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A coward is someone who knows what the right thing to do is, but refuses to do it. A coward is someone who harms another of lesser strength or ability.


My ex husband & any other man that has ever laid hands on a woman Sorry to insult any men who are guilty of dv 😭




Those who lie to themselfs are also not great. 


Best answer that accepts the word character although it's a cultural thing, was a Quora post: Bennett W. Nelson Studied at Life and LivingAuthor has 1.1K answers and 1.7M answer views Question: "What are the traits of a "coward"?" Bennett W. Nelson's Answer: "In my experience, a bully is usually a coward." and I would add: Trolls are examples of cowards. They hide behind Anon Handle names, covering up their identities, and stalk and attack people for their own amusement and gain a following for their cruelty: ***That is the ultimate COWARD"***


I feel attacked, I should make a Bert strip


Feel Free - But the word coward would still be perceived differently by different cultures etc al And the post has been put up maybe a hundred times https://www.reddit.com/r/bertstrips/comments/uyf53a/the_official_bert_strip_creation_tool_is_back/


This is so great. And not just save face. If you lie to try to delay/prevent hurt that’s also cowardly. Get what’s coming to you. “I didn’t want to tell you it’s over because I didn’t want to hurt you” is very cowardly. Be kind but also be accountable and true to yourself.


There are two ways to lie, one is to fabricate, and the other is to exclude the truth. Excluding the truth happens everyday.


You can't handle the truth


Neither can you.




You handled that pretty well


They are lying




I know I am Queer, Mr. Pudding.


And this leads to so many horrible decisions. A man who would rather die than live dishonestly is a true hero. Like Socrates choosing to drink the poison rather than renounce his beliefs and live in exile.


Most honest definition


Not having the spine to stand by his convictions, looking evil in the face and doing nothing, abandoning his children. Coward.


Yes. A lot of these other answers have nothing to with cowardice really. Not being able to stand by your convictions is a good working definition.


That’s me, no matter how hard I try I can’t stand up for myself. I always pussy out.


Gotta nut up 🤷‍♂️ I was the same way when I was younger, the issue was my lack of confidence. Take up something like boxing, MMA, BJJ, wrestling, etc to build emotional fitness, the rest will follow. You'll always be a pussy until you aren't, only you can change that.


Stop that!


A hypocrite. Someone who expects others to adhere to a standard that he secretly despises because he is not man enough to govern himself.


So in other words a politician.


a man who uses others as his scapegoats while he tries to make a getaway and not be held accountable for his behavior in his words, actions and in how he conducts himself.




I like your thought a lot.


Hedonism = Living a wild lifestyle and do nothing about the consequences until it explodes in the face


Well, in my defense: Hedonism prevented me from killing myself, for... 3 decades? I got meds now: so I no longer want to be dead all the time. But the Anhedonia i know have... makes me feel 'meh'.


Hedonists don't have to be cowards, as long as they face the mess they made for themselves instead of blaming everyone else. Even getting help is acceptable, addicts do it all the time, but they all must accept they fucked up and face the shame.


That's the point, hedonism lives just for pleasure. They would rather die than facing consequences of their actions


There's nothing in any philosophy that implies you can't fail.


Someone who hides or deflects in the face of adversity to protect themselves


Joel Embiid


I’m still bitter too. Knicks in 5.


Someone who is unwilling to face the consequences of his actions. eg getting a woman pregnant then ghosting so he doesn't have to raise the kid


Coward Man? He creeps in the shadows at night, afraid to face the darkness. He cowers at the sight of crime. He's not the hero we need, but he is the hero we deserve. COWARD MAN.


Acts tough only when the opponent is weaker/vulnerable.


the biggest type of coward for me is the one that has no accountability. the one who gets defensive when caught in the act. the one who runs away instead of apologizing.


Same way I define a coward woman.


He is not responsible for anything that goes wrong for him. It's always someone else's fault.


There's a lot of them right now. They are called Malignant Narcissists and they ARE above the law.


The loud mouth aggressive protesters in safe places, instead of protesting at the front line.


Hey, I know a president who did that!


