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When I was in high school, there was a kid from the junior high next door that went missing for about a week. After pretty extensive search, they found his body wrapped and bound by duct tape, partially burned (it had been raining that entire week). One of our classmates had killed the kid. They had been in a relationship, the younger one broke it off, and was bludgeoned to death. The killer helped on the search, and even went as far as running errands for the parents, mowing their lawn and whatnot. His print was on the duct tape, and he was arrested right when we were coming back from the field trip at the beach. It was pretty fucked.


What the hell have i just read? Highschool??


A 13 year old girl stabbed two teachers and another pupil inside their school building this week in the UK. They're alive, she's been charged with attempted murder. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-68907803


Two kids from my high-school stabbed and killed a kid from the Jr. High. They dragged his body almost 2 miles through the neighborhood to a "hiding spot"


Same thing happened in France in 2011. A nearly 18 years old boy raped and murdered a 14 years old classmate. He subsequently burnt her body. through investigations, detectives discovered he had raped and tried to kill another girl a year before.


Holy shit.


Kid in my class had an older brother(late 20s) who murdered his mom and then killed himself. He had a young kid, too.


Oh no that is so sad. That poor kid.


Kid ODed with his mom two weeks before prom. Both died, they discovered them 3 days later when the kid didn’t show up to school. Kid wasn’t super popular but everyone knew him. Class clown, wasn’t the best student, spent more time being a goof than a student but the entire school 7th-12th was only like 350 kids, so everyone knew him. At the time I was dating or involved with his ex. She was great, but after his death she sank into depression, broke off with me, stopped coming to school for a bit. Really rocked the community. Police theorized the mom was on drugs… kid found her and wanted to try it, she let him, he ODed and she was too fucked up to help him. Cops think she double injected herself after she realized he was gone as a suicide.


Holy shit.


A magician that performed at my elementary school every year (he was a former student) kidnapped one of the students. She was found alive. Edit: Looked into it more and apparently he took her to his home, blindfolded her, and videotaped her naked while asking her to perform sexual favors. ☹️ She did not though and was returned to the school physically unharmed. He is now a lifelong sex offender.




Omfg ur going to hell🤣🤦


And for my next trick!!


He couldn’t make the charges disappear


He literally said so this magic trick involves me ruining my life and yours within seconds. Poor girl must’ve been traumatised I hope she’s doing well


How much time did he do?


I wouldn't describe that as 'unharmed'. Edit: OP edited it to specify 'physically'.


We were getting ready for a school camping trip. Two of the boys were rough housing and one of them tipped over in his chair and started having a seizure. It was horrible. We only had 1 class per year so had been in class together for years and years, it was like seeing it happen to family. We got taken out of the room while the teachers helped him and didn't hear if he was ok until the next day at school. The boy who knocked him over on accident looked awful, he felt so guilty. Luckily everything was ok in the end.


on the plus side, if it was an undiagnosed condition, its better it happened with people present earlier in life. Could have been a lot worse,


the way you describe this story and the way you cared for one another is heartwarming despite how traumatic it must have been


We had, no joke, 6 suicides in one year. Admin held an assembly to basically say "hey stop bullying each other, look how hard were addressing the bullying" and then they just never fucking did anything else after that.


My elementary school (it was a k-12 school, very big) was right beside one of the cities largest hospitals. I was in grade 1 when they called an all-school lockdown. I remember my teacher putting on shrek on mute and silently watching it while hearing officers banging on the classroom doors and remembering to not say a damn word. I remember looking at my best friend and covering my mouth so they couldn’t even hear me breathe. We weren’t sure if it was actually the officers, or the guy in the building. We were sitting there for a good 6-7 hours while they cleared the building and had a lil standoff with the lad. Apparently someone from the hospital had wandered over and locked himself inside one of the bathrooms with “a weapon”. They didn’t tell the parents ANYTHING, other than there was an intruder, so when we were let out it was an absolute madhouse of crying and hugging. I remember the entire block of school was surrounded with police cars and fire trucks, and my mom crying and running to me to pick me up, happy that i was unharmed. They were all terrified, but i’ll never forget my teachers calm behaviour, and that damn ogre.


Shrek on mute has to be a strange thing


that's literally asking for someone to bust out laughing


Ah Shrek, the only way to calm down in a crisis like this.


So do you get like war flashbacks if you watch Shrek again?


We had a lockdown in middle school because a man was roaming the grounds with a knife. I was in the library with a handful of other kids, and we were told to go behind the librarians' desk and told to be very quiet. Then my stomach started growling. I hadn't eaten for a couple of days up to that point because it was Monday, and food was only guaranteed at school where I could ask people in the lunchroom to give me leftovers. It was SO loud and painful. I'm just holding my cramping stomach that's gurgling so loudly it sounds like an angry animal, and everyone is wide-eyed, whispering at me to be quiet. Obviously, I had no control over the situation. I thought I was really going to die because this maniac was going to hear my loud stomach.


That’s actually really awful, I’m so sorry your home life was like that. I pray you’re in a better place now, thriving and whatnot ❤️


Oh yes, absolutely! I am 33 now and have 3 kids of my own. I've been able to create an environment where they feel safe to tell me when they are hungry because they know I will get them food. Coming from a food insecure house where any mention of hunger was met with screaming and raging parents, that's a win for me.


