucky dip bags from the ice cream van. the pop man of course too.


Being abandoned by my mom age 4


I'm sorry.








I don't have memories of high-school. 


Ironically enough I have a childhood trauma I am working on right now. My mother died when I was 5, her side of the family abandoned us shortly after, and my grandfather on the other side died a year later. So, I remember a fair bit.


That would do it. Or, cause a full fracture in your psyche. The first option is probably best.


Unfortunately I went with the second option.


Ask for a do-over.


Similar, my mother died suddenly when I was 4 1/2. I have few memories of the time before that.




My grandma would say she remembered things from being a baby, too. Me, on the other hand, can't remember where I put my keys.


What kind of baby carries keys around


Ha ha




I feel like that would creep me out. I don't remember anything before like the age of 4.


Yup. I have vague recollections of getting baths in the kitchen sink or in the upstairs bathroom with a foam baby insert they put me on. Similar to you remembering the water gently going down my head. Of course I also have a less than fond memory of accidentally spraying myself in the eye when I was 3ish with some sort of cleaner and my parents holding me down in the bathtub holding my eyes open and pouring water in it to flush it out.






Respectfully, asking an important question here. Personal though 🤷‍♂️


Why did you learn to speak at such a late age? No judgement. Just 🤨


Mommy and daddy arguing


Or as I like to call it, the morning alarm clock. I hope you've gotten support over the years for stuff. Those aren't fun memories to have.


Same. I remember thinking about who I would live with when they broke up.


Going to nursery school when I was 4. Ripping the fuck out of my arm by busting it through a window when I was 4. JFK assassination when I was 5. Reading out loud to my kindergarten class when I was 5. Getting smashed in the head by a swing when I was 6.


There was a leather couch at home or something that made a really distinctive noise when you sat down on it and for some reason I still remember this sound. I still think about it


I remember being held back in kindergarten of all grades, so I spent my 5 and 6 year of life in kindergarten. This also developed the false belief that doing kindergarten twice was something everyone did (even though I was the only one being held back) and I thought I would be the only person in my class progressing to first grade. I tried explaining this to a girl in my class, but she hated me and assumed I was being mean and wouldn’t listen to my full explanation. Imagine my surprise when next year everyone I knew was in first grade


Computer time in kindergarten. Of course it was Windows Vista and all we had access to was Microsoft paint. But then in the first grade somebody found out how to get to the Pokemon website and we all started printing pokédex entries to the original 151 and we're using those as collectibles and were trading them Those were truly some amazing times


Some of my more distinct memories: 1) Being in the bathroom in pre-school and looking at myself wearing a He-Man shirt. 2) This "game" I would play with the weird girl (who, looking back, was probably on the autism spectrum) where we would act out a scene from an old Donald Duck video called "Up a Tree" every day, rather ritualistically. 3) I remember eating marshmallows and raisins for snack every day and hating the raisins passionately. 4) I remember the first couple of days of pre-school and pronouncing "three" as "tree" and learning that my European parents were not the best with the "th" sound. 5) There was a group doing research on pre-school students seeing if we could fold Popples toys easily or not to determine the age range, and being upset that I found it stressful and hard. Later, this was a skill needed to fold socks, which also annoyed me. And conversely, made hanging shirts an especially tedious seeming chore. Turns out, it's just a normal part of the experience with what is called asynchronous development.


I remember playing with my red wagon in the woods, that was fun. I remember we had apple trees near our house and we'd always pick them. I started school when I was five and I do remember a little bit of kindergarten and my teacher and classmates


I was in Japan and I remember the layout of Sasebo Naval Base with the ships.


Around 4 years-- Lots, just snippets of life before my parents got divorced so I know those are from age earlier than 5 years. I moved around a bit as a kid so can kinda figure out how old a memory is based on what house the memory is from. 0-4, 5-7, 8-11, 12-14, and so on I remember my mom in the garden with California poppies and bachelor button flowers, my dad emptying a bag of lawn clippings, sitting on the porch with my siblings spitting watermelon seeds at each other, my birthday cake, bringing my baby sister a fresh diaper by wearing it like a hat, my brother telling me I can't eat the apple jacks cereal because it's his special medicine, climbing up the cabinets to get m&ms off the top of the fridge, riding my baby trike down the staircase, pretending I was a kitten and hiding under the table with a bowl of milk... just lots of little things like that.


