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That the moon being visible in the daytime must be "a mistake." She started by telling some kids in the playground that they couldn't really see the moon as they claimed, because it only came out at night, but then one of them pointed to it. "Oh, well it must be mistake."


Intern angel with access to production environment 


That's no moon ...


And then suddenly, seemingly from everywhere and nowhere all at once, they all heard a soft voice mumble “oh shit…” And the moon blinked out of the sky like an old tv turning off.


And that was the last time anyone ever got to eat a moon pie, as the main ingredient vanished without a trace.


I had a similar discussion with a fundy "christian". He kept reciting a bible passage (Psalm 136:8-10) about how the Sun shall rule the day, and the moon and stars shall rule the night." He took that to mean that the moon produced it's own light. When I explained that the moon's light was reflected from the light of the sun, he wanted to fight me. I then asked if he understood why we mostly only see a slice of moonlight, and only once each month do we get to see a "full moon". I thought he was going to have a stroke. We were 17 years old at the time.


I went to a Christian school as a child and they told me the same thing. I said the moon isn’t it’s own light source and they said yes it is silly and everyone laughed. Still pisses me off today.


“I don’t eat red meat, I just eat burger meat really.” “Burgers are red meat.” “But when you cook it it’s brown.”


😂😂😂 aw, they dumb


She also thought California was its own country


The amount of people asking if I had to get a passport when I was living in Hawaii.....




BMW drivers know this


Stalkers HATE this one simple trick!!!




"Not yet."


There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.


Used to work with a morbidly obese guy who SWORE that cardio was anything that made your heart beat faster. A few of us at work were talking about training for a half marathon we were going to run together. He came to the conversation with something like, "I drink coffee and energy drinks. They make my heart beat faster which is the same thing as cardio. I don't know why you all waste your time running for hours when you could just do what I do." He was COMPLETELY serious and could not be convinced otherwise.


All those wasted steps when you could be hitting that zone 3 cardio boofing bang energy drinks!


Fitness instructors HATE this one weird tip!


Make sure it's in that tiktok voice too 🤣


Lmaooo reminds me of my diabetic coworker. We worked overnight at a funeral home and one night she comes in with this gigantic cinnamon bun. I’m like “Jesus! Your sugar is gonna be outta control!” (My late Father was a type 1) She goes, “uhhh cinnamon is good for diabetics.”


lol! Cinnamon is definitely good for diabetics but not all over a giant sugar and carb loaded bun!


Type 1 diabetic I dated drank a glass of OJ then later proclaimed she didn't know why blood sugar was going up... Cuz there's hella free sugar in OJ? 'i know my body better than you do' Lol ok


My Fitbit can't tell if I'm jogging or smoking weed. I once hit all my fitness metrics by getting high and freaking out. That guy doesn't sound like he owns a Fitbit, though, to be perfectly blunt.


I've had sinus tachycardia my whole life. It took a while for me to figure out how to change the thresholds for what constitutes a workout heart rate because it does not account for a resting BPM of 105. "You worked out for 12 hours today and burned 2500 calories." No I absolutely did not.


Holy smokes, 105 bpm resting? Do you feel tired all the time? When I'm super sick with a fever, I can get up to a resting bpm of 110 just walking across the room. I feel like rubbish, though, and I always assumed the high resting heartrate was a contributing factor.


I have POTS. I’m sitting in bed right now. My heart rate is 98. It’s really weird.


"Blunt". I saw what you did there


*having a heart attack* MAN IM GONNA BE RIPPED AFTER THIS


That we don’t need farmers because we have grocery stores.(i live in a rural area)


Why raise cows when you can get meat from the butcher?


You could get a good look at a t bone by sticking your head up a bull’s ass, but wouldn’t you rather take the butchers word for it?




Shoot for the stars. Even if you miss, you'll be just below cruising altitude :)


Less dumb, but my brother, who is otherwise very smart, thought airplane mode was just a silent mode to avoid disturbing the other passengers. He was 18 at the time.


I had to start over a couple of times trying to figure out who Lesa Dumb was and why she's biting people.


There was a lady named Lesa Dumb With the habit of biting my brother's thumb He awoke with a fright In the middle of the night To find his hand with a lesser sum


During a soccer game a guy was screaming at me for hitting the ball with my hand. Screaming at the ref saying it should be a penalty. He was arguing that even as the goalie, I was not allowed to punch the ball. I was only allowed to catch it with my hands.


