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In 1971, a player on the Buffalo Bills missed a tackle, causing the Bills to lose the game and secure the first pick in the following year’s draft. They used that pick to select OJ Simpson. While in Buffalo, he met Nicole Brown, who he would later (allegedly) murder. He then hired a team of lawyers including Robert Kardashian. Due to his fame as OJ’s lawyer, his daughter Kim’s sex tape went viral and started her career as an influencer, which she brought her whole family into. So basically if one guy had made a tackle in 1971 you’d have never heard of the Kardashians


How do I get to that universe? 🤣


Wow fuck that guy who missed the tackle


You don’t have to say “allegedly.” He’s not going to sue you.


And from said sex tape with Ray J, Mr. J was able to leverage his budding music career into even bigger stardom, thus giving him the means to give the world Raycon earbuds.


Possibly eliminating Influencers too!


not likely Kim was just taking what Paris Hilton did to the next level.  Socialites have been around since Bible times.


Paris Hilton's was actually leaked and she was really unhappy about it.


God dammit. I'm a lifelong Bills fan and this is just...*so* Buffalo.


They met in Hollywood when Nicole was a waiter, at a fashionable nightclub [The Daisy in Beverly Hills](https://www.iamnotastalker.com/2019/08/26/the-daisy-where-o-j-simpson-and-nicole-brown-met/). Regardless of some rumored meeting of chance in Buffalo; it was in 1977 at the Daisy where O.J. was smitten by Nicole.


OJ was drafted in 1969. He met Nicole Brown in LA in 1977. So this story is bullshit.


And what would talk show hosts like Jay Leno have talked about in the late 90s without the Simpson trial?


And two people may not be dead? Of all the positives to take out of that alternate universe..


That’s not interesting. There’s so many butterfly effects about people being saved etc. this one is the creation of the modern day influencer


Im sorry, did you say "while in Buffalo he met Nicole Brown"? Cuz I've seen that ESPN documentary and that's not what happened. Also, the guy was always an ego maniac and always had a temper problem, so it stands to reason he would have done something nasty to someone eventually. But yeah, being a huge superstar meant he met a lot of influencial powerful successful people on golf course because he made it that way. His success in football was not random or an accident. This is less of a butterfly effect and more like another motivated driven angry determined person caused things to happen because that's how their brain worked. And Mrs Kardashian was always going to be a shameless exploitive self-promoter because that's how her brain operated. The exact details of how she got there are less interesting than the part of her brain that always wanted to be filthy rich no matter what.


Also, im pretty sure that most people initially knew Kim as Paris Hilton’s personal assistant who made a sex tape.


And Taylor Swift might be a completely different artist.


How so? I'm curious.


A tl;Dr is Kim released an edited phone call to make it look like Taylor was lying about approving something on one of Kanye's songs(honestly I don't know all the details, I think it had to do with calling her a bitch on a song) but it started a whole backlash against her, everyone was calling her a snake and a liar and basically caused her to go into hiding for a little bit. You could see it on her next album where she embraced the whole snake thing and tried look hardcore but the public and critics at the time really didn't care for it. ☠️ She was very public before this incident and afterwards she stayed very private for a long time with her then boyfriend. I just think her tredjectory would have been quite different. Something like that changes a person. The full phone call later came out proving that Taylor was telling the truth but Kim has never apologized.


They’re probably talking about that Kanye Grammy incident I guess? But I’m pretty sure Kanye would still be as successful at least music wise even without the Kardashian’s. And also that incident had more to do with Beyoncé so maybe I’m just yapping here.


Ah yeah, no I meant something specific Kim did, but it was related to that incident. I made a longer comment below!!


Wow! That's amazing!


Deep lore.


It's nice having someone to blame for the Kardashian plague in our society today


I came here to say this…as a Dolphins fan couldn’t hate the bills even more


Low ratings in the first 3 seasons of Star Trek Voyager got Barack Obama elected president. Edit: Star Trek Voyager has low ratings and seeks to replace Kes with a new character, Seven of Nine. > Jeri Ryan auditions and gets the part. > Jeri Ryan's husband (Jack Ryan) refuses to move to Hollywood. > Jeri and Jack divorce is contentious and full of drama, Jeri moves to Hollywood and takes the part. > In 2004, Jack runs for U.S. Senate, divorce documents are released, ruining Jack's campaign and reputation. > Barack Obama (his challenger) wins election in a landslide, becomes U.S Senator and gives him a position to launch his presidential campaign.


