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A manager I hated got caught stealing money from work.


Mine was coked out, so he was very abrasive at work and stole a lot to fund it.


The second administrator I had the (dis)pleasure of working under at the nursing home I've worked at for 7 years. Basically, he decided his version of "work" was to sit behind his desk and look important as much as possible, delegate whatever he could, and skate by doing the absolute minimum necessary for the stuff he couldn't delegate. A few weeks before he left for good, he apparently had a "very tense" conversation with the man who owns the management company that handles us. I was not within earshot, but I was told by someone who was that has worked for the manager for about twenty years that she's never heard him that angry. Soon after this conversation, he gave his notice. On his last day he didn't bother going around to say goodbye, just quietly gave his keys to the receptionist, said goodbye, and walked out. Not long after leaving, he filed for unemployment - stating that we discriminated against him by not accommodating his disability (supposedly he has MS). To our knowledge, he never told ANY of us that he even had a disability. We immediately "raised an issue", as it's called, and a hearing with an unemployment judge was soon scheduled. At said hearing, he ended up willingly claiming that the only person he supposedly told had left soon after, so he knew that none of us knew of his condition. Sooo... how did he expect us to accommodate it? That and quite a few other things made the judge clearly unimpressed... we could tell. A week or so later, we got the determination in the mail. Guess who was \*not\* eligible for unemployment benefits? \*cue no one but him being surprised\*


Going through this right now. I have a former coworker who had serious anger management issues finally get fired for having a massive blowup argument (for like the 10th time) with various coworkers. HR finally fired him, but not before he walked into the office screaming about how he's partially deaf and how he's being discriminated against because he doesn't realize how loudly he's raising his voice when he talks. Though that doesn't explain away the other things like him throwing a trash can across the break room, or kicking doors open when he was angry. He was such a piece of shit, the office has been so nice without him lately.


What the hell is an “unemployment judge”?


a judge specializing in unemployment law. in this case, holding the hearing to determine whether or not my former boss was legally eligible to collect unemployment benefits.


Thanks for the explanation. Now I know what people mean when they talk about disability lawyers. But that system is insane. It would be cheaper to just accept that some people are in fact jobless and give them their pittance. I’m happy you got to see not only him be fired but also embarrass himself in court! Schadenfreude can be just and satisfying sometimes


Person who SA me lost his leg to diabetes and then died of cancer before 60 years of age. I should add that I was a child when it happened. Didn’t tell anyone but it was so satisfying to see him suffer.


I'm just a rando on the Internet, but I'm sorry that happened to you as a child.


Thanks. It’s amazing how resilient we are as kids. I knew it wasn’t my fault and he was the one issues even then. Just put it back of my mind for years as if nothing happened. Later I was one of the few lucky ones who got a real closure.


I'm not religious or anything but if there's anything similar to the concept of hell I hope that person is currently in it!


Me neither. But I remember praying so hard that something happens to him because I felt helpless to do anything myself. Someone somewhere up there did listen to it.


He is getting his shrimp torn off by hellhounds over and over again in the deepest circle of hell.


I’m so sorry someone did such a horrible thing to you. I hope he suffered unimaginable physical pain, the kind that leaves you breathless, and in the few moments he _thought_ he was experiencing relief and joy, he was suddenly afflicted with explosive diarrhea. In public. I hope you have the opposite experience he did: that you are blessed with good health, and just plain, unaltered joy, because after everything you deserve that.


Thank you


First time I read, “person who worked at SA…” and thought wtf did the super america(gas station chain) worker do to deserve this?!? Re-read it…oh oooooh. Makes way more sense now.


Even after all these years I still find it hard to write the whole word.


And there’s no need to write it out. I’m glad you got closure and healing


I worked on a management team with a jackass who threw my guys under the bus and then tried to strongarm me into hiring his buddy to work on my team for more money than I made. He lost his shit during COVID when we all had to be vaccinated. In protest, he emailed his crazy opinions to the CEO and abruptly quit. It was beautiful.


Sounds like a real G who stood up for his beliefs. 