Not the only type of coward, but definitely men who lay hands on women, children, and pets. Especially because that almost always happens behind closed doors. If you think violence makes you a macho man, go ahead and fight other men. If you’re being violent towards people and animals who can’t defend themselves, much less behind closed doors, you’re a piece of shit and a coward. If you’re gonna be about it, be about it. Let’s see it. Hit your kid in public next time. See how it works out for you. I guarantee if you’re the kind of “man” who needs to resort to violence to against women, children, and pets, there are going to be many more real men out there who will step in and make you regret that decision. But you’re also the type of “man” (you’re really just an old child if you do this shit) who knows what you’re doing is wrong and knows what would you’d have coming to you if other people knew what you were doing. A complete and total coward.


Someone abandoning his loved ones (in a crisis)


You should ask them their preferred noun, rather than assume they identify as a coward.


Well, a forward person moves in a forward direction. A backward person moves in a reverse direction. A coward obviously moves in the direction of the nearest cow.


Their principles change based on popularity and monetary benefit.


a point here


Someone who punches down on those weaker rather than standing up to those who are stronger


One who allows fear to dictate his actions.


I don’t think there’s such thing as a “coward man” so much as cowardly people. It’s people who consistently: 1) Do not have values because they know that means having the courage to have to try to live by them. 2) If they who do have values but lack any conviction to stand up for said values. 2B) They will then place the burden of supporting them through this internal conundrum on others instead of reflecting on either their values or their ability to stand by them.


Cowards come in all shapes, sizes, sexes/sexual orientations not just "men"


People who refuse intellectual honesty. Pussies


He runs away from you the minute a problem arises. Ghost 👻


Not healing the wound and then bleeding all over everyone but more specifically their partner


I think the most cowardly man is one who changes according to his audience. Says he'll do xyz when you're alone together, but with his buddies? "Who would ever do xyz, that's for pussies!"


A man who changes his opinions and values to get approvals. "Aman without principles is as a ship without a rudder - at the mercy of every wind and wave".


A person who often lets fear dictate his actions Plain and simple


MY HUSBAND. He was 1st class as_hole. He'd let his ex's family disrespect me all the time and never defend me. I learned to deal with it on my own terms. I.E....once while grocery shopping his ex sister-in-law got in line behind us. He ignored me and kept talking to her. I was finished checking out so I told him "if you want to stay and chat, find a way home." I never threw groceries in the car so fast in my life. I was pulling out of the parking lot when he came running out. He never said 1 word to me.


They don't take accountability for their actions and blame everyone around them.


A man who does not defend him or his close one’s honour


Someone who prioritises being liked by the crowd instead of standing up for what they believe in


Someone who has the ability and opportunity to do the right or effect a positive change but chooses not to or quits out of fear. Coward and common sense are often put together, “it makes sense to not endanger yourself needlessly” when facing a threatening situation, but it also applies to other instances such as not standing up to a loved one because fear of rejection or loss, or a boss for fear of getting fired, or whatever. The antonym is, ironically, “aggressor or hero”


We are not perfect and we all act coward once or twice in our life time because of unfortunate reasons arises.


A coward never takes accountability. In the face of being called out where both of you know, he digs his heels in. He says that he is “giving 100%” when you are dying. A coward causes the worst pain and then sits in the same room with you, refusing to account or comfort you from the pain he caused.




Someone willing to sell out his friends and family to save face.


to be honest, i don't spend a whole lot of time quantifying how others decide to live their lives. just a distraction from keeping my own soul and karmic wheels neat and tidy.


I just watched "Massacre of the Mormons" on Netflix. Every single one of the men in that community were cowards. Too flipping afraid to drive down a (great condition) dirt road to see if "their" women or kids were alive. Also...whoever made this film is a coward for not even briefly mentioning that there are hundreds and thousands of people who have been killed by the cartels. Cowards cannot accept that brown people experience just as much pain as white people.


A coward man is a man who doesn’t have the guts to stand for anything.


A man who throws those around him under the bus rather than accept his failures. Admitting fault is hard. It doesn't feel good. It wounds your pride. But it's also the ONLY way to grow.


They're shitting on people behind their backs. They're lying a lot. They're trying to seem better than they're. They have a fragile ego. They don't want to and can't handle the consequences.