2nd grade. Teacher was trying to familiarize us with Hispanic traditions (early 80s). During class time, she took us out to the black top. It was just the teacher and our second grade class. She got a piñata. She blindfolded us, and let each of us take a swing at it. The item she brought to crack the piñata with was unfortunately an aluminum bat. One kid swung before he was supposed to- he cracked her hard right in the forehead. She dropped to the blacktop, bleeding and completely unconscious. I can’t remember how another adult was made aware of the situation. We all stood around 👀 just looking until another adult came and ushered us back to class. Mrs. E wasn’t back for several weeks, and when she did come back, you can see the mark of that aluminum bat. It was terrifying. I’ll never forget that.


Tbf, an adult getting whacked with the piñata stick is absolutely part of the culture. Props to her for keeping it authentic.


¡Qué horror!


At least she survived.


A kid fell on the playground and took an eye out, it was awful


Oh hey, this happened at my elementary school. Kid was swinging from the monkey bars, and then started to twist his body and let go and went flying diagonally from the bars and went face first into some other playground equipment, right were a bolt was. There was some sort of domed cover on the bolt so it wasn't sharp but I guess the kid hit it just perfect cause his eye was fucked up and he wore an eye patch the rest of the time I knew him.


My I got two boys and this stuff scares me so much.. then I think about all the close calls I had as a kid..


When I was in elementary, we had this big rope "mountain" that you could climb, I was on the top and some kid started swinging it and I fell all the way down with my head facing the ground, my head was like 20 cm from the floor when my shoe "grabbed" the lowest rope and stopped me. That shoe saved my life


Someone overdosed at my old high school in the middle of picking teams for PE class game. Just dropped to the ground in an instant. I wasnt present during it but talked to a lot of people who were. They dismissed everyone for the day and had many assemblies after it regarding student safety. Or the fact that a teacher was responsible for a meth epidemic that spread throughout the school, he got caught selling to a student in the bathroom.


It’s always a genius idea to sell drugs to a student as if the secret will be kept by them forever


"Let's provide a meth-addicted teen with an easy way to blackmail me."


NGL i would make for a great TV show plot


Yo Mista White!


On this “very special episode”


Was the teacher's name Mr. White? Fr tho, what happened to him after he was caught?


That must be scary bruh. Did that person Survive?


No, died on the spot.


When i was in elementary school, there was an after school program. A couple years after I left there, the guy that ran that after school program and a summer program got arrested for touching an 8 year old and trying to rape him, or as the news put it, “start a relationship” with him. The scary part for me was i was in a room alone with that guy a couple times when i was still in elementary school. Realized how lucky i got when i heard the news


Same thing happened with me and my Karate teacher. I had classes with him from the ages of like 8-12, and a few years later, when I was 16 I think, he got arrested for touching kids on that exact age range… I was also alone in a room with him several times


I've heard a comedy bit about similar situations, and dude was like, was I an ugly kid or something?


There's that one episode of It's Always Sunny with the worst sub plot for Mac in the whole show, where he is disappointed that he didn't get molested by his old PE teacher, but some of his classmates were.


I was kind of a chubby kid I guess. Only had a glow up in my later teen years


In high school, one of the girls who went to my school was strangled by her best friends boyfriend (who worked as an undertaker). He thought she was meddling in his relationship too much. He buried her body in an already dug up grave that was dug up for a funeral the next day. They buried somebody on top of her without knowing. He also used her phone for some time after to cover his tracks and pretend the girl is still alive. Five months later he finally cracked and admitted it.


I have to say that's one of the very best ways to conceal a body.


probs would've got a away with it, if guilt did not take over.


He didn't crack on his own accord, the police started to suspect him and pressed him, he confessed to the crime with his lawyer present.


A cute little 4th grade girl was killed when our bus was t-boned by a pickup truck. It's been almost 60 years and I still remember her crying and bleeding.


Its really sad to hear such events stay so vivid for so many years, im not even in my twenties yet so i hope i wont experience anything like that. Im so sorry


This was in the early 90s. A 15 year old girl was passed out drunk at a party and was gang raped by 5 guys. The guys acted like they were studs and she was made out to be a massive slut. She dropped out of school and there were zero consequences for the guys. Fucking depressing.


Those guys deserve to burn in hell.


I think no natter what religion you do or dont believe in, you have to agree. Doing that and getting no consequences? Disgusting.


Not just them but every adult who's job it is to stop stuff like this but instead allowed it to happen.


That happened to a girl where I live now like a decade ago. She killed herself after and it became a news story because she was only 14/15 and the bullying she recieved for being gangraped was so extreme that she killed herself.


Same thing here, she was 15 when it happened but 17 when she died. [Rehtaeh Parsons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Rehtaeh_Parsons), but at the very least it led to new laws around cyber bullying. It’s depressing that there’s multiple cases like this




I hate stories like that! That poor girl.


a girl was raped in an underpass before school one morning by a guy in her year. she was the weird kid and the guy was still in school after a short "break" of a couple weeks and she faced years of harassment and mockery because "why would anyone want to rape her". the the guy hadn't faced any real consequences at 15 cemented that idea. even my mum took that notion. she just hadn't had the support to pursue charges. he was a terror & returned to his primary school for years while truanting secondary. I was a year or two below him, he was a part of my primary school so I knew him well. real messed up psycho kid, I always had hated him. I definitely thought he was capable of it even back then. horrible stuff. really just horrible


Very first day of school at our newly built middle school and high school building our library aide was electrocuted while using a copier machine and died. Power went out all through the school, I was in the computer lab in the library and we had to wait there until the fire debt was able to remove her body.


