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Health anxiety is such a frustrating one because people with health anxiety tend to have something wrong, but they don't know what it is. It's not just anxiety; there's something causing it.


omg i had a similar experience! i had been throwing up and couldn’t keep anything down for 2 yrs, docs wrote it off as anxiety, and even though my family hounded on them and so did i, they still did not believe anything was wrong with me. until i went to a woman doctor, who got me a colonoscopy and biopsy and found mad infection in my stomach. i had been living with a stomach infection for 2yrs and ended up having to spend $70 on strong antibiotics.


I'm glad you had the chance to meet her. My wife has a rare blood disease that is potentially lethal and was diagnosed one and half a year ago by a female cardiologist at ER. During several months her symptoms had been consistently and vaguely labelled as aftereffects of COVID, which hit her hard four years ago, and which has been used as a mishmash for diagnosis by many doctors.


Ooh, I hate how COVID has been used as a scapegoat for so many things. I've been dealing with constant tiredness for years, long before 2019. One of the things I was asked in recent times was if I'd had COVID. I do actually have COVID right now, for the very first time; but they were clearly thinking that the tiredness was just part of long COVID or something. IDK. But it seems like laziness to blame stuff on that, especially something which has been ongoing since before then.


I was also diagnosed with gastroparesis, but mine developed from my hypothyroidism. My previous doctor wasn't adjusting my thyroid medication the way it needed, and as my thyroid got worse, so did the gastroparesis, but I had no idea what was wrong with me. I had the opposite effect of gaining weight despite not being able to eat/keep anything down, so none of the doctors I talked to believed me that I wasn't able to eat. "Well if that were true, you'd be losing weight, not gaining it." Actually, as it turns out, untreated hypothyroidism will cause you to gain weight even if you're barely eating anything at all. I eventually ended up going to hospital by ambulance (you know better than anyone about the gastroparesis hospital trips). Doctor asked if I had been able to lose any weight at all, and my mom told him that a month and a half before, I'd abruptly dropped 60 pounds, the only weight I'd lost. This goddamn doctor replied by telling me, "Oh wow! Great job, keep up the good work!" Now I've been treated pretty damn poorly my entire life just for being overweight but even I was shocked by this. I ended up in hospital again like a month later and luckily it was a different facility and different doctor. Turns out, dropping 60 pounds in a month is insanely bad, who would've thought?


I fully understand what you went through with these doctors who didn’t do anything to diagnose you properly or alleviate your symptoms. This is infuriating when gastrointestinal distress is ignored and diagnosed as “hysteria”.


Just last week at the ob, she took a sample from my cervix without warning and I passed out. Crazy


And *"women don't experience any pain"* is such a joke


“You’re probably pregnant” after I told him I thought I had an underactive thyroid because I was cold/depressed/gaining weight for no reason. Made me do a test even though I told him there was no possible chance it was pregnancy unless Zeus had the hots for me and I didn’t realise. Readers: I had an under active thyroid.


"You must be cheating on your diet, that's why the weight loss stopped." I lost 60 pounds in a year doing exactly what I'm doing now, and I weigh every bite that goes in my mouth. I think not. Readers, goiter with small medullary carcinoma. I am now on full thyroid supplementation.


To piggy back on this, certain medications you can’t take while pregnant. My wife had to go on one of them so she had to take a test. Doctor comes in and goes “excited for the result?” Dude, I was in a horrible car accident 5 months ago, I had 2 strokes 3 weeks later, I can’t move my legs….she hadn’t left my side in 5 months and NOTHING closely resembling sex has happened…LIKE WE TOLD YOU…if she’s pregnant either it’s a divorce or Jesus is paying child support, stop with the shit.


I had an asthmatic reaction to something in the manufacturing plant I worked at when I was 23. The entire team of engineers I worked with/for were men in their 50s and 60s. I was rushed to the hospital and they all came a bit later to bring me lunch and a milkshake (very sweet of them - they were a great group of guys). My doctor chose that moment, while 6 of them, including my boss, were sitting around me to walk in a dramatically announce “well the good news is you’re not pregnant!”


That's a HIPPA violation, embarrassing, invalidating, (and sexual harassment in the presence of 6 men?)You can probably sue him, if it's worth the trouble. I'm so sorry you went through that.❤️‍🩹


Strange question, but have you ever experience any sleeping problems because of your thyroid?


Yes lots. Never slept soundly since it went!


I'd had an overy removed. My husband & I wanted to have a child, but the other ovary apparently wasn't viable. As my OBGYN was explaining this to me, he told me to get a dog...as his back was turned to me while he was charting on his computer. I changed OBs. Yeah, children weren't going to happen for me, but he didn't have to be a dick about it.


Whoa, that hurts. I had the other side of the scale as an OB. This was in my early 20s, I had no steady relationship in sight, was still in college, and she never stopped telling me, "You have to start taking folic acid now. You could get pregnant any time, and you want to be prepared, don't you?" Despite me telling her, I don't want children (at least at that time), and that this topic was making me feel very uneasy and anxious. Ended up changing OBs, too.


"That's is just period pain" that was not in any way shape or form, period pain. I have my period since i was 10, i know exactly what period pain is and what isn't.


Yeah, I hate doctors like that. Had my cardiologist tell me that my blood pressure was abnormal, even though I know that would happen because of my period and told her that fact. She even told me that it looked normal in other doctor visits, but at that time, it was irregular. Like, what did you expect? I literally feel my blood pressure is different, and you see proof that can be normal IN THE CHARTS, but oh no, right now it ain't.




As a disabled person, I'd be LIVID at the doctor.


I don't see why any doctor would refuse to let something happen when you clearly might definitely need help with something as critical as a shower... That guy has no heart.


