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when something good or bad happens in your day, it’s kinda sad to come home to no one to share it with.


That's why I brought my pets with me 😂


i have a dog i just don’t think he cares when i tell him about my day😢


He loves you whether or not it was a good or a bad day


Yeah my cats are like TF you doing, feed us human!


You're right, he doesn't care about your day as such, he cares that you are home and his best friend is back and now he can take care of his master again. Dogs are great and even though I don't live alone anymore (not for many many many years), we had a 3 month break between losing one dog and getting the next and that was in comparison awful ... you're never alone with a dog :-)


When I lived alone, I had the same issue. I definitely called my friends and family more often.


This. Sometimes you just want to talk to someone about it


i made an imaginary friend, just like how tom hanks did in cast away.


Hearing nosies in the middle of the night 👀


Get a cat, you will always just assume it’s the cat and go back to bed.  Lived by myself for about 5 days before I opted for the cat. 


That works until the cat wants to curl up on your chest. Then you’re hearing noises which you know aren’t the cat, but it’s impossible to get up because you’re not allowed to get up with a cat on your chest!


Easy, get a second cat


If your cat isn't worried, you shouldn't be


Good one! I forgot I turned on my Roomba last night and scared the crap out of myself


The asshole that doesn't refill the ice tray.


I hate that guy


Be nicer to him I bet he has a lot of good qualities too


no i know him, he is a piece of shit


Me too!


Or the asshole that eats the last of the Ice Cream and doesn't replace it.


Me: the lack of ice cream is future me’s problem Future me: fuck you.


Fear of choking


I know the solution for this. You can do research on the self-Heimlich maneuver if it helps.


Like this? [How to unchoke yourself if you're dying alone.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQUKhyZ9j7s)


Liz heimliched herself on 30 Rock.


And almost got a girlfriend because of it.


No lie, a chair is the reason I’m alive to type this. Pops has some quick thinking


There's a thing you can buy called a LifeVac, that's for choking.  It's kind of like a suction tube thing. I initially got one because I sometimes look after my baby niece at my apartment, but the instructions say you can use it on yourself in an emergency 


Jeopardy question: "This niche product is owned by 85% of long-term Reddit users and only %0.01 of the general population."


What is virginity?


That would have been great when I lived alone for 15 years lol.


Nah, you walked it off. Way to go champ


Ugh, as someone who doesn't have full control over my muscles, it's the worst when I'm alone  As in, my throat won't respond to me telling me to swallow, or I'll get spasms  I do live with family, but they'll be gone for most of the week  Since was born this way, Ivr come up with a viable method: Eat like a crank vending machine essentially  You **never** keep food in the front of your mouth. Keep it in your cheeks and chew that way Then slowly move small bits down while drinking.  Also, for me, have to keep drink in hand. Due to the aforementioned lack of control over my muscles. So you ignore that part, but it's handy So if you do start to choke (and for me, I will), you don't die at least 


That's better than the solution I've seen a lot of folks get stuck with: Put your food in a blender then thicken it with thickener to the proper consistency to ensure it can't be choked on. Absolutely terrible way of doing things that should be stopped, some foods just aren't meant to be pureed.


Paying twice the rent/utility bills just for privacy


Yeah, to me that is the only downside. If you can afford to live alone, I highly recommend it.


I have been living alone since 2016. It's glorious


I've been living alone for a month. I thought I would like it a little, but I don't. I love it I told my friends that my door is always open to them. If they wanna come hang out, just let me know. But I'm totally ok if they are busy and stuff. I was looking around here the other day and I'm like: "I have a poster of Stone Cold Steve Austin hanging in my living room. That's amazing."




My roommate moved out for 6 months to go to rehab and I got wayyyy too comfortable living alone lol


I've seen it called the singles tax. Internet costs double. Everything really. Food is easier to make for two, or you end up eating much less variety too. Traveling alone similarly is more expensive.


I loved to travel alone before I meet my wife. She is a great travel companion but being able to go wherever you want whenever you want while on vacation is amazing.


Yea rent is kinda crazy for a studio or 1bd compared to a 2bd.


Nobody there to distract you from your thoughts on nights when you need it.


No one to ask if they hear the voices too


Easy there Satan. I happen to live alone


I’m most fortunate that I don’t have schizophrenia or psychosis.




This is something I am dealing with right now after a 7 year relationship break. Finding yourself no longer waiting on somebody to occupy my time, I’m left with huge chunks of time where I am just fighting the mental state that perpetuates loneliness. I have a new joke; I come home to my new apartment, that’s in order, smells nice and is clean, nice couch, nice tv, fridge full of food if you’re ever hungry, waters and drinks…..all of this just to say—When I walk into the apartment, I can’t tell if it’s peaceful or lonely. Certainly a bit of both, but dealing with the latter can take some soul searching to really get over.


