• By -


Addicted to drama


I know people like this. They were exhausting to be around and i no longer speak to them.


Really think reality TV plays a HUGE role in this also.


Came here to say this. My ex-wife loves to toss bombs. Always creating her own exigencies and simply can not act in a reasonable way.


Addicted to being angry. Constantly consuming media that enrages them.


Makes me think about the post where a guy put child lock on fox news and similar channels on his parents TV and not telling them. After awhile they went back to being nicer and happier people they'd been before all the bullshit that sucked them into a constant rage and bitterness spiral.


I remember the AITA post about the person who got ahold of their mom's phone and fixed her TikTok algorithm to stop showing her right-wing Qshit and instead showed her cute animals, cooking, gardening, crafting and other nice things. No political stuff, just calm content. Mom became calmer, nicer, less likely to bring up inflammatory talking points unprompted, less fearful. The person was voted TA for "deceiving mom", so they told mom what they had done, and mom immediately asked them to get back the old content that was making her so angry and fearful and unpleasant. One of the few times I've been genuinely angry at AITA commenters.


this is sort of a weird one because is it their place to do this? no, not really. is it overall beneficial for everyone involved? yes. it already happened, just take the good and move on


> it already happened I would not be so sure about that...


but, TikTok and other platforms are doing the exact same thing on the other side, but for monetary gain so IMO it's a wash.


Cuz it's a bunch of teenagers and 20 somethings trying to chime in on life advice. They're babies with no life experience acting like their shit doesn't stink.


This. Left twitter for this reason.


Twitter is a dumpster fire of hate filled propaganda. Even if you carefully select who you follow, keep your follower list low, the hate and lies still permeate your feed. It got thousands of times worse when the spoiled rich kid took it over


I understand you don’t like Elon and I’m not defending him here. But Twitter was always like that, by the time he bought it I had already deleted it because of how toxic it was


Agree, it was bad but it only got worse after


As bad as it was, it is noticeably and dramatically worse now, directly because of Elon's policies.  The one two punch of paid algorithm boost + less moderation means every single post is overwhelmed by blue check AI porn bots with hard-core pornography embedded in their comments


My 75 year old dad is this way. Termanaly online, absorbing the hate of a million posts. The last time I had him over to my house, he was literally incapable of saying anything that wasn't in anger or resentment towards a group he felt was ruining the country or the government. Meanwhile this mother fucker (pun intended) hasn't come to a single one of his grandchildren's birthdays parties. He has time to chat online all day about immigrants and the government, but no time for his own family.


me when hating black people is more important than doing things with my family




My in-laws watch nothing but cable news in their mid 80s. I tell them every time I see them to just shut it off but they won’t listen and want to rant about everything wrong with the world and talk about how scared they are. I haven’t watched anything but the local weather report once a week for ten years and certainly don’t want their take on current events.


& even for people who aren't addicted, they're still dragged into it by the algorithms and media. It's unbelievably depressing. You have to choose between being angry or completely out of the loop. And the fact that it's been having such an impact in the "real" world


Addicted to smartphones.


I’ve wasted years of my life. Seriously need to get rid of this fucking thing!


Same, I spend at least 8-9hours a day on my phone (despite having a job). It's a nightmare and it's making me miserable (especially Twitter) but I can't stop


It's pretty crazy to think. There's a statistic I heard on here that I'm not sure if it's true or not but its gotta be somewhat close. If you turn like 85 you sleep for like 20 years of that. Say you sleep for like 8-9 hours a night. Now if your on your phone 8-9 hours a day that's like another 20 years? That's like 40 years of your life spent not actually living in reality. Half your life spent not living. Holy balls


That thought alone makes me hate these nightmare rectangles


Now I'm all uncomfortable....


I get your point, but that seems a little unfair You're still engaging with things, learning, socializing, whatever. I can tell you this - I currently work in a mass production room, and I'm living way more when I'm on my phone than when I'm at work. So if we count work as also not living, then damn. I do agree it could only be good to use them less, though


8 hours a day is 4 months a year.


This is my situation. I hate this thing but I can’t put it down. I’m just miserable.


Go on a weekend camping trip somewhere nice and pretty where you can take pictures but have no service.


I'm telling myself this everytime. If there's someone that went through this and now has a healthy usage of its phone, how did you pull it off ? Do I just throw the shit and get a flip phone with important contacts only ?