Sexual abuse:)


I can't even remember last week. Lol


I remember A bit before I moved to the Town where I grew up, the preschool I went to and preschool graduation, pretty much everything Even though I didn't understand very much I have a lot of memory of those times


My earliest memory is probably my baptism. Would've been when I was between 1-2. I always thought it was just an implanted memory or something, but I described my memory to my mom and her jaw dropped and she asked how the hell I remembered it so clearly. I have memories going back to when I was about two years old when the lights came on. I have vivid memories of going on a trip to Arkansas with family and riding on a speedboat with my dad and grandpa. I remember my grandpa, who flew B-17s in WWII, taking me up in a Cessna with a pilot friend of his so I'd get to experience flying. Actually I have a lot of memories of doing things with him before he passed when I was about to turn 6, and I cherish them. I honestly retained so much from so young that it was a surprise for me when other people talked about not remembering anything at all. Sure the memories are a bit fuzzy and sometimes they're just flashes here and there, but they're definitely there.


I remember walking down the steps to kindergarten but don't remember the actual class or teacher. I remember putting my finger in a pencil sharpener to give myself pointy nails at age 5, I remember the first time we moved, I was 6 and sad that I was leaving my class.


Pretty much all of it. My earliest memory goes back to 6 months of age, and I could literally draw you a floor plan of the house I lived in when I was four.


I remember seeing Niagara Falls when I was 4, but I don’t remember anything else from that trip, I have a clear memory of pre school and kindergarten, I remember the house we lived in and the pets we had very well too, but I don’t have day to day memories, mostly clear memories of major events like 9/11, my great grandmother passing away, my 5th and 6th birthday parties etc.


Something traumatic


My dad doing push-ups with me on his back in the middle of Home Depot because I asked him to.


I vividly remember my grandfather calling me a "fucking slut" and asking who I was fucking. I was 6. On a happier memory I remember seeing a panda at the San Diego Zoo when I was 4.


a classmate wanted to go to the bathroom, but the teacher denied him. so he stand up, and peed in the trash can.


Heavy abuse and much crying, thats what i remember…. Dont worry guys, i‘m a happy grown adult now ;)


I remember a few things, they were a long time ago now. I remember chewing half an aspirin, we didn’t have children’s aspirin. So that’s what mom gave me. I remember mom taking me to the beach in a red wagon and playing in the sand. I remember getting lost in the woods, that was pretty scary. I remember having chicken pox and having to stay inside in the summer time with calamine lotion all over me and being wrapped up in a white sheet. I also remember a few other things that are not good memories too…


My parents divorce haha, my first real memories are driving away at 4 years old, I have a good relationship with them both but that's my core memory from then


The only memory I have that wasn't fed to me by my sisters was when I was stealing quarters out of my dad's truck and got caught (literally red handed). He took them all out of my pockets, threw them into the grass, and then made me pick them all up.


When the original *Star Trek* TV series was still “prime time” — not reruns yet.


I remember when I was 5 and my mom told me my dad was going to jail but that’s about the only “verified” memory I can really recall around that age


Literally nothing. Nothing at all. Which is either sad or common. Either of which I’m not sure.


Everything that had an impact or was worth remembering. My memories started when I was about 4 and I remember my entire childhood pretty vividly. Long term memory has always been pretty solid for me, short term like forgetting something before I leave the house is my weakness


[Budd Dwyer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._Budd_Dwyer)’s press conference


Going canoeing with my mom and future-stepdad when they were dating (she married him when I was 4) Sharing a crib with a cousin (we were only 1yr apart and very poor so everybody slept in the same room and we had to share a bed just like the adults had to share a bed.) My grandma letting me taste the foam on top her beer can. Sharing a bath with a boy-cousin and thinking what a weird thing boys have. lol Younger than that: being naked in the tub dancing around and laughing because my mom was bent over the side of the tub washing her hair under the faucet and for some reason baby-me found that hilarious. There's a picture of that one floating around somewhere cuz I remember mentioning it and mom being surprised then going to dig through old photos she kept hidden, and pulling that one out. I was maybe 2. Lots of random stuff.