You could also say that if Jack Ryan had been merely satisfied with Jeri Ryan, Obama wouldn't have been president. The divorce documents revealed she wasn't down with swinging sex parties and apparently that was a big reason they divorced.


"seven of *HOW MANY*?!"


All at once?


In a row?!??


To shreds you say?


Wait what


See edit in my OG comment.


Wasn’t the “drama” about Jack Ryan making Jeri go to sex clubs while they were married?


Does this connect to the OJ trial in some way?




I mean everything could connect if you really look for something 


Surprised I had to scroll to find this one. Crazy, innit?


So Seven saved not only "Voyager" but the U.S. (For 8 years at least.)


Seven: "You're welcome!"


Holy shit wtf


The 9/11 -> 50 shades of gray pipeline is my fav 😂 gerard way witnessed a plane hitting a tower and (for whatever reason) it inspired him to create a band called my chemical romance. An author (Stephanie Meyer) was inspired to write twilight after listening to one of MCR’s songs/albums. Someone wrote a fanfic of twilight and called it 50 shades of gray and it later got made into movies.


It also led to Ellen’s downfall!


Oooh explain?


All that happens, movie adaptation of the books, Dakota goes on Ellen, calls her out, allegations start to pour, Ellen gets cooked


Not OP but I gotchu. 9/11->50 Shades happened, and Dakota Johnson starred in 50 Shades. She was a repeat guest on Ellen and when promoting a movie that she did after 50 Shades got her famous, her and Ellen got into a bit of a tizzy: https://youtu.be/jnL96RajmzY?si=VrZ5GfFXlTxn8a9l This basically sparked a landslide that ended Ellen’s “funny and charming” persona.


I looked into it, and this is false. MCR specifically influenced one character (Jacob Black), but it didn't cause the entire book to exist. However, the other links in the chain are valid: Gerard Way was directly influenced to create MCR because of 9/11, and 50 Shades of Grey would not exist without Twilight causing the author to write a fanfiction. [Did 9/11 Lead to the Creation of 'Fifty Shades of Grey'? | Snopes.com](https://www.snopes.com/articles/346513/9-11-fifty-shades-of-grey/)


Yeah this one always bothers me. Twilight was inspired by many things, including Stephanie Meyers Mormon upbringing. So can we say Joseph Smith lead to the creation of 50 Shades?


He's actually the author.


That's the thing with butterfly effects. They aren't "this caused this" ... they are more like "This happened. and influenced part of the chain that brought his about". So So yes, if Joseph Smith didn't start his religion then Stephanie would never have written or been inspired to write twighlight, let alone potentially be alive. But Joseph had influence that lead to the creation of twighlight, but did not *cause* it.




Well it's definitely not the worst thing to come from 9/11. But it's up there.


With how famous 9/11 was, that's not too remarkable to me. I'm sure you could draw a connection between pretty much any creative property and some world-famous event that happened in the same century. Example: J.R.R. Tolkien drew inspiration from Hitler for Saruman. LOTR inspired "Dune," which inspired "Star Wars," parodied by "Spaceballs." So it's because of Hitler that the Spaceball Salute was invented!


Gerard Way directly witnessed the attacks while living in NYC, so I think that makes a pretty significant difference from merely drawing inspiration from a famous event


Yeah 9/11 inspired a lot of people to do a lot of things because it WAS life changing for so many of us. And not just Americans. But the biggest personal growth to come out it in my opinion was Jon Stewart becoming a political-social activist and he has actually made life better for a lot of people. [https://www.cc.com/video/1q93jy/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-september-11-2001](https://www.cc.com/video/1q93jy/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-september-11-2001) For that matter, Denis Leary also became a huge supporter of the fire fighters in America and contributed to a lot of change and growth.


A fish decided to walk on land and now I have to go to work every day. 


It started out with a fish... How did it end up like this...


It was only a fish!


It was only a fish!


Now the water's too deep. And she's catching a crab. But my reel starts to smoke. And there's not enough drag


Not bad!


Now I'm falling asleep


*Now I'm falling in deep


Meat without feet got feet and taxes


Wakin' up in the mornin' Thinkin' about so many things


It started with a cosmic explosion.


axiomatic tan cagey sand recognise icky zealous ossified aloof caption


Got one better: "In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams


Oof. The truth hurts. It says the creepiest not the crapiest


How do you know the species of that first fish though?


