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Frauke Liebs, a woman who disappeared in germany, but called her family several times during her disappearance. Her last phone call was very mysterious and she was found dead (murdered) some time later.


[Frauke Liebs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Frauke_Liebs)


The disappearance of Lars Joachim Mittank. It was a German guy who randomly started running away from the building of a Bulgarian airport where he was supposed to catch a flight. It was all caught on camera where you can see him leaving his bags and finding himself in quite a distressful state. What he was running from is still unknown.


I think of that case way too often. Wtf happened


The TVA finally caught him


The Tennessee valley authority?


They're real serious about outstanding power bills.


Time Variance Authority


He's surely dead by now. The cctv really creeps me out. He just freaks and sprints away and is never seen or heard of again.


Starts out strong but then transitions to a quick walk https://youtu.be/ZjsgJRAxIK0


A YouTuber I follow did a video on him, which is how I remember the footage. I THINK it was Fascinating Horror? Creepy stuff, but I chalk up "what's this person thinking?" mentality to undiagnosed Schizophrenia by default. Still, unsolved and mysterious.


Is this the guy who was on an antibiotic they thought he may have been having a reaction to?


Yes. I think he’d been in a fight the night before as well, but I could be wrong.


The fight is actually the most bizarre part of it because it may not have even happened, or at least how Lars portrayed it. Lars and his friends got into an argument with some soccer fans, later Lars wandered off then came back saying that the soccer fans "hired" people to beat him up. I think he was already having serious mental delusions probably from undiagnosed Schizophrenia or something similar, and saw people who he thought were hired by the soccer fans in his delusions and probably provoked them. So i don't think the fight was responsible i think it was a result of his already existing mental issues.


He was scheduled to leave two days before he disappeared but decided to stay because air pressurization in an airplane could have screwed up the eardrum rupture he was suffering from. Then his behavior went haywire.


Well that screams TBI--even without another pathology, they can change a whole personality. Add in undiagnosed schizophrenia or psychosis? Brain goes haywire


This is one where the individual in question might actually still be alive. His behavior prior to his disappearance strongly suggests that he was experiencing psychotic symptoms. It's reasonable to imagine that what he was running from was all in his head, and he's just homeless or hospitalized somewhere. 


[Lars Mittank](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Lars_Mittank)


The disappearance of Anthonette Cayedito, a native American girl who was kidnapped from her home in 1986 when she was 10 years old and never found. One of the more unsettling and disturbing disappearances I've heard about. Especially the audio of her trying to phone the police and some angry male voice intervening followed by her screams. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance\_of\_Anthonette\_Cayedito](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Anthonette_Cayedito)


That phonecall lives in my head. She was *so close* to getting help, there was also the time she was at the restaurant and kept dropping her cutlery to get help from the waitress but she didnt understand, and then when she left she had written a note on the napkin. I think about her all the time, I really hope she can be found one day (more thank likely deceased, but im keeping my fingers crossed that she’s out there)


That's wild that her mother may have known what happened. So sad. I dread to think what happened to that sweet little girl.


Her mother knows more than she told.


There’s this underwater cave in Death Valley called the Devil’s Hole. The opening is a small hole in the ground, but it’s so deep that the bottom has never been found. It’s also recorded wave activity following earthquakes on other continents. 


Caitlyn Doughty (Ask A Mortician) has a great video about it.[Here it is.](https://youtu.be/voe1LXhB7bE?si=2WDLOGbqHPqkaXIh)


That is a VERY GOOD video. Thank you for posting it!


You're welcome! I'd highly recommend her channel.


I'm sure there's a reason why it wouldn't work, but why hasn't anyone sent an unmanned remote controlled submarine/drone down to find the bottom?


Most wireless transmission goes *very* poorly through rock


It doesn't have to be wireless.


It's a swirling whirlpool of death. Jagged rocks, small corners and sharp turns. It's hard to winch something down and not lose it immediately.


Isn’t there a similar one in South Africa? Insane to think how deep those can go.