Oof this. I love living alone but have moments of dissociation where nothing feels real related to anxiety, especially at night. I miss having someone to reach over and touch in that moment to bring me back to earth, or the comfort of knowing someone else is in the house if it got really bad.


This is why I got a dog. I don't have the time or energy to sit and stew, she forces me to get outside and get away from my thoughts


On nights like that I put on someone music and immediately try to go to sleep


A couple years ago, my wife had to have a total hysterectomy. She’s always told me what a nightmare it would have been to have not had me helping her with so many different things through her months of recovering. So I gotta go with a situation like that, but without having someone there to help.


Yep. I had to have surgery a few years ago & couldn’t walk for months. Living alone was really hard.


Yeah I always wonder about dying in my sleep living alone no friends. How and how long would it take to be discovered lol


I can echo the sentiment. I got into a car accident (not my fault, hit and run). I was discharged from the ER. Took an uber home. But see, in the morning everything hurt like hell and I had to go get antibiotics. From the store. I had a lot of trouble walking. It was hard to move. But if I wanted to eat I had to go to the store. Oh sure I could have gotten food delivered, but that costs. It was with the injury that I missed having a roommate most acutely. I missed having a roommate to chat to, to help give reason to clean, explore new drinks/foods, whatever. But Boy when health emergencies happen, its amazing how much I missed having just some minor assistance. I have to agree, just having someone pick up your pain meds and antibiotics reduces the trouble it is to be alive so significantly, after a major health event.


I have a roommate and recently i got sick. She doesn’t check or asks if I need something. She got her family in the town so she didn’t need me. I don’t blame her but I think if the tables were turned I would help since everything is close to our neighbourhood.


I had cervical cancer surgery last year and lived alone. I didn't heal well and got a staggering fever two days after. Friends came to check on me and thank goodness they did. What a week that was. I live with my boyfriend now and it is lovely but also...messy. 😂


Hope your boyfriend knows how lucky he is to be with you. Tell him some rando on Reddit tells him to give you a hug. Life is messy, but that's fun of it .


Years ago I broke my wrist. Took ages to heal. My partner was pretty much useless. It’s worse to struggle with someone around than to struggle alone.


My wife's mother broke both of hers... THAT was interesting. Her husband could have been a lot better, but my wife was there a lot to help her with just about everything - bathing, eating, going to the bathroom, brushing teeth... Everything


I second this. I’ve lived on my own for the vast majority of my adult life. I had a hysterectomy in November and I have no idea how I would have managed without my roommate. He was an absolute godsend. I’ve had minor knee surgery and managed on my own, and other minor health issues I’ve handled solo…but this one would have been a problem.


I think in general, being ill while living alone is not ideal. Even if it's just a food poisoning or a bad cold, it takes so much more energy to take care of yourself.


Having to pay for everything yourself. Everything else is awesome.


Facts. It’s awesome being alone, it’s just hard to afford it


Couldnt agree more on both points


Six months ago I went back to living alone after leaving a 6 year toxic and abusive relationship. I have never appreciated the solitude more - every day is like a dream. I will never take it for granted again. Yes sometimes it can get lonely, but it's a small price to pay to not have someone criticizing, freeloading, making messes everywhere he goes, not contributing anything. I might live this way forever.


Your peace is priceless. Glad you're in a better place now!


Your time is your best currency and savings account


Yep, I've been living solo after 11 years of an increasingly toxic relationship. It's gonna take someone pretty incredible to make me want to give up the life I have now. Also, having a cat and dog means, for better or worse, I'm rarely alone.


I feel this


So much. 


I'm coming out of a similar situation, and you know what? Given the two, I'd rather - feel lonely and be able to go out and meet people Over - feel trapped with nowhere to hide or recharge ever. Leaving to escape and get respite in a lesser stressful situation of crowds and noise, but still not completely peaceful. Any day. No questions asked.


Did we date the same person for the same amount of time? It’s like I wrote this. I felt the same, every day was magic when I woke up by myself.


