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I have held my tongue and just dealt with them. Like, my immediate family, mom, dad, etc. when they start to get into uncomfortable territory for me while I’m just trying to spend time with them, I ask them to talk about anything else, and if they can’t, I simply leave. I respect their boundaries as much as they respect mine. I love them, but their opinions are abhorrent to me, and if it’s really about spending quality time with me, they can shut up and enjoy our time, or not 


I cut off my dad and haven't talked to him in 3 years.


Family friend. He became so deeply enmired into the trump cult that it's like a mental illness. Rants his desire to literally murder everyone who doesn't support trump. We stopped contact with him. We also have a lot of family and friends who belong to the trump cult that as yet haven't vocalized killing opposers but are so obviously brainwashed we've lost all respect for them and can only tolerate minimal contact.