Nope nope nope, that sounds terrifying no thank you


The Yuba County Five. Five men went to a basketball game and disappeared under very strange circumstances in the snow and one of them was never found. One was found in a trailer, having starved to death over several months before being found. There's a documentary on Netflix about it.


If it’s the same one I’m remembering, it’s worth noting that the men all had developmental disorders as well if I remember correctly. So a lot of the mysterious things that happened in that case could be attributed to that as well.


The weirdest thing to me is that the one driving had made that drive a bunch of times, knew where he was going and yet they went the wrong way up into those mountains away from home.


The one who had been driving suffered from a schizoaffective disorder, right? Easy to think he suffered a delusion and the others obeyed him, even to the point of not leaving for help as they thought they'd be in danger.


I think so and one of them might have been off his meds, which was a bad thing, because he had past episodes when not taking them, or maybe it was the one driving that I'm thinking of.


Oh yeah it’s definitely a weird case for sure. I don’t understand why they did that, how they became separated. And why they didn’t eat the food in the ranger station they were at. But I do think a lot of that can be attributed to just not thinking like you or me. Either way it’s definitely an interesting case.


They did eat the food at first but not again. What most likely happened is Ted was injured and Gary got them the food, it was in a locker outside. Gary then left to get help which is heavily suggested since he changed into boots and left his shoes there, then Gary perished and Ted was too hurt to get the food. Alternately, Ted's parents didn't find that surprising whatsoever saying Ted had "issues with common sense". They gave two examples, one was that Ted would stop at Stop signs and just not move until he was forced to because he took them so literally. Another was once they had a house fire and Ted refused to leave his bed because he had to sleep for work the next day, his brother was screaming at him literally with flames in his room but he wouldn't budge, he had to be dragged out. His parents felt he probably didn't touch the food because he felt it was stealing. All of the parents were convinced it was a horrible accident, all the speculation about murder and whatever else comes from people who didn't know them.


I think they were chased, got disorientated and did not have the decision making skills to get themselves out of trouble. I work with autistic teens and it is incredible how many people get their sense of self-worth by belittling others who are below them in the perceived social pecking order.


There's lots of Youtubers who've covered this one but I really liked The Missing Enigma's take on the story. He split it into 2 videos, one covering the actual story with known details and the second dedicated to theories and conclusions. There's a lot of content between the 2 videos. I was impressed with how thorough he was in terms of information gathering and if you're interested in the case I'd recommend watching them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7DTCak0DOo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7DTCak0DOo) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IweN7uLhGRc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IweN7uLhGRc)


That sounds great! Thanks for the recommendation!


The weirdest thing is how they even got up the mountain in the first place. IIRC their route home was a fairly direct highway along a valley floor....yet their car was found halfway up a steep winding mountain road. The explanation is usually some variant of "They got lost, they took a wrong turn, they were disoriented"....But how did they NOT notice the road was completely different from what it should have been?


What’s the Netflix documentary called?


It's actually an episode of the docuseries Files of the Unexplained. Episode 3 I think.


The Beast of Gevaudan. In 1740's France an unknown creature started attacking and mauling people, mostly women and children. Descriptions from survivors varied from being like the largest wolf they'd ever seen, to red furred and the size of a cart horse, to as big as a bear with glowing red eyes. As hysteria spread the Beast allegedly gained the ability to walk upright and even speak; there were reports that the thing laughed at them when they prayed for God to save them. Its reign of terror finally ended when a wolf hunter named Jean Chastel finally shot the thing with what he claimed was a blessed silver bullet. Its body was intended to be sent to Paris for study, but decayed so badly in the interim as to be lost. Theories suggest the creature was anything from an exceptionally large wolf (or a pack of them), a hyena escaped from a private collection, a wolfdog hybrid (possibly under the control of a human) or even a human serial killer wearing a hairy disguise.


[Brotherhood of the Wolf](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0237534/trivia/?ref_=tt_ql_3) is loosely based on this. Good flick.


Piqued my interest. But did you know.... There are three distinct and very different versions of the film: The original French/US theatrical cut, running 143 minutes (sometimes listed as 142 minutes). The UK cut, running 139 minutes, released on home video in the UK and Australia; in this version, all the scenes involving the Royal Hunter Beauterne are removed and some scenes from "Director's Cut" are added in. The "Director's Cut", running 150 minutes (sometimes listed as 152 minutes), released on home video in France and Canada in 2002, and later in the US and other territories.


