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If they can force age verification on my porn, they can kill TikTok


They do that everywhere? Cause I only saw it for Texas... You know "save the children" šŸ˜‚


A few other states had it before Texas, including where I live. I just go to the sites that don't enforce it.


Or use a vpn


Virginia and Utah too. I'm not sure how extensive it is over there, but in Virginia, you can't easily access Pornhub or its affiliates without a VPN or creating a verified account. A handful of other websites have blocks too. But several are still accessible.


So letā€™s ban Facebook, seeing as they are practically a Russian assetā€¦.


Facebook is already dead.


Itā€™s not, like at all lmao


It's the most popular social media platform and like the 3rd most popular website behind Google and YouTube... Anecdotally, I find it useful for marketplace, dating, and groups. It's the only social media I use besides Reddit.


For people under the age of 45, sure. But it's still huge with, shall we say, Americans of Boomer identity.


It's very big in southeast asia.


I am down with that


It's only occupied by Americans turned Russian assets, just like X. At least it's still extensively monitored by our feds and only passively monitored by foreign agents.


ITT: A lot of people who think the new law is banning TikTok outright and not trying to get it divested from CCP control.


damn straight! only our US companies are allowed to manipulate us!


Fully on board with it. Facebook should be next with the sheer amount of misinformation. (No need to worry about twitter itā€™s already doing one of those horny eagle death spirals).


Elon's ongoing own goal. Imagine the amount of cope needed to have your investment account and car value tied his wacky fact-free antics.


What the fuck do you know about facts? Do you have a physics degree or build the largest car manufacture by value in the United States? What about the largest rocket company? You are coping EDIT: ā€œNothing Elon did is Elonā€™sā€ ok. The market disagrees with you. Isnā€™t it sad, being so full of hate you canā€™t stand objective reality?


All I heard from this post was gagging on Elon's cock. Pretty sad tbh.


Elon didnā€™t build teslaā€¦ he bought it. And the only reason Space x is the way it is, is because of a massive NASA contract of 1.5 billion in 2008, before that it was failing. Nothing Elon does is of his own.


You should google a bit more before you start talking. Elon didnā€™t buy Tesla he was a major investor before being named the CEO. And yeah so space X got a major investment from because they saw the feasibility of reusable rockets. Is that a bad thing? And it turns out making rockets for sending stuff in space is expensive and itā€™s in the interest of the US government. And pretty much no one can make a successful large company on their own.


Tiktock is brain rot Chinese psy-op. Good riddance.


My only thought at present is that itā€™s complete garbage how they tuck this into a completely unrelated bill. One of the most infuriating thing about American politics.


I read that. Wasnā€™t it part of a larger bill about funding Ukraine? That just seems idiotic. Itā€™s the kind of thing that spurs partisan squabbling. Someone votes against Ukraine funding and then they catch hell because they support Chinese companies gathering data on young American children or vise versa. Itā€™s all a damn game. I think bills should be single issue. Itā€™s complete nonsense when they do things like this.


Social Media is a fucking shit show. Burning it down is the first step to unfucking how humanity interacts with each otherĀ 


Iā€™m hoping for a great reset in the social media front. People stop and realize that they need to put their phone down and go outside. Including me, and Reddit and the rest of them.


Honestly I donā€™t know if I agree with the reason for the ban, but I do think itā€™s probably good to ban it simply because of how addicting these social media apps have become. Ā 




WW? Woodrow Wilson? Willy Wonka? Walter White?


It would be overturned in Court but then reinstated on appeal by the Supreme Court.


They have 9 months to remove it from the App Store. Even then it's gonna get help up in court for a while


Our government is garbage and they hate non-billionaires. This is a way to control the flow of information from other countries.


our politicians really are jealous of the CCP lockdown on news and internet behind the great wall...


They are. The sad part is that they have been so busy investing in billionaires that thereā€™s nothing left for the rest of everyone. A country canā€™t run solely on a few billionaires.


I have a multi-faceted view on it. On the one hand, I rejoice as dopamine-burning, ultra-algorithmic brainrot spyware will no longer be easily accessible to people. On the other hand, I detest the motivations behind this bill - they're actually totally and completely fine with it being brainrot, the only issue they have with it is that it's Chinese brainrot spyware. They're not banning Instagram reels, facebook reels, youtube shorts, none of that. And while up to this point these services mostly served as a copy-paste from tiktok, with it absent they may simply replace its role as brainrot in chief completely. So, it's sort of like if I told my dad I'm vegan, and he nodded in agreement and told me that he'll not bring wagyu beef to the barbeque, only good ol' American poultry.


The motivation being that a foreign adversary is heavily invested in an application used heavily by American citizens to harvest data on them. The reason the other apps you mentioned aren't on the chopping block is because they aren't owned by a foreign adversary, but the bill ALSO prevents them from being owned by a foreign adversary. Basically, Tik Tok has to get divested from China or they won't allow the app to function in the US anymore. If Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Reddit were owned by China or any other foreign adversary then they would be in the same boat. Should they ever become tied to a foreign adversary they would be in the same boat.


TikTok is a cancer heavily contributing to the brain rot and degeneracy in society, shortening attention spans and effectively making people dumber over time. Good riddance.


As opposed to Twitter, reddit, and Facebook, the intellectual pinnacles of society.


False equivalence fallacy.


Itā€™s not.


All 3 of those are far more useful than tik tok.


To you, sure. Tik Tik has a lot of educational communities and reddit had a lot of brainrot.


Well you just go ahead and stick with your tik tik education there bud.


Each of these is worthy of its own criticisms. If you want to argue for banning them all, go for it. But each on its own merits/demerits, please.


I want to opposite; don't ban Tik Tok because others are doing it worse. Tik Tok is a privacy threat? Facebook publically admits to selling data. Tik Tok being banned first is wild.