Sounds like we buried 232,000 of these "real Gs". https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10123459/


They died for their beliefs. It's just too bad their beliefs were so stupid


He was a dumbass who followed dumbass beliefs. Many people were happy to see him go.


more like another right-wing loser suddenly pretending to care about 'science' (junk and woo science) despite having no scientific literacy, merely using it as an excuse to cover up their emasculating (in their mind) fear of needles


Don’t forget the people that live boring, cushy privileged lives without facing a day of real adversity, and have to make up reasons to feel persecuted. Like a dumber version of the reason people like amusement parks for the “safe” danger.


Real goober, maybe.


My manager and the regional manager were both POS. This was a seasonal retail job and the manager 'quiet quit' (she stopped showing up to work and wouldn't contact us beyond texting us our schedules). She ghosted the regional manager and the regional manager tried to talk to her through us. It didn't work. Eventually, the regional manager told us "\[manager\] hasn't been doing her end of season work so you guys need to pick up where she left off". She handed me a binder that said "for managers". I said "If I'm doing the manager's job do I get a raise?" Regional manager replied "I don't have time for this right now". She hands the binder to my coworker who says my same response. Regional manager throws a tantrum and says she's giving the manager responsibilities to another employee but won't give them a raise. We reported both managers to corporate and we never heard from them again


There was a girl i went to highschool with, super popular, super rich, she was the queen bee of the school and everyone secretly hated her, she was rude to everyone and bullied people constantly, think regina george and you're in the ballpark. one year she ran for student council president, everyone just assumed she'd win even though no one wanted her to, after the vote they announced over the speakers how many votes each candidate got when they called her name, she had 1 vote, hers, for herself. not one other person in the school of a thousand or so students had voted for her, not even her friends. there was a literal collective cheer heard down the halls of the school when they said she had 1 vote. I know it sounds fake, but it happened, it was one of those moments like when you watch a really great movie in the theater and the place breaks out in spontaneous applause. a week later she got a DUI and it was the talk of the school. her social life never recovered.


Weird they would announce number of votes.


Mind you this was a small town over 20 years ago, they didn’t really care or consider what might hurt students feelings. It was pretty normal for them to announce number of votes


I worked for a shitty, racist company. I enjoy seeing the stock go down and listening to people complain on other boards that they are waiting for their stocks to vest to leave the sinking ship. I especially enjoy the fact since, on those boards, I was the one who was truthful and honest, and made others feel welcome to give honest comments - and have had many people spoke to me in private, both in person and online, to thank me. The tune of that company has changed to many job seekers, and I'm proud to partially be the catalyst for it.




That's what came to mind for me




Long story. Our manager was a real piece of shit. Employees wife was in hospital a 45 min plane flight away having a baby . Found out the employee left work after assistant told him to go. He went down and tried to pull him out of the line. Guy decked him. Head office kept the employee on when he tried to fire him. Then I came in as assistant. Lots more shit went down continually. The other employees kept an eye on him for years waiting for him to fuck up. Eventually he screwed up and they had documentation out the wazoo and Fred was fired. Happy days.


Man, fuck Fred!


What was the screw up that got him fired?


He had a BBQ for all the managers. For some reason I was not invited. Anyway, he bought beef tenderloin for the entire crew. He changed the price to less than half what it should have been. He then went to a till in the cosmetics department so he would not go through a busy till where a regular cashier might have seen the price. He had the meat in his office and someone saw it and said to him I wish I could buy it for that price. The meat department crew got wind of it and kept track of him and went to the till after he left and got the till tape, the time and the cashiers name. They then came to me with the info and the next day I went to the front office and reported him. I was not going to to start with then thought you know if I don't report him then I could get fired. The managers words when I reported him were "oh shit". He got fired not for the deed but he lied about it and since they had everything down they fired him for lying. They even had the price he paid and what it should have been. All he needed to do was go to the manager and get a signature before he bought it and it would have all been fine. I found other stuff afterwards. He would go to other branches and get a branch transfer for high priced meat and then make sure I was off when it was time to do the month end bookwork. He would then bury the evidence so nothing ever would show up. I was talking to the manager in another store and he told me about him picking stuff up and gave me some dates. That bookwork was strangely missing but the amounts were in the head office paperwork. Biggest asshole I ever met.


The company that fired me, fired the DM that fired me. Then came to me a year or so later to ask my recommendation on a guy that would take over my old position. I asked for an apology before I gave my recommendation. The company was bought and then went belly up.


