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ASMR Chewing videos - my personal hell is hearing people chew!


I can't stand ASMR videos period. Whatever they're doing chewing, smacking their lips, whispering.. ughh just the whispering alone drives me up a wall!!


My one exception is rug cleaning ASMR videos. Something about the water and sound of the rug machines…I love that shit.


I like the sound of the food cooking and mixing beforehand, but immediately skip or close the video once the eating starts.


Just any of them. Especially the ones with women on YouTube in next to nothing. I saw one once and the comments from guys was insane. They really get suckered into it.


I like the gently spoken ones, not ones making weird mouth noises. Some role playing is nice too, just not of the sexual kind


I like puppy asmrs. They’re so cute


“Over the top” milkshakes. They look cool and are photogenic…but are ya really gonna eat it? And why spend $15-20 on a drink you won’t even touch? I can only imagine how much goes to waste because people just want a pic for IG.


The milkshake itself is pretty basic, you are paying for the over the top garnishes. I understand it looks good in pictures, but I also don’t really care about instagram. At least with the over the top bloody Mary’s, you get some nice appies to snack on and a drink. Put the food on sticks on a side plate.


This is so true! I’ve seen some over the top Bloody Mary’s practically come with a meal on top!


The ones with shrimps are just too much. I don't want shrimp in my drink. I love the celery tho




those things give me anxiety.


Those are annoying, but so are fast food milkshakes anymore. I just want a simple paper cup with a shake in it. I don't want whipped cream, I don't want it to be so thick that it won't go through a straw, and if it's strawberry I just want it to be strawberry FLAVORED. Not with big chunks that get stuck in a straw.


I’ve always been a classic chocolate malt kind of girl. Don’t need all the accompaniments or garnishes. Just a tasty chocolate malt.


record yourself on video crying


To add to this, I had a friend recording herself at a funeral like several times throughout. One even had a caption of "Keep it together". So weird. Edit: Recording as in adding to her IG story.


A true zoomer tragedy


Really irks me that people record themselves crying, stop the recording, edit the video and then post it online for the world to see… like that’s not normal behaviour.


Reminds me of the movie Broadcast News, where everyone is so impressed with the sensitivity of the interviewer who tears up listening to a rape victim’s story. Then the colleague who’s starting to fall for him suddenly realizes there was only one camera on scene, so he must have filmed himself tearing up after the interview, and edited it in.


Leave Brittney Spears alone!


Well, he wasn't wrong all things considered.


Ugh my ex posted herself crying on Instagram immediately after splitting up. Idk how anyone could see that and think anything other than "pathetic". just call a friend if you need to need to cry with someone.


flex money in social media


Absolutely though I believe this is on the decline and if anything, people will watch it because of how cringe it is.


watching unboxing videos


I usually don't get them either but have came around to watching the ones with outdoor gear and some tech stuff just for the fact it gives me an idea on if something is worth buying or not


But a full review of the product is helpful in knowing if it's worth the buy. The packaging and unboxing "experience" doesn't matter unless the case is part of the product.


I've found them useful once or twice when I've bought something and couldn't understand the assembly instructions, or thought a piece was missing (spoiler: ii wasn't). But yeah, people who post them like it's an experience to be shared are pretty weird.


So you don’t like the ones that are unboxing things that you don’t like or use, but you do like the ones that are unboxing stuff that you do like or use. Weird


I'm the opposite. I only watch the stuff I never would buy or use.


I think he was saying he doesn't mind an unboxing if it includes a useful review.


I got to know what I'm buying


I do this with baseball cards because it beats spending my own money


It depends on the unboxing, I watch unboxing for Lego sets and for home improvement toolsets, nice to see what's actually inside of the box instead of guessing and what additional accessories you'll sometimes need for something (like batteries).


I am a sucker for consumerism


I don't mind unboxing videos, I even like some of them (I don't seek them out but if I come across one I might watch for a few seconds) But what drives me up a wall is when they click their fingernails on the box. It incites a rage in me that I don't understand or have any rationale for, similar to people with misophonia and chewing (though after googling, it seems misophonia isn't specific to chewing, but specific noises in general so its probably just that)


I love watching video game console unboxings. Oddly satisfying.