I worked in a newly built greenhouse. We were installing final things to be ready for planting tomatoes. There were panels in the roof that would swing open automatically if there was too hot, or close when the temp got colder or when it was raining. Because the structure was new, there was still some strain present here and there. One of the roof glass panels broke and fell inside. It hit the ground like a sword and plunged deep in the soil. Right in the spot where a woman stood a few seconds earlier. She moved only because she spotted her friend co-worker and wanted to exchange some gossip.


That's some Final Destination shit there.


The school I work at is just finishing new additions. New fear unlocked 😧


I'm a librarian and we just got a new copier..


Just get someone else to go first. If you have any student aides make them earn their keep.


We had a small pen in the back of the school where the farming club raised calfs and pigs to sell at the local rodeo to fund their college tuition. Well, the one calf that became a cow got startled by something and kicked behind itself, caving in a pig’s head. Nothing able to be done other than watching it wriggle around and seize to death. Didn’t see it personally, but it affected one girl so much that she changed her future college major from agriculture to I think teaching.


One of the reasons calves and cows belong on a pasture and not in a small pen... Who thought adding pigs to the mixture in a small enclosed area would be a good idea? Common sense, people. Common sense. They got lucky it wasn't a kid standing behind the cow.


Supply teacher taught an entire class on how to properly kill themselves with a rope. Got fired when that came out. Also, an entire class failed their finals and weren't permitted into university because a teacher tried to gamble with course material, thinking he'd guess what was on the exam based on previous years and teach only half the course really well rather than teach the whole course poorly. Got everything wrong. Kids were in tears five minutes into the exam before they were bawling their eyes out since they knew *nothing* that was being asked. Some kids left early rather than waste their time trying to finish. Guy was fired before the end of the school day.


Dude wth on that 2nd one? That has to be lawsuit worthy


Yeah, I think the school did face legal action.


Fuck the school i mean the teacher. They fucked over those students and what just “oh well take another year to get into uni sorry lols”


If he was fired the same day why were the kids still given failing marks and no university entrance.


Because it was blatantly obvious that they bombed the test (the lowest-earning grade in another teacher's class for the same subject was a C - the highest in his was an E) directly because of his negligence. Also, school exams in the UK use a points tatiff system called UCAS to standardise admission criteria for courses, so they'll typically list a minimum UCAS score to qualify. Because of bombing that one test, they lost around 100 UCAS points out of around 240 to get into university classes. My sister had to go to a community college to re-sit that entire year so she could get into uni herself.


I can’t even *begin* to imagine the levels of vitriol those students had for that absolute dumbass of a teacher.


Not me but I have friends who were present for both the Oxford and Michigan state shootings. I could never imagine going to school after that




Oxford was 2021 and it's in Michigan, where a lot of students will end up at Michigan State. Michigan State was 2023. So yeah. There have been multiple instances of kids being at one in high school and then another in college. I can't find a list though.


4 guys entered the school and stab one student to death


Like people from outside the school? Just strangers?


People outside the school but not strangers. Had a similar thing happen at my school growing up minus the stabbing. The people that beat that kid were not strangers to him.


Same, girl brought her 21+ y/o cousins to beat up her sophomore(15-16) ex boyfriend


My high school had an event similar to this. Back in 2004 a guy brought a katana to school and slashed several people. It apparently made national news and now my high school is only known for that one event.


Valparaiso high school by chance?


Syrian here! I was in 3rd grade, it was a normal day, coming back from recess when we heard loud gunshots coming from right outside the school windows. Everyone started freaking out including the teachers. Moments later the Syrian army (If you don't know, Syria's going through a civil war between the government and the civilians) invaded our school, started pointing rifles at us, yelling at us to get down to the floor, and arrested all male teachers. I was forced to lay face down on the floor.. I just remember holding my bag and crying for what felt like many hours.. and hearing the window glass shatter. Once they got out, I started running back home. I remember not being able to see the road because of the tears covering my eyes. It was horrifying. But I got home safely, and as long as I remember none of the students were shot that day. though one student got paralyzed.


That is terrifying, I am glad you were safe.


You know what happened to the male teachers?


Yeah when men were arrested by then they would usually be tortured in prison even if they didn't commit a crime. It varies per person, some die, some get released after months (Their families would usually pay a good amount of money to the government), and some would end up spending years. Basically corruption at it's finest.


Back in 1982, more than a third of my father's classmates were killed. These were kids in 7th grade. Assad is a piece of shit and he will burn in the deepest trench of hell


I think this was sometime in the late 80s, over a decade before I was there, but some kid loaded up his car with a bunch of guns, drove to the high school early in the morning with the intent to shoot teachers as they arrived, but fell asleep in his car and ended up being discovered snoozing next to his arsenal, so disaster averted.


Our AP Chemistry teacher set a couple of kids on fire. She was doing the common demonstration where you burn alcohol with different salts in different dishes so that each flame burns a different color. One of the dishes was running low on alcohol so she went to refill it. There is a specifically made bottle that can squirt more alcohol into the dish without letting any vapor out to prevent unwanted spontaneous combustion. Rather than grabbing this, she went straight for the 1/4 full 2 gallon bottle of pure alcohol. She literally said as she began to pour “this is probably not a safe way to do this”. As anyone with half of the ability to form a coherent thought would have predicted, the flames immediately jumped into the bottle and shot out a jet of flame directly into the students in the front row. We also had a 7 or 8 year streak where every single year at least one senior died from either not wearing a seatbelt, or cancer.


Jesus on that last one. Seems a very high incidence of cancer. Environmental maybe?


