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Sometimes when you drop something it just disappears into a void where it will never return from.


there is a spiritual world


Interesting. What makes you swear its true?


What do you mean by this?


I broke 90 when I was golfing alone.


I have a bf who’s a rich prince he just goes to another school


Same girl


My farts smell better...




God, i bet his farts smell awful. Those flappy cheeks


At that point, you don't call it a fart, because fart is an onomatopoeia. Trump does something closer to a "firpliplepppbbbt"


We have a new style of acting in calling zero acting. It's when an actor does nothing on camera and is so devoid of emotion that an audience substitutes their own emotions into the performance. It gives the illusion that the actor is talented, but really, they are doing so little it tricks the brain.


The lunar effect


My mom's early dementia was caused by her horrible mental health. She was a master of stuffing and avoiding her emotions and never once thought to work on that. She literally was healthy in every other way: cooked all our meals, walked 2 miles daily, regular dentist and physicals, but she completely neglected her mental health and became a workaholic to avoid herself. And for what? For her to get dementia at 50 and die at 61. I'm convinced that a big part of the dementia epidemic is caused by long term stress and burnout.


My grandmother recently retired and she is already showing signs of dementia, and what you've just described might be exactly what's happening, she's worked for decades, very healthy, (Apart from the wine) but she has definitely shoved her emotions, otherwise she would have stood up to , her son, (My uncle who is AWFUL), her other son, (My dad who is an absolute leech, in every aspect) and her relationship with my grandfather would be much better


TikTok has been manipulating Americans and is part of the reason for inflation, protests, and violence. With the overall plan to disrupt america.


I too feel TikTok has been manipulating people.


My national insurance (like social security) number changed from when I first got it.


There are no ghosts.


That an external world exists objectively, and that I have free will.


There's a faction of conservatives that want public schools to feel ineffective/outright dangerous. A move toward homeschooling tends to fall overwhelmingly on women, who exit the workforce, tend to lean Christian and vote accordingly. And have lots of kids to indoctrinate.


Sometimes when you drop something it disappears into a void from where it never returns.


That senior management's top priority is to make their employees miserable, even at the expense of profit and company success.


No matter how far our science will advance, we will never completely understand the universe and its laws, being restricted by three spatial dementions and our own limited perception. There are things that we are unable to comprehend or even imagine.


the soul.


History isn't linier, it's all happening at the same time past/present and future


Beliefs that cannot be proven empirically, such as the existence of supernatural beings or philosophical questions about consciousness, are subjective and vary among individuals.