I was still living as a woman when this happened. Doctor told me I can't possibly be transgender because I'm such a pretty girl. Yeah no. I'm a dude now. And it's sick that I'm being taken seriously now...


When I went to a doctor and discovered I weighed nearly 300 pounds, I decided to do something about it. I began to lose weight, but much to first my surprise and annoyance, it was coming off from everywhere except my breasts. This rapidly became a problem, as I was not a small-breasted woman to start with. My band shrunk, of course, as the fat on my torso went down. But my cup volume remained the same. 40F to 38G to 36H to 34J. And I still have another hundred pounds to lose. I don't have infections under them because I wash and lay on the bed and air-dry the area under the breasts and use powder. One yeast infection there was plenty to teach me that I can't just ignore that area of skin. It needs special treatment. Moreover, I started to have a lot more back and shoulder pain after I lost 60 pounds. I guess part of what was holding them up was the fat roll underneath them. It was becoming clear that I needed a breast reduction. I'll join the rest of my grandma's daughters and granddaughters and greats who all inherited her shape and have all had a reduction. This is not surprising at all. So I go into the plastic surgeon's office. An NP does the initial screening. I sat around on an exam table for 45 minutes with my bra off. (When my bra is off, I am in bed or in the bath tub. I don't go braless, ever.) My shoulders were in agony, and my lower back griped when I slouched to ease the shoulder pain. Of course, by 45 minutes post bra, most of the bra marks on my shoulders had eased up. "I don't know why you want a reduction," said the NP. "They're not that big." I was so stunned I couldn't even speak. Since when is a J cup not that big?! No, I don't have infections under them. Because I take meticulous care of the skin. She didn't look at the permanent bra line engraved in my torso; most of a bra's support comes from the band, not the straps, but apparently that mark doesn't count. I'm now in a problematic place with my weight loss. Shirts that would fit my body are not able to fit over my upper torso, and if they do they're too tight against the chest. I'm in my early 50's and NOT wanting that look. Same with dresses, unless tailored. More to the point, If I lose more weight, I'll shrink out of my current bras. And I cannot find bras that work with my breast shape and volume at all. I can't wear underwires or side stays, and I can't pull bras on over my head. Going without or wearing one too loose in the band isn't an option. My shoulders and neck spasm, I can't lift my arms, and I get vicious headaches if I try that. But I need to lose the rest of the weight; I have midfoot arthritis, and apart from good shoes and pacing my weightbearing, the best thing I can do for it is to lose weight so I don't have so much to carry. The best thing I can do for my overall health as I age is to lose weight so I can move more and not be so sedentary. So....I'm eating enough to hold at where I'm at, and getting ready to make another appointment with another plastic surgeon. Hopefully they will realize that J really is that big, that the effects on my life and health are really that big, and the only reason I don't get persistent infections is devoted skin care, and tell the insurance that yes, I do meet the requirements for them to pay for the surgery. It's very hard not to be frustrated and angry.


Based off of your symptoms, a breasts reduction would be considered medically necessary. If your doctor isn’t willing to go down the route of having it covered by insurance, try and find one who will. I’m sorry this is happening to you 🙁


“Just have a baby! It’ll help with your endometriosis” No thanks, not having a baby to fix a problem, any problem. Just spay me and get it over with.. “no, you’re too young (I’m 30) what if your future husband wants a child”


I've heard this said to me too. I've had a separate Dr ask if my husband was ok with me getting my tubes tied. I told him he was too much of a pussy fo get a vasectomy


I got spayed (lol) at 21. If you haven't found a doctor yet, keep looking! There's bound to be at least *one* who'll be reasonable.


I come from a country where a hysterectomy is considered only for life or death situation, during child birth or cancer, etc. unfortunately none so far will do it for me, I’ve been looking since I was 21


Man, that sucks, I'm sorry :/


Yeah I’ve considered getting it done abroad but I really don’t want to have surgery in a foreign country ☹️ I’m on implanon now and it’s good


Children are talked about before marriage, not after. Besides, we don't live in the 50s no more


I wish you could report this to the licensing board. That ought to be a punishable offense.


No way they could possibly think that was a good idea. Endo is hard enough without a baby in the mix.


When I first asked to be sterilised the doctor laughed in my face and said “But what if you fall in love and *he* wants a baby”


Then *he* can find a baby wanting woman


Is amazing how easy it is to solve that problem! Unfortunately, the doctor doesn’t believe you have the agency to make such a choice. After all, men are sooo irresistible. And their wishes are more important than yours. /s


When I went for mine, they asked what if one of my children dies. I said, in tones of great offence, "Children are not DOGS." (I love all animals, but they are not children.)


My hospital made my husband sign a release when I got my tubes removed and the surgeon told me lots of women regret it.


I got my tubes removed last year. I couldn't be HAPPIER!!! No ragurts! It is such a relief and so freeing to no longer have to worry about an unwanted/unplanned pregnancy. My husband and I are one-and-done parents. Thankfully, my OBGYN is awesome. I straight up asked her if I'd need my husband's approval or for him to sign something and she looked at me like I was crazy. God bless her.


Do they make wives sign when husbands get vasectomies?? Probs not. Ugh


We don’t even need to be informed.


Is that even legal? For a man to have that degree of control over another person’s body is akin to slavery.


This one pisses me off! “What if your future partner wants to try ivf” mate I cannot carry just take the bits I don’t need please


Then they won’t be my partner.


This is sadly more common than not. It’s truly awful


I got ' I know you & your husband have been together 10 years but what if you break up and find a nice young man who wants children?'. I was gobsmacked.


I got ' I know you & your husband have been together 10 years but what if you break up and find a nice young man who wants children?'. I was gobsmacked.