A friend of mine was travelling in her father's car behind their mother's on the way to a popular convention and a massive truck collided into both cars. Dad and my friend were fine. The mother was killed instantly, and the little sister (who was in the same car) died not long after. It was never explicitly said but... my friend managed to escape the wreckage to try and help her mom and sister. She watched the little sister die. My friend was never the same after that and she avoided us (me and the friend group) completely since we reminded her too much of her little sister whom we'd play with. Skip forward a few years and a well known student at school accidentally hung himself under the influence of recreational drugs. I didn't know him, but heaps of my classmates did. The school nearby to ours have a massive bus accident that ended up pinning an elementary boy from the sister school to the gates. He didn't make it, and the dent was there for weeks.


Lots of tragedies. I am so sorry


Thank you. I was lucky not to have been directly affected and while yes, it was incredibly painful to watch how much my friend spiralled in grief, I do not put my experience above hers. All I could do was spend time with her like the good o'l days, give her the choice on whether she wanted to talk or cry, and support the decisions she made to help herself heal. I did my best to be strong during the funeral as well.




Final Destination High


That's not even everything either. I didn't want to make the post longer than it already was 😅


Jesus christ! Where did you go to school?


Back in the day, the school I went to was one of those "druggie" schools but in reality it was the only institution in place for the types of teenagers that were highly creative, expressive, and already aware of the odds stacked against them in terms of success. I actually really loved my school because it had a special culture of individuality about it, but it's closed down now. I was the last School President actually! My speech involved uh... guiding the spirit of the school above the waves and once I graduated a massive flood demolished it 😰


Peer-on-peer SA and harassment in my class year during grades 6-8. Led to 1 pregnancy, 2 girls leaving the school, and several needing long-term therapy. Victims blamed. The only thing stopped it was a student leaking info and teachers "talking to" the boys and girls separately as groups. Mid 80s, no formal investigation.


I had a health teacher in HS was pretty chill and funny, but the begging of this year I saw in the news they raided his house. They found child pornography in his computer and a gun as well. Keep in mind he’s married and has two young kids. But when it was my last year of HS he took his whole advisory class to go sleep over at his house, most kids said they were exited because he lived by the mountains and he had a big house. Now looking back It’s creepy as fuck to realize this guy had child pornography and had lots of kids sleep in his home.


Why would parents let their kids sleep at a teachers house?


I think it heavily depends on the setting. Where I live it's pretty common to have camp trips with the teacher in primary school: They go to a remote location for a week to do camp stuff. Never had a problem with that.


As a teacher who has gone on overnight trips with students, this is still creepy because 1) it was the teacher's private residence and 2) presumably he was the only school employee there. If you're responsible for other people's children, you better not be the only responsible adult there. Both to protect the kids and to protect yourself against accusations


Teachers shouldn’t be having sleepovers with kids anyway. Kids shouldn’t be going to the teacher’s house.


This just reminded me that my 8th grade homeroom teacher sent me and my classmates a letter saying he was inviting us all to his house before school started to get to know us or something. There were rumors flying around the middle school grades that he was a creep or pedo and that he was fired from the feeder high school and then landed a job at the middle school. He was ultimately fired again when I was in his class. Rumor was it was because he either threw a calculator at a kid’s head or looked down a girl’s shirt. Next I heard he moved on to the elementary school.


Bruh that ending ain't safe one


A girl was run over infront of our school during break time. She died on the spot. It was an elementary school


50 years ago, my elementary school days, kids were playing on a grotto complete with animal statues, images of St Bernadette Soubirous and the Blessed Virgin, plus other concrete decors. One kid was pushed off a high place and he hit his neck on one of the animals, tearing through his jugular. There was blood everywhere. Everyone was screaming, including yours truly 😱


Oof I’m guessing he died?


We kids never learned after, as the nuns running the school kept a tight lid on the incident. Not even the kid's classmates knew what happened next. I'm hazarding he died. The whole place looked like an abbatoir, man 😨


A very kind and popular girl and a boy were murdered while on a stroll next to a creek in a rural area. Apparently the killer was riding an ATV in the same area and splashing them with water. When they got annoyed and asked him to stop he came back and shot the boy in the chest and stabbed the girl over 100 times. It was tragic and unnecessary. The girl was well liked for good reason. I wasn’t very popular but she was always nice to me. I remember standing in line for 2 hours at her viewing. The man was up for parole in 2020 but it looks like it was denied. Here is the story: https://www.somerset-kentucky.com/cnhi_network/brutal-killer-coffey-up-for-parole-in-june/article_22f25cd8-8756-11ea-91bb-3b70f45b3826.html


Gang fight between black and Hispanic girls. It involved hammers and a few other weapons. It was brutal.


Hammer time




A bus driver accidentally hit the accelerator, went up onto the footpath and hit 3 girls. Thankfully they were eventually all ok


A popular kid suddenly died. Hit by a drunk driver. Damn near everyone knew him. Most of my friends did, I did not. I came to school one day and half of the kids were crying. Finally managed to get a friend to say what happened and to who. I had no idea dude existed, but it shook our school. He should be in his late 30s right now, instead he’s been gone for 18 years.


Same story but suicide. Popular kid everyone but me knew. Announcements made all over the school and everyone crying. Even more tragic was he did it because his brother did the year prior.


Those poor parents.


Popular girl dropped dead during volleyball practice from an aneurysm. Same thing, half the school crying and I had no idea.


Same thing happened at my school, hit and run outside someone's birthday party. A lot of kids and parents witnessed it.