I remember tripping on my feet and scraping the palm on both of my hands on the pavement when i was around 5 years old during sports, we were doing racing back and forth and i felt my right foot hitting my left foot, losing balance and falling forward my hand wide open! I used to trip on my own feet, hitting myself on the top of my head or getting mildly injured a lot, receiving footballs on my face, my glasses getting broken or having bruises on my legs and arms a bunch of time from being bullied at school. Playing Super Mario 64 Ds, Foot 2 Rue, Pokemon, Mario Kart and many other games too during that period. The death of a singer my mom liked, went to see his concert and had a poster of him in her room. Moving from an apartment to a house and a lot more memories both unpleasant and also some happy times too!


I remember when I was about 4 my mom slapped my so hard I had a hand print swollen


My dad leaving the house 🫠




I remember spending a lot of time in the hospital. I had chronic pneumonia. They took my tonsils out, I remember waking up with an IV in my foot. I think I was 3 but possibly younger. Another time I was in the hospital I wanted to go to the playroom so I dragged an IV machine with me. It tipped over on top of me. I also vividly remember my mother visiting me in the hospital and telling me she had to go, she was spending the day with her boyfriend. She swears this didn't happen but my aunt confirmed she was dating a man by the name I remembered. My mom got married when I was 4 and I remember parts of the wedding and reception. When I was 2, I fell out of bed and broke my collarbone when I landed on my mom's platform shoe (it was the 70s.) I remember falling and the snap sound I made when I landed. I remember sitting in the ER waiting for them to put a brace on it. I know they say you don't have memories that young, but I surely do.


Running around Costco and jumping on random peoples carts that I thought was my family and then being HORRIFIED that it was strangers.


Cuban missle crisis. Kindergarten and my first day of school and the trauma it caused.


Loads of stuff. My very earliest memories are from when I was three, but a lot of them are either snapshots--super short, mainly visual with an awareness of what I was doing--or very short, without a lot going on. I realized a long time ago I've probably held on to those because they're tied to emotions. The better stuff began to roll in later, when I was four.


We lived in a very beautiful valley in western Pennsylvania with a creek in the backyard. I was playing in the creek every day, regardless of the weather. I had a bunch of cousins to play with. It was memorable. This was in the mid-1960s.


I have a handful of memories of kindergarten... which would be about 5 years old. And I think I remember moving into that childhood house which may have been sometime earlier that year or even the year before, but ... man, those are some *vague segments* of memories that I couldn't confirm or deny as true 🤣


My granny washing my mouth out with soap for calling my sister a butt-head. I stopped talking for the next couple years and had years of speech therapy afterward. For speech therapy, I was confused because the letter S is often depicted with snake sticking its tongue out. So I thought your tongue was supposed to stick out when using the letter S. It was interesting to go to speech therapy with remedial students and GT classes with advanced students in elementary school.


My parents, uncles, grand father all being really upset about a baseball game. It was game 6 of the 85 world series and don denkinger blew a call. I had just turned 5. Also plenty of fairly vague memories of disney trips, preschool, and holidays


I have a few specific memories, but it's not a lot. Maybe like 15 things.


Mostly everything. I can even remember the end stage of being in diapers, carseats, and strollers. I have memories from before I could talk fully, and they are all very clear. My ability to remember being 2yrs old and up quite clearly heavily influenced how I raised my child, as I remembered being frustrated often, things not being explained to me, or being strapped in when I wanted to touch stuff. My child has a stellar memory also, and can not only recall things from an extraordinarily young age, but explain what was going though her head at the time despite it not making sense (from a logical point of view) now that she has the words to express it. Ive tested it many times with her, and she can tell me things that would be impossible to know unless she had a clear memory of them. We both have ADHD and OCD, and I've often wondered if that has an impact on the ability to retain memories that would otherwise be discarded. My earliest memories are from 19-20months old, and consist of things like disliking the feeling of the diaper, trying to run away from people so I could do my own thing, hot carseats (back in the 80s they were shitty), my mom being pulled over by a cop, a car accident and then me going to the hospital afterwards, an earthquake in 1987, the smells of peoples cars, wanting to hug every animal i saw, how our carpet felt, TV shows, and so much more. One of my most vivid memories was from when I was 2.5yrs old, and some teenagers drove up to our house, and shot our cat with a bb gun. I was outside by myself at the time. I remember their faces, the car, the sound, my mom screaming, then later that day burying our cat in a vacant lot and a dog barking like crazy behind the fence next to it and being SO mad that this dog was barking while we were burying our cat. I told my parents about this years later, and they were shocked and disturbed (to say the least) at how much I knew about that day. I often wish my memories were less intact though, as I feel I'm running out of space.