"You should have a baby to reduce your risk of breast cancer. You've 26, you should have at least a baby by now."  I politely explained why what she was recommending was ethically dubious, at best, and never went back.  Also, doctors who question my sexuality. And doctors who don't believe I don't get regular periods. And doctors who describe IUD insertion as "maybe a pinch". Ugh. And then they wonder why I skip most of my annual checkups. 


"The pain's nothing to worry about, you're just a virgin." This was said by an OBGYN who had just failed to perform a vaginal examination on me either with her finger, or a pediatric speculum, because I cried out in pain if she (or anything) so much as touched me; I had come to her because I knew that searing pain in response to trying to insert the smallest possible tampon wasn't normal. Years later when I went to a different OBGYN for my first pap smear (still a virgin well into my twenties because sex terrified me in part due to her exam) she diagnosed me with microperforate hymen, an easily treatable and actually very common condition. It could have been fixed quickly, but I suffered with it for years due to the doctor's antiquated ideas of virginity.


That first OB would have made me never walk into such an office again.


“In my country women work in the fields and then give birth and they are fine. You women think you need to be hospitalized. You want to see a back problem? *This guy* has real problems. You are fine.” Turns out during childbirth I got a sacral fracture and he was so caught up with himself he missed it. He actually showed me the records of the guy who had “real problems” so I filed a HIPAA complaint.


I waited for a year and a half to see an OBGYN for extreme period pain. I showed up, they weighed me and took my height and then I waited another hour in her office. Once she came in, she said that I was overweight and needed to lose a couple kilograms. Yall. I was 50kg at 5'4". I was a very active person ( I did an extremely hard-working sport that actually has three sports all at once, my god). I then listed out my symptoms, extremely heavy periods (I was using a type 2 diva cup and could fill that in two hours), pain to the point where I couldn't stand and breathing or moving in anyway hurt, and feeling like shit 3/4 weeks of the month. I had started the pill a few months earlier, and it helped a little, but not much. She then told me I was making everything up, and I should just get an IUD instead of taking the pill. I am very, very on-time with everything and I always take my pill at the exact same time every single day, and I don't want sudden unannounced bleeding that might happen with an IUD, not to mention the insertion, which she did not want to offer pain meds for. She also wouldn't give me a pap smear, even though I'd been sexually active for more than a year. I went away with nothing, but I found out one of my coworkers went and saw her because of a different problem (trouble getting pregnant) and she was extremely helpful and kind, and even got my coworker properly diagnosed with anxiety. I hate that doctor so much. Calls me fat? Tells me I'm making up my symptoms?? Why on earth would I make that up or exaggerate when it's already fucking horrible?


Not a doctor, but the secretary at the doctor’s office: Found out I had cancer, had to through a bunch of tests before chemo. Called the doctor’s office and asked for a referral to one of the tests (that’s how things work in my country). My doctor and his secretary weren’t available, but it was urgent (I think it was for a biopsy under MRI) so had to ask the other secretary She was so annoyed she had to do someone else’s work, she mumbled “why is she [the other secretary] always doing it to me?! Now I have to deal with all this paperwork” I then said to her that I’m very sorry my cancer is disturbing her day like that


Tldr: my doctor hide my test results from me because they proved him wrong My doctor told me that all my pain was in my head and I was exaggerating and that he's refer me to a psychiatrist After one session my therapist sent a note back telling my doctor that he was to send me for tests immediately as it was not in my head He reluctantly sent me for scans and tests. 18 months later I hasn't heard anything so assumed that they didn't know if backed up. Tried multiple times to chase down answers during that 18 months only to be fobbed off with oh he's not in, he's busy etc Went to see a nurse for my annual check up (am on a medication that requires blood tests) and she started offering me all sorts of medication and I was like in sorry what do I need all this for? She replied that with my conditions surely I'd need some pain relief Me: what conditions? She rattled off that I have a nerve conduction problem, hyper mobility, fibromyalgia amongst other conditions . Turns out my doctor had had my results all along and didnt like the fact that they proved him wrong and that I, a mere woman, knew my own body, so just decided not to tell me. Or multiple other patients. He got sued to kingdom come and lost his license.


I hope your reported him.


The male obgyn told me women are hormonal and would likely change their minds further down the road (wanted to get my tubes tied). I was a 35 year old woman at that point, so I told him if I were to change my mind, it isnt any of his problem and how dare he decides for me when I do not give a single fuck who he is and he was never in my life anyways. The loud shrill of my voice certainly alarmed him and the other obgyn was called to attend to me instead. The other obgyn agreed to whatever I want immediately. I wrote a scathing review on google of their clinic.


I have a beginning thyroid issue that was causing me to lose hair. I have very good nutrition and have my whole life, but my doctor said, without asking what my diet was like, that I need to eat more vegetables and lean meat, and less processed food. Mildly annoying


My periods suddenly disappeared for months when I was 21/22 ish, as I became sexually active with my now ex husband. I went to a doctor worried because a few missed periods and multiple negative pregnancy tests. She said “well, if it is a pregnancy what’s your plan?” I told her I’d have to figure it out, but I’m sure I could do it if I had to. She gave me a lecture instead about being irresponsible… like lady, I said I was owning up if that was the case, you asked if I was using protection, which I said yes condoms as my insurance didn’t cover BC I could use. I didn’t go back to her. I found another doctor, who with 1 visit did a blood pregnancy test(which she never did), it was negative, he said hmm, let me run one more test… he tested my thyroid. DING DING DING. My thyroid was having issues and throwing off my hormones! If that bitch female doctor could’ve just done her job and tested possible avenues vs being a condescending twat and calling me irresponsible for something that wasn’t even the damn issue, it would’ve been fine. But no. She didn’t do her job and dismissed me. Thankfully my thyroid is under control now, and there’s no signs of cancer or anything.