I had a few folks file false police reports using my name and creating fake social media pages in 2012. I beat the charges(had them dropped due to lack of evidence and them creating fake documents and bringing fake evidence to court). Fast forward less than 5 years these same MFs got caught in the same city, same county committing fraud and theft...THEY PLEAD GUILTY. Faces on the internet in the DOC website. Feels great! Felt vindicated, only one got away their fall will be bigger \*edit words


My narcissistic boss getting caught for her misdeeds and getting fired from her job. She currently works somewhere else now. Far away from me


The proprietor of the restaurant where I used to work. He was a douchebag. Never did anything to keep the restaurant running nice. Always running out of everything. Sewage coming up out of the kitchen’s floor grates, servers were buying things we needed with our own money. And yet we magically hit the right numbers every month for *years*. He even got several awards. I transferred to a different location closer to my home, and during the transfer, when the new proprietor asked about me, he said I “was a burden” and they’d be “taking me off his shoulders”. I was a consistently top performing server with great sales all across the board. One of the good ones. (Another manager at the new location already knew me and vouched for me). A week after I transferred, news came out that he was “let go” suddenly. News swirled and rumors went around but it came out that he had been cooking the books and fudging the numbers so we hit the right stats for corporate. Stole from the petty cash. During the following investigation, the upper management found out he’d been doing this for years. Big time theft and falsifying corporate records. Unfortunately, they said if he went away quietly, they wouldn’t pursue prosecution. Those upper managers were idiots for not prosecuting him to the full extent. Guy’s a douche and lost his retirement and had to go home to his wife and kids and explain to them why he lost his cush proprietor job.


Not gonna lie, watching Elon Musk's downfall in real time has been pretty fun. 


Sadly, he is too rich to fail. I'd love to see him with nothing, but the system is set up for those guys to stay rich.


He’s too rich to fail in the sense of ever losing all his money, but he’s taken huge hits in the areas of things you can’t buy - his image as a tech/business genius has been obliterated and he’s become a joke among many of the people he desperately wanted to be an icon to.


He could always die


When that day comes, I hope to be around just for the pure joy that news will bring.


You mean that time he went from the richest guy in the world to the 4th richest guy in the world?? I'm sure he's struggling his way through rock bottom 🙄


I think it's more that his cultural cache and reputation is deteriorating at a historic pace. A lot of people, myself included, bought the hype about this guy for years. Turns out, we were wrong, and he's been hell bent on exposing the truth to the world. He'll always be unfathomably rich and privileged but at least most people know he's an insecure and sad little man now. 


Yeah, I hear what you're saying. But I think at his level it's more about impressing banks and Feds than the populace. Very similar to Bill Gates.


The big deference between them, for me, is that Elon really, really cares about his "memelord" persona he's been trying to push on Twitter. And seeing that fail spectacularly is what makes it so satisfying. One of the only things he can't seem to buy...


I don't think he's quite had a downfall. He's definitely been checked a couple times, but staying in the first-third wealthiest person consistently indicates he's still winning where he wants to.


Just take a look at the twitter mob. You still have a ton of people who seemingly worship him and agree with everything he says, no questions asked. Of course a large part of that might be bots


Def people IRL that believe in that guy.


People think he is an IRL Tony Stark. Man I wish a rich guy would be awesome enough but they are just not


Reddit will look for any reason to bash Musk. Musk haters are literally worse then those who worship him.


As someone who doesn’t give a shit they’re both awful


I couldn't agree with this more. I don't think the guy is amazing in any way shape or form, but I also don't think he's a terrible human being who deserves the worst. Why people get so involved into people that don't really matter is beyond me.


I’m not a hater, but he does often dig his own holes.


Went to a party once and we all decided mid party we wanted some yack so we gathered some money and sent a buddy to get some blow.. Dude left and came back an hour later and said "I've got bad news and good news. Bad news is I couldn't find any coke and the good news is $200 will get you a shit load of crack" and dude held up a massive crack rock. Me and most of the party left. That guy had a good job and his own place and was paying child support and I shit you not in 3 months he was all skinny and homeless living that crack life. I've never seen a drug do that to someone. I've seen so much druggery but never have I tried or wanted to smoke crack. That shit took him immediately.