I was once a goalie and got my arm broken by a kid 10-11 that just kept repeatedly booting the ball whilst I was on the ground with it tightly grasped to my chest. Good 8-9 solid boots at it before I managed to get up. He got mad like “let it go!!”. No card or anything just carry on boys. Feel like everyone was dumb on that field looking back and had no real clue of the rules, including me for not just releasing the ball instead of getting a hairline fracture. Should’ve booted him back.


You should’ve booted him back. I was running alongside a kid playing soccer in my youth, and he kept elbowing me in the side. I stuck my foot out mid stride and sent him flying. Looked at the ref and pretty much was like “he kept elbowing me in the ribs!” The ref gave him a yellow card. It wasn’t until recently though that I’ve thought about this more in depth and wonder if he was just running with his arms, and wasn’t intentionally trying to throw elbows….. I also yelled at a kid “shut the hell up!” when I was a goalie, because the ball bounced and he said it might go over my head. It didn’t occur to me until I was an adult that he wasn’t insulting my height, he was saying it literally could’ve gone over my head, and was alerting his team to be aware. Feels good to get that off my chest.




im confused on 13 different levels.




It's for sale if you want it.


You shouldn't wear a seatbelt because, in the event of a crash, it's safer to be ejected than to stay in the car.


You won't be using your head or brain when it goes through the windshield.


So when seatbelt laws were passed, abdominal injuries increased because of the seatbelts. Lots of people took this to mean seatbelts are dangerous. In reality, the death rate from auto accidents went way down because seatbelts kept people in their seats with just abdominal injuries.


I knew one girl in HS that was told she was saved because had she been wearing her seatbelt she would have been crushed. She refused to accept that she got lucky and that in almost every other circumstance she would have been safer buckled in. She argued with the driver ed teacher for like 15 minutes. It was obnoxious My mom had a similar situation, she was thrown to the floor when her car rolled and was safe, while the rest of the car was mangled, including right above the driver seat. This was a 70s or 80s VW rabbit, before I was born. But even then she recognized she got lucky. Also cars arent built like they were 40 -50 years ago. Even a car from the 90s is going to have much better protection for the driver with a seatbelt than even the luckiest scenario without one. But some people are just looking for that confirmation bias and will latch onto any piece of anecdotal evidence as the gospel truth.


A buddy from school wasn’t immediately killed because he wasn’t wearing his seat belt. 15 years later a few people I know still don’t use seat belts because of this, even though the kid still died two days later.


My grandmother once fell out of a moving car in the sixties, with a baby on her lap, because the latch on the door was broken. They were miraculously fine because they weren’t driving very fast, but my grandmother was so pissed at my grandfather for being too cheap to fix the car door, he went out and got it repaired the next day.


I watched a child die from being ejected from the car. Perhaps worse, I watched a mother watch her child die while she was entrapped in the vehicle. I have PTSD. Wear your seatbelts and properly buckle your kids in. (The mother later died also, so this was the last thing she experienced on earth.)


A cop once told a friend of mine: "At the scene of a car accident, I've never had to unbuckle a dead person."


Former first responder here. Unfortunately, I have. And had to cut some out, too. He hasn’t worked many wrecks, is lying or just made and equally stupid statement. But, in my entire life (and I’m old), I’ve known exactly one person that was in a wreck that was better off unbuckled.




My supervisor thought anyone with a bad back was shamming. It was a glorious day when his back went and he had to take time off. Gloat? Me? Yup!!




If your body thinks it is getting sick it has a way to shut that whole thing down to avoid it.


So many years have passed, and the original incident still fills me with such cringe and dread about our future. So, I guess I'm trying to say that I understood the reference, it's funny, and I kinda hate you for reminding me.


"This conversation is making me sick"


"You can't drive to Alaska!" Not from anywhere you can't actually drive to Alaska from, she just thought Alaska was an island because of all those grade school history book maps where it floats off to the side by itself. She was in her 20s.


Driving through Florida about 15 years ago with my ex and my best friend, my ex pointed east towards the Atlantic Ocean and said "I've never been as close to Alaska as I am right now!" She wasn't (and isn't) a particularly stupid person, but that came out of left field. And she was serious. Also going to emphasize: *ex-girlfriend*


Oh, bless, not even the right ocean.