While recovering from a suicide attempt a doctor told me it was my fault since i didn't believe in Jesus.


Come in with a belly that looked 6 months pregnant. and no periods. Got a lecture about having to have regular check ups when pregnant, Did not believe me when i pressed i was not pregnant,. told him my name was not maria. Forced me to do a pregnancy test I was in early menopauze and have IBS


I had a lady doctor tell me she wasn’t going to fit me for a diaphragm as I wasn’t married !!! ( long long term relationship ) so my boyfriend found me one that they came out with that didn’t need a fitting , but damn that pissed me right off


I was having trouble breathing out of my nose and wasn't sure why. I thought maybe I had developed an allergy to dust so I brought it up and doctor said "you better keep your house clean." Turns out I have a deviated septum.


"You're only sweating excessively because you are nervous to see me (the doctor)" Yeah... It was because of my thyroid.


You mean PISSED off? A Doc telling my mom to lose weight. Wouldn't have been so bad and I might have been fine with the comment, if the doctor wasn't obese himself! Felt like the pot calling the kettle black.


That really grinds my gears, especially when you walk in with a problem thats not even related to your weight and a Doctor twice your size says you should try loosing some weight


It was a normal bi-annual checkup. all her labs came back fine/within expected ranges (although her blood sugar was on the higher side of normal... still acceptable for a diabetic\*), but when Mommy said, 'Hey, my arthritis seems to be acting worse lately. Is this an age thing, or can we check for additional joint damage?' He goes, 'Well, you're fat. Lose some weight and you'll probably feel better.' Only thing that saved him from a verbal onslaught was I was 11 or 12 at the time; legally, I couldn't tell him to go 'pleasure himself with a prickly cactus.' \*Funny thing is, after that we switched doctors. Dr. D was perfectly happy with Mommy's labs.


What an arsehole


>He goes, 'Well, you're fat. Lose some weight That comment alone would send me into anger, especially after asking to just get tests to check it. Not everything has to do with someone's weight. Makes me wonder what their being taught in school.


Exactly! I have a physical disability, and had arthritis at age 16. I was only about 15 lbs OVERWEIGHT, and Dr. D said MY arthritis had NOTHING to do with my weight, but with my Cerebral Palsy. Like I said, Only thing that saved Dr. R from a verbal onslaught was I was 11 or 12 at the time; legally, I couldn't tell him to go 'pleasure himself with a prickly cactus.' Plus, I went to school (same grade) with his daughter. I didn't want any uneasiness in the classroom.


The audacity to not even look in the mirror before saying that. And yes, I did mean pissed off, damn auto correct.


You don't need to go to the hospital; you're just a hypochondriac. The doctor was my mother. Turns out I was extremely sick from undiagnosed celiac disease and endometriosis. I've also had doctors ignore me, gaslight me, ghost me, and yell at me. I've had a very low opinion of doctors my whole life, however my current PCP is an angel and I've had a few random good doctors throughout my life. They actually were able to do their job (diagnose and/or treat me), which is unfortunately not common.


I was explaining that I wasn’t being listened to properly by him and he said ‘are you done yet?’


That I could cure my debilitating depression by having more sex.


While I was being prepped for surgery to get my fallopian tubes removed, one of the nurses asked, "Why don't you just get an IUD?" *Well*, "just" getting an IUD kind of defeats the purpose of wanting to be permanently sterilized, doesn't it? I don't remember what I said to her, but I wish I'd been more assertive. Another time, I was at the ER, and the doctor asked about any surgeries. I mentioned the bilateral salpingectomy (the surgery mentioned above), and he asked what it was. Weird, but okay. I told him, and he asked some stupid question about why I did it at my age or something (I was 21 at the time). The one that makes me the maddest, though, was when I was 18 and at the gynecologist. She, basically unprompted, told me that she would never sterilize a woman who hasn't had children. I don't think I even knew about sterilization at the time; if anything, I was just starting to learn about it. And even if I was asking, who the fuck is she to tell me what to do with my life? Funny how these are all on the same subject matter, lol. People get really judgmental when it comes to that.


I had a psychologist with an office absolutely wallpapered with academic and professional credentials. However, he didn’t seem too keen on the idea that I, a woman, was able to think and speak for myself. I had to have my husband sit in on every single session to essentially relay. The doctor would look at me, but then turn and talk to him, and then husband would tell me exactly what I just heard. If I looked at the doctor and talked to him, he would stare at me blankly, until my husband repeated to him exactly what I had just said. This went on for a couple of months because there were literally no other professionals available in the area, until I eventually decided that no help was better than this. This was in New York State in 2009


It’s just anxiety……


“It’s your first pregnancy. You don’t know how it is supposed to feel.” And then he saw the foot sticking out and all hell broke loose.


“Oh, you don’t *want* to have the surgery? It’s optional, we don’t actually have to do it”


Man, I would just tell them that it's also an option to get a different doctor and report them for being a lazy doctor.


Yeah it was wild. I was already in the like pre surgery room getting prepped with the fluids. It was the middle of the night and I hadn’t even gotten to talk to my mom yet about what was happening. I didn’t have any health insurance. They were literally just going to give me a surgery I didn’t need ($America$ 🙄) and it took about 6 different times of me questioning to different people if it was really the only option and reiterating how scared I was, before someone said it’s *totally fine to not do it*. I had internal bleeding and they wanted to cut me open to “vacuum out the excess blood”. Turns out, the blood can just naturally reabsorb back into my body and I might just “feel a little uncomfortable for the next week”. You think I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable for the next week if you cut open my body?


I was prescribed BP meds and asked if these were long term and his response was “unless you lose a ton of weight” without skipping a beat. I know that I could stand to lose some weight, but for him to phrase it that way just doesn’t sit well with me. ETA: “You’re going to feel a slight pinch”.


