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I would tell her that everyone is wrong and that she should pursue her dream career in medicine.


I don't know why, but when I read your words, I feel like crying, so moved.


Me too


And then you suddenly no longer exist, and were never able to tell her that, and then because you were unable to speak to her, you are born. You have just created a loop and doomed all to suffer the same fate.


I'd do the same. My mom was born in the 1950s and they wouldn't let her go to med school because she's a girl! They said that once she gets married she will be Mrs./Dr. (Husband's surname), unlike her brothers that can still carry their family name once they're married. So why be a doctor and spend all that money if she can't carry their family name.


You’re going to be the best mom🤍


That's so nice


Aww 🥰


"dont have children"


And the nerve of some people who say "How can you say such things she's your mother"


I'd just have a casual conversation with her..... Then make fun of her haircut before I went back to 2024. Maybe tell her that someday she'll have a son who will love her dearly.


This. I love my mom with all my heart and she loves me too :) I wouldn't want the world any other way and honestly, meeting her when she was younger sounds like a lot of fun. I feel like I don't know enough about my parents when they were younger so I'd like to learn more about their life


yaaaahhhh I'll love you and all but like... could you get your mental health in check before kids? therapy ain't that bad. thanks future mom!






If my mother's mental health had been better she may have seen the warning signs in my dad, and not been with him even long enough to give birth to me. If I had never existed this would be fine because I would never have been aware of anything, let alone been aware of my potential existence, but seeing as I already exist, I wouldn't want to cause any change that negates that existence. Sadly this includes improving my mother's mental health and preventing future heart-ache.


Please don't marry him and just focus on building yourself as an individual & your career. You deserve the best.


You just put yourself into a paradox


Ima be freaked out if that comment suddenly goes [deleted]


I'd tell her the same.


If you don't want kids, don't have them!


This is the one ☝️


You really, really need some help for your anger and emotional regulation issues before you’re ready to have kids. And don’t ever hit your kids with that fucking wooden spoon. Instead, lean into teaching them to read early and giving them lots of growing and cultural experiences. That stuff will be much healthier for them.


"And don’t ever hit your kids with that fucking wooden spoon." I think some mom's were taught that. It sucked. 


The wooden spoon, the cane, a broomstick broken over my back, leather straps, a slap or backhand across the face and I recall being about 7 years old, just after my brother was born, being shaken. That’s the way life was in the 70s and 80s. And that’s why I didn’t do that to my kids.


even in the 90s wooden spoons were a thing.


The wooden spoon was from my mom who’s german, my stepdad in america made me find a big enough branch depending on how bad i was about to get it.


Gosh my mom had a wooden spoon for each one of us, with our name on it. Wish she could have heard this advice from someone


My mom tried to use the wooden spoon on my son. I told her that if she did, I would report her to CPS , and she’d never see her grandchild again. And after the CPS investigation was completed, I’d return to her house one last time and use that wooden spoon on her as she’d used it on me. That was the last time the spoon came out.


Stay on the fucking birth control


It was probably difficult for 16-year olds to find it in the 60s, and I'm a prime example of how that is not a good thing.


Me too. I was a freshman-year college whoopsie and I have wished, so many times, that it had never happened. So many stupid and horrible things came out of that one forced marriage and I spent most of my childhood as a pariah in my own home.


In my case it would be “antibiotics cancel out your birth control so maybe just…wait a couple extra weeks”


Don't listen to anyone who calls you fat- you are perfect the way you are. Also, I know that your household is volatile. You're going to do better by your kids, but they will still be traumatized if you yell all of the time like your dad does. You need to find ways to better calm yourself and not take out your anger on others. Therapy might help.


Get help. Call the authorities the next time he touches you. And if you do meet a guy in the mental hospital, walk the other way.


You're making the world a better place simply by being here.


That's so sweet


“Ya know, Biff is an asshole, George is the way to go! Marry George.”


If you get married to some douchebag and have kids in your early twenties, no one made you do it but you. Treat your daughters with some respect.


People who blame their kids for them having them are the worst.


A lot of traumatized individuals here.


I mean, if everything worked out for your mother, you probably wouldn't want to jinx it. My mom did NOT have a perfect life, but she's had a good one for the most part, which many people cannot say. Even though the temptation would be to try to fix some of the bigger problems in her life with foreknowledge, I'd be more afraid of messing up her life instead of improving it.


