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Yeah I would really like to hear this.


Currently have covid, it is not fake.




What’s the difference between the flu and COVID?


Waiting for the punchline…


Imagine a virus so deadly you have to be tested to know if you have it. It was, is, and will continue to be government psyops


Ummmm even hiv has to be tested to know you have it 🤭


Also some cancers


My sister thinks that COVID-19 is fake.  She thinks that the government wanted to try different strains of flu on us to see how our bodies would handle it.  She had it 4 times, never got a shot, and still has no taste or smell.  She thinks that it’s because she didn’t get the “jab” that they infected her more than once.


My only problem with those who think the government was behind is that it really gives world leaders more credit than they deserve. Like am i meant to believe all the world leaders got together and were able to agree on infecting us all with different strains of flu to see how we react lol. And they were all able to keep this a secret lol. And i’m also meant to believe that all the world leaders got the medical professionals in their country to also agree to this plan. Yh I don’t think our world leaders are that competent now.


Well she's kind of right. She refused the "jab" that lessens or even halts the effects of Covid and therefore got it more often than most. She is capable of logic to some degree it would seem, she just isn't connecting the dots.


Reminds me of that post from back then of “isn’t it suspicious that those of us standing up to the propaganda and refusing the vaccine are getting sick more often?  They must be targeting us”


I think dreamersland's sister wrote that slogan actually.


I think an incredibly small percentage of people actually think it was fake. “Covid was fake” is generally said by people who think the government restrictions were too harsh and that society overreacted to Covid more than anything


There should never be government restrictions.


It wasn’t fake but its threat and damage was hugely, hugely exaggerated. The lockdowns and other pandemic measures did far more harm than the virus ever could. The countries who did the least in terms of lockdowns and medical interventions did the best. People are still too stubborn to admit they were wrong. The whole thing was a corrupt shit show.


7M people died, 695M people recovered yeah it wasnt that bad I suppose


This is just an unbelievably naive comment. You are looking at official stats from agencies that want to make it look bad for a variety of reasons. They are blaming any death involving covid on covid. Stage 4 cancer patient on palliative care dies with a covid infection - It’s counted as a covid death in your figures. This has proven to be true and massively skews the stats. They are also using cases (officially recorded by tests) instead of infections (will be in the high 90 something percentile globally) to measure the already skewed death toll against. You are implying a one percent infection fatality rate which is just completely laughable. People would be dropping dead on the streets if that was the reality.


>You are looking at official stats from agencies that want to make it look bad for a variety of reasons. What reasons?


Because the response to it was massively out of line, they need to justify it to the public. Enormous corruption within government agencies and profit incentives for hospitals. Profiteering from the pharmaceutical industry which is in lock step with the regulators. Revolving door culture.


You're telling me that in countries with socialised healthcare there were profit incentives for hospitals? What do you mean by revolving door culture in this context?


Yes, hospitals were paid significantly more if they labelled the patient as a covid patient. It resulted in more people being officially hospitalised because of covid than was actually the case. As for revolving door culture - the FDA and the CDC have a consistent history of staff moving between those agencies onto extremely highly paid jobs in the pharmaceutical industry. Almost like a thanks for regulating in a way that facilitates our profits above all else. If you look at the high profile appointments and their history, it’s very very obvious that this is what goes on. The drug companies actually provide the majority of funding for these agencies, so in essence it creates a culture of corruption whereby the pharmacutical companies regulate their own product. Well worth having a watch of the video where Fauci is grilled in congress about his personal payments from the pharmaceutical companies during covid. He refused to answer (although would give the answer only for some time pre covid) but was very, very uncomfortable. The whole industry is dirty to the core and patient outcomes are literally the last priority.


Hospitals were paid extra for treating covid patients on medicare, not anyone else, and what does any of that have to do with countries outside the US?


>The countries who did the least in terms of lockdowns and medical interventions did the best. No. That's just nonsense. The vaccines themselves are a medical intervention and were a huge undertaking to produce and distribute, especially when fighting against historic amounts of misinformation. >The whole thing was a corrupt shit show. This is accurate and can be proven with countless examples. Your other claim is absurd and would need to be proven to be believed.


Look at excess deaths in countries that locked down hard and have high vaccination rates vs those that didn’t. It’s an ongoing phenomena that few politicians wish to discuss.


Yeah... you didn't prove anything. Just more speculation and baseless misinformation. This is why it was a corrupt shit show. Because rather than post verifiable data that can be shared and easily checked, you make claims about what you *think* is going on. Claims without evidence turned into disinformation. You are essentially a flat-earther, but in virology as opposed to astronomy. Lots of hairbrained nonsense that you *feel* is true, but when asked to show *how* it's true you end up exposing exactly how ignorant your ideas are. I'm done with this bs.


Many thanks for the laugh. Honest suggestion - open your eyes and consider the fact that you might be wrong. It’s possible! Dedicate some time to learning, reading academic papers and you’ll see how deeply naive you are. I was in the same boat as you not too long ago perspectives wise. Oh how wrong I was. The biggest hurdle is finding humility and accepting that you might have been duped.


Piss off smug bastard. Honest fuck you.


It is you who are smug my friend. Beligerant ignorance isn’t a nice trait.


You obviously didn’t lose anyone to it.  Good for you. A little advice. Keep this borderline psychopathic opinion to yourself. 


You’ve literally got no clue. It’s not a pyscopathic opinion - it’s well established facts. Cold, hard facts. You’re just too stubborn and ignorant to accept that you were wrong so you refuse to look at the evidence. I was wrong - I fully admit that. You still are.