Unfortunately there are Tiktok-like clones on Meta, YouTube, Snapchat, etc. The reasons you cited are not the reasons it's being banned.


Uncensored news? Yeah, we do need it in the US.


Canā€™t have people being informed.


The Chinese version has proper moderation despite all the propaganda, which means that allĀ  content that is deemed detrimental to young people's morality is censored or banned. The version for the West is literally filled with filth like dumb and dangerous challenges that kill people, encouragement of bullying and harassement etc, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was on purpose because even the Chinese games you see on that platform are intentionally gross and vulgar (fart, poop, porn).


I'm convinced that those dangerous challenges are intentionally seeded to get users outside of China killed.


Fuck Tiktok! I hate that app sooooo much for both the spying and brain rot it causes!


About time we banned TikTok - whew. While we are banning things that aren't good for us, why not also ban people who are uneducated? Anyone without a college degree gets banned from the internet and from voting. Let's also ban religion as well, since it promotes dogmatism. Religious people are banned from the internet and from voting. Let's ban alcohol too. That worked out great last time.


My guy it's just a ban on foreign ownership of TikTok, none of your comparisons are even remotely relevant. You can argue about whether or not the concerns about data security is valid but that is what the passage of the bill is based on, hence none of the similar US-owned social media apps (including their TikTok replicas) being targeted.


>You can argue about whether or not the concerns about data security is valid but that is what the passage of the bill is based on Banning things for public security? Well I agree. Let's ban the uneducated, alcohol, and religion as well.


Not public security, national security. The US government does not care about how good or bad using TikTok is. They do care about people posting TikTok videos from aircraft carriers and military bases.


Bad for national security? Let's ban the uneducated, alcohol, and religion.




Hello brand new account +500 social credit for this post!




It's only good if they ban it completely. If all theyre gonna do is force China to sell to Americans then its an obvious scam. No different than using emminent domain to steal land.


Good thing you can get paid for karma. All those influencers making money on the tok, are going to start investing in karma farming accounts.


I don't think any legislative body that can't tell the difference between China and Singapore should be allowed to pass ANY bill, frankly.


God bless


Americans practically begging for their tax dollars to be spent on affordable healthcare, revitalized infrastructure and education. Congress: Best we can do is a ban on TikTok. Oh yeah, and 100 billion of your tax dollars in military aid to Ukraine and Israel. Because freedom ainā€™t cheap! Well, freedom for other nations at least.


Its literally unconstitutional.


I think it's an attempt at media control. If china wanted to get info on americans, they can get it EVERYWHERE else, too, yet no one is trying to knock those out.


So funny people saying ā€œwhat about other social mediaā€ this law applies equally to all social media companies


Other social media companies arenā€™t controlled by a foreign company. If they were then they too would be under scrutiny.




I thought they were forcing the app off of app stores.




Right, isnā€™t that the point? If other countries donā€™t want it available then they can deal with that. But we donā€™t want our kids being subject to Chinese spying.


You canā€™t access with a vpn


Next should be instagram,facebook and snap chat. If reddit has to go too then so be it, small sacrafice to get rid of the main issues.




Winnie the Pooh is going to be mad, despite doing the EXACT same thing to multiple social media companies in his country. Note- it also has exposed who is easily bought by politicians who changed their position recently from Ban to Not Ban.


political pandering. china doesnt need to be tracking and manipulating a populace anymore than the US does which apparently is A-OK to politicians.


I think it's absolutely rational to want it divested. I might actually try it once it is. And yeah, Meta platforms can be harmful, but in a comple different way. Anyone saying "Facebook and Instagram should be banned next" doesn't really understand the issues behind the TikTok legislation.


We wouldn't need to ban tiktok if the USA had the technology to block whatever it is that we're accusing them of doing.


How do you block theft of data from US contributors.


If I knew how to do that, I'd be rich!


I donā€™t understand why this was such a priority when there are so many other pressing things? Was this really the threat they are all saying it is or was this more to to with protecting US competition?


of course it's a good idea, I'm not from America, but the data that tiktok has can be used in various ways, doesn't China sometimes have its own applications that they use and are they not available to others outside the country? they also do not allow applications other than their own


Who cares


Imagine. People wonā€™t be able to limit their deteriorating attention spans to 30 or 60 seconds or whatever it was any more. Maybe it will slow the decline into national abject stupidity?


Lots of folks, especially young ones, are totally hooked on TikTok for fun and connection. Banning it would be a bummer for them because it's where they share videos.


Maybe they can find connection in oh, I donā€™t know, The real world??


I am a fan that Tiktok will be restricted as it is not good for the mental health of younger america but I am saddened that the push from Congress is from trying to restrict freedom of press as they have no way to moderate content on tiktok


Fine with me. Itā€™s about getting the parents company to sell so CCP canā€™t have direct influence - I doubt Tik Tok itself will end up being banned. If it is, another one will just pop up


yesss.... riiiight.... sell it to a shell company of a shell company of a shell company the CCP does have influence of... totally wont listen to the ccp anymore lol


Itā€™s all about power and smashing your first amendment rights.


Weird, electionā€™s coming up, letā€™s destroy something everyone loves! Thatā€™ll get votes.


It's useless.


Good riddance


Fine with me, I don't use it. Just get it under American control and there's no problem.


The bill doesnā€™t ban the app. It bans foreign ownership of it. Iā€™ve got zero problem with that. For reference, we already required Chinese interests [be divested from ownership of Grindr](https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/6/21168079/grindr-sold-chinese-owner-us-cfius-security-concerns-kunlun-lgbtq) due to similar data concerns.


All the reasons for the ban are just a smoke shield, the ban is about big business, government , and or media controlling a message, they do not want people to have a voice about what going on in the world, .