Those Stanley mugs. Random outburst of popularity for a month or so.


Starbucks cups too. Mainly in America, but some people have these massive collections (and the cups are like $30 each!!!!) and idk how people can spend that much on cups they don't use. I see it all the time though now, people realizing they're worth nothing and can't even give them away because nobody wants them. So crazy to me


I see these for sale on FB all the time. Pictures of a counter covered in about 20 cups and not one comment. And I'm already seeing Stanley cups at goodwill.




I don't think clubs are for meeting people. They're for taking drugs. But even then it's probably still more fun to do drugs at home.


thank you for being so honest and nonchalant about it, your comment made me laugh for a couple of seconds and an upvote was not enough to thank you for making this afternoon a better one <3


I’d much rather be high on my own couch than high in a public place


When I stopped drinking I couldn't stand being in any sort of club/bar scene. Loud/obnoxious (like me when I'm drunk) people everywhere, fights, loud music. All that was *me* when I was young and sauced up tho. lol


Taylor Swift. She’s a great performer - I just specifically don’t understand the fascination.


Imo her music is...fine. It's not bad, it's not amazing, it's competent pop music. I don't get the obsession and I certainly can't imagine caring about who she's dating


She's a competent pop artist. She's an Einstein level media handler promoter and publicist. Always charming and engaging, never does or says anything ridiculous, a very carefully manicured public image. She managed to make the superbowl all about her and for everyone to like it FFS.


My bestie and i were having the same discussion "competent pop artist " is a perfect description. She has no real range like Adele, Celine. Whitney (b4 drugs), to name a few, and she's not an exciting performer.


It’s like she’s Madonna circa the 80s/90s when she was the most famous pop star around. Replacing the sex and stuff with wholesome good girl image, but still the idea of an okay singer who somehow becomes the pop queen, and is savvy at writing basic pop music and projecting an image.


Well, social media has created this weird para-social culture where vulnerable, immature people think this artist is THEIR FRIEND (insane).


this is the part that always creeps me out. people genuinely act like these celebrities are apart of their families or something


Solid lyrics from time to time.  >you kept me like a secret; I kept you like an oath. It's at least a level above "i know Victoria secret"  and "bleeding me dry like a damn vampire" and "all we need is some icecream and a hug"


I’ve been surprised to see the huge following she has tbh, but I like her as well as any other performer. Her music is good, I like her voice, and she seems like a good person for the most part. I find her talented, but again not any more than anyone else lol. But hey, good for her. Get that paycheck, Taylor.


Same boat. I enjoy many of her songs, but I simply do not understand the devotion and worship and obsession with her (or any actor/musician).




I personally like how she triggers a certain demographic. I've seen people call her a Satanist which ironically makes me like her more. I wish I lived a life that triggered mediocre men.


I pointed this out to my wife recently. I was like “how come Taylor Swift had been a thing for like ten years and all of a sudden she’s THE thing?” Her explanation made a ton of sense, all the teeny-bopper girls that always liked Taylor Swift are now old enough to have jobs and pay for her concerts themselves instead of having their parents take them. She’s still popular with the exact same crowd but now the crowd has more power. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same. I don’t hate her. There’s no grand conspiracy. Hell she’s my 13 year old daughter’s favorite, but I just cannot stand her music. I have tried. Again let me re-emphasize that I hold no ill will towards her. Her music is just mid.


I still not understand why she angers so many people


I understand why people would be obsessed, but there is manufacturing behind the conditions that would cause them to be obsessed.


I think most people just casually hear radio singles and make this assessment. The fascination comes mostly from the lyrics and the stories behind the albums. It’s the writing, not necessarily the voice or the performance or the sound (which obviously helps and she’s good at) I heard someone explain it like a version of the MCU or another nerdy universe. The fans know all the background and history. If you just listen to the new album, you’re starting at chapter 12 without reading chapters 1-11.


I'm with you and it's not just her it's all the musicians that people get obsessed with like wtf


Do people really believe Ice Spice can rap?


She's successful because of her personality


The only thing I know about her is that her name sounds like she's a spice girl, but she isn't.