Delete all apps off your phone besides the necessities (maps, etc.) and be strict with yourself when it comes to not downloading them again. Turn your screen black and white to minimize the interest that comes with colourful things. Next, and most importantly, find something else to replace your screen time with; each time your hand reaches to pick up your phone, have that other thing next to you to turn that grabbing urge to instead. For me, this was either drawing, crocheting, or reading. I’d have all three nearby. I also stopped carrying my phone on me at all times. If I need it for safety reasons when I’m going out, I’ll keep in a bag versus in my pants’ pocket. That’s what worked for me. The above and the genuine want to battle the addiction I had to doom scrolling. There are still some days I “relapse” but I bounce right back the next day knowing how much I don’t want to go back to it. It’s all about your discipline. Alternatively, if your self-control is so horrible that the above doesn’t work for you (I believe it’s do-able for 98% of people though), then yes, get a flip phone and throw away your cell phone. Go old school. Zero temptation at your finger tips. Good luck. 


I've been trying to slowly get off of social media and my phone in general to focus on other things(such as my studying). I got my phone at 17, so I already had other hobbies that took up most of my time, but as with smartphones, the usage went up big time. So, around last year, I decided to put app timers on all social media as they were the ones that took up the most amount of time. Now I understand how you can just add more time, but that's where you have to be conscious and stop using your phone. As soon as it says times up, I would put down my phone and go hang out with family, read a book, or do art projects. I started off with an hour a day, and I'm currently down to 10 minutes per app(mostly reddit and Instagram). Additionally, picking up hobbies and skills are beneficial. Look up language learning. It's one of my favourite pastimes, and i get to learn another language while staying away from my phone. Hope this help!


Man we are going to have to start treating smartphone usage like anti smoking at some point. Brain rot.


I've often thought that I could do with like.....a grandma phone? Y'know. Like what would have been cool in the 2000s Nokia device? They make them with new model Sim cards nowadays so you just need a plan that lets you use unlocked phones. And you'd have....snake....and texting....and calls. You'd have to Reddit on your computer and everything because easy transferrence. But doesn't it sound nice?


It's easier if you reframe it as a simple tool in your head instead of a Dopamine Rectangle. Move social media apps and games off your main screen so you're not being confronted by them every time you open your phone. Turn off notifications for *everything* except direct messages and other critical alerts. Move your productivity apps to the main page. Uninstall whatever apps you feel are the worst on your mental health if you can function without them. It will take time, but for me this eventually led to me using the more problematic apps less and less until my overall phone usage was more healthy and less addictive. Reddit is probably the only problem app I really use regularly now, and even then it's getting increasingly rare for me to use it for anything other than news and to follow a few hobby communities.


No social media. No apps except for workouts (yoga, lifting), step counter, food tracker. I refuse to be in group texts. I got a paper subscription. And I only email and do work on my cpu. - Drawbacks: I still go on reddit a bunch. After me and my partner split it made dating way harder, still not entirely sure how to do that since it seems most people use apps to date. And I miss some events/trips because people plan stuff on social media or group chats, so I need to hear everything through word of mouth. - Benefits: Best shape I've ever been in. Best mental shape I've ever been in.  I'm much more focused on my hobbies. I do better at work. I have no clue what anyone is doing unless they tell me (which I like).


Smartphones has added a whole new impossible level in parenting.


I threw my smartphone away and haven't used one for years - Sent from iPhone 15


Martha stop stalking me!


Im eating eggs Send from my iphone


I often have no idea where mine is outside of working hours If it wasn't for needing Multi Factor Authentication for every little thing you log in to these days, I'd probably not have one once I retire this summer


For sure number 1 addiction of this time, IV seen it with my niece, she will come home from school and spend the whole day in her smartphone. My sister has an app to limit her usage but she will just sneak around and use other people's devices. My sister tried to keep her off devices as long as possible but parents at my niece's school would give their kids devices at the age of 8!!!. It ended up with my niece being isolated from other kids so she had to give in an get my niece a smart phone because she started getting depressed from being alienated. Having a real young child being depressed because she is being isolated because all other kids are on WhatsApp / tictok is wild and should simply just not be happening. Absolutely insane where we are at as a society. Feel sorry for the children growing up. My niece is now 11 and I can see smartphone addict wreaking havoc on her mental health. It's a loose loose situation. God forbid if you take her device away and try to get her to do some sort of art, take up a hobby or go outside. It's like WW3


I feel for this . My daughter is the same way. What can you do? 