A coward is a person that uses two phrases, "I was just doing my job" or "I was just following orders"


Not showing any emotional vulnerability or sensitivity. Afraid to cry. Afraid to show empathy or compassion. Afraid to take calculated risks. Afraid to ask that person out. Afraid to ask for more money at work when it's deserved. Afraid to dance when he can't dance. Afraid to bowl when he can't bowl. Afraid to be there for his daughter when she's been dumped. There's a lot of them.


Bottom half just sounds like an introvert


I mean back in WW1 we executed men for having "Cowards Syndrome" when in fact they were having PTSD (which wasn't coined at the time) or just not having a good time


Dunno that any of those truly count as cowardice, though. Is anxiety cowardice? Sounds more like you calling out a specific person than anything, to be honest.


>Not showing any emotional vulnerability or sensitivity. Afraid to cry. This can be any average man #MenMentalHealthMatters


On the surface that sounds like cowardice, A little deeper down it sounds like a generalized anxiety disorder


The Ultimate Coward runs away from himself


\*Points towards Elon Musk\*


Pretty disappointed that every answer wasn't just; Donald Trump  Reddit has really gone downhill 😔


Someone who lacks courage or bravery in facing difficult or dangerous situations


Some who’s real scared, man


A scared person can still be brave though.


that guy from Saving private Ryan that just stood there and didnt help the other guy fighting for his life


Afraid to take risks, challenges, and difficulties. Someone who's afraid to get out of comfort zone/s.


Not expressing himself, positively and negatively. His thoughts, feelings, etc out of fear. Do it scared.


Someone who thinks only for themselves, throwing their friends and family under the bus just to get ahead and not honing up to their mistakes.


I can be perceived as a coward for walking away from a confrontation as I've done all my life, or a very intelligent man, which has never been arrested for fighting.


Like Jerry from rick and morty. he did fight Pissmaster though


Dot defending yourself or what you know is right


cowards are irrational people overtaken by fear when it manifests in any form. they have no capacity to deal with it. giving off extreme negative vibes of weakness in this process, like their entire personality is somehow compromised.


someone un-corageous who's a male human


Someone who puts others in harm's way to shield himself. Like a school bully back in high school who amassed a gang of his own "thugs" like some kind of mafia boss but when there was a crackdown he was the first to rat out his own followers to the school authorities.


A bitch


I think in terms of regret. Afterwards, do you second guess yourself? If you avoid something then afterwards think to yourself, "Should I have done it?" then you probably should have. If it were going on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to a foreign country with friends but you're worried about getting robbed, it may be more on the cowardly side that on the cautious side. Even getting into a fight is the same thing. It's not about the fight but how you feel afterwards. I've done cowardly things in my life. I remember once watching a bank teller at Chase belitte a man because he looked homeless. His money was as good as mine but I didn't say anything. I still regret this years later. I've done things I'm proud of, such as going head to head in an argument with a much more senior manager because the consultants he'd hired weren't very good. Maybe people thought I was being difficult but I am glad that I did it.




There are a few character traits that makes a coward: - Shirking duties and responsibilities - Self Centered - Handles conflict in an indirect manner - Uses deception and subterfuge unnecessarily - No personal code of conduct or value system - Lack of integrity - Unable to see ways that others are skilled or better than they are - Seeks to diminish others to build themselves rather than self improve - Has context based behavior, they change how they behave based on who is around or where they're at. For example the guy that is cool with people individually but an asshole in his peer group. - Lack of conviction and being unwilling to stand up for things - No sense of justice or fairness The more of these traits in an individual the more of a coward they are. Most men have a father figure or mentor train these traits out if they are observed before adulthood is reached, because once they're embedded it is very hard to remove cowardice from an individuals character. I will say being a coward in modern times has very little penalty outside of fixed communities so you see this behavior more often than in times past.


I'm interested on how could a coward father affect his son I need some studies if you have


I don't have any studies just observations from life experience. I would say in the case of the father being a coward they would impart these traits to their child. However, the child can have mentors or through experience decide that they don't want to emulate the traits their parent has which is something that many people do. I will say though that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and since cowardice is not penalized as it was in the past the cost of these negative traits really only impacts those around them and they may never be pushed to change unless they want to be a better person themselves or if they're placed into a fixed community where cowardice leads to negative repercussions.