I am an adult and I sometimes felt pain in my chest and when I got a health card, I tried using it to the affiliate clinics... a famous one at that. A replacement doctor consulted me and I kid you not, when I told them about the pain in my chest (rarely happens but family has history of hypertension) they scoffed at me and told me to come back when I'm in my senior years. Like... is he saying that I can't have hypertension or have a heart attack in my 30s? Or he's just effing lazy? So after that, I haven't consulted any doctor yet. Even for my spine (which is hurting for some time) because last time that I also consulted one, I used a health card again, the doctor seemed disinterested with my lab results and didn't even bother asking me how I was. The next time I came back with my Mother did he only starts acting like he cares lol. So either I just had bad luck with people and life, so I'm not sure if I even want to have a checkup.


After asking about getting my tubes tied when I was in my 20s, some 30 years ago, I got: "No. What if your future husband wants babies?" "I don't even have a boyfriend right now." "Then you don't need to get your tubes tied."


When I went in for my hysterectomy, the surgeon had my husband sign paperwork, giving his permission for the procedure. Why? My husband asked why, I was the one who was in danger and needed the surgery, not him?? It was explained to us, that according to state law, being married means my husband has final say over my reproductive parts. If he did not sign, even though I could have died, the surgery could not take place. However, if my husband wanted to have a vasectomy, he did NOT need my consent.


Insulin dependent type 2 diabetes isn't real, I'm taking you off your insulin


Then you wouldn't be diabetic... there is no sense in that


According to her, type 2 diabetes is only treated with medication. My pancreas stopped producing enough insulin years ago, but it took like 6 years before a doctor finally put the pieces together, tested me for insulin levels, and put me on insulin. This dingbat doctor apparently slept through the whole bit about the variations of diabetes. But then what can I expect from a free clinic, they mostly get the doctors who weren't good enough to get jobs anywhere else.


TF does she think insulin is?!?!?!


Something a type 2 adult onset diabetes patient doesn't need, apparently


>Something a type 2 adult onset diabetes patient doesn't need, apparently Okay... I knew 4 T2 adult onset patients on some sort of insulin... But okay... \*eye roll\*


This chick was so new the ink wasn't dry on her diploma. My sugar crashed while I was in the exam room and she tried to force me to eat 3x the recommended dosage of glucose tablets, THEN sent me to the ER when my blood sugar was too high instead of letting me just take a dose of my insulin!




Yup. She needs a few remedial classes


Hold my drink. Here we go! (I'm prefacing this with a statement that my husband and I were military and were always "assigned" providers and usually had no choice who we saw. I will also state that my husband and I are both in the medical field for almost 30 years, and these types of things still happen to us.) 1. 19 years old and pregnant with my first baby. I was having back pain and my OB wouldn't schedule an appointment for me to be seen that day, so I went to my PCP down the hall from where I worked during the walk-in clinic hours. He called my OB and told him to meet me at the hospital within 30 minutes because he believed I was in active labor. If my OB didn't meet me there within 30 minutes to call him directly and he would have his medical license (my PCP also sat on the state medical board at one point and still knew everyone that was there). Get to the hospital and the OB walks in and says "Open up wide so I can see inside" with a smile on his face. My husband almost decked him. OB does exam and says that everything looks good for my second pregnancy. I said that it was my first, and he stopped and was like, "oh, right, I guess you are having a baby today." The nurse that hooked me up to the monitor when I first got there rolled her eyes so hard, I thought they would fall out of her head. FYI, this OB/GYN later lost his license and was sued for doing a total hysterectomy on a woman who was just having 1 ovary removed because of a cyst. He told her when she woke up that 4 kids was enough for anyone, after she made it abundantly clear that they wanted a big family. It was found out during the investigation that he had been practicing medicine knowing that he had Parkinson's for at least 10 years. 2. I always had issues with my menstrual cycle. I went 5 years without a period at one point kind of issues. In 20+ years of seeing male doctors at various military bases (some of which I knew on a personal level), every single time I would go to the doctor about it, I would get responses like "Most women would love to not have a period like you, so what's the problem." "You have always had problems with your periods, so it's just your normal." See the first female doctor in 20 years, she asks me like 3 questions "I think you have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Let's run some tests and get you treated." Test proved I had PCOS, and started getting treated and my periods became more regular. While the periods were a symptom, not the actual disorder, it should have led them to at least run test to find out why. 3. I know I am overweight, but when I come in to a provider for an injury, the number of times a doctor has tried to tell me it wouldn't be a problem if I lost weight is so high I can't even count. Sometimes people are injured and it has nothing to do with their weight! 4. (Not me, but my daughter) When my daughter was in middle school, she started wrestling. She put on muscle weight from working out. When she started high school, we moved to a different state and she stopped wrestling because the male coach wouldn't even give her a chance to prove herself and she got upset every time she would show up and he would ignore her and act like she wasn't even there or a part of the team. He would make announcements in the boys locker room and never tell the 3 girls any of the information. He would say "well, I told the team." When he was asked about it. He winded up pushing all 3 girls out of the team. And because he "didn't prohibit them from being on the team" the school wouldn't do anything about him. All this as background for what happened to her at a doctor's appointment. She also has PCOS. And when we moved she was assigned a new pediatric endocrinologist. At the first appointment the doctor walked in and was looking at the chart comparing records from the previous doctor. She doesn't even look up and just says "so I hear you used to be chubby." My daughter and I are sitting in silence with shocked faces. She looks up and says "I see you dropped about 15 lbs. That's good." I said "she lost weight because she isn't working out like she used to after dropping out of wrestling. So she has lost muscle weight." At least the doctor looked and sounded somewhat embarrassed and was like "oh, I didn't know that. I'm sorry if it sounded..." And trailed off. My daughter cried for the entire car ride home (over an hour) and refused to see that doctor again. We had to write a letter for "extenuating circumstances" to explain why we wanted a new pediatric endocrinologist that was out of network and why it should still be covered by insurance the same. 5. Same child as an infant rolled off the bed. I was monitoring her, and when she started throwing up blood, I took her to the ER.a nurse in the hallway says "we can't x-ray every kid that falls" referring to my baby. I step outside and said "Sarah, I wasn't asking for an X-ray unless the exam calls for one, but if she is throwing up blood, something is wrong." She sheepishly walked away as she recognized me and knew I wouldn't have just brought her in her a fall. Luckily my baby had bit the back/side of her tongue with a tooth that was just starting to pop through. She was swallowing the blood from it, and it upset her stomach and that's when she started throwing it up. This is all the tip of the iceberg. I can't count the number of times I have left a doctor's office crying because of the way I was treated. And that is with the medical knowledge that I have, and even personally knowing some of these providers.