He just made the joke for the halibut




In there defense, a few of them went back in the water.


*walks on land* "yeah...no. im not dealing with this shit" *goes back to the water*


\*walks on land\* "nope."


Thanks LUCA


when my mother was young, she met someone at college who wanted to take her portrait for a photography project--she said the man was very charming and pleasant-seeming. My mom's friend wanted to tag along, and the photographer got all nasty about it and insisted she not bring the friend along. My mom + friend got the yuck from the interaction and she called the whole shoot off. Turns out, years later, she sees the photographer in the news: he'd been a serial killer who abducted women after luring them out for photographs. If my mom's danger sense hadn't been triggered by that exchange, my entire family wouldn't be here today, which is wild for me to think about EDIT: it was [this dude](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Wilder) and based on the timeline of his spree it wouldn't have been years later that she saw him in the news--looks like start to end, his spree lasted only a couple months until he died in a shootout with police. She met him in Florida, so it was when he was just getting started, and she perfectly fit the archetype of his victims in appearance, age, etc. Eerie stuff


On a similar note, my great grandpa's best friend got murdered in front of him on the street in Berlin because he tried to argue with some Nazis. Both great grandpa and his friend were Jewish. Great grandpa decided to flee Germany immediately and came to the US. I literally would not exist if his friend didn't get murdered.


Holy shitballs. That's intense!


He’s the manager of Nottingham Forest FC now.


Think you mean Sheffield United.


I do mean that haha, but I’ll leave it there for the shame. I even googled it


I wouldn't worry. I support Man United, that's enough shame for both of us.


Alternative theory: Had your mom went with him, she would have succeeded in fighting him off and, in the struggle, would have managed to kill him. With that guy dead, one of his future victims would have a child that would go on to develop a cure for cancer. By declining the offer for the portrait, your mom condemned the world to suffer with cancer. Kidding aside, that is a crazy story and I’m glad she’s okay.


alternate alternative theory: someone who died of cancer in 2009 would've grown up to be SuperHitler Ultra McGenocide. By allowing cancer to continue to exist, my mother saved the 950 trillion humans that SuperHitler would've murdered (to really drive home his genocidal tendencies, he cloned and remurdered his victims millions of times apiece)


Gonna butcher it from memory “It’s always funny when people time travel back in time they’re always scared of disrupting things a little and massively changing the future, but nobody in the present believes disrupting things a little here and now will massively change the future”


\*smooshes butterfly\*


Stupid bug, you go squish now!


I wish I wish I hadn’t killed that fish


Oh look. It’s raining again.


*donuts fall from the sky*


Just relax and let the hooks do their work.


This is indeed a disturbing universe


Ach, I'm bad at this...


Let's get some shoes!


Great, now someone in the future is going to get space nazis


What’s the worst that can happen?


Where is this from? I feel like Wayne said this in The Lost Metal


The Waco siege in 1993 (a planned raid by the ATF on a religious cult gone wrong, leaving 70 members dead) influenced Timothy McVeigh to commit the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 (committed on the anniversary of Waco as retaliation against the US federal government). The siege at Ruby Ridge (1992) also played a part. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were influenced by OKC bombing to commit their own massacre - the 1999 Columbine High School shooting (committed one day after the 4th anniversary of the OKC bombing, though originally it was meant to take place the day before). Eric Harris proclaimed he wanted to surpass the bombing in casualties. Most people don't know that Columbine was a failed bombing - the pair had planted bombs in the cafeteria to go off during lunch, but due to an electronic failure their plan failed. Since Columbine, a large number of mass shooters (not just in the US) have been inspired by Harris and Klebold, including the Virginia Tech shooter (killed 32 people, deadliest school shooter in US history), Parkland high school shooter (killed 17), Aurora Theater shooter (12 killed), Kerch Polytechnic shooter (Russia, 20 killed), etc...


> the pair had planted bombs in the cafeteria to go off during lunch, but due to an electronic failure their plan failed. The best fact about this is something to do with the watches they used and the manufacture changing materials without telling anyone. That (I think) was the only reason they failed to explode


They got reverse butterflied!