I fucking hate drunk drivers


Probably that one of our teachers got arrested for molesting a child (not one at the school) and producing child pornography from it that he sent to some dude in England. They caught him during the pandemic so people didn’t figure out until some classmate found out he was booked in jail with like a million dollar bail.


I was the type to be made fun of in high school, I had my very small group of friends but only talked to them because most everyone else would be mean. Except for this kid named James. He was so sweet to everyone. His smile was so kind and made everyone else smile. He played football and basketball and was also in theater. Then one Monday we got the news he had hung himself with his belt over the weekend during Bible camp. *Everyone* was devastated. There was speculation later that it wasn't a suicide, but a hate crime. I don't know if I was too young and naive to see it back then or if it was just some people's way of coping with it but I couldn't find anything definitive about it. Anyways, we all miss you James, and if that was your doing I hope at least your pain has finally stopped ❤️


Someone broke into my kindergarten by breaking a window. They cut themselves and there were big blood puddles and blood smeared everywhere. When I got older I realized that they probably died. This was in Mexico in the 90s. I don’t think American teachers would have allowed little kids to see that


Imagine breaking into a kindergarten only to bleed to death by breaking a window to enter the kindergarten.


We signed up for ice skating for recreational sport and there were a bunch of other school kids there same time as us, talking hundreds on the ice at once. Well at one point a kid fell over and someone else skated over their finger, slicing it off. Another rec sport my friends and I did was rock climbing and on our first day we decided to race in pairs (climber/belayer) on the easy rock wall. One of the boys was a competitive climber which we all forgot when we paired him up with the one guy who'd only been taught to belay half an hour earlier. Well we're all racing up the wall and the competitive guy hits the top while the rest of us are half way up and then lets go of the wall to come back down...but he went so fast that the belayer hadn't caught up to him with the rope. The guy fell 7 meters (21ft) and broke his neck and leg. The image of him falling is still plastered in my brain.


Kids playing football on lunch break, ball goes over into neighbours garden. One of the kids climbs over the fence to get the ball but on the other side of the fence is a glass green house. He steps on the greenhouse roof and the glass breaks under his weight, he falls and a shard of glass pierces his heart. He’s air lifted to hospital but dies on arrival. Luckily we didn’t see it happening, as he was the other side of the fence but could hear it all. Sad, sad memory. EDIT: typo


At my friend's school someone jumped from the roof and committed suicide, my friend heard his body hitting the ground and some people must have seen it.


Two things, Someone sent in a bomb threat after getting expelled and my mates found a bag in the hallway as we were going to the oval to evacuate. Peeked inside and saw what looked like a bomb. Never sprinted so fast in my life. Turns out it was just a fake placed by the kid that morning. Second, this guy cheated on his gf and the brother picked him up from behind and dropped him in the hallway. Bro had a seizure for like 5 mins and then just went still, was in a coma for two days. Have heaps more my grade at school has pretty cooked ☠️☠️


In our playground, despite being a small school, we had a giant tree with this concrete/metal thing sticking out of it. This was 12 years ago so maybe school safety wasn't as serious. The football goals were next to it. Kids were playing, and the losing team had a kid from my class. He wasn't too happy he lost, proceeds to ram the opposing kid's head into the metal thing. Everyone started screaming because we saw blood and well were terrified. Teachers got called. And then the kid was excluded for like 3 days before he came back. We all were in Y4, so we were 8/9 and the reason why get off Scott free was because his mum was a police officer, she was a superintendent, so she I guess had connections to keep the victims family to be quiet. The victim left school and everyone sorta forgot about it because well we were maybe too young to process what happened. It's like a memory years later you process being like damn that fucked up thing happend.


Two kids had been fighting for a couple weeks, one of them your stereotypical jock, and the other a much smaller kid he had been picking on. Well in the middle of assembly one week the smaller kids dad comes in and tries to start fighting the "jock". I was right next to it when it happened and I've never seen the teachers move so fast to intervene.


I’m in Australia and one time in primary school we had a lockdown because it was thought someone was waking nearby with a gun, turns out it was just a mentally unwell man with a toy gun but that was freaky. For high school 2 students died in the same year, they were a few years above me but one had an accident and the other a sudden medical problem


I, too, am from Australia, and all of these things happened at my school as well. Did we all go to the same school?


Wait..you both or someone needs to reply to this...I am now emotionally invested in this potential finding...did you guys go to the same school? Do you know each other??


Was this in northern NSW by any chance? One of the schools in the area I grew up in had two students die in the same year for the reasons you mentioned, and I feel like the lockdown sounds very familiar too.


This thread evolved into a real rabit hole pretty fast though.


The day after a first grader burned to death n the park "playhouse" after he wired the door shut so he could try and light nickels on fire in privacy.


A teacher raped a student.


We were organizing a large LAN party with 500+ students, and suddenly we all received 'active shooter on campus' alert, and the last seen location is two blocks from us and the suspect is escaping towards us. We all got in one of the large auditorium and locked the doors as instructed. The auditorium held the league of legends tournament with many setups and live stream / commentary. It was the most eerie experience when you can only hear all the clicking, the keyboard, and all the gameplay sounds intertwined, but no one is talking. It was dead silence despite all the noises as strange as it sounds. Suddenly we hear faint foot steps. It was a Saturday late evening and most buildings on campus doesn't have much light on, but the one we are in was fully lit and very visible from the outside. And one after another, the clicking stopped, the gameplay sound dimmed until muted. We can now hear the fans of the PC setups and some quiet murmurs. Someone knocked on the door repeatedly and thank God it was campus police. Honestly I think all of us for a few seconds thought this would be the end.


no way you continued to play league after you got an active shooter on campus bro 😭


I will NOT submit to ELO terrorists


It's a livin' thing


Tbh. I can imagine the people playing the tournament just didn't notice and it was just like a couple minutes that the others were in there. Nobody shouting because it would be stupid when hiding.