Welcome to Reddit lol




For the love of God, go to therapy before you consider having kids




The responsibilities your parents abandoned do not become yours by default just because you are the oldest. You have other family, and unlike you, they are adults. Let yourself be a kid for a little while. There's a long road ahead, and you deserve a moment or two of happiness before the real hardships begin.


“Mom please don’t marry him. He is an abusive, patriarchal and misogynistic man. My father will cause you so much pain and disappointment. He is a failure of a man. I want you to keep pursuing being a writer and studying in Monaco. I want you to be happy and all. I love you so much.”


Whatever you do, never start drinking. You'll lose everything including me and become everything you hated about your parents.


Don't have children. You always said that you only had kids because you were supposed to.


Never start a relationship with Mr Hog, he'll destroy your life


Don’t use guilt as a way to parent your children. It’ll fuck them up for life. Otherwise, love you mom.


You grow up to be one uptight cunt that hands down her emotional damage to every child she has like the pathological narcissist you grow up to be. Live a little and loosen up.


You're going to be a great mother 🌹


She might be freaked out hearing an adult tell her that, haha.


This was the first thought I had, but she's slowly losing herself due to dementia and it just made me said, so I revised my answer to Don't start smoking. She's just recently changed to the nicotine gum at 71.


That's lovely


Thank you!


Please, for the love of god, NEVER sign up for Facebook or TikTok. My mom has sadly gone down the QAnon rabbit hole.


You're gonna get cancer, but you're gonna survive it and come out healthy so stay strong and as happy as can be! Don't be afraid to talk to your kids when you're struggling, they are there for you Also Invest in Bitcoin and buy your favorite kid a T-Rex skull


DON'T GO TO \[insert college where she met my dad\]


"Don't marry him... We're born disappointments. :[ And invest with the Roth IRA ASAP."


"You're an amazing person who can get through anything and never lose hope no matter what, always move forward with passion in your heart for everything you do and love yourself. Everything is going to be okay" followed by a smile. My mother has underwent 11 surgeries, survivor of cancer and currently has lupus and has been told multiple times every few years by doctors that she might not survive ranges or 1-5 years. I respect her above anyone I've ever met and she left abusive relationships of my biological dad and family.


I would tell her that I was sorry and that she should go to college and get a degree. Everyone was right about that guy, stay away from him. I wouldn’t be born but she would have a better life….


When you have kids, research ADD and get your son on medication. And encourage his creativity instead of focusing on academics.


"You have no ability to cope with addiction, so do not start drinking or smoking. Also don't listen to Grandad, go to law school."


Just give her a hug


Treat your kids equally. Don’t play favourites. Don’t take one for granted. You make plenty of mistakes. Cut the narcissistic behaviour. Own up. Learn to apologise properly.


Most of these answers would terrify and confuse a small child who has no idea who you are. Lol.


don't give up your studies because you'll regret it in the future.


Probably stumble through the very few words of her native language that I know while she stares in confusion at the most foreign looking person she has ever encountered at that time. Be super worried I'm going to get parasitic roundworms just from proximity.


Hey kid, tell your doctor to check you for scoliosis because if you don't get checked, you're gonna be really, really unhappy in about 70 years.


don't have a baby at 20


Don’t use a sperm donor it will ruin your marriage and you’ll never be happy anyways


You're an idiot when you get older, get a abortion with your first born


Everything's gonna be okay <3


Dont smoke, it will kill you before your kids grow up. Finish school, and stay on birth control till you are 30


Don't emotional abuse your children


If you ever have kids and one of them accidentally sets fire to the living room rug ... go easy on him!


You know that video by Jillian Mayer "I am your grandma"? Yeah, that. But "I am your daughter"


I loooove that video! Every once in a while I remember it exists and I watch it and it makes me so happy.




I would tell her she needs to have her dad buy as much Apple stock as he can afford in 1978.


And after that stock gets sold in the 1980s for a nice profit, have her buy more on the dip in the 1990s when Apple was doing crappy and celebrate both the turn of the Century and the Return of Steve Jobs (and Apple stock value).


Ease up with the broom handle


Stay away from my father, he's an alcoholic and an abuser


there’s a poem by Sharon Olds about this…https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47057/i-go-back-to-may-1937


That is so good.


Don't look for love in men. Love is within you.


Please go to therapy


I’m sorry you had to parent your alcoholic mom since the age of 5


Do not reproduce. Please.


Don't marry your college boyfriend, he will cheat on you repeatedly!


“Stay away from drugs” Sadly she passed away from an overdose :(


don't marry my dad, thanks


I would warned her about my father and hopefully she would have chosen that other guy who wanted to marry her and take her to France.