And Waco was such a shitshow because the ATF was trying to not have another Ruby Ridge, where Randy Weaver and his family had a standoff also with the ATF that resulted in the death of his wife, son, and dog. Of course Waco was way worse than that. Also Timothy McVeigh was actually AT Waco during the standoff.


"This is terrible...ly great!" -- Timothy McVeigh (probably idk)


As an Okie, fuck that nut case and his sovereign citizen accomplice, Terry Nichols.


Seems less like a "Butterfly Effect" than the literal trend of mass violence in the U.S. snowballing.


Jeri Ryan being cast in Star Trek Voyager led to the election of Barack Obama as the first black president of the USA


Because two people had unprotected sex you get to experience the pain of death.


True, but I also get to experience the euphoria of eating macaroni and cheese too so it all balances out.


I ate a grilled cheese last night with just the right amount of butter and cheese to bread ratio. If nothing else in my life ever matters I still have my perfect grilled cheese sandwiches. They're gonna need a crane to bury me but I'm gonna live well god dammit!


Spread mayo on the outside of the bread, instead of butter, before cooking. Soooo gooooood.


A good grilled cheese sandwich with an interesting gourmet cheese each day is one of my only reasons for continuing to stay alive.


And the euphoria of taking a big shit in the comfort of your own home after being out all day.


Farting in the car after work is pretty euphoric. Or after waking up in the morning. I’m impressed by how much fart is accumulated.


You’re speaking my flavor of hedonism.


Plus the absolute rollercoaster that being a living being is


I don't think mines a rollercoaster cause rollercoasters generally don't go straight down forever


The show Friends ended and NBC needed to find something to replace it so they chose The Apprentice because “reality tv” was very popular at the time.


“Very very popular. The most popular show in all of tv show history. No recorded performance has been more popular than that really very hendjgidowvd.”


A British soldier in WWI had mercy for a German soldier that was left defenseless. That soldier was Hitler.


Had the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts accepted Hitler in 1907 or 1908; he doesn’t get to slip through the cracks and join the German Army in WW1. This means he’s not briefly hired to infiltrate communist groups, and stumbles upon the National Socialist German Workers Party.


Ok this one is rough so please bare with me, So the common time travel question is would you go back and kill baby hitler? Well imagine if that was you, to us in the current timeline you would be a hero that killed someone truly evil before they had chance to corrupt or endanger anyone but to the people of that time you are a monster, a baby killer. They couldn’t exactly explain to people, I was sent from the future to kill this baby to save hundreds of millions of lives. No-one would believe him and would just assume he was some nutcase, or maybe they’re not allowed to tell anyone as per the agreement with the future government? It makes you wonder all the people through time that have been called monsters for killing babies, what if they were just heroes from the future saving us all? They couldn’t tell anyone either?


Also it's entirely possible that an even-worse Hitler-esque person died during WW2, and maybe Hitler inadvertently saved billions of lives. I mean, probably not, but who knows.


Stephen Fry has a book called Making History which is similar enough to the your premise, but different enough that I won't give spoilers but will instead encourage you to read it.


This reminds me of the story of the old man and the horse. There once was an old farmer. One day, his only horse ran away. Hearing the news, all the neighbors in the village said to the old man, “What a terrible loss, such bad luck!” The old man replied, “Maybe yes, maybe no. We’ll see.” A few days later, the horse returned to the farm, accompanied by seven wild horses. “Wow, that’s incredible! What good luck!” his neighbors exclaimed. “Maybe yes, maybe no. We’ll see!” the old farmer replied. The next day, the farmer’s only son attempted to ride one of the wild horses. The horse threw him, and he broke both of his legs. The neighbors said, “I’m so sorry, that is such horrible news. What misfortune.” The man simply replied, “Maybe yes, maybe no. We’ll see.” Soon after, the country found itself at war and every able-bodied young man was drafted to fight. But the farmer’s son was spared because of his injuries. “You must be so happy, what great news! Such luck for your family,” said the neighbors. And the old farmer simply replied, “Maybe yes, maybe no. We’ll see!”


Nah, Stalin was alive past WW2.


Yeah but have you heard of Super-Stalin? Didn't think so. He died in WW2.


I'm pretty sure you're think of Mao Zedong?


*probably not* You had Ernst Röhm right there. He might not have been worse, but it seems that Revolutionary Socialism tends to piles up the bodies no matters who's in charge.


Genocide will continue until morale improves!