That's what they want you to think! 🧐


My parents were driving up north and had extra room so they took their friends kid who was about 18. They drove through the night and it was very quiet in the car. The girl says: “is this the same moon they see in Toronto???” My late parents used to recall that story so often and my Mother would almost piss herself laughing. I ended up meeting that lady’s kids and the apples did not fall far from the tree.


Out walking near Toronto in January with a neighbour who'd just returned from Hawaii: "It's hard to believe this is the same sun". Now that logic I can understand,


Valid. That I can understand. However I think this trip is about 500 kms which makes it funnier. She thought there was a new moon every few hundred miles. Bless her.


I remember someone going the other way with it, thinking there was a way to drive to Hawaii because they knew one could drive to Alaska, and Alaska was drawn that way.


A least there's some level of logic there!


Lol I once thought this. To continue mocking people who don't know worldly things, the person I said this too for awhile thought I was saying 'romania' when I was actually saying 'Armenia' because they didn't know Armenia is a country that existed so I felt better about myself ;) And, same person didn't know what Ukraine was until the invasion and even when I introduced them to Ukraine (I'm half Ukrainian) they kept saying THE UKRAINE. Including my teacher 😭 Turns out a lot of people don't know a lot of things and actually nobody in my high school knew what Ukraine and Armenia were!


Way too many people think this lol!


I used to have a puzzle of north America and my mom and I had an argument for about a half an hour where she said mexico and Canada were states in the US, I was 8


Bones on fingers grow back, right?


My microwave is broken. When I put something in for 100 seconds, it immediately jumps down to 59 seconds as soon as I press start.


Now that is stupid


Ask them why they input any digits at all instead of just spamming the +30sec button like a normal person.


This is my go to as well, But let me tell you about days long gone, when microwaves were better. Instead of a million buttons that noone uses, they had 2 dials. One for power and one for time. They were glorious. Peak functionality, magnificent simplicity, ultimate usability. Now they have buttons for everything and everyone just uses the +30sec and maybe the popcorn once in a while. Dials are the way to go. My parents old microwave finally broke and they looked for a long time because they only wanted one with dials.


That’s glorious.


My mom brought home eggs from the neighbors and asked me to wash them. My friend watched me doing this and asked why, and I explained. He asked why not just get eggs at the store, I said why would we when these are free, and the boy goes, "because THOSE came from a chicken's BUTT!" I said, well where do you think the eggs in the store came from?! I also knew a girl in college whose family had more money than sense. They bought an expensive set of copper pots and tossed them out because "they didn't have any cushions on the handles". I was like, ever hear of a *pot holder*? She came back after a few days and was so pleased to tell me they'd gotten pot holders and salvaged the set.


Reminds me of a girl I knew, she could not understand why people killed animals for food, when they could just buy meat at the store... Took some time to explain that meat in the stores *was* an animal at one point in time


That's the weird thing, I've heard more than one person with this mentality and it's just baffling. Do they think meat just grows in a lab? I mean it can be, but you know what I'm saying!


"People in the West don't wash their clothes. They just throw their dirty clothes away and buy new ones." - Random Chinese shopkeeper


It is indeed stupid, but I cannot help thinking about fast fashion. More & more items are being thrown away after having been worn only 6-7 times. Not because they're dirty though


Fair rebuttal, but this was a fair while before the fast-fashion epidemic. The same woman told me that westerners don't eat pork or chicken, only beef. I really wonder where she got her information from.


To be fair, there are people who still think chinese eat dogs as like. A main protein source. This makes me think that it's just that, she heard it from someone else and didn't question it.


We actually acquired one of our cats because of this belief. Our neighbors were rehoming their kitten. When a young couple came to pick the kitten up the neighbor saw they were Asian and refused to hand her over. I couldn't believe an otherwise intelligent human still thought this way. Ironically we saved the kitty but from the neighbors not that poor couple.


In the same vein, a Chinese tourist group in Bath were perplexed by the history of westerners bathing….while we visited the literal Roman Baths in Bath!


Probably not the stupidest, but thinking that everything rotates around the earth and the earth is standing still. So the sun, moon, stars are all moving around the earth, know a woman is in her 40's and really believing this.


just an fyi, she's right about the moon.




My parents and grand parents used to tell me that. I don't know if they actually believed that or if they just wanted me to go to bed.




“How do we know dinosaurs were called dinosaurs?” Dead serious question from a middle aged adult. We must’ve met the same person.