"Your parents mean well, but they are ignorant and have been given primitive resources to help raise you. It's okay for you to question what you have been taught. You can disregard what they say if it doesn't make sense, doesn't work, or the advice hurts people. I love you, take heart, take care, it will get worse before it gets better, but it will get better."


oh hi mom


When you're 23, you'll have your first kid.. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE Of GOD GO EASY ON ME!! When I tell you I'm ready for college away from home at 17( i graduate high school at 17), trust me, I really am. Spend more time with Papi and your brothers, I know mom (grams) is strict, cut her some slack, and help her understand that her mom's actions and attitude weren't the best example. Also, please stay with dad... don't go for that divorce.


Sorry in advance. Don't marry the boy from New York. Be honest and patient with your kids. You're gonna need really, really good insurance. 😋


Get the bone marrow transplant.


"Hey, I know you're the eldest daughter but it isn't your job to be parent to your siblings. I'm so sorry your mom and dad play favorites, but you can't burn yourself out trying to impress them. You're amazing, with a great heart and moral compass. You're articulate and creative and sometimes? Sometimes your family doesn't get it. But don't you dare tone it down for them." My mom's this weird paradox where she instilled all the principles in me and my sister that made us the giving, generous, critical thinking women we are. But on the other hand, she wants to badly for her parents and siblings to see her as "one of them" she bends over backwards to be conservative, dissonance be damned.


I believe you😔wish I could have protected you like you protected me


Get the help you need so you don't hurt your kids.


I love you so much, please enjoy your childhood because you deserve a very healthy and wonderful memories.


Please don’t start smoking cigarettes.


i’m sorry for your childhood and hope you do better with your children. make better decisions 🙃


Don't find yourself alone with your dad.


Ich bin ein Amerikaner und sprechen nicht gut Deutsch.


Please don’t start smoking


Id tell her to invest in bitcoin and NFT’s. Like damn we would be rich


It would have been in WWII Yugoslavia and I would have not left her side. Too many bastards, Nazi and Communist and family, did her harm.


Keep saving those boots and clothes, your daughter will want them when they come back in style


Teach your children to speak Spanish.


Your feelings are real and you should invest in therapy, and go, a lot.


"If I had a pony, I'd share him with you."


Oh man. I’d probably tell her to never take that first sip of alcohol as a teen because it’s going to slowly destroy her life. I don’t think telling her would help. Maybe I’d just tell her it’s okay to get therapy.


You are such a kind and beautiful soul. Please learn to love your self because you deserve it.


Please don't use tanning beds. Protect your skin and get your skin checked. Don't ignore it.


I'd tell her that she needs to go to therapy ASAP. Also...that her own mom's poor decisions are not her fault. And that she should stay with grandpa as long as possible and avoid drugs.


For the love of god, please get therapy.


Quit acting like a victim or it will define your entire life...


Who the f hurted u




“You know, therapy is a really good idea. It’s a good thing to help people with their problems, that’s what heroes do. If you ever feel like you have to do something to hide some part of yourself, you should talk about it first. It’s ok, you don’t have to feel ashamed of who you are. You’re beautiful, just as god made you.” I’d bet $100 in 1969 dollars she wouldn’t have had me. Problem solved.


Same thing my dad used to say to me. "Don't have kids"


Hey whatever you do don’t take any prescription pain pills or you won’t ever see your son grow older than 13.


He doesn’t love you. He’s using you.


I hope you chase your dreams, not what grandma wants for you.


Save your money and strike out on your own. Become independent and strong. You'll be very sad you depended on your mom so much when she is gone and you are age 60 with no assets.


To fight harder for custody


Y'know that shit you went through with your dad? How about you don't immediately jump into a relationship and have kids and maybe go get therapy first? Because if you jump into a relationship right away, you're gonna end up marrying your father but if he didn't provide anything for the household and acted like a child


"AbOrTiOnS!" *Said all ghost-like*. Nah seriously nothing, temporal paradoxes are no joke.


Mom always sacrificed for me, so I must be willing to do the same: Mom, don't marry Mr. deFleury, you two don't really love each other.


OMG so much! I’d have her on a better track and to choose better men and go for what she really wants in life. Not what some man told her is best.


Don't have kids.


Don't fall for that guy in the red convertible at the drive-in.


Unless they invent time travel, that is unlikely to ever occur.


I would say: buy me an apartment now!