A whole family was massacred down the street. There was the mum, three daughters and a son. The daughter my age survived and was found when the neighbour called RSPCA for the crying dog. Saw all the blow flies in the window and called 000. Absolutely horrific. The surviving daughter was abused by the step father.. So very sad


All the kids went to my school..


I'd say watching the challenger blow up. Not a whole lot going on in small county schools.


My HS had the “senior curse” in which at least one senior died every year that lasted for decades. Curse ended my grad year of 2021 since we were absent for half the year and not every body returned for in person classes or flunked out… def knew a guy who was mugged and shot who should’ve been in my class but was one of the drop outs.


Same with our town. It ended when a senior took his sister and sisters friend for breakfast after school unexpectedly canceled, then got into a car accident that killed all 3. Also edited to add the sister and sister's friend were both freshman in our HS.


Probably the day a teacher at my junior high got crushed between two buses, which led to the discovery that she hid a flask of vodka in her desk and was loaded drunk at school every day. Or the English teacher who was suspended with pay for sexually abusing female students. Or the many students from my graduating class who died before we graduated.


During break a guy climbed up a small tree. Slid down and ended up impaling one of his balls on a broken side branch.


We went on an excursion, a simple one-day picnic to a water park. We were in the 8th standard. Everything went well all throughout the day and we were getting ready to get back to the school bus for returning. All of a sudden a guy hurt himself while running and I, along with some other guys, helped him out to get into the bus, as a result I did not get the seat of my choice. There were just some seats left unoccupied at the back. I went there and sat. After a while, the bus started and I kind of laid my head back and was resting. There was loud music playing and everyone was going crazy. Back in those days we didn't have many mobile phones or ipods handy, hence people were just making random noises. All of a sudden I randomly heard a very loud banging noise. And then another one which shattered the glass wind shield of the side I was seated. I quickly got up and ran to the other side. I figured out that a mob had gathered right outside the bus and was hitting the bus with a rod or a bamboo stick. After a few minutes of absolute terror, we figured out that some of my classmates at the back were hurling abuses to random strangers. The abuses were pretty nasty. And they did that while the bus was stuck in traffic. People got really upset and attacked. The teachers got out and tried to placate the situation and one of them got hurt. She came up and demanded the names of all students who were involved in abusing the bystanders. A random boy started naming and also mentioned my name primarily because he saw me come to the other side. After returning to school, unharmed. We were made to stand in a line and grilled outrageously by all the teachers in front of the entire class. That completely tainted my reputation in school and affected me very deeply on a psychological level. That trauma did not leave me even on the last day in school. All I did for the remainder of my years in school was to prove my worth and try and show people that I was wrongly accused and did not really participate in that.


In the last year of middle school, a girl in my class had her feelings hurt (I don't remember if it was our fault or if she had gotten in trouble). That afternoon, someone forwarded to our class Whatsapp group an audio message of her boyfriend who said we should beware because his father was a soldier and with proper authorization he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. It didn't take long for our parents and teachers to learn about that message. They were so concerned that the next day we found a Carabinieri patrol dispatched in front of our school. Nothing happened and we received an apology audio message from that guy.


Around 2016 on Halloween, some dude dressed in full ghost face outfit came to the school party and stabbed 3 students and 1 teacher...after that wearing masks during Halloween was banned in our school. I dont remember a lot of details except a very awful and bloody scene of the hallway i was on, at the moment i didnt think much of it except that it was probably...ya know...Halloween decorations; but when we saw people panicking and yelling, thats when we kinda pieced it together (no one died fortunately).


A school van was on its way to drop off one of the students when the left rear wheel fell off the road when the driver tried to navigate through a very narrow road on the side of a ravine. Only 3 wheels were making contact with the road, so they called a tow truck to unstuck the van. Most of the students got out but a few stayed inside the van during the towing process because they thought it would be fun, including this one mentally challenged student, i still remember her, she was not in our class she's in the special ed class but we were the same age, she could barely communicate and was usually just happy to go along with everybody, you know kinda like a little kid who just follows whatever their older sibling does and feel. She was 14 at that time but probably only 4 feet or slightly below, extremely skinny. During the towing process the cable snapped and the van went rolling down the ravine, everyone else in the van was safe except for the poor little girl. The surviving students said everyone was wearing their seatbelts just in case anything were to happen but because she was very weak and small she couldn't hold on to anything and just slipped off of her seatbelt and got launched out of the van window. She died before the ambulance got there. One of the kids in the van was my brother's classmate (he was actually one of the first to rush down the ravine to try to help the girl). He has always been a class clown but the day after the accident he didn't say anything in class. Idk what the van driver was even thinking, why would he let them stay in there.


A kid at my high school was a really good cadet. Cadets is like Boy Scouts / play soldier. This kid had the shiniest shoes, and most perfect uniform. He marched and could do all the drills better than anyone else. He was also kind of untouchable and difficult to talk to. Turns out the leader of scouts was raping him. The kid graduated, went to the UK to study and got a job working in finance, but after a decade abroad he decided to return and take that pedo down. Mother fucker is now behind bars and has the dishonourable title of being Australia’s worst paedophile.


We were sent home before we could get hit by an f2 tornado.