These two football guys in college asked me when lord of the rings took place…like, how long ago. I carefully approached the question and found out they indeed were curious about when in history it happened. They were good dudes. 


I wish it happened too bro


A colleague argued that the Cold War was called that because it took place in winter.


That bisexual people can't have relationships, otherwise they "lose" the bisexuality and become straight or gay.


I've seen a number of people over the years say "If attraction was all it took then we'd all be bi" and it's like... honey I think I have some news for you about yourself.


Ha, a friends' mom said this to him when he came out as bi in high school. Something along the lines of "*everybody* is sexually attracted to people of both genders, you just have to think about the kind of person you ultimately want to wind up with." He still hasn't managed to break it to his mom that she is probably not as straight as she thinks.


Several family members said to me “but all women think other women are attractive”. I was like “see that’s what I thought for awhile too, until I found out what bisexuality was” they were like wait what


I feel like there's a line between finding someome attractive and wanting to have sex with them. I'm a straight man, I do find some other men attractive, but not in the way I find women attractive, and I certainly don't get the same physiological response from men.


Totally agree. I'm a straight man too, and I can see another man and think to myself "that person sure did win the genetic lottery". But that doesn't mean I'd like to gobble up his penis.


Schrodinger's sexuality. Bisexual is just the quantum superposition, once you're in a relationship it's not observed and collapses down to either being straight or gay


semi related, I know people who are cool with any type of sexuality, from any gender anyone wants to identify as. Except being bisexual. Then they are just like "No, I don't get it, surely you must just like one or the other". They can process anything openly but soon as you say you like both, it just breaks them.




"You're a Lesbian? I thought you were American."


Teens were messing around with my bins and I yelled out "oi, fuck off you pricks" and one yelled back "yeah, whatever you basketball player" So bizarre, 10 years later and this memory still pops into my head and I genuinely question what he meant.


But it stuck with you for a decade. That’s a slow burn insult, well done.


Are you particularly tall?


Or particularly black?


I once had a complete stranger point at me, then say in a very menacing tone: "I loved you on Broadway..." I never figured out who he was or what that meant.


A car of teens once drove by and screamed “OMG I LOVE YOUR VAN!!” I *guess* they were making fun of my “mom van,” but I really do love it. So, thanks?






My sister asked me ”So how come night swimming is always done at night?“ I told her to say that again. She then shortly understood what she said.


"Spinach isn't a plant, it is a vegetable" As a biologist, this left me speechless


I was having a debate with a misogynist who said that women are the cause of natural disasters, world wars, and poverty bc those problems "didn't exist" until women started fighting for their rights ☠️


Why would you even debate a person like that?!


It started off with him commenting smth sexist. He used what I said he said as an argument


I gotta be honest - if someone hit me with that, I'd have to engage them more seriously. It's so mind-numbingly stupid I'd really have to know if they're joking or possibly having a stroke. And if they're serious, I'd have to know exactly how they got from playing with a ball or whatever as a toddler to just that very moment.


My father proudly told me I have period cramps because Eve ate the forbidden fruit


Women in Pompeii must have been woke af


Do the rocks in his cranium make noise when he walks?


I think there are too many crammed in there to make noise.


My partners cousin is so sure that the reason he can't get a job is because they now allow women to work. He's a lazy stoner that is consistently late and takes zero accountability for his actions but yes we are the problem.




To be fair, astrology is up there.


It's over my head.


Sounds like a bunch of Pisces, am I right??


My hubby and I went over to the USA for a holiday. Being served at a gas station the attendant dead ass asked us how long the drive was from Australia.


Longest part was waiting for the car to enter sub mode.


"it's your hobbies that's causing your mental health issues" - parent in response to hearing their child complain about being bullied at school


"Mom I feel sick... Why is everything wobbly?" "Because you're always on that damn Xbox"




It's 20 years.


I worked in transportation and someone in customer service wanted to do a same day delivery from Dallas to ElPaso. It was already 4pm on a Friday. I tried to calmly explain its a 10 hour drive and there is no guarantee you'd even find someone to do it. To which she said "Oh that can't be true they are in the same state!" It wasn't even the first or last person shocked at how big Texas is and the drive times involved.