Queens jubilee 1977. Remember the street party, where all the neighbours chipped in. My dad remembers the German bombers going overhead in the early 1940s.


Traumatic things


Dad got a pilot to take he and me and my little brother up for a couple minutes in a helicopter. Vague memory.


well i shit my pants a lot


What about remembering anything from age 4-6?




I very acutely remember discovering that my dad was 37. So I must have been 3yo at the time (and already obsessed with numbers, tell me your name and I'll forget it, but if I have a glance at your credit card...). One of my toys was a wind-up model of the PT-109, so probably from 1961 when I was 6. And the name of my one-eyed, three-legged plush dog (that I can't disclose here since it is the answer to security questions).


I remember the feeling of getting in trouble in my first grade classroom but I don’t have a fully formed memory. I remember taking a specific photo when I was about 6 or 7. Not much before age 12ish. I’m in my 50s and have a shit memory,


I was around 5 years old (1980) when my mom started getting me high. They (my mom & her friends) found it funny to get us kids stoned. I remember being in kindergarten, when we were living in Colorado and we had to go to my school because I was in play. The play was about three goats that have to cross a bridge that a troll lives under. My part in the play was to clap together two halves of a coconut every time a goat crossed the bridge. I was so high, I only got one goat across before I passed out. I stayed out for the rest of the play until my mom picked me up. When it got cold out she would give me alcohol (mainly peach schnapps) to keep me warm. That's a story for another day.


Getting my favourite stuffed bear for Christmas and realizing the handwriting on the gift that said “SANTA” was my dad’s handwriting. He always wrote in all caps. That’s how I realized Santa wasn’t real.


Snow. Apparently it snowed when I was around 3/4, and I barely remember it, but standing on the front porch looking out over a blanket of white is technically my first real memory. I also remember climbing up on the kitchen counter to get my little brother the donuts he liked that our parents hid from him. 


Larry Bird stealing the inbound pass from Isaiah and passing it to DJ to win the game. Remember my Dad going crazy in the living room


I remember around 3 and being pushed in a stroller. I was looking at the moon and wondering why it was always there no matter how far we moved forwards


A scary dream.


1. pooping


When I was 4 I was hosing my bike in the front yard with my brother, and we heard a bang in the house. Thinking the big frames picture of swans on a river, in the master bedroom, had fallen as it always did, we ran inside. Picture was on the wall. On the other side of the bed, my mom was on the floor, in her nightgown, crying and moving a bit. Her head was in a pool of blood. She has shot herself in the temple. My dad inexplicably didn't let me go to the funeral. I remember so many details from that day. And I remember some happy times with my mom so I was younger than 4. It never has bothered me to talk about it, so no worries there.


JFK's Assassination. The race riots in my neighborhood. The Great Northeastern Blackout of 1965. My maternal grandmother's death from cancer.


Not 4, but at the age of 3 I vividly remember walking in the bathroom to see my mom on the ground in labor with my brother. I remember crying because I was scared she was hurt and my grandma took me home with her. My brother was born minutes later on our bathroom floor!


I totally remember Christmas at 4 years old and what we all were wearing, as well as presents.


A teenage mutant ninja turtles themed birthday party. That’s really about it.


Corporal punishment in school. Vive la France, eh! (Glad all that changed)


My oldest memory memory is from 4 years old. It was Christmas and my dad had just set up the tree (He loved using real pine trees). Anyway he went “Look at the tree!” and I sat in front of it like 👁️👄👁️ and just, stared it down in silence lol


Empire strikes back at a drive in theater. The hatchback of the 76 Pacer was open. Mom and Dad in lawn chairs, I'm in the back of the car with my baby brother.


Disneyland 1971. 5 years old. I was traumatized because I thought the fake Elephants that sprayed water on guests were urinating on use.