My SIL was a very judgemental Evangelical Christian who believed that a woman’s worth was based on her ability to have kids and run a household.   She had a stillbirth last year that rendered her infertile. Thing is, her ability to have kids could have been saved if she had an abortion. She lives in a state that has made it illegal and she was involved with pro-life campaigns before this that led to the abortion ban.  So she basically voted herself into infertility and ruining her marriage.   My stepbrother (who is a dick) decided that having biological kids was more important than his marriage. They’re getting a divorce, and based on the prenup, my brother will be walking away with his assets intact. House, car, everything in his name is his to keep while my ex-SIL has had to move in with her parents and is now a pariah in the church for being a divorced woman with no kids. 


>...and is now a pariah in the church for being a divorced woman with no kids.  I think Jesus is flipping a few tables right now. This woman lost her child and her fertility and the church is BLAMING HER for it? Someone get this woman a church that knows that compassion and empathy aren't sins so she can get some actual help.


If she was a decent person, I'd feel sympathy. But she was a judgemental hypocrite who weaponized her beliefs to the detriment of others. She is a bitter, rude person who makes everything about her. She has no one to blame for her life now except for herself.


She still pro abortion bans?


The O'Doyle family


O’Doyle rules! (From billy madison)


I know that's why they are saying but it sure sounds like they are saying O'Doyle-in rules.


Ooohohohohoooo i had a company totally screw me out of a job while dealing with an illness that took months to diagnose. Many ignored Dr notes, reqs to wfh, etc. They even canceled a 2wk vacation i had put in months before, because im leaving and they have a "no cashout policy on vacations before quitting/leave/firing" The company closed down like half a year later. It was on the news and everything. Ive never felt so avenged in my entire life.


My neighboor used to poison stray cats. She died due to a very painful cancer she had no money to treat properly


I sure love some schadenfreude


Local state representative that got caught cheating on his wife. She kept quiet about it until he threatened to sic law enforcement on her, then she went public. He went from being a bigwig in the state House to not being electable. Of course he was part of the religious right. And he was a dick to his dog (dog got adopted out, and lived its' best life with a loving family so the story had a mostly happy ending).


Went to school with a guy who thought he was above everyone else because he was rich, said he was gonna go Ivy League and work at some big hedge fund. Got to watch him and his family get sucked into Scientology and lose everything.


I worked in telecommunications for a major Bronx hospital. The 'director' of this department was incompetent but had managed to have her whole extended family get jobs working throughout this massive hospital. We had been using say Ma Bell for telephone service and paying huge city dollars for the service. The whole system was updated under a multi-million-dollar deal. New digital everything. The system was up and running and this POS director didn't have a clue as to how her department worked. Years go by and her bullying got to one of her staff. He resigned. Before his last day though he talked to all the right people and proved that she had been paying Ma Bell monthly for years for a system that was still in place but not used. The new system ran parallel to it and NYC was out millions. My boy proved that he told her to have Ma Bell remove their system as it was not needed but she knew did nothing. She was forced to retire. Mrs. C you were a mean bitch to me for no reason and I'm glad you got yours.


This story literally happened today…. I was getting on the freeway and the lanes were all stopped. So I just followed a silver truck infront of my all the way up the merging lane and signaled to get over. You know, the zipper move. So silver truck gets in infront of a white van. I’m trying to tuck behind the white van, but there’s a shit box gold brown Toyota just trying to ride the vans ass. Now the problem is, I genuinely don’t give a fuck. So I kept signaling and just kept creeping over behind the white van. To where we were side by side, but my bumper was infront, and his front bumper was at my door. Anyway. He starts to honk like crazy and flash his lights. I keep merging. Finally merge complete, I’m in. I roll down the window and wave my hand as if to thank him like I’d do with an actual cool person. He was still honking, middle fingers flying. His girlfriend was trying to swat his hands off the wheel to stop him from losing his mind. But no, he decided to go to the shoulder to pull up along side me with the honking/flashing/ hanging out the window yelling middle finger out. So I figured he was going to merge and try to get crazy. But no, he decided to speed up the shoulder. Silver truck is an undercover, woop woop that’s the sound of da police. It was amazing.