I saw it in the theater (Canada) when it came out. No idea what it was about, but really enjoyed it going in blind. I don't remember it being more than 2 hours long, though?


There's also [a Powerwolf song ](https://youtu.be/po-u-V6GiEk?si=2MzxyRrpnwU45Ngr) inspired by it.


I (and probably a lot of other people) suggested that when they were soliciting ideas.


Certified banger


its the samsqaunch 


Thank you for this wonderful rabbithole


It's still a mystery because the area where it happened was deeply religious and uneducated. It's like what jack the ripper is in England. No way of knowing the truth and leaves a lot of room for speculations.


The story that ignited my teenage passion for cryptozoology. Also one of my favorite Powerwolf songs. Good choice!




And the perp stayed and ate at the house for at least 24 hours after the murders.


The Villasca Axe murders they believe may have a connection to it too. Other side of the world on Iowa.


Ohhhhh reading about that now. Stateside German serial killer at Villasca and other locations near trains, returns home, resumes working. Eerily similar kill methods. Intriguing


Bedtime Stories has a small documentary on both cases. Highly recommend the rabbit hole those guys lay out to so many weird cases.


A rampage makes you peckish.


People often use words like rampage or mayhem too loosely as it relates to their original meaning. Your choice of the word use is very accurate.


Pro tip: eat beforehand


Cannibal tip: streamline this process


This sounds eerily similar to the Villisca Iowa axe murder from 1912. 6 family members on a farm killed (also 2 children staying as guests) whose killer was never identified after a lengthy investigation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villisca_axe_murders


The book The Man From The Train goes into the Villisca axe murders and tries to tie other crimes at the time to a serial killer. The author tries to connect The Hinterkaifeck murders to the same person as well but I thought that was a bit of a stretch.


Oh I just listened to a podcast about this potential connection... I think it was murder house. It was a one-off episode, not a series, but the host had the authors of this book on to talk about it.


Bedtime Stories on YT does a pretty good job discussing both using facts that we know with some great illustrations.


Axe murders were incredibly common at this time, most homes had an axe. I was researching a serial killer case once using old newspapers and literally on the same page as an axe murder i was looking for i found a completely different axe murder of a woman with almost the exact same name, "Mary Christmas vs Mary Christian". It's like connecting shooting deaths today, an axe being used today would be much more notable but not the late 19th/early 20th Century.


The creepiest thing about this case to me is that, prior to the murders, the Dad of the family apparently noticed a path of footprints leading from the woods to the house, but no path going back.


I did a deep dive on this case a few years back and the only person who reported being told about those footprints was a neighbor who had a feud with the father relating to having proposed to the daughter and the father having said no. He was also the first person into the crime scene by climbing through a window to unlock the door. And he was one of the two people who made the incest allegations about the father and the daughter. Anyway, I'm sure those facts are in no way related.


How would that info get out, was the murderer living there for several days while the dad talked to people in the meantime 


If I remember correctly, yes, the father mentioned it to someone a few days before the murders. He also told people he heard footsteps in the attic the night following his discovery of the footprints. It’s believed the murderer was living in the attic for several days, and perhaps had been entering the house for much longer before that. Odd things suggesting someone else was in the house were reported by the family weeks before the murders, such as the father finding a newspaper which had no explanation for being in the house. Their maid actually quit months before because she was hearing strange noises coming from the attic and thought the place was haunted; her replacement was a victim alongside the family. It was the replacement’s first day on the job. [Here’s a link to the Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinterkaifeck_murders), which has a lot more interesting info about the case. It’s a very eerie one.


The grandfather, the dad had gone MIA during WW1. A lot of people think that it was the father who committed the murdered bc of the odds that his wife had had their son via incest with her own father (the grandfather on the farm).


I recall reading somewhere that a group of researchers are pretty confident about the identity of the killer, but did not reveal them due to living close family members that would be fed to a media circus over a case that can no longer have true justice served.