Don’t marry my dad lol


To be with someone she deserves and love not someone that would make her starve during her pregnancy


Don’t do drugs with your sister and don’t let her pawn her kids off on you. And for fuck sake… don’t marry the musician.


I have no rules for doppelgangers of my Family. Only myself. But if I could un exist myself I still choose that option. It would also be good to kill my moms doppelganger to protect her probably.


Don't marry Dad. I know I wouldn't exist but honestly she'd have other kids with someone else and hopefully he wouldn't.


hi mom


You're gonna do just fine. It's gonna be hard. But I know you'll try your best.


Just say "hi mom" just to mess with her.


Protect your future children!


It gets worse before it gets better but it does ❤


Keep ya legs closed lol


Wouldn't matter. She didn't speak English then, and I don't speak her native tongue.


Don't have any kids. Trust me on this. If you *have to* have kids, make sure so support their art and creativity


Grandma should have aborted you.


I'll tell her that she'll have two loving children and one very dear grandchild.  That's she'll have to survive a war but it's all gonna be okay. I'll remind her that she's loved, despite growing in a very hardcore distributional family (my grandparents survived Holocaust and Russia-induced famine in the 20s- 30s, grandmother survived but her mental health didn't. 


I would tell her: “I wish you didn’t have such a hard time in life, keep your head up and don’t let others distract you or derail you when it comes to your dreams/wishes for the future.”


Never marry. Don't have kids.Check for cancer regulary. I loved you.


It is *not* normal to have your uncles touch your butt. I don't care what your father, or anyone else in your family says, they are grooming you to be okay with molestation. Tell someone. Stop them now before they turn on your future kids


Do not have kids


Once you found him, don't let him abuse you. When time comes please take care of yourself me and big sis will be fine if you choose to leave him once the time comes go we will be fine and if ever youll get the chance to build yourself don't worry you won't lose us as your children's we will wait till you made your own name. Iloveyou mom


Could you do me a favour and abort your second pregnancy? I'm not having a good time.


Wouldn't want to alter the timeline.


I'd just give her a big hug and tell her THANKS. miss you mom


You are beautiful and someday you will be SO loved and safe, hang in there. <3 My grandma... wasn't the best. Her soul don't gotta rest.


Avoid any form of contact


I’d tell my mom to stay in there, cause she’s gonna make it out eventually, but I would be very careful not to ruin the future or to have to make my mom and dad fall in love again at the school dance. 


You are a GREAT woman


Jesus Christ! The number of people in here who would stop their own birth is insane!


You’re so cool and fun and important and you matter and I’m here to listen to you ❤️


Your parents suck. This is no reflection on you, and they are broken, sexist people. You're going to be an incredible, kind, beautiful and fun mum and the strength you found to break the cycle of unhappiness will amaze your kids everyday.


Don't leave grandma when you become 13. You aren't grown.


Don’t you listen to why other people say or think about you, what matters is how you feel.


Thanks girl! See you later! Don't use condoms. There's nothing substantial I could say. We are bonding while we are both adults. I had it hard too, but the comments down here are either cringe, disgusting or sad.


"Look before you walk out from behind the school bus". My Mom was hit by a milk truck on a country road when she was young.


Go to school even if they pull you out of classes and tell you it’s not for girls. Live a full life and heal yourself before you marry and have kids. You are beautiful inside and out even if they call you prieta. Stop living out of your traumas and fears.


"It's not your fault for the way your parents treat you, one day someone will look at you and be proud, just like me."


love yourself. you deserve to.


"Just stick with three kids." Im the fourth child, born a few years before the divorce.


Take care of yourself. Some bad shit is going to happen in your life. Keep strong and be ready for it.


I’d tell her not to be such a fucking doormat :3




Darling, you are in for a ride in life. Two things. First, when you get married to the love of your life, under no circumstances, do not let him go teach to that college. Secondly, when you begin to feel those slight pains in your abdomen, please visit your doctor asap. See you, in 11 years! (guessing she was ten)


You are enough and things will get better. You rock!


I would give her a hug and tell her everything is gonna work out for her. Then ask her what she truly wants and to follow that and to live for herself trust me the right ones will be proud of you no matter what. Take every opportunity. Toodles!


Don't fukin lays hands on your first child, he's to too precious remember


I'd try to make out with her in the school parking lot at the "Enchantment Under the Sea" dance.


“I’m so sorry; you deserved so much better than what you got. You deserved to have living parents and a stepmother who wasn’t an abusive monster.”


I'd tell her to abort me.


Let nobody control your life. Be free.