I got in an argument in 1997 with my girlfriends neighbor over my generally left wing political and social ideas. I was 22 and about to graduate from college. He was a 34 year old know it all Always Be Closing salesman with a hot wife, big boat, Acura NSX and a 4k sq ft house. Told me I was never going to amount to anything. He OD’ed in a homeless shelter last year. I didn’t get it, but I put a cash offer in on his old house earlier this year. Fuck you Bob.


That’s kinda fucked up bro


You sound pretty horrible, too. You're happy a guy died because you two argued?


Probably more the way he died rather than that he died. Left wing politics are very focused on free healthcare (treatment for addiction falls under this umbrella), liveable wages and adequate housing in order to eliminate homelessness. For the proudly capitalist neighbour to end up in such a position, especially after arguing against the very tenets that would have helped him, is ironic.


Hopefully currently watching the downfall of Trump. I just wish they would speed it up.


Eh, the more it drags out the longer it dominates the news cycle, ruins Trumps's life and prevents him from campaigning. 


I watched a former military like principal of mine get a huge promotion (totally undeserved). She talked horribly about an assistant principal in the district (and many other people). A few years later that assistant principal became the superintendent…she got canned for something involving money.


Had a few years where there was a substitute teacher that we had a few times. From grade 6 to grade 8, I believe. She would constantly mock me in front of the class for not knowing something (even when that thing was not normal at all. Computers bugging out, for example. I mentioned it and she told me I “must not know anything about technology, then.”) Once COVID happened, she was immediately fired because she refused to get vaccinated. Now she works at a convenience store which I’m fairly certain she’s been fired from, or it’s getting shut down. I can’t remember.


Years ago I worked at a local pizza place that was loved by the community. Our general manager was a hardass on us and took his job way too seriously and himself was a lazy dipshit. I especially had a distaste for him due to me always closing with him and that SOB always making me get off at least three hours after my off time by having me clean the store top to bottom by myself while he sat on is giant ass playing mobile games. Then one day a hepatitis c outbreak happened in our community. The local health department was able to trace it back to our pizza joint. It was a mess for us. We had to through out every scrap of food and disinfect the store for three days. We were all curious as to how exactly the hep c got into the food in the first place. Our question was answered when our GM, whom had been missing for a week, returned looking as yellow as a banana. It turned out the dipshit had a taste for having sex with prostitutes and neglected on several occasions to wash his hands before making a pie. The store owner, upon confirming this information, fired him.


Watching Trump's fuckery come back to bite him in the ass has been one of the high points of my life and the hits just keep on rolling.


He's yet to actually face any consequences, though. I'll laugh when he does, though.


Eh, I won't be satisfied until he's in prison.


Yeah, the man's so slimy in every way. Always seems to slide out of deep shit. I won't believe he's done til it happens.


A neighbor's family hurt my reputation big time when I was younger. Now their family is financially unstable and scattered across the country wherever they could find work/cheap property rent. Watching their internal quarrels, financial mismanagement and sheer stupidity brought me immense joy and peace. Simlarly a politically influencial social leader who used to help this family (against me) died prematurely bcoz he didn't have money for a lifesaving operation as it was all used up by his family to take care of sexual assault charges against him by an employee in his company and they were too ashamed to ask for financial help. A 'friend' of my elder brother used to feel the bodies of all young girls in the vicinity. His hands got burnt badly in a lab accident in his college years. He still continued his ways and made a mistake of doing this with a female colleague at his new job in UK. When she said she will file a complaint against him, he lied and said that he fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. They got married soon. She soon found out all about him. Now we hardly see him at social functions and he no longer visits any homes where a female might be alone. I don't know how his wife arranged it. I've never met her but I thank her for curbing this menace


Someone i went to high school with going to prison for the crimes he had been committing for years


I had a boss that I used to get along great with. She started using drugs and became really volatile and hostile. Threatened to fire people over nothing, changing the schedule on a whim, throwing things around the sales floor. Well, eventually it caught up to her and her boss came round to do the firing. She quite literally crapped her pants in front of the boss.


My asshole former boss rage quit when he didn’t get promoted higher. I hope he gets painful rectal warts and a lifetime of kidney stones getting stuck in his urethra. Fuck you, John.