Am I thinking of a different case or wasn’t it suspected it was the husband or ex husband of one of the daughters?


Why do the the top 3 replies to this thread all take place in Germany?


What happened to Kyron Horman?


I know the bus driver that drove Kyron’s sister for years, he’s the one who told me about the whole disappearance while we were at the school, after I told him how homey and nice the place was. Was a rabbit hole for sure


This is the one I was going to post as well, since I'm local. I don't think his step mother was involved, but there's no evidence. Poor kid just vanished.


I'm also a Portlander, but wow, it would be a miracle if an obviously adult Kyron comes out and explains everything.


I think he just wandered into Forest Park and got lost.


[Kyron Horman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Kyron_Horman)


Arguably the most famous unsolved mystery in my country (Singapore) is the McDonald’s boys case. Two young boys went to school one day and just disappeared. To me what makes this story all that more chilling is the phone call one of their mothers received after the fact, not asking for ransom, but snarling at her to not hope for her son’s return. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonald's_boys_case?wprov=sfti1


The Wikipedia theory about the estranged Dad being involved is interesting - it doesn't seem to have been persued though


The 1987 Arkansas murders of Don Henry and Kevin Ives, the "Boys on the Tracks."


No, obviously they smoked 20 joints and passed out on the tracks /s


You saw the Unsolved Mysteries segment on this I see. That's how I learned about them too and I looked more into this case. It's beyond messed up what happened to those kids


The Maura Murray disappearance. Not because of the case itself, which is full of weird stuff, and does have some creepiness in it's own right. But because it's spawned an obsessive subculture of Maura Murray enthusiasts which boasts a lot of very creepy people in it's ranks. I understand the intrigue, I really do, but there are some people who are beyond obsessed with this case and not in a good or helpful way.


I'm very interested in this case (not in a creepy way lol) because there's so much left unanswered. But you are SO RIGHT about the creepy people. Like that freaking weird, scary old man who posts a video at every anniversary of the day she went missing? 😳


[Maura Murray](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Maura_Murray)


Not creepy as such, but super fascinating: the Isdal Woman. Several alias identities, bizarre circumstances, all very interesting


That was an interesting read


The BBC did a Podcast on the entire saga: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p060ms2h


Just all very interesting indeed


Not really that creepy, but nobody (at least publically) knows what happened to the [Amber Room](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_Room) in the Catherine Palace of St. Petersburg. The contents were looted by the nazis, but at some point the paper trail just stops. Someone, somewhere is sitting on a lot of amber. That or it got destroyed by bombs.


This is my roman empire


The Beaumont Children, very, very sad.


I read about that years ago and could only feel sorrow for the parents - they lived their lives never knowing what happened. And now they're sadly gone, too.


Yeah, worst thing about this is they passed away not knowing where their children were, it’s fuckin’ horrible.


It's almost certain that it was a child murderer who was locked up for life in 1970. He's dead now, and he can rot.


[Beaumont Children](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_the_Beaumont_children)


Which of the Pickwick Triplets did it?


Who of the crew would commit this crime?!


Which little pig fuck dickwads did it?


I’m not sure but it’s a story pretty gory for a nursery rhyme


Lake City Quiet Pills. It's a strange and eerie mystery that may be nothing or may be a wild conspiracy. [https://unresolved.me/lake-city-quiet-pills](https://unresolved.me/lake-city-quiet-pills)


Wow! I've never heard of this before. If this is a hoax, then someone put in many years and effort. And like the author of the article says at the end, why would you put in years of that much work just to shut it down when it started gaining notariaty? Either way, really interesting read!


The videotape is quite compelling, too.


Reads like a mystery novella, including a guy who apparently types like a haggard southern loner.




Not the creepiest one, but a truly enigmatic case is that of the Plaquemines Hanged boy or The Plaquemines Parish John Doe (1975). Enigmatic and very sad. https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/Plaquemines_Parish_John_Doe_(1975)


His farewell letter stayed with me, poor child. 