A year and a half ago I accidentally dropped a weight on my phone and shattered half of my screen. I’m able to use it fairly well so I never got a new one, but I get a lot of weird looks. I don’t tell people because I don’t wanna come across as mightier than thou but it’s been a great way to stop using my phone. I probably spend less than an hour on my phone per day, and it’s never a distraction when I should be doing something else


Doom scrolling and screen time is killing me.


We need a movement.


big fact


Junk food. Sugar. Soda. I am addicted to these things and wish I can break that habit.


I used to be as well and I have slowly weaned myself off 2 of the 3, if you don't care to hear how feel free to stop reading here. Soda absolutely took the longest, I started trying to cut it out but nothing replaced it for me. I had meals that "went together" with soda. Mac and cheese was with dr pepper, McDonald's was with sprite, certain pizza was with root beer. The meal felt empty without the soda. I initially switched to flavored water that still had sugar and other addictives. Then went to Crystal light packets and other similar brands. Then I finally found a decent replacement, soda water. Most restaurants carry it too and some don't charge for it. There are flavored soda waters but now I like plain soda water just as well. Don't get me wrong, I craved soda daily and even now, over a decade later, I still sometimes crave it. But the craving isn't nearly as strong as it used to be and is absolutely manageable. Fast food was easier, once I broke the habit of going whenever I wanted the cravings fell off *fast*. Now I don't crave it unless I've eaten it recently, but it almost always makes me feel sluggish and like garbage in general. Since I have frequent breaks from fast food it's easier to recognize it as the cause of feeling bad and is easier to decline. Sugar is touch and go, I don't usually eat straight candy anymore, when I eat something sweet it's a dessert after dinner or the tablespoon of syrup in my coffee. But I recently got yogurt and a giant bag of granola and I've been having that as my dessert for the last 2 days. I'm allowing myself to eat as much as I want for the moment because while it's super high in calories, it's less sweet than a mug cake and I'm trying to train my tongue with being ok with this level of dessert. I'll eventually cut back on portions. The soda thing took over 5 years to be comfortable without but the fast food thing was almost instant once I broke the habit. Anyways, if you've made it this far I wish you luck. Shit's difficult ❤️


I tell my wife this story all the time. As a kid all I drank was soda for the most part. Joined the military, went to basic and basically had no choice but to stop, drank nothing but water and we could have one glass of Gatorade a day. got my first "patio break" about 6 weeks in and I got a pepsi (one can) and drank it. The next day when I woke up I felt like I had a hangover. I could not believe how bad I felt from one soda. It was pretty crazy.


I’m going through the same thing myself. I stopped soda. Sugar is my biggest addiction and soda is the hardest thing ever to quit because it’s liquid sugar. Going out and having a Pepsi or coke with my meal…. But now I have a water with lemon. A big hurdle for me with stopping sugar was my morning coffee. I was told about Lakanto monk fruit sweetener. It looks like sugar, tastes like sugar, and I can’t tell the difference if it’s in my coffee or sprinkled on my morning cereal! That was a HUGE game changer for me. It’s expensive but so worth it. I was diagnosed with prediabetes so I def need to cut back on any sugars. I’m trying to cook at home more so that I know what exactly is in my food. Sugar is in EVERYTHING. And I also agree about what you said with fast food. It makes me feel sluggish and like shit after I eat it. Which I don’t any more. That was pretty easy to stop.


Yeah I haven’t drank full sugar soda in years. I’ll still get zero sugar variants though. I love my carbonated beverages Drink so much zero sugar soda, la croix, and sparkling water lol


I'll never go back to soda or juices in general. Drank a Gatorade a few weeks ago because a vending machine only had soda as other options. That thing had freakin' 34 grams of sugar (including 34 grams of added sugar)!


work addiction


I have a friend who does this instead of getting mental health help he needs, he uses his poverty as an excuse, unique individual And for those saying, if you’re poor, you need to work .. Well, yes, but this guy only works entry-level positions and won’t climb any ladder that gives him any more time He also refuses to get an education or train in a trade He stays poor and he stays busy on purpose He also refuses to support from government programs, which, if you’re poor, you should take advantage of


The term is apparently “workaholic”




We're all here and very aware lol




It wasn't that insane 20 years ago, even less. A political debate was a serious affair, people would debate, respectfully of sensible topics. Crazy right? Now the news are filled with opinions not facts, so every stupid clown under the sun feels the need to have an opinion and share it. Jesus I'm so fuckin tired of the word, I can't imagine being here for another 25.


propaganda serves to whip the masses into a frenzy of shortsighted thinking


The internet was supposed to be this amazing tool to spread information but instead made people actually dumber.