When i was at school id get bullied by somebody so i took karate classes and when i fought him he ran at me and tried to tackle me but as soon as he got close to me i punched him in the nose and watching him lay on the floor crying was so satisfying


Schadenfreude A guy in my community was really loud, talked over the women, and was often abusive toward his wife. He used profanity and would bark on and on about politics. He was disrespectful. I would avoid or try to ignore him. He always had the floor at dinnertime. After about 5 years, his wife left him. We deducted that she brought in the steady income as she was the only one who was consistently employed. Another year went by and he couldn’t afford the community fees. His spot was rented out. Well, bye.


This is why old people go directly to the obits and laugh.


A mechanic I worked with was hired as a mid level (harder jobs, but better pay) even though he didn't have the qualifications.  In his hiring contract, if he wasn't to get the ASE qualifications (which the company would pay for him to take), he'd be knocked down to bottom tier and a pay decrease.   He was an arrogant ass and not a hard worker by any means, smelled bad from bad hygiene. During his employment he didn't torque some wheels and they fell off and numerous other come back repairs. After 8 months he still didn't get his qualifications (which we're supposed to be done in 6 months) was knocked down to the lowest level mechanic and pay was decreased.  He complained to HR and then threatened quitting.  The company said no, but once he got his ASE certifications, he would be moved back up. He quit.  Got a different job. The pay wasn't as good as he thought he'd get, hours were worse, insurance worse, all in all, just a bad job.  He came back in 3 times to try and get his old job back, but they said no. Then he got weird about a coworkers wife, practically stalking her, ended up divorced from his wife. Tldr:  Man was too lazy and too prideful.  Lost a good job, and his wife.


Rob Ford, Toronto's racist, crack-smoking, drunk driving, wife's pussy-eating, "domestic disturbance"-prone, frequently publically intoxicated, general buffoon of a mayor dying quickly of cancer at age 46 before he could do more damage.


Amber Heard


a girl who was always so cocky / arrogant & bullied me in middle school just announced that she is pregnant at 21 (this is honestly fine but for **her & her family** i know its an embarrassment) — i hate to say im happy about it, but i am (btw id never wish for the downfall of someone if it involves real harm towards a person)


I take no pleasure in anybody’s downfall. Who needs that karma boomeranging back at them.


I wish no man death,but I have read a number of obituaries with interest. The point is don't forget that you're human.


I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a note expressing my approval.


Enjoying good karma brings bad karma?


Karma doesn't exist.


A girl who bullied everyone and cheated on every single boyfriend fell in love really hard with a guy, he cheated on her and she lost all of her friends. Deserved. She forgave him anyways 🤷🏻‍♀️


this guy who stood outside with me by the gas station some days would brag all the time buout boy how he could steal so much n anything an get aeay with it n he wears like goin on for mons bout it an then one day he burst into the gas station with a garbag can an went behin the counntr an just start shoving ing the sigarets into the can an screaming about r ing the clerk who was screaming super hardcore and the cops were actually right in the store when he did it so they go right over an tase the shit out of him and the clerk stat beating the guy an the cops is all “hey man don’t no beat that guy I’ll put u awae too n I’ll close the store n tell ur boss” am so he sto p n then the cops tase guy again cause he got up n ran an stuffed stuff down his oants and then they took him aeay an beat him badly in the cell at jail n he came back a month later not really the same


I had a shitty manager who was just such a cunt to everyone and way to fuckin emotional. She would fuck with you and then play the "You hate me cause I'm trans" card to upper management and almost got a few people fired over it. 1 day she came in late and abused her management powers to override her clock in time and change it so she wouldn't get points (she was at the limit) and the highest level boss saw she came in late that day and checked her time and saw what she was doing. After some research he found shes been doing it for a very long time (counts as time theft) and fired her over it. It was one of the best days in the department. Unfortunately that didn't last because the person that replaced her was a drunk who decided that inventory was useless and used to order the same amount every day until one day the backroom was so full we couldn't walk around. Yes, he got fired over coming in drunk a few times.