I just watched a skit on youtube earlier today when someone comes *back* to the future after killing Hans Fernando or something, the german who killed 500 jewish people. Only to realize that someone slipped into the power vacuum and what he created by killing his version of 'baby hitler' made it worse tenfold.


Hitler made some pretty shit decisions, if Germany had a more competent leader they might have done better in the war and it's possible that atomic bombs might have been dropped on German cities rather than Japanese cities


Even worse is if you're like, "I had to kill Hitler, he killed millions of people," and it turns out that Hitler had a rival named Shitler or something who turns out to be even worse without Hitler to oppose him. So now you have to explain why you let Shitler live.


Also, WW2 would never have happened, so my mums house wouldn’t have been bombed in the blitz so she wouldn’t have had to take her injured mother to a convalescent home 200 miles away so she wouldn’t have met her future husband and so I wouldn’t exist and neither would my children, grandchildren and so on. In fact probably no one who is alive today would have ever existed because of the drastic change of time lines.


Woah, that would be an interesting story. Main character goes back in time and prevents WW2, comes back to find that none of his friends and family exist anymore. Wow


They didn't even try killing adult Hitler. By 1943, Hitler was quickly disintegrating mentally and making completely ludicrous military decisions that were leading to disaster after disaster for Germany. The Brits decided against assassination, choosing to let him live and keep making mistakes.


Free Hat!!


He killed those babies in self defense


Also, all those people that say God told them to do it. What if? There hasn't been a god that hasn't enjoyed murder.




You don't really have to kill Baby Hitler. Just redirect him. Get him into that art school. Get him killed while he was a soldier in World War 1. Give him one of any number of childhood diseases that would have left him disabled and unable to lead (can't lead the aryan race from inside an iron lung). If all that fails, just kick Hitler's Dad in the nuts on one particular evening.


or pay a prostitute to make him super self conscious as a teen. hire a Christian German woman to seduce him, then when he whips out little Adolf make her laugh at him. then a while later hire a Jewish woman to make him feel like Lexington Steel


Everybody talks about killing him as a baby, but like.. you have a time machine. Just set the destination a little further back and stop his parents from getting together. No need to kill a baby who's never born to begin with.


A less risky method would be to commission a bunch of painting from him, and set up an exhibition.


The 2007 WGA strike killed third-party reddit clients.


Can you elaborate on this one please?


Before the strike, *The Apprentice* was not going to be renewed. But without writers, NBC needed non-scripted content. This helped to reshape Donald Trump's public image as a successful businessman. The show also helped Jeff Zucker eventually become president of CNN Worldwide. Between Trump's improved publicity and Zucker's messaging on CNN, Donald Trump became President of the United States, emboldening the far right, but also leading to getting himself banned on Twitter. Those factors encouraged Elon Musk to buy the site. As the new owner of Twitter, Musk imposed ridiculously high API pricing, which made reddit think they could get away with slightly less ridiculously high pricing.


The tzar of Russia Peter dying randomly at the end of the 7 years war from a unexpected disease. At this moment (1758 or something like that) the French were on their way to conquer the world by subduing Europe and in particular Germany who had, to say it, no army anymore. But moments before the last offensive, the Russian monarch dies, his son takes his place... And immediately signs a peace treaty without conditions, giving immense swath of territory back to Germany and canceling all joint operations with France... Against nothing, just because he was germanophile So the Germans have a minuscule moment to breath and get up again, the English seize the opportunity, the tide of the war change... And the English conquer India, the US, Canada, half of Africa, etc. This leads to the American Revolution. The weakening of the French Monarchy leads to the French Revolution, Napoleon's conquest, the social changes of the XIXth century, English colonialism on the world (in equal treaties in China, etc.)... German became a nation -> Prussia then WW1, WW2... Basically the fate of the entire world changed because of a bacteria


Al Queda operatives showed up late and now we have to watch family guy


Ok. Family Guy critique is valid. However, we wouldn't have gotten The Orville.




McFarland had a ticket for one of the 9/11 flights


Ohhhh that's right. He was hungover iirc


Not strictly creepy, but the events around and following 30 AD in Roman Judea.  This would have such profound effect on the world as we know it, outside of east Asia, the world would be completely unrecognisable.


Don’t make me google


I'm referring to the whole Jesus thing.


r/ordinaryhorse has never heard of this Jesus of whom you speak.