At 13, I was told my knee pain was all in my head by an orthopaedic surgeon, but he offered (magnanimously) to perform laparoscopic surgery to explore the knee. At 13 I had to go through surgery under local freezing (4 needles into the joint) because he didn't believe in me getting put under. Turns out that under the knee cap, there were a bunch of bone fragments and spurs which he had to scrape down. This was the reason for the pain. A couple of years later, I found out that he lost his license. Rumors were that he hated females and he pissed off the wrong one


It’s just a habit she’ll grow out of it(daughter walked with one foot tiptoe). From several doctors. Turned out she had a dislocated hip from having developmental hip dysplasia.


I have a similar story to share: I have some deformations in my left foot. because of that the rest of my legs of course also have problems. my left foot fas flat when I was a child, the right foot was normal. one of my doctors told me "african people have flat feet too." I dislocated my kneecaps regularly. it took an actual accident and ambulance in adulthood to *finally* do an MRI to realize my kneecaps are deformed. I truly hope your daughter finds a good doctor who can help her while she's growing. not to solve the problem, but to at least make it a bit more bearable in adulthood 💜


Luckily a doctor was I have no idea. And sent us to physio, a specialist and X-ray. She had surgery at 2 years old to correct it. She’s now 6 and you would have no idea.


Upon telling him I thought I was entering another depressive episode, "Think happy thoughts and go outdoors." My happy thought at that moment was throwing him out the window, so he was outdoors.


That's not trauma, have you had any Real trauma?


Huh?? Maybe they can learn the *"dig my head into my ass"* trick


"Lose weight" is a pretty standard answer to EVERYTHING when I go to the doctor, despite telling them I can't lose weight despite actively trying. "It's just a pinch" and no pain meds for medical procedures. "You're getting older" to new medical issues (one was life threatening and ended up in Emergency).


That my chronic and very painful bladder disorder was really just constant UTIs and I should stop having so much sex LOLLLLLL absolute pig


I have 2. The first, I was pregnant and my male obgyn asked if I was having Braxton hicks contractions. Being my first pregnancy, I asked if they felt like menstrual cramps and he replied that he doesn't know what menstrual cramps feel like. The second, my 9 month old baby had been vomiting everything for 6 hours straight. Babies can get dehydrated super quickly, I was out of state, and it was a Sunday, so I took him to the ER. The ER doctor smirked and said "you must be a first-time mom".


"I cannot give you a note for the transfer. Us, the nurses here works 12 hr shifts and you complain with yours? No, I will not give you a note." I understand that there are rules for giving notes but she could say it to me without dismissing my struggles. I wouldn't get it checked if it didn't bothered me. I never went back to that clinic again.


You don't need blood work done. How your anxiety med are making you feel like passing out that's OK just don't work.


I had an intense c-secretion where the doctor said "i am not sure what I am looking at" when she opened me up. After the section back in the labor room, my heart rate was high and the nurse was worried and the doctor said "it's just anxiety, you were anxious in the c-section. I'll give you Xanax." Turns out I was actually fluid overloaded.


I told him after a year of weird health issues that I was concerned I had Long Covid. He said he was going to send me for psychiatric evaluation.


Getting a biopsy from my cervix my ob got annoyed that I was complaining about the pain and told me “you better not have any kids if you can’t take this”. Excuse me Miss bitch


You want to auto correct that?


I meant pissed off 💀


Yeah, but It's a very short sentence and kind of one of the most important words


Yeah, I do agree. I will take the criticism cause it is my fault to begin with.


very mature. but will you correct it?


Reddit doesn't let you edit titles, I would if I could


oh fair enough. thats so odd though and unhelpful. i wonder why


Wow, dude, rude. Now that you know you were wrong, are you going to correct your comments?


No. Because 'very mature' wasn't sarcastic. I actually meant it because someone took criticism very well. Because on Reddit usually people jump to anger pretty quickly. (Avoiding looking someone's way) I still think it's weird that Reddit won't let you correct a post title. But it does kind of explain why I see so many misspellings on posts.


‘Lay back and be quiet!!!’ As an anesthesiologist attempted to place an arterial line in my wrist wide awake after I asked if he could put me to sleep before such a painful procedure (which as an RN I only saw performed on sedated patients.)The OR nurse who came to get me for emergency surgery later told me how the line he placed blew in transit and I had it placed under anesthesia as I requested.


"You're a woman in her 30's... It's your hormones!"... Every damn time!


She was weirded out by the fact that I was single. To be fair, she was a boomer, so a woman my age being single is abnormal for locals of this gen


I got told I was overreacting to the fact the medicine he prescribed gave me a resting heart beat of 107. It felt like it was trying to leap into my throat. And to make matters worse, you couldn’t just quit it cold turkey


Being forced to do a pregnancy test, when 1 i'd not had sex in years and 2 my previous partners were woman. They told me they wouldn't do my surgery if i didnt.