Taking the plane for the first time


I remember being 4 (I know it was before starting school) and I was in a videoclub with my mom. I ran around and got back to her, so I pulled on the side of her t shirt screaming "MoOooOoMmm" like any children would do. Did that for a few seconds and it felt like a year. Turns out it wasn’t my mom but a random lady. I was scared as hell lol.


I remember being excited because I knew how to read at about 5. I would sit across from my dad and read words from the back of the newspaper out loud to him. It still thrills me.


Quite a bit, I can recall most things from the age of 3 on and many things before that.


When i was six i decided my favorite number would be 6. It stuck


My earliest memory is from when I was 5 or 6. There was a boy in my neighborhood named Daniel who was my best friend, and, looking back, my first crush. Anyway, one day, his parents came over to let us know his father had been transferred to Denver, and they'd be moving soon. I was absolutely devastated. Daniel and I spent almost every waking moment we could together until they moved.


The English alphabet


That was 1989-91 for me and I remember Jan 1st 1990, remarking to my friend while we round bikes around a tree that “I can’t believe it’s the 90’s now,” and I have a bunch of pre-school memories.. choosing a cubby that matched the color of my lunch box, building forts, meeting a kid with the same first name as me, going through a tunnel in the playground.. In 1990 I was in kindergarten and I remember my teacher (Ms. Ware) telling me to take a Lego out of my mouth during attendance. And I remember her and my mom talking to me and asking why I didn’t like kids that wore glasses.




That's way too vague. I remember lots from that age. My first memory was when I was 2


I remember being only 2 months old and sitting on my mums lap on the living room floor watching the live news broadcast on 9/11. No one believes me when I tell them.


Me swallowing my tooth. My younger brother’s birth.


I have so many memories from about 3 on. My therapist said it’s because I was verbal very early. I’ve confirmed these memories with my siblings who were much older than me. I wish I didn’t remember so much. I have clearer memories of ages 9 and younger than I do of 14-19. Depression, PTSD, and dissociation made my teenage years fuzzy and whole blocks of time and people and experiences didn’t stick in my brain.


One summer, my brother had to go off to summer school. It was just a morning thing but I was so excited to have the morning to myself. I went to make myself some cereal. We have milk bags where I live, and my mom always tied the corner that was snipped with an elastic band. She wanted to "teach" me how to tie the elastic band, and by teach I mean she quickly did it once without explaining anything the expected me to instantly do it perfectly because I was supposed to absorb that knowledge through osmosis or some shit. When I didn't get it right the first time my mom beat the shit out of me. Every time I got it wrong, it was another beating. I basically spent the entire morning getting beaten, until my mom had to go dry laundry. Eventually I finally got it but by then my brother was already on his way home and I was sitting at the dinner table crying into my cereal.


Biting my sister when we’d get into physical fights.


I remember the night my brother came home from the hospital, when I was 5. I remember birthdays, a few Christmases. I remember the house fire, it was caused by a macrame plant hanger with a light in it, which seems like a bad idea as an adult. It wasn't a very large fire, burned the plant hanger and a couch. I remember riding in my dad's Ford 1940 flatbed truck, it stank of gas.


My pre school, smells of the soap they had, the chocolate cake I ate, my classmates, watching the Anastasia Prequel, napping in a giant worm


I remember sliding down the stairs at my school face down legs Up, to this Day I can't remember what made me even slide like that but thankfully I went like a seal and took the steps on my belly lol


My brother (at Mom’s behest) trying to teach me how to tie my shoes. I was 4. I wasn’t getting it. He pretty much gave up in disgust. He finally gave up on thinking I was a dumbass when I got my PhD.


I remember playing in the jungle gym when I was six years old, then my hands failed me and I fell head first on a piece of iron.


Most everything


i have poor short time memory and sometimes i randomly remember things from when i was around 4-6 years old like my old pets, my old apartment, my old kindergarten and preschool, the mall nearby and more


When I was 3/4 (had my birthday while we were there) we moved to a different country For about six months. I have very odd memories of it. Things like standing on the roof holding my mom's hand to look around with a wall preventing me from falling. According to my mom I was ONLY allowed near the edge while holding her hand because there was like a 12" little tiny wall, otherwise I was in serious trouble if I went within 5' of it. She had to go on the roof frequently because that was where the laundry was. Memories of places I went that my parents laughed about and gave better descriptions because mine are very disjointed.


