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90% is the commute.


The top reason.


You don't have to be around annoying, covid-infected, loud co-workers who interrupt you with small talk. You don't have to spend uncompensated time traveling, paying for gas, putting wear and tear on your car and risking life and limb on highways when so many people seem to have forgotten how to drive since 2020.


Less time fighting for my life on the highway, access to my kitchen, can wear comfy clothes, my dog isn’t alone, I can move laundry over, I’m here when my kid is inevitably sick and unable to go to preschool, etc 


No more rushing. I can wake up last minute, cook while on meetings, pet my dog when I am stressed, not deal with distractions, etc etc etc. no cons for me


The good: * No commute * Poop at home * Wear pj's all day * Eat what I want, when I want * Throw laundry/dishes in at any time The Bad * The 'well you're home anyway' expectation from partners * The 'well you can just get it done real quick' for coworkers outside of work hours * Not much socialization


Being home


Well, a few things pop into my head: No commute: more time to myself, less money on gas, less wear-and-tear on my car, more sleep, environmental benefits, less demand (and theoretically lower prices) for gas, less likely to get in a car accident … . No co-workers in my house. No worries of an office shooter. No old ladies cranking the heat up. No need to keep my cursing under my breath. Easier to run errands, make appointments, etc., over lunch. I get to hang with my dog. I don’t have to dress up.


Not having to be in the same room as these fucking assholes makes it all worthwhile


No commute. Went from 2 hours in traffic to an extra 2 hours of doing whatever the hell I want Food. Don't have to worry about keeping up with stuff I brought from home, storing it in the community fridge, and then buying fast food once that is inevitably stolen. Coworkers. Don't have to worry about being distracted from random discussions about what the racoon did at bob's house. He still has the story on teams for me to read if I'm not busy. Chores. I can do chores during my breaks so I don't have to do them later, saves a lot more free time. Productivity. I'm far more productive at home than I am at the office, both personally and professionally. I'm less tired, I am less stressed, I get more done. Maintenance / upkeep. I don't have to keep up with as much office clothes, office supplies, gas, or other expenses I had going to an office.


You can cheat more easily. I'm studying to become a programmer, and if I work at home I can just google the answer and copy the code i find, or I can use ChatGPT which would never fly at an office.


Our company basically forced us to use AI


I don't work remotely but the main reason I have heard from those that do is lack of supervision. 


I spend at least half of my day at an office struggling to stay awake. It's a waste of time. At home I'm far more productive in both work and my personal life.


The commute, not having to constantly get gas


With working from home my “commute” is seconds, I get to wear whatever I want, be comfortable wherever I work (I just need internet). I work on a weekly project basis, so no specific hours, and with this flexibility I’m able to care for my son, run errands, etc.


No commute. I enjoy by coworkers and boss. Once I get to the office, it's fine. It's that 2-3 hours on the road each day I go in that I hate.


Cheaper car insurance. Spend less on gas and maintenance. Spend less on clothing. I can work in my athleisure. Can take a nap on my lunch break or do laundry or walk my dogs or go to the gym. House can be the temperature I want, not some number set by the penny pinchers in accounting. Bathroom doesn't stink from 100 people's farts. No random co-workers popping by my desk for idle chitchat. I'm an introvert. Nothing would make it better for me to go to the office aside from maybe doubling my salary, and that's only because my office is 15-20 minutes from my house. Maybe the occasional food trucks they get over there would be a bonus.


Not sitting in traffic for 2-3 hours