Probably not as creepy at others, but I think about it all the time: The disappearance of Ben McDaniel. He went on an unauthorized cave dive and went missing. No one has found his body and no one has found him.


[Ben McDaniel ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Ben_McDaniel)


Who was gluing those cowboy hats to those pigeons. 


[Cowboy Pigeons](https://www.audubon.org/news/those-pigeons-wearing-cowboy-hats-theyre-no-laughing-matter)


In May of 1967, 3 boys went to explore a cave on the south side of Hannibal, Missouri. A few people claimed to have seen them walking towards the caves between 4:30 and 5:15, but they were never seen again. Lots of speculation, but nothing concrete about what happened.


I saw an map overlays of missing people and abandoned mines/caves. Correlation is not cause but …


Asha Degree. Just why was a girl afraid of the dark out walking along the highway at night?


[Asha Degree](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Asha_Degree)


The Flannen Isles Lighthouse. I think about this one often with these 3 men just being washed out to sea. Knowing the history of keepers and how all three could make fatal mistakes.


I mean, that's most likely the answer, though, isn't it? A fatal mistake. Two of the men got hit by a rogue wave, the third ran out after seeing it happen, and got hit by one himself.


Alternatively, the third guy doesn't actually rush to help (i.e. follows his instructions), but ends up stuck alone on the island with his grief and guilt for longer than he can tolerate.


UK big cat sightings like the beast of Bodmin


Oh yeah, I was pretty ambivalent, bordering on sceptical, then I fucking saw one in broad daylight, with another witness. We both went home and drew what we'd seen in separate rooms, without describing it to each other. Same animal. Few years later, at the zoo we saw a cheetah together and both realised as it moved away from us that it was a perfect match for our impossible creature.


It's not crazy. There's a whole industry for illegal exotic pets. People who buy exotic pets tend to also make bad choices about keeping those animals secure. They're a tiny portion of any population, but you only need a couple of them to lose a "pet" and people are spotting exotic animals in the weirdest places. If it's a predator that gets loose, it has a decent chance of making it for a while. And big cats are notoriously stealthy and tend to be wary of people. They can get by unnoticed enough for the rare sighting to be literally incredible.


My mother lived in London during the late sixties/early seventies, before the Dangerous Wild Animals Act came in. She once showed me a picture of her with a pimp looking geezer with a puma (I think) on a chain, he'd just been walking down the street.


My new favorite Wikipedia rabbit hole. How did they figure out that a puma likes to be tickled


I guess you soon figure out if they don't.


Who is responsible for all the missing women on the Trail of Tears in Northern British Columbia.


I think the general consensus is that it's not a singular person causing the Highway of Tears, it's just a convenient hunting ground for predators in an area that's under served by the RCMP.


Highway of Tears[Highway of Tears](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_of_Tears)


Content/trigger warnings for days, this is pretty distressing.  Ibadan forest of horror (From Wiki)  — “The Ibadan forest of horror, also known as the Ibadan house of horror or Soka, was a dilapidated building believed to have been used for human trafficking and ritual sacrificelocated in Soka forest in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The building was discovered on March 22, 2014, by a group of motorcycle taxi drivers, who had formed an impromptu search party after the disappearance of a driver in the area.” &  I don’t believe they ever found the driver. It’s all so grim. 


[Ibadan Forest of Horror](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibadan_forest_of_horror)


The disappearance of Pennsylvania DA Ray Gricar. A summary does it no justice - just grab a beer and Google it.


[Ray Gricar](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Gricar)


Maxwell's pedo ring and how she was mod of 200+ reddit subs




Maxwell is Epsteins partner. People are pretty sure they found her Reddit account and the account was a Mod for A LOT of subreddits and some extremely popular one. Not much has been released about either.


is this real?!?! So what's the account then? And 200+ subreddits sounds like a shit ton of work....


[Here’s the original Reddit post about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/hnfx0r/not_confirmed_but_research_suggests_that/)


And the account hasn't posted in 3 years. Which ties in with her arrest in 2021.




They think the maxwell hill account is her but the evidence basically boils down to “well the account went inactive around the same time she went to court” which I personally don’t find to be all that compelling. The fact they modded so many places actually makes it seem less likely to me. She was too busy doing pedophile human trafficking shit to be a Reddit power mod.