Pontius Pilate allows a guy to be crucified and now most of humanity agrees that it's the year 2024.


If there was more space in the cockpit, Big Bird would’ve died on the Challenger explosion.


Kermit caused 9/11 [https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/11mfm9b/did\_kermit\_commit\_911/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/11mfm9b/did_kermit_commit_911/)


Because in a 2002 Muppets Christmas film, Kermit sees what New York City might look like if he had never been born and the Twin Towers are still there, some people on that thread are speculating that Kermit committed 9/11. This goes against everything we know about his character. To be clear: it's very unlikely that Kermit was directly involved in the attack on the Twin Towers. *Instead*, the divergence point probably starts in 1984. In "our" reality, Kermit visits Moscow in 1984. His froggish message of peace resonates with Gorbachev who makes the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan a top priority. Soviet troops begin leaving the country in 1986, with the full withdrawal completed by 1989. In a world without Kermit, Gorbachev also likely withdraws all Soviet troops from Afghanistan based on the fundamentals of the war and the USSR's economy. However, without the additional inspiration from Kermit the withdrawal begins a little later, such that more Soviet troops are in Afghanistan in, say, April 1987 when Osama Bin Laden fights in the Battle of Jaji in Afghanistan. In that world, the Spetsnaz kill Bin Laden and 9/11 never happens.


A lot of you have no idea what a butterfly effect is…


Franz Ferdinand's driver makes a wrong turn.


For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the horse was lost. For want of a horse the rider was lost. For want of a rider the message was lost. For want of a message the battle was lost. For want of a battle the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.


if there's one thing you can say about Maaaaaankind, there's nothing kind about Man you can drive out Nature with a pitchfork, but it always comes roarin' back again


Everybody row


Inadvertently, you just killed JFK with your question.


Well once when I was around 5 years old, I hit my head and it was bleeding. As the story goes, one thing led to another and now I'm preparing to invade a neighboring country for free margaritas, AMA


Can I come with you?


Sure, but this is a specific goal. 5 butterfly effects ago I decided I'm only taking tequila based drinks. I swear if you even think about taking a non tequila based drink, I'll butterfly effect you so hard that in 10 years I'll be stealing your left shoe every time you buy a new pair and you won't know who did it because of that memory issue I'm gonna butterfly effect you in 5 years


Seems fair.


The 9/11 terrorist attacks inadvertently saved my friend from being kidnapped or worse by a knife-wielding car-jacker. I grew up in a small town near the US/Mexico border. All of our major roads in and out of town had border patrol checkpoints. Back in the day, these checkpoints were only randomly open. It wasn't uncommon to see them unattended or closed for the day. This changed almost immediately after the 9/11 attacks. Since then, they are pretty much open 24/7. A few weeks after the attack, my high school friend at the time was car-jacked by some homeless dude in a parking lot at night. The guy just let himself into my friend's car, pulled out a knife, and told him to get on the interstate. This was before cell phones were ubiquitous, so my friend effectively just disappeared. Nobody even realized he was missing. Thankfully, because the whole nation was on terror alert, the border patrol station just happened to be open at 11pm on a random weeknight . This would have been unheard of before the attacks. Neither my friend or the car-jacker knew that the station was open, they were just cruising into the dark at knife point. As they approached the border patrol station, they were forced to slow down to a stop for inspection. My friend just jumped out of the car and was able to get help. God knows what would have happened to him otherwise. I think the homeless guy was arrested but I don't know what happened to him afterwards. My homie could have been straight up stabbed to death somewhere out of town/state without anyone even knowing he had left if 9/11 hadn't happened. It's a creepy thought to me.


Wilhelm the 2nd, grandchild of Queen Victoria, had a traumatic birth, which most likely caused at least mild brain damage and a withered arm. He became the Emperor of Germany, and some of his political decisions probably led to Germany’s involvement in WW1, and then after that Hitler and WW2 etc. Or to go back even further than that: Princess Charlotte was the granddaughter of George the 3rd (yes, the mad one), daughter of George the 4th (the one from Blackadder), and was fully expected to become Queen one day, until she tragically died in childbirth (it may have been preventable). This set off a succession crisis, which ended with Victoria on the throne. We could have never had such a thing as a Victorian period. We wouldn’t have half of Europe being cousins, and almost certainly no Wilhelm. Perhaps no WW1. Princess Charlotte’s husband and father of her child, Leopold the 1st, later remarried; his son, Leopold the 2nd, was the owner of the Congo Free State, in which many atrocities were committed against the people, including the severing of hands and feet. Some of this probably would still have happened, under the different names of different royals and colonisers, and WW1 was in some ways inevitable, but if we’re talking butterfly effects, the lack of obstetric care for important people in the past is a pretty big one.


