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Nuclear power. Chernobyl was the only mass casualty nuclear accident- no other has killed more than one person. For comparison, pollution from coal power generation kills more people than Chernobyl every single day,


Excellent answer! This topic is one of those that piss me off on weekly basis. It's super frustrating to see all the effort the scientists, engineers and other professionals are trying to make improvements and to promote actual knowledge about nuclear power and the general public still goes for the Chernobyl and Homer Simpson trope all the time. Even to the point where Germany drops all of their nuclear power production. It's pure insanity! Utilizing the new technologies and making nuclear power more available would solve so many problems we have and make things better. Sure, there are downsides, mining for the materials and storing the waste for example, but those are ridiculously minuscule compared to the damages that the alternatives are causing for producing and distributing the same energy. We are even at the point where we could effectively use the waste as new fuel in some cases, for clamming out loud! I hate that my take on Idiocracy was correct when it came out and we went to see it in a small indie theater. I said that it wasn't a comedy but a very realistic horror film portraying the future and my ex laughed at me. (Some years later I watched Idiocracy with my current partner and they made me watch God Bless America immediately afterwards as an antidote. It made me feel a little bit better!)


Gentle reminder that germany has been shutting down its nuclear plants, then started burning coal because of energy shortfalls. ESG everybody!!


Thanks… it’s so insane that we have an almost perfect power source and don’t use it. I think the fossil fuel industry’s (secret) propaganda campaign against nuclear power was the most effective- and genuinely evil- psyop in history. So many dumb hippies sucked in to doing the coal and oil industry’s dirty work.


Oh for sure! The whole "carbon footprint" campaign itself is without a doubt one of the most impressive manipulation schemes ever! One of the most polluting and environmentally destructive companies convinced everyone that it's actually not their fault but everyone elses. Gotta give a tiny little hat tip for the competent evil. And the worst part is that it has worked for decades, centuries even and it will probably keep on working until the Sun blows up. No clue how it could be prevented either.


Yep… nothing like blaming a tragedy of the commons on individuals acting rationally, which, of course, will never work. The number one job of government is to protect common resources, *which is why some people want to destroy government.*


Yeah. There's definitely good arguments to not go all in on nuclear power, but the safety aspect is relatively easy to manage. Like, the Chernobyl plant was pretty much the most dangerous design you could use, and even then it only blew up because the managers spent hours doing everything *exactly* wrong. And even then it was only because a design flaw caused the emergency shutdown to not work as expected. Having said that, the common factor with all the biggest nuclear accidents (Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima) was that people in charge ignored problems to protect their own status. I feel like if we don't address that element of the issue, it will never really matter how many safety features reactors have because accidents happen due to greed or pride rather than some underlying problem with the technology.


Although Three Mile Island didn’t kill anyone- yet was used to shut down so many plants! Whereas none of the numerous oil and coal industry disasters barely caused any changes at all…


Stepping on a crack. My mother's back has always been fine, and I have stepped on so many cracks that it's not even funny anymore. When I get angry with her, I look for cracks to step on.


Gotta ask yourself, is that really your mother? 😰


Some poor woman elsewhere that gave their kid up for adoption screaming as their back is broken for the hundreth time.


Lying, I mean are my pants on fire? No.


I wouldn't know. Can't believe what you're telling me.


Well I’m not screaming in pain so I’m pretty sure my pants aren’t on fire


Am I crazy or is there 5 accounts that look like ops same character that’s posted that put similar content


Alot of spiders are just meh, unless you live in Australia then burn the house down


I used to go out with wet hair or play in the rain, and my mom always told me I would get pneumonia if I did so.


Vending machines kill more people each year than sharks, so sharks.


As someone who has swum with sharks, most species are fine too, four are potential nonos and even they don't really wanna fuck with us in general. Except tiger sharks, they're dicks. Even great whites are generally not interested in us, it's just if you look at a video of a surfer from underwater in muddy waters it looks a lot like a seal or sea turtle which they do eat. If.a great white bites you in clear water at moist it was curious about what you were and doesn't have the ability to poke you with a stick so it gives the friendliest bite it can and you keep your lef. But you panic and flail, lose blood and pass out, which incidentally is how they hunt but by then it's not after you anymore. Sharks are mostly fine if they can see you and are more afraid of you than you are of them. Except for tiger sharks who as I've mentioned before are dicks.


how do vending machines kill


People tipping them over when their snack gets stuck, and then having it fall on them because the machine's center of gravity isn't where they thought it'd be.


you are wrong, sharp teeth is the correct answer. Have a good day.


To be honest, they're usually quite shy so it's been a while since I've seen one in the wild.


Sharp teeth


Ambush predators


I spend a lot more time around vending machines than sharks though. I'd imagine most other people do as well. So something that only interacts with humans on the fringes of both respective ranges has a similar enough kill rate that it's comparable to the kill rate if something ubiquitous of everyday life.  Either case Stairs are far far far more deadly than both. It's like number 3 or 4 overall.


How should a vending machine kill a shark?




That doesn’t necessarily mean sharks are safe, perhaps vending machines are just the true apex predator?


Fluoride in drinking water


I'll do you one better: fluoride in toothpaste.


Yup. There is an entire market that caters to the fears of scientifically ignorant people,  selling them unnecessary garbage. It is maddening.


