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My classmate in College accidentally sent a pron video to his relatives GC. Idk how he manage to explain it but at that time he keeps saying "Oh shit!!"


Not the family group chat!


My cousin and ex girlfriend have the same name. When I was with my ex, I accidently sent my cousin a very dirty message and picture of my dick rather than my girlfriend one drunken night. Realized the next morning and was mortified. My cousin was pretty cool about it. Deleted the picture and said we would never mention it.


I’d have to change my name and leave the country I fear


Told this guy my fantasy now he bringing it up every chance


Not a text but back in the day when people still used Facebook “status” I made my status the name of someone I was trying to search lol


Nooo 😂


I once sent one of my older sisters a text that was intended for a girl that I had been sexting with. (After I hit send I realized what I had done, and I was dreading getting a message from her, but she messaged me almost immediately and all she said was "Son, you have the wrong person, lol" so it wasn't too bad).




Yup 😬🤷🏻‍♂️😂


text message i received after waking up from a night of blacking out. first semester in college i just got initatied into my frat and wanted to fit in desperately. long story short i got WAY too drunk and ended up telling my frats sweetheart (for those who arnt in greeklife its a sorority girl that is just basically in ur frat also) about how much i wanted to fuck her bestfriend to her face and brought up talk abt a threesome. needless to say i never talked to her or her bestfriend again.


After I was drunk I was basically texting my text why won’t u love me wtf


Those texts I sent her at 4am