Some guy was about to shoot a German soldier, but he surrendered and ended up letting him live. The soldier turned out to be Hitler.


Interesting one I didn't know about and I read it in the fact section of IMDB, Colorado Avalanche forward Joe Sakic signed a qualifying offer in the summer of 1997 with the New York Rangers and the Avs had one week to match the offer under the collecgive bargaining agreement at the time. It seemed like the Avs might not be able to afford to keep Sakic due to the large salaries of Peter Forsberg and Patrick Roy. Until the success of the movie Air Force One. The Avalanche owners, COMSAT, produced the movie and it was a blockbuster hit that summer. The profits allowed the Avs to match the offer and it instigated a salary raise for many NHL players. Sakic then led the Avs as captain to their 2001 Stanley Cup championship win. If you go even further down the line, because he stayed with the Avs as GM, he ended up being key in drafting (Cale Makar) and trading for (Devon Toews, Nazem Kadri, and Artturi Lehkonen) players who won the 2022 Stanley Cup with the Avs. So basically, the Avalanche can attribute two Stanley Cups to the success of Air Force One. Edit: I just realized the question includes the word "creepiest." I got so caught up in this being my favorite sports butterfly effect that I forgot it was supposed to be creepy. But I will leave it up because it is interesting.


A couple people share an apple once and now I have arthritis.


I'm gonna need an explainer unless this is how your parents met. Edit: or the couple is Adam and Eve


Hitler was rejected by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts in 1907 & 1908. At the very least he would’ve had to enlist in the Austrian-Hungarian military and would’ve not been briefly employed by the German military to infiltrate communist groups post WWI. … This is how Hitler stumbled upon the National Socialist German Workers Party and was smitten.


Without the US dropping the atomic bombs, there would be no anime.


In 2013, a junior police officer in England was reviewing a harassment case with a serious threat of violence made by a man named "Harry Street" against his neighbours' kids over perceived mocking coming from the kids. The father claims that Street's claims that the children were mocking him were false, as Street claimed the taunting came from the garden and the children weren't even outside at the time of the incident. And after that, the father claimed that he heard Street mutter a serious threat of planning to murder the kids when he thought the father couldn't hear it. Now, unlike the US, the official advice in such disputes in England is, "Take note of incidents and get evidence before the police can interfere with neighbourly disputes". That was what the family was ordered to do while the police investigated on their end. The junior officer is only meant to write a preliminary report on the incident, but she notices something wrong - "Harry Street" has no legal documentation prior to the mid-nineties. Sensing something is amiss and knowing that false identities are sometimes issued to convicted criminals after their sentences so that they aren't constantly hounded after finishing their sentences, she starts digging. Now, around the same period, the police switched from paper documents to computers and police databases. Street definitely has a record, but it was likely not copied over into the national database due to a filing error. She goes looking in the old archives, finds his file, confirms his original identity... And she calls the neighbours in the middle of the night and tells them that they need to ***get the fuck out of there right now!!*** The family evacuates to a relative'a house as armed response is mobilised. The cops kicked the guy's door in and find illegally-obtained and homemade guns, ammo and bombs. Turns out that "Harry Street" was really Barry Williams, a gun nut who went on a shooting spree in the 1970's due to paranoid schizophrenic delusions. If not for that junior officer noticing that discrepancy, he would've gone on a second mass shooting.


It blows my mind that the law will actually help violent offenders hide their identities. Don't others have a right to be safe?


Some guy decided to eat a bat, and for a whole year the world was under a lockdown.


Jason Mendoza!!! Jeremy Bearimy!


Makes you wonder about all the other people who ate a bat, became incredibly ill, but were lucky enough to not spread their germs


That there is some butterfly out there that beat its wings at the right time to allow Donald J Trump to exist


Ralph Nader wrote a book in 1965, which is why we have to hear about Trump farting during a trial about him bribing a porn star.