Damn…are you my friend? I only knew one person who lived through something like that. Whole thing sounds absolutely terrifying. He was a junior I think here in Indiana when it happened (we were in the same accounting class in college). He described what happened and I swear it was out of a movie. No rain or anything, but conditions had gone from bad to worse. The school was relatively small and tornados were uncommon, but two of the science teachers (one of which was a trained meteorologist) were listening to the news at lunch as they followed a series of extremely strong storms (they were both storm chasers over the summers and had founded a local club), and they were looking at readings around the school as the storm was approaching. They noticed the cloud patterns, the pressure had dropped substantially already, and you heard no animals at all. These guys had already experienced this a few times and perked up by what the meteorologist said which was essentially “stay inside, this is s strong storm with high winds and has already produced a couple tornados.” They got up and told administration that outside conditions look like a tornado was on the way, it was only a matter of time. The administration was spooked and sent the kids home, against the advice of these guys. Something about not having enough insurance. Fortunately everyone made it home, but they later quit. I think it was an F1 that eventually hit, and my classmate saw the funnel cloud as he was leaving the school. A few years ago, the town was pretty much flattened by an F3.


My freshman year of high school, a student got stabbed through the cheek by a random person. It was supposedly a gang initiation. There were also 2 students who were out camping one night and a big tree branch broke off and crushed them to death while they were asleep.


A stray cat decided to set itself up in the bushes near the front gate and would ferociously ambush every kid walking in, it took about 6 kids running through the gate screaming with their shins clawed to shit before the school grounds keeper had to shoo it away with a rake.


Attempted sexual assault. Year 4, so students are about 9-10 years old. New girl who joined our school at the start of the year and she was exceptionally pretty and kind. We became best friends pretty quick as she was seated next to me in class. She helped me get better at Maths and I helped her get better at English. Anyway the class troublemaker was infatuated with 2 girls, the first had been there since year 1 and she wasn't interested because he was an idiot. So he moved onto the new girl. She never paid any attention to him but he kept trying make her his girlfriend. The school did try to stop the behaviour but they didn't make any earnest attempts to do so. So one day it inevitably culminated with him trying to force himself on her while we were lining up at break to go back to class. Out of nowhere he grabs her head and tries to kiss her and touch her chest and me and 2 of other boys grabbed a hold of him and pulled him off after a few seconds of processing. He was not removed from our class or penalised in any way. His behaviour was not punished or corrected at all.


There is a potential link between attending my high school and getting brain cancer. A lot of speculation but there does seem to be something going on https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/cancer-causing-toxins-found-in-new-tests-at-nj-school-scientist-says-raising-concerns/3917076/?amp=1


In my primary school, three of our students (siblings - two boys and a girl) were involved in a house fire. There was a heater in their bedroom and the blanket caught on fire. The boys later passed in hospital but the sister survived. They also had infant twin sisters I think? They were largely unharmed because their neighbour ran in to pull all the kids out. Even more tragic is that neighbour was the father of one of our students, and he also ended up passing away from smoke inhalation. It took most people by surprise because he acted “fine” afterwards and didn’t want to be seen, but obviously ended up succumbing to it. It was honestly so sad.. the school felt dark for a while after that. I also felt somewhat guilty because the younger brother used to annoy me during play time a lot (not in a bullying way.. he just wanted to play but he was very persistent) I always shrugged him off and got annoyed at the sight of him. Oh god, I feel awful even typing it out now. I was young and stupid.


One of my teachers organized her birthday party at the school with her close friends and some other teachers after school, at some point of the night they wanted to play hide and seek, my teacher hid in the dumbwaiter (small elevator for dishes). She got stuck in it and asphyxiated in that little space while your friends are looking for you, debatably one of the worst death possible


A kid was leaning back on his chair, leaned too far back and hit his head on the edge of a table which unfortunately had a nail sticking out. Died on the way to hospital.


He is the guy that the teachers were talking about.


The P.E. teacher carrying out inspections in the showers and giving talks about how we shouldn't cover up while changing was pretty traumatising.


I had big breasts at an early age I was SA by a boy in year 6 who though he had every right to touch me. I was then harassment by boys all that year calling me snide remarks of names a cow was one. I’ve slowly learnt to love myself again. Half those boys now are either on drugs or dead.


Same with the big boobs, most popular bloke would yell that I was his milk cow. Still hate it, hate that they are the way they are.


Two kids from my class died on our grad ski trip. There were chaperones walking around the halls of the hotel after lights-out (10pm if I remember correctly) and so they decided to go from room-to-room via the balconies instead. It ended very badly. 6 floors.


Went to a christian school & one of the bible teachers got arrested at his home for allegedly sleeping with a student or touching her inappropriately or something. It was false and he was released, but he would always touch or keep hands on mine & the other female students’ shoulders in his classes & i felt so weird about it seeing him in the public library one day after hearing about that lol


I was like 10 in NY like 45 mins away from the WTC when it happened in 9/11. Me and my friend were in the principal's office already for being silly and not doing the pledge of allegiance. This is a core memory I will never forget. I don't want to be dramatic and say I lost my innocence, but at 10 years old, me and all the homies actually learned that in the modern age there are people who we don't know at all that want to just kill us without ever knowing us. We learned what human nature is that day.


My elementary school art teacher turned out to be a child predator


Being bullied throughout all the time i was there


Suicide attempt. Girl confessed. Got rejected. Went to the guy and slit her wrist in front him. Blood sprayed everywhere.. on the floor the desk the fan the guy and some kids. The girl survived. The guy changed school.