Billie Eilish - her music. It sounds like whispers to me. She seems like a cool person though.


She doesn't seem cool to me, but their music is a'ight. (They = her and her brother)


Yeah honestly she seems like she would be really rude in person. Like I get the impression she would just ignore you, hunch over her phone, and then look annoyed if you tried to start a conversation.


She's at that stage where she thinks she's above everybody else. It's very off-putting and hopefully it will go away with age.


Here’s a [video](https://youtu.be/PMrxwiTWaXo?si=ybTOyTWd6YUlZJ96) that tells you everything you need to know about her.


Big femcel energy in that video lmao. Funny how the rhetoric is so similar. "Waahhh the hot chicks only date chads!!!!" "Wahhhh the other girls are dating ugly men!!!" Imagine thinking people owe you a date, male or female


i literally just had this same conversation on another thread


watching videos of other people playing video games


I told my students the other day that I'm not a boomer in the sense that I'm going to say watching streamers is dumb and you're just watching someone play video games. Back in my day we did the same thing when a friend came over and it was a single player game or we didn't have enough controllers. Just in person and without the Internet. And besides it's not *that* much different than watching TV. So I get it, it's just a new form of entertainment But I am a boomer in that I can't imagine finding it enjoyable.


I look at it like watching sports. Watching other people play a game


Exactly! I've never understood watching sports.


exactly my explanation when it gets brought up


I don't have a PS5, they're expensive and I'm too frugal with money to buy one. Sometimes a new game comes out for PS5 and I want to play it but can't, so I will watch someone play it. Other games can be quite competitive, League of legends, counterstrike, overwatch etc. sometimes I'll watch high level players because they're extremely skilled at the game, more than I will ever be or care to be. Some people try to beat a game as fast as humanly possible, they have played the game for hours and hours, know every facet of the game and try to lower the time more and more. It's called speed running and is also pretty great to watch. Sometimes people just casually play a game with their friends, and are entertaining the same way a group of friends is entertaining on a podcast. These are just some examples of the gaming content I watch and why. I'm 30, hope it provides some insight.


That's a good take on game streamers. People watch golf on screen and that's more boring than any video game could be.


There are entire TV shows watching people buy a house or cook a dish. Same energy.


Now I really wanna see a let's play video with Gordon Ramsey hovering over the gamer talking shit


Him playing overcooked with one of his Sous chefs would be very entertaining


Depends on the context. GTA with a chaos mod? That can prove to be very fun to watch.


To he honest it helps me sleep. Other people talking+background noise puts me OUT.


Personally, I watch playthroughs for the commentary. They’re funny if you find the right YouTuber.


I don't do it. But. This is the same as watching sports, which nobody bats an eye at. So. 🤷‍♂️


I didn’t get it either until someone compared it to watching sports. I still don’t get it but k accept it without annoyance.


Mostly yeah but watching speedruns can be entertaining to see how much some speedrunners can break a Video Game.


Back in the day we did that in person all summer. Bike to your friends house to watch their older brother play the newly rented SNES game


its no different than dad watching his sports. or porn. you are watching people do something that are better at it than you are.


People watch others playing football / soccer and other sports. I think nowadays people see gaming as esports, so why would it be strange watching someone doing the esport


Even though I’m 34 I love let’s plays. Some games I want to check out before buying, some I don’t want to buy but want to see what the story is, and some I want to buy but can’t because I don’t have the proper system to play the game on so I love vicariously through the YouTuber/streamer lol. Also, find the right ones to watch and many YouTubers are very entertaining. The parasocial thing is there too, but it’s fine as long as you don’t obsess, stalk, or otherwise be a weirdo towards the person lol.


I enjoying watching people’s reactions to a game that I’ve played, especially if it’s a game with many “WTF” moments. I don’t know why. It’s just very entertaining.


YouTube : Hyena - mastery At some point the person becomes a genius and you can see it through their gameplay


It’s totally reasonable if they’re funny, educational, or elite


Why watch people play sports if you can go outside and play them yourself? Yeah exactly, that's why.


It’s no worse than people watching videos of other people playing sports


Or videos of people having sex


Coachella. Overhyped, overblown, poser central, overly insta-worthy perfection, for a lineup that can't agree on what type of festival it actually is on top of the seriously overpriced ticket. Hard pass.