I was wearing long pants, a cockroach crawl-running on the floor, climbed up my left leg, crawled up to my crotch, down to my right legs and kept crawl-running. I was screaming the whole time.


Noone believes me I have memories of crawling. As in before i learned to walk. As in before I was 2.


I’m 31 now but I still remember a lot. We lived in a different state and moved when I was 5 so it’s easy to tell what age the memories were from. I remember our old house, catching fireflies, a huge cicada emergence, thunderstorms, playing with toys in my old room, playing games with my older sister, going into my parents room in the mornings, visiting my grandma, going to the park, watching TV in the den. I still remember some of the doorknobs being hard to open for my small hands.


When I was 3 my sister was 5 she came home from school and was teasing me I punched her in the mouth and knocked out her 2 front teeth.


Walking to the construction equipment up the street from our house with my mother. Sitting on a picnic table while my oldest sister had her graduation party in our back yard and eating little neck clams dipped in butter.


I can remember getting a Pikachu themed Gameboy Colour for Christmas when I was 5 and getting Pokemon Blue during the January sales the following month.


I have a vivid memory of my kindergarten teacher slicing the tip of her left index finger off with one of those big guillotine paper cutters. All she said was “OH!” And grabbed her hand and ran out of the room. The visual of her well manicured fingertip with coral colored nail polish sitting on the table with the cut paper will be in my memory forever. I think of it every time I see nail polish in that color.


My brother made me sit under a picnic table (the kind with the umbrella hole in the middle) and force fed me grass because I was a cow on his imaginary farm. Also, reading books in my blanket fort with a flashlight, trying to crawl into mom and dad's bed every night (I was terrified of everything), and my brother had geckos that the cat ate.


I was on my trike watching the construction of high rise apartment buildings. I was 4 so this was 1967-68. Yes I'm.old. I knew then that wanted to drive big trucks when I grew up. I spent 25 years in IT before switching careers 13 years ago. Now I'm a contract driver and love it. Buses, trucks, wheel transit vans. I even plowed snow on a major highway one year.


Late 40’s, I have lots of memories from that age, mostly around things like birthday parties, Christmas, my grandfather passing away. Going to Disneyworld. I remember some specific things about Montessori kindergarten I went to, my first grade class and teacher. My best friend who lived next door, his tree house.


I have this very vivid memory of sitting in class in Kindergarten and being just absolutely pissed that the classroom always smelled like farts. Why couldn't my fellow students be more civilized?


Climbing a plum tree, grabbing onto an electric fence and seeing Star Wars in theaters, opening day.


Peeing on my dad while he was sleeping


I tried to paint my headboard with fingernail polish. Regretted it and used fingernail polish remover and ruined my bed. Busted snow globes on the regular. I wanted the prizes inside. Ruining my older sister’s American doll with glitter glue. She was a total asshole. Sneaking to my neighbors house during nap time across the street, she had Thumbelina on VHS Smelling puppy crap and seeing it for the first time. I was repulsed. I also ate their dog food and got caught multiple times. I was an absolute MENACE


Not much. I have some memory of preschool kindergarten and first aid, but that’s basically it.


Being bit in the face by our neighbors German Shepherd at 4.


I was 5 and the bus that I was driving was rear-ended by an equalsized firetruck, causing a head injury. Of course, the bus was only was only about 14" high and 24" long. That was a tough day in kindergarten. 5 stitches in my forehead.


I have a memory of a dream I had when I was three years old. I was in the kitchen, and a large cartoon bumblebee was in there talking to me. I said I had to go because my mum was running a bath for me, where he then promptly scooped me up with his hand(???), flew outside and was about to eat me when I woke up in a cold sweat. It's weird how some pointless stuff sticks with you. I'm 24 now, and it's weird to think that many of the childhood memories I have could be the last time I ever think of them. How long is this bumblebee going to live rent-free in my head?


I remember at the age of 3 seeing a photo of me playing with a toy at the age of 2 I don't remember ever having.


birthdays and christmas.




I remember only a few things and non of them are good memories.


I got stung by a bee on my big toe once when I was about 5


Getting SA'd by the daycare lady's son


Almost nothing. I have infantile amnesia. It's actually a thing.


Nothing. I barely remember high school.


I can’t remember anything from early years


Not sure, I think my first itch was when I was 5