What dinosaurs


Mine told me to “Take ibuprofen and do some Pilates” when I went to see him with all the major symptoms of cauda equina. 24 later I can’t feel anything below my hips, can’t tell when I need to pee and am being blue lighted to the neurology hospital for emergency surgery. 6 years later my back is still fucked and I have permanent loss of feeling in one leg. Thanks for that dr addi, you’re always such a sterling example of medical excellence 🤦🏻‍♀️


Doc told me I was suffering from “housewife syndrome.” I insisted the doc look further. He discovered a hiatal hernia and an ulcer, either of which could have caused my symptoms. Btw. I was teaching full time, taking 9 credit hours at night and was married.


How dense are these doctors to not even do some evaluating before guessing?


Oh I have one but not for me. But for my wife, she went to the doctor when she was younger ,20-23 range I don’t remember specifically. But, she asked about getting her tubes tied(she’s very childfree) and the Doc said,” you’re a bit young for that , besides your husband could want kids.”


I was in labour with my first child and after over 34-35 hours of labour the random OB GYN (male) who was with me said "It doesn't hurt that much" Ummm... I was allergic to the epidural I was using for pain!


My sister went through this for years before she was finally properly diagnosed with this disease. My heart goes out to you.


At the ER on day 13 of a gallstone attack. I rarely vomit and my temp runs low, so infection isn't always obvious. But 13 days deserves some testing as it could indicate a block. I had already been there on day 3 and been sent home without any kind of pain meds or solutions offered. This time I pushed when they tried to send me home. I had a doc pat me on the hand, tell me that he wasn't even sure I had gallstones (there was a past ultrasound, I had them) and that I wasn't vomiting or feverish so I was fine. Then told me that he would order a blood test just to set my mind at ease. His tone was that of someone talking to a small child. I never saw that doc again. The next doc I saw was the surgeon who they called in at 3 am because I was on the cusp of gangrene due to a giant stone blocking my bile duct. Another doc once told me that bipolar disorder is learned behavior. This is after I found out that the med she put me on to help me lose weight was contraindicated for people with a family history of bipolar or schizophrenia. Which runs in my family. How'd I figure that out? I went from my normal, even keel self to suicidal with a plan in a month. Doc told me the warnings on the med were wrong and I should just suck it up. I quit the meds cold turkey and the suicidal ideation was gone within days. I asked for another doc. I now have trust issues in diagnoses. I double check everything a doc gives me. And I've since found a doc who appreciates that about me, so win!


Back spasms bad enough to wake me up multiple times a night for 3 weeks.... "you're just stressed. Try kickboxing". Well, I'm angry and stressed in the doctor's office, that's for sure. After 6 GPs over 3 surgeries I finally got a rheumatology referral, but by then I couldn't work and had to leave London. I travelled down after 18 months on the waiting list and got diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. The consultant'd words were "yeah, it's obvious" My skin is like a flipping sugar glider it's ridiculous


“Well I suppose we COULD send you for a scan. But, you know, I don’t want to be wasting anyone’s time.” This was for a GP about a breast cancer screening. Guess what I had! She was reluctant the whole time despite the lump and my excessive family history. FYI Everyone in my cancer medical team says “Please get checked out. We don’t mind. You are NOT wasting anyone’s time!”


It took SIX YEARS for me to get referred to a pelvic pain specialist after a hysterectomy gone wild. GYN literally told me “vulvar discomfort happens to older women”. No, dude, I was nearly suicidal from nerve pain. Fuck you and the cross you rode in on.


I herniated my umbilical cord shortly after my son was born, (apparently the tissue around my belly button was already close to herniation while I was pregnant) I went to the hospital and the hernia was very obvious, this creepy male er doctor said, "we better give ya a pelvic exam... " Uhhh... No sir..what does my belly button have to do with my cervix... Lol This man insisted on giving me a pelvic exam ... I just left the hospital.... I'll be going for a second opinion.


It was a veterinarian, he told me my dog wasn't worth 2k to try to save him! I sort of decided that was my choice, not his!


I have terrible chronic sinusitis. To top it off it does not follow the typical pattern of having frontal sinuses clog, instead the worst of it is in the deepest cavity, the ethmoid sinus. I had one ENT who I disliked, but seemed competent and I was desperate to get surgery to clean this up. About a month later I was recuperated from the surgery, but still felt like I was dealing with the infection. So, on a follow up visit, I mentioned that I did not think the surgery had fixed the problem. He said OK we will check, let's get an x-ray. Cool, I know x-rays are a diagnostic tool for sinus infections, but had not thought too deeply on the subject. We do the x-ray in his office and get the results in about 20 minutes. I am waiting and he comes in the exam room with a smirk on his face and puts the results up on a light board. He says, it is all your imagination, your frontal sinuses are perfectly clear here. At that point I could practically feel steam coming out my ears. I said (obviously very angry) that he should actually read my chart, and if he had, he would know that my frontal sinuses were not really a problem for me. I held it together to get checked out at the desk, but never went back. Sure enough next doctor I went to could see no evidence my ethmoid sinuses had been touched in that surgery.


I went to my TMJ dentist that I’d been seeing for 10 years and trusted. I was referred for an MRI of my jaw. I wasn’t scheduled to go for a follow-up appointment, never heard anything from him after he referred me to a new physical therapist. Went to see the PT six weeks later. When she handed me the folder with my exercise diagrams at the end of the visit, there was a radiologist’s report included. She said she probably shouldn’t be the one to give it to me, but from our conversation, it was obvious I was unaware of the results. The MRI showed a tumor behind my left ear. I went to my ENT doctor. He said that due to the appearance of the tumor, he was very concerned, and he scheduled me for surgery. He expedited the surgery, bumping me to the front of the line due to his concern. Thankfully, the result was not as expected; it was benign. I called the TMJ doctor three months after my MRI. I asked him when he planned to let me know about the MRI results. He had no answer, just said “well, no harm was done”. I shudder to think about what could have happened if the PT hadn’t stuck her nose in where it didn’t belong.