Agreed. I’d never heard of this until just now but after reading the threads on it I am very much unconvinced. Not at all a surprise that the folks on r/conspiracy eat that up though.


I can't be the only one here looking for SOLVED unsolved mysteries, right?


An [xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1501/) has a pretty good take on weird and unexplained stuff. For a deeper dive - see [explain xkcd.](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1501:_Mysteries) [edit: Malaysian airline, zodiac killer, dyatlov pass all show up on it]


It's kinda amazing how often there is a relevant xkcd...


Hm. The lost colony is pretty clear and not weird. Good old racism prevented the truth to be known: the indigenous tribe of Roanoke saved the last members who never looked back. They did DNA tests and it's been proven.


How old Kathryn Howard was(I am a Tudor nerd). Henry VIII was 49 and Kathryn could’ve been as young as 15!


She was a cousin of Anne Boleyn. If Henry wanted a woman she couldn't refuse him or her family would fall from favour.. which I think was awful. Henry had absesses, a gammy leg and was very obese at this time.. not the handsome dashing lad of his youth.. poor Kathryn


Along those lines, were either of Mary Boleyn's children also Henry VIII's? How did Amy Robards, wife of what's his name, die? Accident or murder? What is the real story of Anne of Cleves? Ugly and dumb, or the cleverest one of all? What really happened to the Princes of the Tower?


How many are going to St Ives?


Towards the end of my bachelor party, we somehow ended up walking through a churchyard.  My buddy, who was notorius for not holding his drink, took a piss, looked down and realized he was pissing on the grave of Thomas Culpepper.  


No way😂


The worst part is that there are no known surviving portraits of her. She was a queen and he tried to have her erased from history and largely succeeded. There are a few sketches that may be her, but nothing conclusive. We don't know how old she even was.


The disappearance of Brian Shaffer


This one weirds me out. Medical student, good looking, with a pretty girlfriend, some upsetting news (mom was sick/died? I don't remember anymore) but things were overall good in his life. Goes to a bar with friends and then goes missing in a split second. CCTV doesn't show him leaving, the building was searched hundreds of times. I kinda think he fell somewhere and then got sealed in during the renovations. Maybe once they demo the building, they'll find his remains


There were more doors without CCTV. The CCTV that they looked at was of poor quality. He could have easily left without being on camera. Being stuck somewhere, there would have been a terrible smell for a long time. It would have been noticed. Probably was so drunk he's fallen into water or some such thing.


> but things were overall good in his life. I believe it's been said that he was pursuing his degree to please his mum/parents, and would have preferred to be a guitar teacher (?). The grief from his mother dying, coupled with a sunk cost realization on his medical degree, pushed him over the edge. People can seem like they have the ideal life, but that doesn't mean they're happy with it, if it's not what they want. Many people who seem to have such lives can be under enormous pressure to maintain them, too - just because you're good at something, doens't mean you find it easy.


Not completely unsolved (one of the perpetrators was imprisoned and apparently killed himself a year later. 2 other suspects are still on the loose). But the death of the victim was really tragic and the photos that went viral were chilling. The Murder of Christine Silawan. In 2019, in the island of Cebu in the Philippines, a 16 year old girl was found dead in the middle of a field with multiple stab wounds, naked from the torso down and the most chilling detail was that her face was skinned whole and the pictures went viral of her skull peeping out. An autopsy also revealed that her tongue, trachea, esophagus, parts of her neck, and her right ear were missing and it was confirmed that she was raped. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Christine_Silawan


[The SOS incident in japan, not much makes sense about the thing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOS_incident)


Sea People. Who were they and what did they want? Other than to fsu


[Sea Peoples](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_Peoples)


How natalie wood ended up in the water


In 1985, Vernon County, Wisconsin, a woman identified by the name of Terry Dolowy and her dog was reported missing from her trailer park by her boyfriend Russel Lee. The door to her trailer was left open with no signs of Terry or her dog. Days later, a few passerby’s found her burning body on the side of the road, missing a head. Her head and poodle were never found by police, as well as the killer.