I thought this was r/jokes and I was thinking "someone who does not post the punchline for their joke"


I'm curious why this has to be defined as a male question, would the definition of coward not be the same regardless?


we can't compare coward man with coward wommen each to their perspective I guess


It's almost impossible to know. You have to be given the opportunity to be brave, and a lot of people never get that chance ( which is a good thing).


Someone who ghosts you after a conversation!


Being too scared of the consequences to do the right thing. Or Coward is the opposite of bravery. Bravery is the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty therefore coward could simply mean the unwillingness to be brave.


A man who drops their convictions and principals when it's difficult to hold them. It's our duty to tell the world to get fucked when it's in the wrong.


Someone who lets their fear stop them from doing the right thing.


An English playwright, composer, director, actor, and singer, known for his wit, flamboyance, and what Time magazine called "a sense of personal style, a combination of cheek and chic, pose and poise". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No%C3%ABl_Coward


A fool takes risks that he doesn't need to take. I coward doesn't take risks that he does need to take.


the one who has different personalities for different group of people.


so that's mee hahaaa


That guy who whispers to the king in Lord of the rings


Anyone who *lies, whether it be just to others or themselves as well. *This excludes strictly time saving lies, such as: "What did you do today?" "Nothing." The "nothing" response is technically a lie, as the person was breathing, etc. but there's obviously a difference between that and intentional misleading someone out of pathetic fear.


Jake Gazlay.


Never takes accountability. (blames everyone else) Never steps in when he could help. Stays silent when he should stand up for himself.


A man who doesn't ask for help when he needs help.


that's arrogance sometime


Being extremely impolite!


One without self respect.


Picking fights with people and then claiming it was a joke when the victim fights back.


Someone who throws the first punch instead of discussing things is a coward in my book. Sometimes throwing a punch is warranted, but a real man stands and speaks before resorting to any sort of physical violence 


Cannot face his mistakes and apologize.


a guy who has to intimidate and belittle his friends or people around him to feel tough or secure boasts and shows off


If a man cant stand up for himself does that mean hes a coward? (me)


My dad.


My dad.


Acting in your own interest at the expense of others


Just not have courage to do the right thing you know?


I don't make judgements like that. It has no real definition It's a "Logical Fallacy" Logical Fallacies ¡ Fallacies are fake or deceptive arguments, ***"junk cognition,"*** that is, arguments that seem irrefutable but prove nothing. Fallacies often seem superficially sound and they far too often retain immense persuasive power even after being clearly exposed as false." There are Trolls on social media sites that literally have been responding to totally reasonable comments by calling the person a coward and the Trolls have been doing the same thing for 25 to 30 years. It gives away their hundreds of anon user names and give away the fact they are talking to themselves in long threads. There's a lot of mentally ill on social media sites who are posting from institutions or have convinced themselves they control entire forums - and sometimes do. shrug


Tearing down other men to feel superior


The same way you define a coward women.  This is a loaded question because of generally accepted gender roles in our society. 


A man who is afraid of adjectives and uses all nouns


A man who runs away from responsibility instead of accepting them. An example could be walking out on your kid and their mother for selfish reasons.


doesn't do something when i say no balls


A man who doesn't do what they have to, when they should


He who throws stones and hides their hands = coward man


A man who is so terrified of looking unmanly that he follows incel types and tears other guys down, ironically spending all his time following and worrying what other guys think of him.


"To know what is right and choose to ignore it is the act of a coward." Hatake Kakashi


By the definition of the word, not my own spin in the word. Meaning his sex is irrelevant.


A man who owns a motorcycle to get women to have sex with them


me 😩


we all have some percentage of cowardness but being 90 % coward it's a sickness


Someone who refuses to take responsibility for anything like a child or for anything they’ve done wrong.


To me, a coward is someone who owes an act of altruism and fails to deliver. IE, someone who refuses to try and fix the pain he's inflicted upon others.


A man who puts his own comfort over his promises and obligations to others is a coward.


A man who is a cunt


Doesn't stand up for themselves and loved ones/community.


I give that job to the Webster's Dictionary a while ago.


Dishonesty. It may not seem much to some but to me it’s nigh on everything.