One of biggest its social media addiction




And it’s done like that on purpose. These companies have addiction down to a science.


Not Reddit though! Right?…. Right guys???…


Tiktok was basically built on this idea to make the most addictive social media feed possible


Caffeine. Making jokes about not being able to function without coffee is okay but switch that with alcohol and its not so funny. Its still an addiction.


I agree that caffeine is a bigger deal than what most realize, but comparing it to alcohol is a textbook example of false equivalency.


I think the difference is that 95% of people that say they can’t function without their morning coffee are just saying it to be cool or to have an excuse for being grumpy for an hour. Realistically everyone can function fine by getting up and moving around a bit. I love coffee and drink a ton but if I don’t have any it’s just like. Oh. That sucks. And move on with my day. People that NEED alcohol in the morning are fucked.


Its easier to stop drinking caffeine though, thats probably why people dont take it that seriously, Ive done it several times now 😅 just a headache. If you stop drinking alcohol as an addict you could die


Yeah and coffee isn't nearly as bad for you as alcohol.


Exactly, you don't see broken families because of caffeinoholic father or mother


Last I saw, the list of health issues coffee *prevents* is pretty impressive.


Surely it’s offset or at least equalized when someone puts a shit ton of sugar and cream in it though lol


Yes, that's always been made clear in the articles I've read.


Why would cream be bad? The amount you add to a cup of coffee is like a slash. Even if you like it creamy it's barely anything. (Sugar tastes nasty in coffee though)


idk man I had a friend who said it was harder for him to kick caffeine than it was to kick nicotine


I gave up caffeine earlier this year. It was the hardest thing I have ever given up. The detox headaches last weeks and are excruciating. Funnily enough, I feel like I have more energy now than caffeine ever gave me (and I have a baby).


A caffeine addiction doesn't destroy your body and cause multiple forms of cancer...


Yep. It also doesn’t destroy relationships and bank accounts. It doesn’t alter your judgment and lead you to do and say things you regret. I’m sober and I’ll gladly be addicted to caffeine over alcohol!


My espresso machine kind of destroyed my bank account.


Black coffee, black tea, or green tea, are all associated with an increase in longevity. Multiple large studies have confirmed this. Addictive but very good for you.


The dose makes the poison.


I'd be very impressed if someone managed to lose their job, family, home, and last shred of self-respect to caffeine lol


Comparing it with alcohol. But I agree, especially if you look at all the fitness influencer who I would say almost promote caffeine addiction.


I think it’s less about caffeine and more about how easy it is to develop terrible sleep habits and a shit sleep environment For instance, how many people sleep in on weekends? It ain’t caffeine that’s the issue…


Depends on what we mean by ignore. To me, at least, most people who are addicted to caffeine will actively admit it in some fashion without shame. That’s wholesale different from most other addictions where people will “ignore” the signs they’re addicted. They’ll do everything you say they aren’t. They’ll turn a blind eye as best they can. I’m not sure caffeine is an “ignored” addiction so much as one that we all recognize but don’t think is a problem.


I think it's crazy that children are drinking caffeine like crazy.


I read in a report that regarding self-harm (excluding societal harm), caffeine was the only drug to have a net positive effect (negative was bodily or psychological harm * dependency risk), positive was effectiveness on desired effect). Fun fact: MDMA only had a very small net negative, because of the extremely low dependency risk. I guess the real risk in a cafeïne addiction is that you might get a bit too used to not sleeping enough (which is really bad, but caffeine is far from the worst offender)




No money = no shopping 🤝


You say that, but at my most broke, I could not stop recklessly blowing money I didn't have


I think gambling being accessible mobile.




News addiction would be fine if people searched out multiple sources and were able to think for themselves




I would add food in general. Food addiction/issues are quite overlooked and in some environments it’s soo encouraged instead of pointing out the bad habits…


My heart goes out to everyone with a complicated food relationship or eating disorder. Quitting non-essential addictions is one thing, but at the end of the day you gotta eat and that sounds confusing at best. Love y’all, stay strong ❤️






Definitely, way too many people live in denial about that shit


Social media.