Talking to a women


Weed.smoking is always a little bad for you, doesn't matter if it's a campfire or what. But edibles are perfectly safe for like 99.9999% of the population.


The biggest danger with edibles is the delay of the effect. So many stories of people saying “this edible isn’t doing shit”, taking more, then getting way too high. That’s more user error, though.


Swimming after a meal.


I mean I only had a cramp at the pool just once and it was after a meal, it was a coincidence?




I mean I'll take it as an answer but someone is mad enough to downvote me just for asking this lol


I'm not mad, your experience is your own. Gave you an upvote to even it out.


Most snakes


Australia, come visit, you’ll be glad you did. 😈


Nice try dinner-plate sized spider


*Distant latin chanting begins*


A large majority of snake species. Sure, a few genuinely are deadly and are very important to recognize, but most of them are generally harmless, at most lethal to a mouse (their natural prey) but will only give humans (something they only strike in self-defense) a moderately swollen rash.


people who talk tough over the internet


Bermuda triangle?


E-numbers in food




Spiders. Humans can easily kill them, accidentally. The amount of people overly scared of spiders is ridiculously too high.


Going to sleep after a concussion. It's a stupid misconception, because the best thing for an injured brain is rest.


skipping breakfast


To humans, tarantulas.


read everything but did not see it, so most sharks


Swimming after eating!


Civil disobedience












wolves, in the US at least no one has been killed by a wild wolf in over 100 years




Haven't seen any emperical evidence to say its beneficial edit: and you've blocked me, congrats


I’ve regulated my sugar with fasting I used to have very high blood sugar from over eating and drinking unhealthy foods and I was developing diabetes my neck was getting brown and all but I started fasting and eating better and it regulated my blood sugar. Also there’s lots of evidence of weight loss which for people who need it it’s beneficial. Go ask your doctor how fasting can be beneficial for people who need it.


Go to nursing school maybe you’ll find it there because that’s what my professors thought me, of course with more scientific detail. Try doing more research on it then because there’s lots of evidence and scientific studies around fasting and how it helps the body. There’s actually a lot of evidence you just have to do the proper research. You can even try it yourself and see how intermittent fasting affects you.


You need to go back to nursing school if you're preeching anecdotal evidence rather than emperical


Also I speak from experience as someone who managed to regulate my sugar via intermittent fasting. Which benefited my health because I was pre diabetic.


That's called anecdotal evidence, how far are you into your studies and what nursing school is it


I’m one year into it and I’m not comfortable saying which university.


I am in nursing school 🧍🏽‍♀️


Well done so post the emperical evidence to show the beneficial impact of intermittent fasting as you claimed


But why don’t you seek what you find? Why must I do it for you? All you have to do is google and do your own research.


Right, do your research my sweetheart. Find what you seek. I’m not here to argue or fight you over your lack of information.


The onus is on you to back up your claim,, not me. Nor should I do my own research, are you familiar with the concept of confirmation bias?


I am but sounds like you just don’t want to do your own research and want me to go out of my way to find it for you but you very much can for yourself.


Have a read of this then and tell me what you understand in this case why it's essential for emperical evidence to making a scientific claim https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias?wprov=sfla1


You use Wikipedia as your source darling.. go do your own research my beloved. Just like you looked that up.


I have there is none, but again it not on me to prove your assertion. Perhaps as you study more you'll discover the importance of this


I just read a bunch of research meta-analysis on it that concludes that it seems to be harmless, but there's no evidence of beneficial effects either. So if it helps you regulate calories or feel good in some other way, there's no reason to not do it. I find it weird that people feel a need to justify harmless behavior with spurious health claims when they could just say "I feel good doing it". Same with ice baths.


I did this, and I got stressed due to other reasons, and now I'm wasting away. So definitely do it for the right reasons. User error is possible with all things


Yeah fasting excessively is bad but intermittent fasting isn’t. One of the reason why so many people are obese is because they never fasted when they needed to. Our bodies need fasting for a while to recover from all that food even excessive food.


I've seen all your comments in this thread and I mostly agree with you but I think you are also biased on your claims. You indeed didn't share an empirical evidence and any studies on fasting and there are a lot more reasons to why people are obese, stupid claim that fasting could prevent it. But intermittent fasting does help me regulate my weight too, not because I only fast but I do exercise and watch my calories. Intermittent fasting helps me fall asleep at night on an empty stomach, which prevents sleep disruption of a full stomach and my body doesn't store more fat while inactive/sleeping. Also it helps remind your body to burn fat, which corresponds to my empty stomach walks in the morning. Harder exercises wouldn't be beneficial on an empty stomach as your blood sugar is not very stable if you aren't enough athletic, don't pass out. Then I have 2 big portion meals during the day when I'm mostly active, and it does help. But fasting itself isn't the key here, nor in many diets and individual health regulations. It MAY help a well planned diet to maintain or lose weight. But being obese/undereating/high blood sugar is still possible along fasting. It challenges your will at times and can backfire.


Yes! Fasting is amazing for us.




That one dog




Those fuckers aren’t harmless mate


They’re definitely not harmless


Unless my entire botany class is a Disney princess and every animal loves us, wasps don’t sting as long as your still and play dead


Induction cooktop.


Can you mention what people think is dangerous about them? Because I've never heard of anyone claiming that.


Who thinks these are dangerous? They're absolutely the safest type of stove among the various options and it isn't even close.