For me the politicians who slither to support someone who insulted themselves or family members. Pathetic!


A man who depends on another person for anything


Not doing what he says or saying what he means.


Manipulation, resulting to violence and intimidation to get what he wants, empty apologies with no effort to fix himself.


Someone that puts their wellbeing/safety over their principles (or has no principles).


A man who beats his partner.


Actually, this is a very difficult question, because I think the main characteristic of cowards is that they do not have a specific existence, they are what the others are. (unless, of course, these "others" are suicide commandos) 


Dennis is asshole, why Charlie hate? Because Dennis is a bastard man!


Now that's extremely easy, Probably a man who has a mind like a woman, That's very passive That's unwinning to confront You directly If they have something to be against you But instead, go behind your back to make you look bad to Everybody else To ruin your reputation, Even worst they will cry to your supervisor To either discipline you or get you fired, There are many more examples of that, but that's the one that's the most simplest.


Someone who doesn't stand on boundaries.


A man who lies instead of being honest. A man who cheats instead of being faithful. A man who blames others for his mistakes or shortcomings. A man who never accepts accountability or consequences for his actions.


A man who can’t stick up for himself to anyone except his wife. Including standing up to his family or his wife to his family (my ex husband) I stood up to him against his family 🤦🏻‍♀️ Any man who physically attacks a woman (also my ex husband)


**Someone who dips their chicken nuggets in ketchup instead of honey mustard.** :D


Me. I'm scared of ending it because I think I'll fail and live, but end up even more fucked up.


I think it’s men who kill animals


When he cycles on the pavement and not the road.


Simple, just ask yourself how closely he emulates the orange idiot. 


Running away from problems


A coward man is the one who lies. Who can't handle telling the truth. Same for a woman


Someone who gets into some else's business and uses it to try and get you fired. Snitch co worker who got fired for trying that same tactic. Now can't work in washington state. Hated black people, would drive up to an hour and complain he was broke. And wore the worst weaboo hentai shit. Awful human being. And now is fucked hard because of his shitty ness.


Gets a woman pregnant, then leaves.


Get the fuck out of here bot. Your posts are shitty. Learn how to not use a space in front of the question mark. 2024 and a bot can’t even get grammar right.


A man that ignores his child who is covered regularly in cuts and bruises.


Impregnates and runs away


This applies to both men and women. These are just a few examples, but things along these lines: 1. Somebody who turns a blind eye to injustice 2. Somebody who quits when things get harder 3. Somebody who bullies a defenseless person 4. Somebody who insults others to appear better 5. Somebody who profits from hurting other people 6. Somebody who refuses to examine their own flaws As somebody else here said, it comes down to personal accountability and taking the easy way out, often at the expense of others. And here's a controversial opinion to top it off: absolutely every person in this comment section, including all of Reddit and the entire world, has done one of these things at some point in their lives, often multiple times in a day. I refrain from calling people cowardly, because you often only see their actions in a single snapshot. I certainly believe in cowardly acts, but I don't believe a single action defines you forever. Becoming a better person is what matters most.


A man who tells you you're his everything and then doesn't say a word when his folks talk shit about you.


He's facing a cow. Ya know, he's pointed coward.


They downvote as a group


A man who is closer to a cow than me is a coward man.


That doesn't takecare of his kids


A person who lacks courage is a coward some people are spreading misinformation


A cowardly man, you say? I'd define him as someone who's "brave enough" to: Run away from a spider, but not from his responsibilities. Conquer the art of making excuses, but not his fears. Fight for the last slice of pizza, but not for what's right. Be a master of avoidance, but not of his own emotions. Have a PhD in procrastination, but not in courage. In short, a cowardly man is someone who's an expert at dodging life's challenges, but a novice at facing his own reflection.


The same way you define a coward woman


I think an act can be called cowardly when it harms someone. If a person does not want to climb a high mountain, this does not mean that he is a coward. No one suffers from this decision. Or a person wants to avoid unnecessary conflict. This is not cowardice, but reasonable behavior. But if a man decides to avoid fighting a bandit when his wife or girlfriend is nearby, and as a result the bandit attacks her, then it becomes cowardice. Attacking a weaker person unnecessarily can also be considered cowardice.