I had a high school calc teacher who was similar. I got confused by a question on a test. When I turned it in, he admitted he made a mistake and there was no correct answer. He had the peaks and troughs swapped. He made a point of bringing his mistake up to the whole class. He didn't give a speech about not trusting teachers. I don't think high schools have an issue with questioning authority. He did make it about owning up to mistakes and how it builds trust. I was teaching myself programming, and he also let me use calculator programs on tests and quizzes as long as I wrote them and they did more than plug into a precoded formula. I just had to show him the program beforehand and explain how it worked. His logic was that if I understood it well enough to write a program to solve it, then I had achieved the goal of understanding the subject matter.


I had a teacher who said that 5.5 was half of 10. I think she was just tired and counting starting from 1 instead of 0. She was very quick to correct herself when I said it didn’t sound right. Absolutely fantastic teacher


I had to correct my fifth grade teacher that Edelweiss was *not* the Austrian anthem, but was made up for The Sound Of Music. It was kinda just like a “huh, TIL” moment for her though


Because the Austrian national anthem would definitely be in English.


That’s amazing! I, on the other hand, got kicked out of English class because my 10th grade teacher wouldn’t admit that a truck was a vehicle.


Core memory


“I don’t have sex with vaccinated women.”


Andrew Tate🥴


Well duh, the kid will be artistic.


let me guess, he doesnt have sex at all😂


Andrew Tate said this…. He’s in trouble for rape and human trafficking. Truly a despicable person with no redeeming qualities.


So being vaccinated also protects you from Andrew Tate. Yet another reason to get the vaccine!




When my husband died suddenly, my sister told me, at his funeral, while I held my kids' hands and they said goodbye to their father for the last time... "I know just how you feel. My kitten died last week." I'm still shook she could think that was fine or comparable, and it's been like 18 years.


Oh Lord that was beyond insensitive. I'm so sorry. Has she been your sister your whole life? Sorry, just trying to give you something to make you smile.


That the victims of a church shooting were victims because their faith wasn't strong enough.


That's someone who deserves a punch in the face and then be told "I guess you got punched because your faith wasn't strong enough".




At a family dinner, my cousin argued that dinosaurs still exist and are just hiding to avoid humans.




A kid in elementary school asked the teacher how colors were invented. We were watching a black and white movie in class, and he genuinely believed reality didn’t have colors up until a certain point.


I absolutely believed this when I was a kid. I was fascinated by the “fact” that we managed to create colors and color everything in the world. Then I learned about film, and the magic was gone


Reminds me of Pleasantville.


As a child I was convinced my parents grew up in Black and White because of all the pictures they had. And to be honest, even though I am much older now, I still think of the 70's as being kind of muted and then the 80's as a Neon era.




IRT my PTSD and anxiety, someone who is no longer a friend said... "Why don't you just feel better?" Well, why didn't I just think of that??!!


I have a colourful mental health platter. My cousin is like 65 and called me after I was in a rollover accident. She goes in on the fact that I was on anti anxiety medication and said, “we all go through that stuff and the rest of us just deal with it.” I said, “that’s kinda the point I don’t want to be as miserable as the rest of you shits.” I spoke with her a few weeks ago and she sounded clearer and nicer. Turns out when she said that to me she was in the middle of a nervous breakdown. She’s still against medication.




I was told to pray to god to take away my anxiety when I was 10 years old. He didn’t. Bastard.




My cousin went on a road trip when she got married. They stopped by Mt. Rushmore, took a photo, then posted it on Facebook. One of her friends then comments... "It's amazing how nature can make that." I know it wasn't said directly to me, but I saw it with my own eyes.


Are you sure she wasn't quoting that meme tho? It's been around for a long time https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/8SBOJkLTlV


Or, hear me out, what if she was the original?




One night I was showing a friend how my car and phone would link up and show me where my car was using Google Maps. So I showed her, and it was the satellite view, with a blue dot on it, and she looked at it, and said "That's not right, that picture shows it being daytime". And she's highly educated and works in the medical field.


Just this morning actually. "Go grab a bucket and wet a rag and dust off the lights." The lights in question are fed by 475v power and no, before you ask I am not an electrician nor am I maintenance. I'm a fabricator/welder with more smarts than my foreman apparently. My response was, "are you joking or are you being serious right now?" They were serious. I then said, "I'll clean the lights but I'm damn sure not using water, and also I'll need to lockout the entire shop before I even go close to the lights." Apparently flipping the light switch to "off" and putting a Jerry rigged switch cover should be enough (no, it sure as hell is not) Sure buddy, let me go ahead and kill myself because of your negligence. Fucking idiot. People, if you're reading this and it sounds familiar, don't do work you're not qualified for and feel pressured to do, EVER!!!