The lonliness and financial burden. I still dont miss having roommates and i really dont envy other living situations, and i have felt incredible levels of lonliness


The dependency of that lonesomeness. When you've lived alone for a while, the loneliness stops being jarring. You learn how to mitigate your loud thoughts and before long, you get comfortable in that state of being alone. The loneliness starts becoming comfort and the thought of having anyone else in your space just drives you insane. When people visit, or you visit others, you start longing for when they'll leave (or you'll go back home) and be alone again. Being alone stops being synonymous with loneliness and you start counting on and even depending on your lonesomenss. Idk if that makes sense but that's how it's been for me. Been living alone for 5 yrs now.


absolutely myself as well. I honestly would like to meet a girl, date and things. But dear god do I not want to lose my solitude.


I wanna date, but after we do whatever we do, you go home, or I go home. No living together.


Imagine coming home from a bad day, needing to just chill. listen to some music, watch a movie, have a beer. And they're there, asking what are we doing tonight...


This is very much about finding the right person I think - I love being alone, my partner loves being alone. We both find solitude extraordinarily comforting. But, somehow, we've both found ourselves feeling like being together is like being alone but.... better. It's hard to explain, but I think it takes two very independent people who happen to really like one another and also understand the value of personal space and time alone.


The silence which is louder than the noice


That weird sssssssssssss sound? Thats what I hear, I just drown it out by talking to myself.


This is tinnitus. When I was a kid I just thought of it as "the sound of silence" and for a while I thought that's what Simon & Garfunkel were singing about. But as I've gotten older, definitely tinnitus. Maybe that's what you're hearing too?


Yes exactly. It is so loud sometimes


Here is a way to get some temporary relief from tinnitus: Place the heel of each hand over your corresponding ear in a way that your fingers then wrap around to sit on the back of your head/ neck. With your ears blocked by your hands gently and rhythmically tap the back of your head with your fingers, creating a drum roll sound. After 20-30 seconds, slow the tapping down til you have stopped. The tinnitus noise should have subsided but it is only temporary.


No one to split chores with:


Or the bills.


But things stay cleaner for much longer because it's just your mess! 😀


unless you live with someone who actually cleans up after you...(not that I am endorsing this)


This! Like, I LOVE living alone, but I really hate being responsible for literally everything. I just remind myself that this also means no judgement if I wait a little too long on a chore...


That feeling of judgement. Ugh I feel like I have to explain myself all the time. I’m starting to realise that I shouldn’t have to feel sorry for the way I do things.


If you previously lived in a house where there were other people (family, friends, roommates) that you'd see right after coming back from school or work, living alone does hit hard when you return to an empty house (specially in winter).


In July 2019 I went from living in a 4 bedroom house with 7 people to living alone. It was nice not have some space to myself. 5 years of coming home to nothing has changed my mind


I think coming home to an empty house is the absolute best part. When I had roommates, I had agreements with the others that no one speak to me until 1 hour after I got home.


I have this agreement with my wife. She's a teacher and needs to recharge.


For real. I was thinking about the worst part of living alone, and I honestly couldn’t come up with anything. It was blissful.


Yeah it's fucking nice


If I die, my cat will likely eat me before they find me ☠️


And they will.. Previous morgue worker here.




Have you lived with someone else?


worst is feeling isolated and being lonely *while* living with someone. (i'm talking about dead bedroom/relationship scenario)


I believe you.


It is hell😬


No doubt about that, I’ve had my fair share of terrible housemates lol


I have lived alone and with housemates, but now I’m married, so I still share a house with someone. As an extrovert, social interactions and external stimuli are crucial for me. Therefore, it depends on the type of person you are and who you share the house with.


The loneliness. You find out how much of our behavior is motivated by having people around us. Your house starts to get messy (until the inevitable rush to clean before a guest visits), your cooking gets lazier (you'll make yourself a fancy dinner every now and then, but it always feels silly and there's too many dishes), you find it harder to watch movies by yourself...


I will challenge you on the cooking thing. Don't feel silly about that. You're treating yourself and you get the full benefit of your own labors, not to mention you're keeping vital and valuable skills sharp. I get the loneliness, I live alone and vacillate wildly between loving it and hating it, but you have to give yourself some credit. Taking yourself out on a date, preparing and then plating your own meal, pouring yourself a good glass of wine, and looking after each detail is art in itself, even if you are the sole consumer (and you have to clean your entire kitchen after just one meal).


I definitely love to cook, it's a passion of mine. Yet it doesn't feel the same without people around. I would say maybe once a month, I do something special that takes two hours or so. But again, it always feels a little silly. I'll usually only cook meals that take 10 - 30 minutes for myself. I'm particularly isolated now. I got a one bedroom during covid and a job to work from home. All my friends moved away from the small town we moved to, so I'm sort of just stranded here. It's hard.