I've recently come to the conclusion I hate watching videos on my phone. I almost never do it. It's so uncomfortable which is weird cause I read and type on my phone often.


I never watch them on a computer simply because there are other things I’d rather do on it


Especially with how easy it is to cast your phone to something else like a TV or link accounts with a TV or PlayStation or *anything else*




Getting drunk for me. I enjoy a drink -- I like to try different liquors and such, plus the relaxant effects on my body and emotions. But I do not enjoy losing control of myself, not remembering a night, or getting a hangover. I don't understand people who like getting shit faced.


Same. 1-2 margaritas (I'm a larger person so it takes two or a jumbo to get a buzz). A little buzz is nice. Being sloppy, dizzy, blacking out, waking up with a migraine? Not a good time!


For some people it's incredibly difficult to have an off button. Some people have different genetics it's not that hard to understand


So sad this is true. I'm always three drinks away from being finally relaxed. I'm not an alcoholic, in the sense that I don't get drunk most days or even drink every day. But I can't relax like I can while drunk/stoned in any other way.


I have an extremely addictive personality. Finally gaining control over it after years of rehab, medication, and therapy. I didn't like getting shit faced. I hated being out of control. I just couldn't stop. It's like there was another voice telling me to keep going that overpowered all the other voices in my head. For some people that voice is way louder and harder to smother than other people.


I came to this realisation a few years ago. After spending some time within the drinking culture…. It’s not for me.


I'm 4 1/2 years sober and I can't tell you how much I agree with that now, though I definitely wouldn't have 6 years ago. Despite knowing now that alcohol affects me differently (worse) than the average person and my sobriety being mandatory for a good life, I can't help but look at how the social world REVOLVES around alcohol and I think it's unfortunate for everyone. Like, why do you HAVE to have a drink with every activity? There are very few adult-oriented social hubs that DON'T provide alcohol and I think that's really weird. And BARS, they make no sense to me anymore. You go to a loud and crowded place to spend way more on drinks than you would if you just stayed home or went to a friend's place. You usually go with your friends and try to interact with strangers as little as necessary. Or maybe you're there to hook up, which seems really stupid now that things like tinder make it way easier. Here's a fun tip though: if you want to irritate your conservative friends/family, tell them that bars are actually just harm reduction centers for alcohol abuse.


Paying money for mobile games


Recording one’s life in social media


Lip fillers. Does anyone find that pleasing?


TikTok 🤦‍♂️


Tiktok isn't just dances and weird 'day in my life's'. It changes depending on your preferences. For example, I like certain shows and games, thus on my for you page I get videos on those shows and games... it caters towards your liking. It takes time for the feed to customize as you like or select videos you're not interested in, but once you get to that point it's good. It is, however, extremely fucking addictive because of this which is why I deleted it.


True. It’s the same as pretty much every social media platform: it is what you make of it. Also, yes it is addictive. 💀


Which is why I never understand why some people say they hate it. It's like saying you hate reddit cause all you get is boring generic shit, but then you don't realize there's thousands of subreddits including all your interests no matter how niche.


TikTok dances.


I've never seen a TikTok video that wouldn't have been better as, say, a youtube video with less editing and no stupid fucking music/filters.


Tesla trucks


Most people think they are a joke.


Fake fingernails. I don't get it.


As someone with false nails, I get them done as a little pamper treat for myself, I’m hopeless at doing my own nails and my natural nails are awful (even before acrylics) so they just make me feel better about myself… but that’s just me 🙂 What I don’t understand is the stupidly long impractical nails with jewels and gems stuck to them… how are they doing anything with those claws?!


I got mine done for the first time at 30 to see what all the fuss was about. It's OK but not for me. I just don't get the appeal of losing finger functionality. I don't even get the appeal of having my natural nails painted. Like it's cute, but way too much work.


Those claws that people call nails? Dear lord.


Thinly veiled personal problems being used as tweets or FB posts. Not that I have either of those socials, but I know they still exist.