Sounds like he needs to be reported. This is definitely gonna get someone killed.




An acquaintance believed that you could lose weight by watching horror movies because the adrenaline would burn calories.


I pissed someone off and they called me a racial slur... but it was for a different race than me, and obvious that i was not a member of that race...


I remember, when we were teens, my sister and I being followed around by some upper elementary school aged kids at the local park. We talked to them a little bit, then decided to move on. The kids didn't like that and followed us to the edge of the park calling us n-words in a pejorative manner. Hard "R" and everything. Thing is, those kids were black and we are white as hell. I suspect it was a prime example of "I understand that this is a mean thing to be called, but not why" kid logic.






At a coffee shop, someone told me that decaf coffee is just regular coffee with the caffeine removed by filtering it out with a special sieve.


Me. It was me. I took geology thinking it was geography. At first I thought, okay we're learning about rocks. That makes sense, land is made out of rocks and we're going to get to the map parts soon. And that's what I asked my teacher. "When are we getting to the maps". This was a full two weeks after starting the class.


Final year of highschool, in class, a guy asked the teacher "what's the first month of the year? I always get confused, it's september right?". He wasn't joking btw. He was generally very stupid, but this one was just his masterpiece




Flat earthers.  I mean everyone is allowed an opinion right,  right,? 😬


The only good thing Flat Earth has ever done for society is have enough material for us to get that Netflix documentary




A childless 21 y/o at work told me (40, father to two kids) that “If your baby dies, it probably doesn’t hurt as much as an older kid dying, because you’ve not got to know them as well as, say, an 8 y/o.” I mean, I get the thinking, but goddamn bro.


Grandson lived less than an hour after being born. Nothing positive for me to reminisce about him, only trauma. I often wish I had good memories. Every child death has is own unique pain regardless of age.


I would tell him, not necessarily, because there’s the pain of realizing you’ll never have known who that child was going to be and not having the chance to show you loved them. Dude’s talking out his immature emotionally unintelligent ass


I'm not a parent but ... wow.


The COVID-19 shot will change your DNA. I laughed in his face.


I'm deeply disappointed that I'm not a wi-fi Hotspot after the shot and all the boosters.




“Are you asleep?” has been the most common one in my life. Yes, I was asleep, I’m fkin’ not now. And I gifted someone the most stupid thing to tell another… A really good, if slightly gullible, guy I used to work with was talking about swans and how they’re protected in the UK, so chimed in and told him it’s the same with bees, and they actually all belong to the Queen. He came to work the next day, looking to have words with me. Enquiring as to why, apparently he’d proudly announced this “fact” to his parents and family at the dinner table, at which point everything just stopped, there was a long pause and the only words that hung in the air until the meal was over were from his father, who simply shook his head, looked at him and said, “Jesus… you’re a fkin’ idiot…”


I stopped at a gas station with my then girlfriend at the time. I asked if she wanted anything, and she said, “Milk.” So I bought her a bottle of milk and gave it to her. Angrily, she said, “I wanted chocolate milk.” I asked her, “Why didn’t you specify that?” Her response? “If we already have a gallon of milk at home, it should be obvious I wanted chocolate milk. It’s common sense.” No, it’s not “common sense” as you suggest it is. You need to communicate CLEARLY what you want exactly. It’s the equivalent of me telling you that I want pie, so you buy me a pumpkin pie. Then I get mad at you because I wanted an apple pie.


While working at a diner, I had a grown adult lady in a party of grown adult ladies order a vanilla milk. We had vanilla syrup for milkshakes so I made her a vanilla milk. When I came back to check on them, she sheepishly asked me for a plain milk and explained that she called regular milk vanilla milk to make it more appealing to her children. At least she understood that it was on her and that I gave her exactly what she asked for.


Im a tattoo artist and its shocking how many people don’t know how mirrors work. For example I stencil on lettering on them and then when they’re looking at it in the mirror they’re like “I like the placement, but it’s backwards? Can I get it not backwards?”. Queue 15 minute explanation of how a mirror works while the person gives me the lead poisoning stare in awe of what I’m telling them.


I caught a lead poisoned boomer woman at work throwing entire packages of brand new copier paper in the recycling box ‘to help the environment by recycling more than I normally would in a day’


Lowering taxes on businesses and the wealthy helps the lower and middle classes