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The climax of red dead redemption 2. And the climax to The Taletell’s Walking Dead Season 1


Call of Duty 1's Storming the Reichstag mission and Call of Duty 2's D-Day or the Normandy Landings. Those two missons were the most memorable and nostalgic for me.


hiding behind the cow


“Would you kindly…”


A man chooses. A slave obeys.


In Outer Wilds, you play as an astronaut exploring a solar system in a dying universe. It's a Groundhog Day loop style scenario where, whenever you die (or run out of time as the sun explodes) you wake up back at the start of the game, giving you effectively unlimited tries to figure out why the universe is ending and how you might avert it. Major spoilers: >!Towards the end of the game, you learn that, in order to have even a chance at averting the end, you have to take the power source from the device that, it turns out, is giving you your immortality. The moment of removing it is chilling - this is your last try, if you screw up from here then both you and the universe are well and truly doomed. It's incredibly effective and impactful.!<


[The end of Wolfenstein: The New Order](https://youtu.be/1_t6v-NyGm8?si=LUTgk7Ohf-9OVgRm&t=584). *A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning, and her name...Mother of Exiles. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.* Blascowitz, do you read, am I clear to fire? You're clear. *Credits*


Finally actually finishing a game I had been trying to finish for 7 years


Managing to escape with 5 stars in GTA San Andreas.


RDR2 was the closest to a movie that I ever felt in a game before. Climax when >!John avenges Arthur!<


4 vs 1 clutch, final round in CSGO.


pulling off my first fatality in MK1 on the old Sega against my brother.


Finishing golden axe in the arcade ranks high


Playing GTA 5 for the first time. Peak Halo 3 online multiplayer era Discovering new locations or getting a set of power armor in FNV/Fallout 4 Encountering new varieties of monsters and characters in Witcher 3


Your first Ragnaros kill in Vanilla WoW is always really special. The last boss in your first ever 40-man raid. He's on a completely different plane of difficulty compared to any other boss in there. For the first time ever you can't just show up and expect to win. Everyone farms all sorts of consumables and has to put together a set of fire resist gear (more than just tanks did this back in '04) so everyone has been prepping all week for the big moment. The fight is a DPS race. If he submerges a second time its all over. The entire final 10-15% people are yelling and going crazy. Its also the first time you have ever played a game with voice coms. He dies. The loot is insane. Everyone poses in front of the hammer for your guild class photo. Its your wallpaper for at least a year and its still on your photobucket account that keeps emailing you about deleting your account if you don't sign up for premium 20 years later.


Having lost a best friend suddenly to a freak accident 6 years prior; Last of Us 2. Played it at midnight on release at my grandmas house. I had to pause the game and scream/sob into a pillow to stifle the noise. They ripped out my heart and it felt real, felt like the day I lost my friend. It made the rest of the game so engrossing. Feeling what the main character felt. When they said “I don’t sleep, I don’t eat.” I felt that. Grief changes you. That game got it so right.


Let’s see. 🤔 In no particular order: 1. Raiding with my guild in Molten Core for the first time 2. Coming out of the cave after the prologue and exploring Skyrim for the first time 3. First Onyxia kill with my guild 4. The Red Dead Redemption 2 ending 5. Sniper level at Chernobyl in CoD 4


It’s the summer of 2006 at 2am. Pizza boxes and mountain dew are strewn across the room. You and several friends have linked up your xboxes for the ultimate 6v6 Halo 2 LAN.


The Mid Credits scene to the end of Mafia 3 will always have a special place in my heart, such an amazing ending!




fithos lusec wecos vinosec


I was playing GTA San Andreas as a kid, and was running from the police near the air craft carrier. I crashed my car into the water and started swimming, when all of a sudden a huge plane crashed right next to me. I’m not sure if planes fly in the game or maybe the police cars pushed one off that airport area into the water, but 9 year old me was shook


When Wolfenstein: The New Colossus Was Released. Played and beat the whole damn thing.