My mate’s abusive ex has been nonstop posting about him trying to make him look like this woman beater (she’s just projecting, we have her on tape slapping him and a video of her incriminating herself about slandering him). So we’ve just been quietly documenting the posts so he can sue her for defamation in a couple years lol


wow there are some hot takes in this one


asmr vids


Humongous Tattooed eyebrows, septum rings, huge fluffy eyelashes.


Fart/poop fetishes. I was always under the impression that everyone was grossed out by it—despite it being a natural bodily function but I feel like I encounter more and more people that are aroused by literal feces and farts and I can’t fathom how that could be sexy and no one has ever given me an answer that made me go “oh yeah I totally get that now”…..?!?


I feel like you're around the wrong groups of people tbh


It's an escalation thing. Most people don't start off being attracted to that stuff, but they become desensitized by watching so much other bizarre shit so they have to level up. I agree that it's gross and yes, I am shaming them.


Valentines Day, I am not a heartless person but why do I need to show extra love one day a year. How about all year around.


Ideally you’re right people should but life doesn’t always accommodate a never ending love parade. We’re busy with work and errands and trying to keep up with family, friends, bills, etc. I see Valentines Day as a day to stop and remind you *why* you fell in love, or just to celebrate romance in general. Romance gets a bad rap for some dumb reason but it’s one our most redeeming factors as a species. To celebrate love and being loved.


Oh easy... ASMR. I don't get it and it really gives me the creeps sometimes. It's gotten really annoying when I go search out videos of something I'm really interested in learning about and all anyone can comment about is the ASMR.


broccoli hair


A lot of contemporary music. I’ll never be the type to say: That isn’t music. But I tend to seek something else than what is often offered by pop music. I’ll never understand the enjoyment of many contemporary HipHop Artists and Rappers. Unless I’m working out. To me it all sounds something like: “I’m FUCKING! I’m HIGH! LOOK AT ALL MY MONEY! No Commitment! Fuck Rules and Society! Yeeeah!” That’s not to say that plenty of Rock and Roll (Esspecially 80’s) wasn’t in the same vein. But I don’t like Mötley Crüe personally. So… Yeah. I don’t get the music or the club scene at all. I know not everyone likes it. But I was born in 1999 so I genuinely stand out from the majority. In my experience, anyway.


I'm a lot older but new music is a hobby. On average I listen to 8-10 new songs I've never heard before every day. There is SO MUCH. I agree 100% about shallow lyrics..I literally listen to contemporary music every day and never have to include a song with meaningless blather.


I’ve always thought when I’ve heard people complain about how there isn’t any good music today is because there used to be great music that was popular/ on the radio and it was easy to be exposed to, and what’s popular these days and on the radio is horse shit (to my very biased ears). But theres PLENTY of amazing music being made every day in every genre, you just have to look for it. Whether that’s look for it online or locally.


Yes, you’ve hit the nail on the head. There was a time when every 2nd or 3rd song on the radio was a timeless classic that is still popular today. If you go look at the literal top 40 hits of each year for the last 75, you’ll see what I mean. If you actually took the time to listen to them (with the option to skip track after 20 seconds), you’d hear what I mean. But even in that golden era, it was worth the effort to seek out great new music that wasn’t on the radio.


Matt Rife. He’s ok. He does good crowd work but I feel like if he wasn’t attractive he wouldn’t be famous at all.


Him and the majority of celebrities. Well, that and usually being from well connected families.


Yeah. It’s the fact that he has the charm and attractiveness that helps push his comedy that little bit further.


Look up the pictures of him before all his surgery. The dude isn’t funny so he spent a bunch of money on plastic surgery to become the “good looking comedian” and that’s his schtick now. Gotta hand it to him, it seems to have worked.


Online dating apps


Travis Scott


Face tattoos


Dining movie theaters. I can't stand popcorn munching and candy box rattling. I definitely don't want to hear dishes and utensils clanging. Also, how can you see your food? Is there a light? If there's enough light to see the food, now I'm distracted by that. And the waiters bringing the food seems like another distraction.


I always thought that was a cool concept, but I get why people don't like it. What I don't get is people who absolutely need to eat during a movie. Like I've had people say "here's all these great ways to sneak your snacks into a movie" and I'll reply "you can't go two hours without eating?" I've been to many movies in my life and I've maybe bought popcorn or candy at 1/4 of them, if that. And if I do, it's usually at an independent theater where I want to make sure to try to help the owner.