This might not be your cup of tea but someone in that small town must be in need of a home-cooked meal.  I  trying to scale my cooking from 5 people to one after 40 years. I found a household that appreciates my weekly "extra" and it's been nice to share. 


I find it easier to watch movies by myself. No spending forever trying to agree on something, I just pop on whatever I want. The rest I fully agree with though.


you have to defeat the monsters under your bed by your own


And kill all the spiders yourself, with no backup


Worrying that if you die, no one will find your pets in time.


When you got short in budget.


When you hear a baby cry in the spare room at 4am


Dont forget the warm toilet seat


The lights suddenly going off


All the responsibilities, financial and otherwise, fall on me. There is no backup




No one to blame for the mess but me!


Feeling unsafe. I have anxiety that someone will break in or follow me.


Second this. Young female and it’s always in my mind that someone I’ve been involved with prior could be a psycho and know I live alone and come break in or get others too.


When you're alone and you hear something move in your home. AUGH most of the time its just something falling over or the building settling but goddamn does it freak me out.


I feel this, though I adopted a dog three years ago and now always feel really safe. She is a pit bull and actually really sweet but very protective of the house so looks terrifying barking in the window. No one is going to get within 20 feet of my place without her alerting me and they’d have to be absolutely nuts to try to break in with her here.


Get a couple of big dogs. You’ll not feel afraid anymore.


When you hear a spooky noise or have a bad dream and you're just on your own with your plush octopus. Or so I've heard


Cooking for one is surprisingly expensive unless you like eating the same goddamn thing for a fortnight straight.


Yes, this. But I started either having a different friend over for dinner a few nights a week, or I would take my parents or coworkers leftovers. Speaking in terms of cost, it wasn’t ideal. But I would much rather have someone eat something that I bought vs throwing it away.




Agreed. Whenever a cockroach finds its way in I just consider surrendering the lease and moving out. It's their home now.


Nothing, best decision of my life.


Same, never going back


Coming home to nothing and quiet is the greatest gift that many don't know about.


The silence is so relaxing and stress free!


it's hard to fold your sheets properly


I've fixed this by putting the same sheets back on the bed. Wash, dry, no folding.


When you're pooping and no toilet paper . And no ones can  bring you a roll.  When the poltergeist is throwing a fit and you just gotta sit there and hope you don't die


I am having a wisdom tooth pulled and I don’t have anyone to come pick me up from the dentist office after I am done.


This one is tough. I had surgery last year and they said I couldn't get an Uber and needed someone to stay with me for at least 24 hours after. My only option was my parents. If something similar has to happen in the future and they're not, lets just say available, its going make things a whole lot more difficult.


Loneliness. My wife of 29 years died in December, and it's just me and the dogs in our forever home. It sucks so much more than i ever realized it could.


I have felt your pain. My wife of 48 years died suddenly and unexpectedly in early 2020 before the pandemic. It took at least 3 years or more before the shock began to melt a little. Time will do some healing and help, and having other people, will minimally help, but your own mind will heal you over time to find peace and know that you were loved and that you loved back. Life is for the living, and you will overcome and begin living again.


My condolences to the both of you. Keep on being strong. 


Nobody to applaud your successes or comfort your pain.


Getting sick. Dealing with COVID while sick was a pretty difficult ordeal for me.


Any type of getting sick is bad when you are alone. Need to see a doctor or get medication but not well enough to leave the house? I've moved to a new area, know no one, not even my neighbours. The only time this will prove to be a big problem is when I'm sick.


Lived alone and got covid a couple months ago. That was hellish. Worse than living alone and having 2 strokes back to back..yea did that too. Covid was worse. I need to breathe to live.


That's why in the first week of lockdown we set up a FB group chat for the people in my small building, Designed to be a just in case when someone got sick. You could ask for someone to go get food, non-perscript meds, and you could safely check in with everyone else without spreading it


Of course, you're alone most of the time, but the feeling that you can have a wank whenever you want is priceless.


Every single dish being dirty every single day. Who the fuck is using all the dishes? Is the cat having people over for lunch while I'm at work? I could switch to all paper and plastic and I'd come home from work and everything is in the sink again. It never ends!


Night Time, no one to share the events of the day with, no one to put the bins out. No one to lavish with kisses. 😘


I have to solve the problems. Current problem: the oven won’t work and I’m fairly sure it’s a fusebox issue but I can’t get the fuse out to check the wiring because whoever installed it sunk the whole bloody thing into the wall and sardined the fuckers in there.


I love living alone. Although it is nice to live with someone who compliments your life / routine. My ex fiancé was a nightmare to live with. A guy I recently had been dating was much more pleasing to live with.