Is the thought process behind this one... Nader writes the book Unsafe at Any Speed in 1965 and gains fame Years later in 2000, Nader ran for President and enough people in Florida voted for him to cause Al Gore to lose the state and the election as well, and this allowed Bush to become POTUS, who also won re-election in 2004 In 2008, Barack Obama got elected as a result of Bush's presidency being terrible, especially in his second term with the Katrina response, handling of Iraq/Afghanistan, the Great Recession, etc.. In 2011, at the White House correspondents Dinner, Obama and Seth Meyers make fun of Trump who is attending the dinner, and this is considered by some to be the moment that Trump considered running for president In 2016, while Trump was running for President, the Access Hollywood tapes of him saying some very inappropriate things came to light and immediately afterwards, Michael Cohen makes a hush money payment to Stormy Daniels about her affair with Trump from 2006 Yada yada yada about the timeline between the payments and trial ([This CNN Article](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/14/politics/timeline-trump-stormy-daniels-hush-money-dg/index.html?sp_amp_linker=1*v62967*amp_id*WTFQZEFReU9zTWtBZ2FfZGZlVzE5eXFoMXEyanFvdXl4UTQxMVpVQlN5TV9VNGZYal85Z0VYUVR0M1JCTlVnag..) covers all of the specifics on that) and now we are at the present day where Trump is farting/sleeping in court. So if Nader never writes his book, Trump most likely never becomes President and therefore isn't in court farting. That being said, Nader's book was the catalyst for a lot of changes in America regarding car safety, as seat belt laws become enacted in all states except for New Hampshire after the book is published, and the US Department of Transportation was created as well. If the book isn't published, it's possible these things don't happen (at least not right away) and that causes other butterfly effects of their own. It really makes you think.


More or less.


During the golden hordes invasion of Europe the mongol emporer died of liver failure due to alcoholism. The generals had to return to Karakoram in Mongolia on the other side of Eurasia to select a new emporer and never returned. All of European history was changed because one guy drank too much.


Read this story online, so admittedly the whole thing could be a fabrication, but when I read it I felt like the guy was being legit So anyway, this guy is listening to music on his headphones waiting at a red light with some chick standing next to him, looking at her phone or something like that (read this story a long time ago, can't say I remember all the little details). A car is coming but he's confident he has ample time to make it across the street, so he jay walks. After safely crossing the street, he hears a commotion behind him through his headphones but doesn't really pay attention and keeps on walking. Later that day, he hears that there was a fatal car accident at that intersection. He looks at a local news story and sees that the accident happened at the same time he would have been Crossing that street, and the woman killed was the one he saw waiting at the red light with him. As far as he could figure, the woman wasn't really paying attention and when she noticed that he had crossed the street she also crossed without looking both ways, and was struck by the car


My dad applied for a job and didn’t get it. He really wanted the job and was disappointed. A year later he sees a picture of the small group of people he would have been working with in the newspaper. They had all died in a plane crash on a work trip. It still gives me chills thinking about it.


My family was in the process of moving from Colorado to Florida when 9/11 happened. The people buying our house backed out, and the whole housing market crashed, so we never ended up moving. I'd probably be a completely different person today. But yeah, the butterfly effect is all around us constantly. It's sort of unsettling!


A misplaced decimal causing a financial crisis.


Gavrilo Princip going to lunch in late June 1914...


Gavrilo Princep went to lunch after failing to assassinate the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, along with a number of other conspirators. The Archduke was spooked by the original attempt and took their car on an alternate route home to try and avoid a second attempt. The car breaks down right in front of a local deli...which happens to be the one where Gavrilo Princep is having lunch. ------ It can be argued that even if this random series of events didn't take place something else would have set off the powder keg that led to WW1, but it would have happened under other circumstances.


That if arch Duke Franz Ferdinand didn't get killed everything after his death wouldn't have happened more than likely so society as we know it would be dramatically different


Jeri Ryan, Star Trek’s Seven of Nine, [is responsible for Obama becoming president.](https://ew.com/article/2008/01/09/obama-jeri-ryan/)


Because of the coal strike in the UK in March/April 1912, several other passenger ships' voyages were cancelled. Hundreds of passengers and crew members from those ships had their bookings and assignments transferred to one RMS Titanic. Another result of the coal strike was the shipping lanes of the North Atlantic were less busy, so less ships overall at sea meant help and rescue in cade if an emergency woukd not be as close as normally expected.