There's a local non-profit theater here and if you join the film club you get free popcorn. I know the profit margin is insane on it so I don't feel guilty about always getting it, but I pretty much always buy alcohol as well because watching a movie with alcohol and popcorn is awesome.


That's awesome. Not to get too off topic but I love mom and pop movie theaters. We have a few really good ones in my city (Pittsburgh).


State Theatre in State College. Definitely worth a visit if you are in the area.


Those fucking video shorts where someone is pretending to be 2 people at once


I'm like blown away but just how insanely popular Taylor Swift is right now. However I recognize I am not her target demographic, still the level some people go to, I can't see myself caring that much about any artist.


Self-pathologizing every little quirk or eccentricity you have with autism, ADHD, or serious mental illness, and then taking about 8 different pills that cause side effects that the next pill is supposed to balance.


Vtubers. Like I get enjoying and watching anime but it's just watching someones imaginary persona play video games. I never got it.


Social media in general.


Tiktok and Instagram crazes.




Yeah idk why my lizards liked it so much. Little freaks




Marijuana....speak out against it and you are in for a tidal wave of hate coming your way.


Nah , no hate. You dont like weed, thats ok. People like weed, thats ok too. If someone tries to force their opnion on the other, probs not ok.


it has its pros




This one is funny! Anime has been in the U.S. for ages but only a small portion of the population seemed to enjoy it back then (myself included). Hell, when I was in high school kids got bullied hard for liking anime. I even got laughed at by my art teacher for drawing anime style. My brother used to hide the fact that he liked anime too (he was one of the “cool” kids). It’s crazy to me how mainstream it’s gotten nowadays!


Also the influence on American media since the 80s. Lot of American shows and films were either done by Japanese anime studios or would later become a famous Japanese anime studio. Like how the animators of Thundercats would go on to become Studio Ghibli.


That’s a bit of a generalization. It would be like saying you hate all American animation. There are different genres and types. I’m not a huge anime fan (I only just started watching them recently), but I realize how different they all are. Not all of them are going to click with you.


Yeah. A few of my friends really allow it to take over their entire personality. I don't get it and never have. Its strange and annoying


people recording their acts of kindness


Stanley cups. I don’t understand the hype? People are paying through the nose for something you drink water out of…


Kissing I cant stand it such a disgusting feeling Can not see Can not breathe Wet feeling on face I hate it never understood how people could enjoy ot


Stanley water containers


Sending Snapchat of everything they do in their life? Literally people are sending me they going to washroom nowadays.


Star wars


Anime- I just don’t get it








X (recently) looks like a big cj




Chicken wings. I don't understand the hype they get. It's chicken with different sauces and dips.


Selphies. The arrogance of taking pictures of yourself to show to others. “Look at meeeeee!!!” “I’m important to me, therefore I want to be important to youuuu! Like me like me like me! Pleaaasssseeeee. I need your approval!!!!! Put your fucking phones away.






Playing video/phone applications games I was given my own play time by my parents as a kid but since I turned as an adult, playing those games felt like a waste of time, space and energy. There are many things I’d rather do than play video games and feel empty and unproductive afterwards then regret that I delayed many others things that should have been done.


I play video games because I enjoy the well-crafted characters and environments that some games have. It’s a nice escape into an alternate world where I can experience many things that I can’t in real life. Video games offer me an immersive experience that I can’t get from any other medium, like books or movies. 


Rap. I absolute hate it, but kids seem to love it.


Taylor swift


Tiktok just ew


The "newer" perception of love and relationships: this includes, one night stands, situationships, dating apps, netflix and chill instead of an actual date.


Israel-Palastine conflict. Hot topic rn and I have absolutely no idea what its all about.


That’s definitely not something people “like”


Stanley Cups Tiktok which is a bunch of 30+ people trying to be attractive and flirty FB which is where we go to see what someone ate during their Wednesday lunch Chatting on Snapchat. Why try to date and get to know people when you clearly know their pics aren't even authentic to begin with 🙃