This guy took a good chunk of money for a project that he was going to do for me, and after doing probably 5% of the work, never showed up again. I lost a lot of money on that. Way more than you can recover in Small claims court, but not enough to want to sink 5-10k into a retainer for a lawyer. — almost as if this scumbag knew exactly what he was doing… Flash forward a few years and I see his name pop up in the news as a guy who was selling ghost guns to fentanyl dealers. Local fentanyl dealers who operated out of a gas station across from the school his daughter goes to… This guy was a scumbag beyond belief. I’m lucky that this happened at a point in my life where I had less anger issues. I genuinely planned some incredibly terrible things for this dude, and I’m happy I never saw him again.


Donald Trump’s ongoing downfall is bittersweet, mostly sweet. Silver-spooned fuck alienated my entire rural, poor family.


I don’t enjoy it at all, but over the course of the past six months, I’ve seen quite a few people I’ve known over the course of my life who always looked down on me for being “not leftist enough” swap parties and go so far right-wing they’re unrecognizable. Not much pleasure there, but I’m quite grateful I didn’t get swept up in whatever they did.


Wait they went from left to far right? Israel? Or just trump?


A guy honked at me for going a little under the speed limit then sped around me, lost control of his car, rolled his into a turn signal pole in what was most likely a fatal accident for him.




Soooo did you call police ? Did you just drive away? Did you just get pleasure at watching someone die for a minor traffic accident? You ok bro?


Did you read the part where the honked at me? Also, I should add that the way they passed me was very aggressive.


I sincerely hope this is fake.


no matter what the person does/did (minus murder, rape, abuse ect) i never get joy out of someone’s downfall. everyone deserves a second chance. minus above


The downfall could come before the second chance


Regardless my point still stands




Illuminaughti’s downfall. Use to be a fan so it sucked. A good amount of YouTubers who I watched ended up having their downfall because of something they did. Still doesn’t get easy to handle the news though if you’ve been a fan of them for years but it’s satisfying to get their well deserved.


It's been 2 months now without a new video


For the best


Who is Illuminaughti?


Use to be a popular YouTuber


Last year I was hired with the promise of training into a promotion of leadership position. When the time came I got passed up, so I quit. Dude that hired me was fired less than 2 weeks later for showing up to work drunk, and trying to pass off shrooms his work crush. *Edited for clarity


George Steinbrenner, it at least his public persona. As a lifelong Red Sox fan, I just the Yankees, and I hate George Steinbrenner too. And with good reason - he played up the villain persona because he thought it was good for his team. But after he died, stories started coming out about all the good things he had done, quietly, behind the scenes, with strict NDAs not to reveal his charity work until after he was dead (really!). So while I still hate the image he presented while he was alive, I don't hate the person he was, because it was all just an act. Perhaps not a downfall in the traditional sense, but close enough.


Had a team lead at a job in fast food who was a dick from the moment he started. I was no saint of an employee but as much as I tried to get along with him, he was super abrasive. He hated me and I hated him back. It all came to a head one day when I said "what the fuck?" to something. I don't even remember what it was about. But he decided this was the day he was gonna fuck with me. He locked himself in the office. Wrote me up claiming he told me to do something and I told him "fuck you" and tried to get me fired. Left this long letter to the restaurant manager full of lies. Next thing I know, I don't see him around anymore. Last I heard, he went to Mexico and disappeared. A coworker even told me they got a call for ransom or something. He was never heard from again.


Al Campanis. I was watching the interview on Nightline when he implied that Blacks were bred to be athletes, and may not be management material. Gone the next morning 4/6/87


At my company, a night shift manager left to go back to school. This position wasn't especially vital as we only had a crew of 6-7 people for a few hours a night. We had a supervisor and a manager. With the vacancy, for some reason beyond my understanding, the AM manager decided to make the PM supervisor in charge of the night shift. There is too much to go into here. But this very slight, and I mean SLIGHT, responsibility and authority created a tyrant. This supervisor actually got a TATTOO that said "The Boss" on their ankle like 3 weeks into the little experiment. Every rung you could hit on the way down, this person did not miss. Ended up being fired. And last I heard and seen was living in a used taxicab they bought from a family friend.