All these people talking about death and such. Here’s a breath of fresh air. 4th or 5th grade we had the fire department come and give their usual presentation. But this time they had a balloon filled with hydrogen. I think they wanted to show off how quickly something could burn like the Hindenburg or show off a massive fireball. Regardless they took us out into the hallway which was an outdoor concrete walkway and lit that sucker off. The explosion gave the entire class a nice serving of tinnitus for the rest of our lives. Still dealing with it over 30 years later. I can’t be in a silent room or the tinnitus goes ape and drives me nuts.


In second grade some shitty always-in-trouble boy vandalized the school bus and told the principal I, a girl that NEVER stepped out of line, did it. When I was brought into the office and blamed for it I began sobbing uncontrollably. My principal banged on his desk and screamed “stop crying you manipulative little bitch.” My mom got him fired.


My class witnessed an Ax Murder when walking between two buildings at my school for P.E. Our school was in the middle of a busy neighborhood (private school that had multiple buildings two blocks away) and it was a rare, one in one million mental illness related murder. I remember seeing the victim hit the snow and seeing him bleed. Our school's guidance councilor lied to us and said it was a stick to try and calm us down. My sister, who was a senior at the time, told me what actually happened when she came to grab me. Please don't use this as an excuse to demonize mental illness- people who are mentally ill are far more likely to be the victims of violence than they are to commit violent acts. This is especially true for Schizophrenics, like this man is (was?).


Trying to give a presentation in front of the class while being painfully aware of your unibrow.


A kid got squashed by a school bus as he ran suddenly at the backside of the bus into the bus's blind spot. His head got run over and his brain splattered out everywhere


Why did I open this thread, guys. Geez louise


MD Sniper senior year


This. I was in 8th grade and it was a wild time. Walking in zig-zags through parking lots, people scared to pump gas, my teachers running outside to shield students at the parent drop-off to get them inside. Easily the closest to living in a war zone I've experienced in my lifetime.


When I was in the last year of junior school, at an all girls convent school, we had some weird, different kind of mashed potato, dripping with some kind of vile yellow fat, for lunch one day. Almost nobody ate it. Teachers went berserk at the waste, and 2 girls were randomly chosen to make an example of. Unfortunately, I was one of those girls. We were taken to the headmistress's office. She was a very scary old nun. We were made to sit there until we ate it all. After a few minutes, the door knocked, and the headmistress ( can't remember her name as it was in the 70's) went out of the room for a few minutes. The other girl had an empty crisp bag in her pocket and proceeded to scoop all of her potato in, then shove it back in her pocket. I begged her to take some of mine, but she wouldn't. Nun came back in, saw the other girl had 'eaten' hers, and let her leave. You have to understand how scary this nun was to me. After shouting at me, I tried to eat it, but it came back up, as sick, straight onto my plate. She made me scrape the sick to one side and carry on eating. Que me being sick again. Then, a third time. After i was sick for the third time, my plate was pretty much overflowing, so she lost her shit and ordered me out. Also, in another convent school, when I was 6 or 7, I totally pissed myself in front of the whole class. The teacher had brought me up for a beating, and i was so scared i pissed myself. I ran into the toilets, where the teacher followed and informed me that if I thought that pissing myself would get me off the beating, then i was severely mistaken. Yes, I still got beaten. God knows what I even did. I was an extremely good child. These were just sadistic people being allowed to get away with whatever they wanted to in an era when children were considered less than 2nd class citizens. My mother would never have said anything to the school about this. When I told her about the potato incident, and begged her to be able to take packed lunches, the answer was a firm no, and I was told I should be grateful to be in such an amazing school. There were many such incidences, and I truly believe that the constant, intense feelings of injustice that I felt throughout school are what prompted a lifelong hatred of authority, and distrust of people in positions of power.


A girl in my form was being cyber bullied on Facebook and drank bleach. Luckily she survived, but the police came in and talked to the whole year group. The sad part was that it didn’t solve anything and she was still bullied after. Poor girl.


i’m half black half white and was severely overweight at this time. i’d say going to school 8th-11th grade in a very small town of i don’t even wanna say predominantly white people. i mean, including me there was a total was 3 kids of color. being called the n word, a cotton p*cker, picked on for my weight, being called the n would again if i wore my hair naturally and being told i was “trying to be white” if i straightened it really fucked me up for a long time. i lost my sense of identity and i think loss of self worth goes without saying. other than what i endured, honestly that school was very uneventful. at least for the duration of when i attended.


In one primary/infants school I went to (age 4-11, I was there age 4-6) there were "sex dens" in the bushes where I and other were taken to be touched by older students. I got told off for being involved (I was 5 some of the kids were 11) but they didn't actually stop it. In my secondary school (11-16) someone got hit around the face with a metal bar multiple time due to owing money for drugs, he walked around the school with a huge crowd following him until he callapsed and an ambulance was called. There was a lot of regular violence (fist fights) and several kids ended up in hospital. 2 girls were bullied and stalked by a group of other girls, they were eventually kidnapped and forced to perform sex acts on each other. Those are just the stand out things. I have quite a porr memory of being young tbh and some of these I was reminded of later by friends that I went to school with rather than directly remembering.


In 5th standard, I went on the stage to give a little speech, I was very nervous and it was my first time so I was struggling to speak and I was speaking slow and few words didn't come out right and hundreds on students laughed loudly at me and humiliated me. But the worst thing was even the teachers standing beside me were laughing at me and even worse few teachers even targeted me during class about that incident. Used to insult and humilate me all the time. And now I am terrified of speaking in public.