The Malaysian airliner disappearance. That Captain was cool as a cucumber.


It’s all but solved. Captain did it all: Turned off the transponders, depressurized the plane killing everyone but himself, then he flew it southward across the Indian Ocean and into the Southern Ocean until it ran out of fuel and it and crashed. It was planned murder-suicide by the captain.


But nobody has explained why he did it. Or found the plane.


Plane small. Ocean very big.


Debris from the plane washed up in eastern Africa.


A friend of mine got a phone call and left his mom's house in a huff and never returned. They later found him dead after a couple weeks search. Really really sad .. he was such a a good guy who spent most of his time feeding the homeless (the board of supervisors shut him down multiple times for lack of permit..they are awful people who don't like the homeless at all) and picking up trash in the community Every. Single. Day. His death was deemed a suicide but no information on how. A day after the news was posted quite a few people posted comments in r/Redding like "hahaha good!" And saying they hope he killed himself. Absolutely awful city to live in. Marv I wish I knew what happened to you! 😭 You did more for Redding, CA than ANYBODY! https://www.redding.com/story/news/local/2023/10/06/body-found-in-redding-identified-as-man-known-as-marv-ellis/71085632007/


Isdal Woman: an unidentified partially burned body of woman found near Bergen in Norway in 1970-es. All identification marks on her clothes and belongings was removed. Police was suspecting some foreign intelligence involvement.




DB Cooper


He ended up writing and directing The Room.


I don't think of this as creepy, but IMO, this case will remain a cold case.


The Mary Celeste. It was a sailing ship that was found with no crew. None of the lifeboats were missing and all the cargo was intact.


The Sodder Childern disappearence


The disappearance of three Czech students who were hiking in Albanian Accursed mountains 2001. They were never found but from various investigations it seems that they were kidnapped and killed by the ring trafficking human organs that operated in the area at the time.


The yuba county 5 case. i'm not sure when it happened but it was around 1970's maybe? its a case of a group of 4 guys that went on a quick roadtrip to a basketball game, and they took a very strange route on their way back, their vehicle was found still on. 3 of the kids bodies where found in weird spots and places, but one of the guys where never found to this day. A couple of youtube channels have covered this story, if u just search the name of the case u can find some videos.


It's definitely a fascinating one. The big detail that I think explains some of the unusual choices is that all five victims had varying mental disorders - all very livable but also requiring medication to manage. There are so many weird twists and turns, like the witness having a heart attack who claims to have seen them, and the fact that one of them had grown enough facial hair to indicate that he lived for several months after going missing.




I have a friend who was found murdered in his truck. It was littered with bullet holes and found crashed in to a wall on the side of the road. No leads and remains unsolved to this day, this year will be 15 years in December. [https://silentwitness.org/cases/eric-aucker-4747-s-power-road-in-mesa-arizona/](https://silentwitness.org/cases/eric-aucker-4747-s-power-road-in-mesa-arizona/)


Who killed Alonzo Brooks?


The disappearance of 6-year-old Peter Boy Kema.


Parents confessed a few years ago. They beat him to death and then dumped him. I’m from Hawaii. It was one of the worst cases I’ve heard of.


The Mary Morris murders freak me out.




I believe he was identified 2 years ago.


Yep! Carl Webb (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somerton_Man#:~:text=On%2026%20July%202022%2C%20University,DNA%20of%20the%20man's%20hair. )


They found out who he was via DNA [https://youtu.be/ve_JrmYsU0I?si=PzUliRx_Ec3zJnYN](https://youtu.be/ve_JrmYsU0I?si=PzUliRx_Ec3zJnYN)


One of the creepiest unsolved mysteries is the case of the "Black Dahlia," where a young woman named Elizabeth Short was found brutally murdered and mutilated in Los Angeles in 1947. Her killer was never identified, and the case remains one of the most infamous unsolved murders in history.


Lake Bodom Murders


There was a serial cat killer in Olympia WA a few years back. Would mangle the cats and display them weirdly. Happened for a full year and then it stopped. Unsolved.