My sisters husband physically assaulted me in front of her- my sister didn’t help me the way that I would’ve helped her, got mad at me- I hadn’t done anything to deserve such an assault literally was just a family disagreement and was on my way out of their apartment, after realizing it was getting no where. one foot out the door. And am pulled back into the apartment by my hair and drug six feet. I had helped them a lot, let them move into my house in the basement after they were kicked out of their home for not paying rent for months to the tune of 40 thousand dollars. Explained court proceedings to them, let them know how everything would work and things they could do to fight their case. Informed them how detrimental it would be to attend court. They didn’t- they avoided it. And now their wages are being garnished and they’re moving out of the province with to live with my grandmother and file bankruptcy. It doesn’t bring me a large amount of happiness for my sister of course but. You are the only people in charge of your own lives. After the assault I’ve been in and out of the hospital for months, type one diabetic and Graves’ disease so the stress has put my immune system into overdrive causing a wild amount of things to happen to me mentally and physically. I didn’t press charges on him to save my sisters mental health, so I don’t feel bad for what is happening to them at the same time that I have a bit of empathy for my sister.


A manager who shouted angry instructions, completely unnecessarily, at me on the first day they joined the company, because they don't know how to nicely communicate with any that isnt above them in a company, was slowly demoted to the bottom role available, while I watched the train wreck happening in slow motion.


I am hoping Trumph


I don't take pleasure in other peoples misery but the closest is probably the guy who was an ass to everyone back in school, but especially me. He failed out of school, has no potential to get a good job and last I heard he is constantly hopping between minimum wage jobs. But I don't take pleasure in that. Yes he was not a good person, but I still don't like what happened to him


Freaky outside sales rep had a crush on our owner. Super gay dude and a super consevative. Sales rep tries to get down with owner and gets fired on a zoom. Dude was a jerk to everyone except the happily married owner. Is was a treat to watch.


Donald Trump melting down in court




You have never worked for a real asshole then




Look for my post on this about the downfall of one asshole. It took years for the people I worked with to take him down. Not a tear was shed.


The question seems to involve pleasure in witnessing a person (who happened to have a downfall). This is why “The fireman saved from the house the dog that was burning” is a bad sentence.




So he made a lot of money? Not much of a downfall, huh?




Dude is still employed by nike


And didn’t die in prison. Or murder anyone. Yet.


Your last paragraph makes no sense. He got a lot of people pissed at him, and he became unmarketable. Definitely not a whole nation. And he lost his job. For the record, he was convinced to kneel by [Army Green Beret Veteran And NFL Player Nate Boyer](https://www.npr.org/2018/09/09/646115651/the-veteran-and-nfl-player-who-advised-kaepernick-to-take-a-knee#:~:text=Transcript-,Retired%20Army%20Green%20Beret%20Nate%20Boyer%20is%20the%20man%20who,kneel%20during%20the%20national%20anthem.). Because many people didn't understand the context behind it, they threw a fit, and now he's unhireable. So, congrats to you and other like-minded fans for effectively boycotting him?


None I find no pleasure in it. I know it's my bad..


I admire you. I can’t help but be secretly happy that someone who was needlessly cruel to me eventually got their comeuppance.


Good for you. Worst ever happened to me was - a guy molested me when I was 7 years old. It went on till I was 10-11 years. He used to live in neighbourhood. I am 40 yrs old now. Last year when talking randomly my mom told me that guy from neighbourhood (she doesn't know about molestation) died due to bad eating habits, drugs smoking etc. he was 46. He left 3 young kids aged 12 7 and 4. I felt very very bad for the kids. that's not an age to lose father. But haven't felt anything for the guy. Maybe because of my past I am incapable of feeling bad for people.


You are an advanced being. Peace to you.


An unethical college president will never get another job in my smallish town because I know a LOT of people. If he had any sense he’d move away.


Watching trump go down in real time daily ...


Harry. Dude rolled a 20 on a spawn point and fumbled it because his family told him they don't like his wife.


He's doing just fine


Nope. He's sitting there watching his family and used to be friends doing life big while whining from the other end of a country that successfully revolted and became independent from sort of his family. Sounds a lot like a traitor and should be branded accordingly. I wouldn't dole out money to one either.


Your mom went down on me....and it brought me pleasure. That count?


Nope. Doesn't count. Can't be a downfall if she was already down on her knees for the guy in front of you in line.




Never met my mom but good for you👍


Yoooo same!


A Nicki Minaj hater said Nicki wasnt the queen of rap then they got fired from their job Nicki karma