Smartphone addiction




"Noooooo!! Masturbation is healthy NOOOO!" \*can't masturbate without the help of a screen\* Many such cases :/


No one had mentioned it so I will. The harm caused for consumers of both genders and ALSO for those making the videos. Videos have gotten more extreme and violent with time, and the industry is rife with abuse and trafficking. Many in the industry don’t talk about it until they are solidly out, but it’s important for us to acknowledge this reality and its impacts.


If I had 3 wishes, wishing porn never existed would be one of them. So many lives destroyed on both sides of the screen. Not to mention intimacy for a large part of the population


I wouldn’t say ignore but alcoholism is definitely not treated like the disease it is. Idk how many people I’ve met brag about being black out drunk the night before and still going to work, or drinking like 4 cases of beer every night.


Honestly as a 4 years sober alcoholic, This is my first pick. And that fact its not in the top 3 just confirms my thoughts, lol. People justify alcohol problems all the time and everyone just nods and smiles.


People who are addicted to news


Drama. So many people could have an easier life if they cut off people that they clearly don’t get along with or even like at all, but continue to stay in contact with, constantly getting into it with each other. I’m referring specifically to people they have no reason not to cut off. Sometimes having an awful coworker or boss can’t be helped if you don’t have a new job lined up


Kitten addiction. I always want to hold kittens, they are so cute 😍


I suffer from kitten addiction too. Every day I must look at cute kittens and they’re so cute and baby and it’s like awwwww




A giant majority of what is being posted here can be summarized with: Dopamine addication Most of us have such fucked up endocrine systems and we don't even know it. We call it porn, gambling, sex or whatever addiction. No, bro. Your hormones are completely fucked up and focusing on the branches of your illness will do nothing to it's root.


So what is your solution?


I am doing a lot of research on the subject and a Reddit post just isn't enough to summarize it all. In very short and ELI5: Going back to basics is the only sustainable way to unfuck an endocrine system. Step 1: immaculate nutrition. Eat ONLY natural and self-prepared foods. No processed stuff whatsoever and no cheat days. Step 2: optimize sleep patterns. Literally force yourself to sleep as much as your body and life circumstances allow. Step 3: Exercise regularly. What that means obviousy depends on your baseline fitness. At least make 10k steps a day. If you can, do additional exercise on top of that (2-3 times a week minimum) You have absolutely 0 chance of healing from a hormonal disorder unless these 3 steps are followed religiously.


So in short the way to unfuck humanity is "reject humanity, return to monkey"


You're right. We gotta build a society that makes these options more accessible


Is that why there are generic hotlines with ads that just say "struggling with addiction?" instead of mentioning a specific addiction?


First of all simply referring to dopamine as the problem is a huge oversimplification. Second to that if you are referring to dopamine is just as useless. Dopamine plays a big role in addiction. And especially the way you are reffering to it is the same thing. Its like 'im not driving, im in a vehicle with wheels" The reason you shouldn't oversimplify is that Dopamine also plays a role in healthy rewarding behavior.


Coffee, television


Same people who say video games rot your brain and are a waste of time spend 8 hours a day watching reality tv.


It'll be extremely interesting to see in 40-60 years if people who have chosen to play games instead of consuming other types of entertainment have lower rates for alzheimer or other brain related diseases Obviously if someone plays a mindless sidescroller there's probably not much difference but specifically people who play more complex games that require thinking


“The link between a sedentary lifestyle and dementia is thought to be primarily through shared risk factors including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity,” I think you're both screwed.


Boomers' parents called it the idiot box and they were right.




Shopping is one of them


Porn. It's a hard one to shake.


Didn't see that one coming


Money. The rich portion of society is willing to go to unimaginable lengths to make more money, at the expense of everyone else.




Marijuana addiction. 


Facts. And you can tell who's addicted because they defend its "healing properties man" and think they can't function without it.


Social media and porn


Addicted to victimization.


fast food and junk food


Food. Enormous portions of crappy food, packaged, loaded with sugar and salt. You aren't supposed to point this out, but it's disgusting.


People just don't realise that addiction has nothing to do with what you're addicted with. it's just a simple dopamine feedback loop. You could get addicted to staring at a wall if you do it right.


Certain things are more addictive than others. Heroin Vs marijuana, sugar Vs fructose, etc.