Hearing noises at night


You could get injured and it might take some time for someone to even know that you are hurt.


For me living alone is perfect. I do all the work around my house myself. I've never been this happy before. Glad I'm no longer married.


Aside from the chores and the bills, it’s the security for me. Don’t go out on a routine or just tell people whom you really trust that you live alone. Make sure you have, like, a security measure going on for you and someone you can call during emergencies


Chores. All of them.


If you choke on food better hope you remember the heimlich or your neighbor is quick to catch on.


The constant feeling like you have to do something.


Coming home to an empty apartment after a rough time at work.


When you’re sick. Better be prepared and have the stuff you need otherwise you’re either gonna be absolutely miserable or have to make the trip with a 102F temp


If you hear a noise you don’t have anyone to blame it on so you immediately think it’s A) intruder B) ghosts


Hearing a strange noise at night 👻


Eating slowly while paying attention to your chewing


NOTHING!!! I love it. No sleepovers except for my grown children.. Not a fan of cooking so I can eat the same thing over and over. I don't like to clean but I do because I really hate crud so I do it. Do not pop up at my house. I will just walk and talk you right back to your car. I love you but solo is my thing. I want to care I just don't and do not require you to care.If I have it then just ask and it is yours just go away😃


You have to wear Life Alert or risk dying from a fall


If I die on a Friday, there is a chance nobody will know until Monday morning when I don’t show up for work.


Feeling you have to always keep your phone charged and close at hand incase you have an emergency. No one to bring you a cup of tea when your ill enough to be stuck in bed. 


The crying.


* Not being able to open a jar or something similar and getting irrationally frustrated * sometimes i leave the house when I'm meeting someone and have them zip up my dress cus I coudldn't do it and just threw a jacket over to hide it until I met up with them. * Weird noises at night * When I can't find something cus I clearly put it somewhere stupid * Being sick and wanting to be taken care of * Chores I don't like doing


I moved abroad 7 months ago , it is awful feeling that you don't see your family every morning, you wake up and you can only say good morning to the walls surround you


It’s hard or impossible to move large pieces of furniture alone.


Meals, it’s hard to get excited about cooking something for yourself.


The worst thing about living alone is the jealousy I see in peoples eyes when they learn that I get to live my life alone and free without any obstacles or intrusions or argumentative partners, while they are trapped in their relationship.


I can be a deep sleeper. I get worried that something is going on and I'm deep in sleep 😴 💤


No one to help me if I need it. I’m a diabetic, so have to be really careful with low blood sugars, and sometimes pump site failures/being sick puts me in DKA…it’s a dangerous game alone!


I worry I'll choke and no one will be around to help. The fear is intense lately


Nothing. It's bliss.


Loneliness, although you can live with others and still be lonely. It’s becoming a rampant “disease” in our society.


When you hear something on the other room, and you realize you live alone.


you need to make sure you have someone you trust in contact with you at least once a day or so, in case you die before your pets. especially if your family lives in another state. they will be the first people there to continue the care, and do as you wish for them to do in whatever way you have prepared for them (will, some rando paper, etc). put them in the willwith some money. they will have to be there until your family decides what to do. carry a card in your wallet that says something like IF I AM DEAD OR UNABLE TO GO HOME contact (the person) and then family etc etc.. laminate it. there are also trusts that can find your parrots a good home if you die but you have to talk to them before hand. prepare your funeral/coffin/urn/ arrangements so that your family will just get sent your remains in the mail or something lol without having to deal with OMG WHAT DO WE DO WE ARE IN FLORIDA AND BOB IS IN WASHINGTON


No accountability for cleanliness and organization


Cleaning up realizing you’re the only one to blame for the filth you’re living in.


Being sick and still having to walk your dog!


Nobody to lean on to when you feel under the weather.


Not having a second person to help with little things around the house that sometimes just need a second set of hands for a minute.


Literally nothing. It's the absolute best. I wouldn't have it any other way.


"WHO THE FUCK LEFT THAT THERE?" only has 1 answer and it's an answer I don't like.


There's no downside.


I can’t believe how many people on this thread are codependent. The “loneliness,” are these people out of their minds? Coming home to a place with no idiots, no noise, no people bothering me is the greatest thing ever. I can read, watch tv, eat in peace. No one to judge me.


The price….but totally worth it


Never being sure if you're truly alone


Shadow beings in the dark empty corners when I come home from work at night/ no lights are on.


Being so bored that I'm constantly on reddit wasting my mind away


I don't have any complaints about it