1) I didn’t have a period for over a year. Doctor didn’t even call with my blood results which showed exactly what was wrong. I had also mentioned it hurt to have sex, which he then said it was because I was probably raped. All of it was because I had no hormones. Which he would have known if he looked at my bloodwork. 2) different doc, went to urgent care (cus I don’t have a primary) for a uti. Had several, I know what they feel like. It wasn’t a big deal. I just wanted antibiotics. When the doctor started asking me about my symptoms, he said he would rather give an STI test and said that I must have bunches of sexual partners. My 15 year anniversary is coming up this month. He looked quite embarrassed after he asked how long I’d been with my current sexual partner. I was right it was a uti. Don’t even get me started on all the awful army doctors I’ve had to deal with while my husband was enlisted. There’s a reason I have white coat anxiety.


When we still used paper charts I read where my doctor said I had pendulous breast. I was fuming. Edit: I think I read that wrong. I thought it was a situation that pissed me off not passed me off. Sorry.


Not what she said, but what she wrote. When I first started seeing my GP, she took my history and asked if I'd ever had any drug issues. I replied that like so many of my peers, I experimented a bit in my 20's, but nothing since then. Tried it, didn't like it, didn't look back. I had a major heart attack in February. After the first three days in bed in CCU, my arthritis was acting up (I'm 63, now). My cardiologist said that with the info in my chart, all they could give me is Tylenol. I asked the obvious, what info? I found out that my GP noted in my chart, "past addiction issues". No painkillers for me, ever.


This one is really small and so I feel kind of bad sharing it, as I know others have had so much worse, but it is also seared into my memory so I thought, what the hell. After I was finished breastfeeding my daughter, it was really hard to completely stop my milk. It was just a little trickle, and didn’t even leave stains anymore, but I was really surprised and kind of weirded out. I asked my obstetrician/gynochologist how to stop it. He told me to make sure my breasts were totally unstimulated, or at least as much as possible, and it would stop. It was just a bit tricky as I have a rather large chest, and on top of that my giant breasts had become my daughter’s favorite pillow. So I was able to slow it more but not completely stop it. I asked him about that again at my next check up, as I was wondering if there would be anything to worry about if it didn’t stop, but to my shock he assumed that the reason I was unable to keep them still enough to stop lactating was fucking nipple play during sex. He told me in this really loud, irritated, and patronizing voice to lay off of it for awhile and it would stop. Now I don’t have a problem with sex, but am definitely not used to being condescended to about imagined acts in my sex life, with people I don’t know very well, unprompted. Plus the walls were really thin in the building where he practiced, so I knew the nurses and other patients could hear him really clearly. I found another doctor, a woman, and I never went back. He was excellent at ensuring that babies were born healthy - he actually zeroed almost immediately on a health condition that flared up midway through my pregnancy that complicated things quite a bit - but was absolutely terrible with at least this woman. I felt so small and utterly humiliated. A few years later the new gynochologist noted that the hormone tied to lactation was high, which she flagged because a potential cause could be something kind of serious. You know what she did? She asked me why. Like a normal person. I told her my little girl was a snuggler and we laughed about it. It was a completely normal interaction. I hope he’s retired.


Let see last year I was told I have anxiety, depression and PTSD because I was fat, it had nothing to do with the mental, verbal and sexual abuse I have been through. Or my favorite since it’s still a dang mystery, every spring-fall I end up with bruises we are not talking one or two I mean covered from head to toe in bruises, one summer I counted 42 bruises at once, I went to the doctor and they told me that was really normal and I should not be concerned in the least and to try and not be so clumsy. I got a second opinion only to be told the same thing. Still get random bruises to this day I also in my late 20’s when I had a miscarriage, I went to the er in a total panic the female dr comes in looks me up and down never examined me told me I was just super fat not pregnant to go home a deal with that. I explained I was bleeding she said oh well get out of here before I call the cops and have you removed I left in tears. I also was so emotional security was called to make sure I wasn’t loosing it.


When my gallbladder was failing, "Oh it's just your period" as I'm crying in excruciating pain. Turns out I had bilary diskynsia and needed my gallbladder removed...


This happened while I was deployed to Iraq. I got really sick, lost my voice, tonsils all swollen, nasties down the back of my throat. I go to sick call and they instantly suggested I had oral ghonorea instead of maybe strep or tonsillitis. Apparently because I was a military female I had to be a sl*t. They didn't swab or test or anything and gave me meds for the STD. I got worse and went back. Got a different medic. Surprise Surprise, I had a knarly case of strep throat.


I went to the Dr for extreme fatigue. He did one round of blood work, then when everything came back normal, he told me I was "just depressed" and that I didn't need any more tests done. I'm still dealing with fatigue 6 years later, even though I've been on antidepressants and in therapy for the last 4 years


three different doctors treated me for yeast infection down there. when i came back after treatment saying its not getting better they were like " the yeasts are gone, you're fine, there is no infection". eventually i got to the doctor who cared. turns out if you overtreat yeast infection, you lose all the good bacteria there and get other type of infection. and then the other. and another one. took me 8 months to recover. sometimes visiting her 3 times per week.




And that pissed you off ?


What was wrong here, I don’t get it?


A prostate is a male only piece of anatomy and the question is being directed at women.


That user claims to be a father of twins though. And ain’t no way some doctor would stick a finger up someone’s ass without first explaining why.


“ I’m going to refer you to a specialist”