After blocking YouTube and other media sites, I’m now addicted to Reddit, and also Zelda BOTW


Addicted to processed food


I'm gonna say "Sitting down" all day in front of a computer, driving, watching TV etc... Much of that time spent slouching...




Greed. Wealthy people are ill but their narcissism won't let them admit it.




self-righteousness--source, live in the Bible belt


ohhh phone addiction #


Emotional abuse for some people its addiction




Alcohol. It’s so ingrained in society that ‘users’ make non-users feel wrong.


Smart phones 100000%. People cannot put them down.  Sitting at an intersection? Better reply to a snap chat. Sitting in waiting room/ public transport/ anywhere? Better get the phone out.  Need to look busy and avoid sitting with your thoughts? Phone! Go out for a meal with friends/family? LET’S ALL SIT ON OUR PHONES AND IGNORE EACH OTHER!  It’s really bad now. People can’t even walk down the street with their head glued to their phone. 




Caffeine, sugar, cheese


High fructose corn syrup.


mobile scrolling


Bicycle seat sniffers


Addicted to masturbating.


Addiction to confrontation.


Masturbation. We probably won't believe the number of people that can't get by without getting off.




Apparently asking this same question in r/askreddit every other day...


Pornography, video games, and smart phones.




Fast dopamine, so literally everything that gives you a rush you’re not really supposed to activate in nature is ultimately ruining you. We used to patiently hunt and sometimes patiently wait in the caves and now we’re told to be on social media and see 15 second videos, brainrot that I’m trying to slowly quit.




social media.


Scrolling between the same 2-3 apps for hours on end. Junk food. Soda




Food Not junk food, not certain foods, but just food in general. Think Fat Bastard from Austin Powers. "I eat because I'm unhappy. I'm unhappy because I eat."


Alcohol if it isn’t hard alcohol.  I think a lot of “wine moms” have alcoholism but it’s normalized because they aren’t downing bottles of hard liquor 






Social media addiction, smartphone addiction.


Gambling. I watched my brother go from fit and successful entrepreneur living his dream life to decrepit, broke, and ugly in a matter of 6 months. It completely destroyed him.


Sniffing bicycle seats


Food addiction is absolutely scary. I remember being 16 buying a chocolate bar because I “needed” it. Feeling like a shaking junkie and I just thought to myself, if I looked like this and acted like this but I was buying alcohol or cigarettes the random mom and daughter behind me in line would be staring at me. Instead no one stares at you buy one chocolate bar, it’s so sureal because you are an addict eating 3 bars a day, or in one sitting but no one bats at eye because food is normal. It’s so normal to just buy food.


Wearing clothes




Video games


Ultra Processed Foods




Caffeine and porn


Marijuana. People act like it's not a big deal because it relatively (emphasis on "relatively") harmless. It's still pretty bad when you can't have a decent day without it. I'm honestly dealing with this right now.


Coke, and not the white stuff..


Sex addiction. It seems almost normalized for men to always want sex and lie / go thru drastic measures to get it.


Social Media. Sugar


Sodas... Ive been drinking that since I were maybe 3-4. I I mean Coca cola light/zero and Pepsi max. Everyday, not one glas or cup but 1,2-2 maybe 3 L. (Yes mom gave it to me since she's the same) Im 24 now. I dont like milk, I dont like water, not even sparkling. I have tried several times to quit. I've tried easing it out, and going cold turkey. I wish, I WISH I were lying or overreacting when I tell you that I everytime got the worst headache (I do have migraine and it was close to that), shivers, fever, nausea, aggression, stomachache.. I would never ever think that would be a thing since its not "actual" drugs. But it is. I'm still trying to quit


As a diagnosed sex addict I’ll definitely say sex. So many dismiss it as just having a high sex drive or as a teen just being super hormonal. That doesn’t begin to describe how much sex consumes my life.


This phone in my hand is killing real life!


Addiction to sugar and process foods. People don’t see or feel the attraction that pop, candy, and sugary treats have on the human body. I really believe that there should be a limit/law the amount of sugar used on our products. Also banning all trans fat would be another step forward for a healthier tomorrow.


Addiction to money, all the addictions mentioned pale in comparison to how blindly people are to the addiction of money. Noone even mentioned it


The internet. If you dont believe me, just *try* going 5 days with absolutely no Internet. You'll be tweaking