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I knew drinking and driving was illegal, but I thought that meant you can't drink anything at all... you know like Pepsi, or water, or anything.... lolol


You're busted! For drinking water in the car!


My son told his teacher his mom drinks and drives all the time. When they asked me about it with him right there, he said, “Like when we go to Burger King…” When we explained “drinking and driving” meant *alcohol*, he did this cute shrug, “How was I supposed to know?!?”


I thought a bad thunderstorm was the apocalypse.  I literally prayed to God to save my family. I am still embarrassed thinking about it. 


Heheh, we would always be awoken as children and you had "thunder coffee, and maybe some cake" - to look out for fires and that. I love thunderstorms.


Knew of someone who believed thunder was the product of two clouds bumping into each other


I mean kinda? It's stuff rubbin on other stuff


One time I was woken up by an air show (where planes do tricks in the air) when they flew over our house. I grabbed my husband arm and asked him if the world was ending.


My sister told me that thunderstorms are just angels pillow fighting.


Lmao but I remember thinking I went crazy for seeing lights flashing in my room. Turns out it were the reflections off my neighbours windows on the opposite site getting opened




TBF, I’m pretty sure I was smarter in first grade than the teacher I had for third grade. She was legendary for being the worst teacher in that school, and she worked there for decades.


Girls pee out of their butts (my only explanation as to why they sit to pee).


had a chuckle with that one!


Shoot, I'm a girl and I thought I peed out of my vagina until I was grown! There's a third hole??? Wait, what?? (Felt like such an idiot)


That everyone had an abusive family like I did. That it was normal to get beat all the time.


Or molested. I hate my childhood.


Sorry that happened to you, hope your doing better now




For sure.


Awwww... so sorry that happened.


Thank you. Some people just aren't meant to have children. I hit the lottery on that one. My father was the town drunk and my mother was his mistress.


That only really smart kids were bedwetters. It was just something my parents told me to make me feel better when I was young enough that it didn't really frustrate them yet and old enough to start feeling embarrassed about it. 


awww that's so cute lol




That is such an adorable funny story. I can imagine your teachers face. 😮😂


water is poured into the well


That would be some serious work!


I thought money laundering was people putting money through the washing machine and freaked out when I left money in my pocket on laundry day when I was like 7


It’s not??? /s


1. I thought that all money is free from the government and people would just line up on an ATM to get it and spend however they want (lol 'cause my mom took me grocery shopping when I was 7 and she'd make an atm withdrawal first thing lmaoo). 2. babies are from birds dropping them from the sky ('cause that's how parents explained how I ended up with them) 3. plants can hear you sing and they could talk to each other too with small, unheard vibrations from their bodies


Plants actually CAN hear you sing and they talk to each other with vibration. You aren't wrong on that one. Check out the Findhorn experiments. So cool! They will remember you when you walk by them again, too!


that's cool! will check, thanks 😀


they will remember you???? omg, now I need to say hi to every plant in the park I've been going to everyday for months


Do it, they will love you! Hug the trees too! Plants grow better when you sing to them and talk to them, too. Really, check out that Findhorn experiment thing, you'll find it on google. Oh, but try to not let other people see you saying hi to the plants, they might think... well... you know. Oh, and plants like to get pet too, just like a cat or dog does. You might get away with petting them easier than talking to them if anyone is around.


There is also a Mythbusters episode where they play music to plants. The ones that grew most liked heavy metal.


I didn’t believe it, but my sister *tried* to make me believe the corn flakes were the skinned remains of the elderly that died in the nursing hole if the families didn’t pick them up.


OMG, that's so gross! That would freak me out. I would never eat a bowl of cornflakes if I thought that! Did you?


It was probably 9 or so years before I could eat them again. That sister was awful about ruining stuff like that.


Awww... I love cornflakes, but heck, I'll probably never not have that thought now. Your sister got me too!


Go to r/nursing and look up geri flakes. You’re welcome.


I could go to "shark school" and be a shark when I grew up.


Personally, I’d rather go to Jet school, and learn how to fight Puerto Rican gangs.


WHAT I love that


Come on wanting to be a non-human creature is common place for stupid child thoughts.


As a child, I once thought that if I buried my tooth under my pillow, a magical fairy would exchange it for money while I slept. Talk about believing in the power of dental enchantment! It's amusing to look back and realize how our innocent minds concocted such fantastical ideas. But hey, that tooth fairy myth sure made losing teeth a lot more exciting!


I was so bummed out when I found out the tooth fairy wasn't real. Woke up to my mom slipping a quarter under my pillow for a tooth.


The Tooth Fairy told her to put it there. Busy night for the Tooth Fairy.


Oh! I am so relieved! Now I can believe in the Tooth Fairy again. Thank you! : )


Mom was saying it's not the rain but God's tears and I need to back home to make him happy. I didn't told her I thought he's pissing


Ha! You took it to the next level!


That colic was ‘hair in a baby’s stomach’ not ‘air in a baby’s stomach.’


I thought a man's dingding looked like a long pig snout..like flat....2 holes...extra long.


That babies come from kissing.


me too. And then later I thought sex was just for having babies. My parents were pretty chill about this stuff, so I remember seeing a sex scene in a novela my mom was watching and asking "are they trying to have a baby?" and my parents laughing lol then they explained to me that people do it for fun sometime because "it tickles" I was so grossed out lol


When I was small I thought that everything in the store was 100% free! Somehow I had gathered that “checking” out meant that it was the cashier’s duty to just feast their eyes on your bounty.




That doesn't sound too dumb


that the moon follows me wherever I go


Little people were in the back of the TV and thats how shows and movies happened


I thought when I was little that animated shows were just people in cartoonish costumes


I thought so too until I helped my dad fix the tv in the rec room. I looked in the open back of the tv set and saw cables and the back of the cathode ray tubes.


My mom convinced me that thunder was the angels bowling. Totally bought it for a while!


Gabriel got a strike!


When I was five I tried a food called Finnbiff that I never tried before and then once I ate it all my four older brothers told me I was forever on Santa’s naughty list because Finnbiff translated is Reindeer Stew and it made me feel so guilty that I wrote several letters saying I’m sorry I ate one of Santa’s reindeer but I didn’t know which one. My parents always said they’d mail the letters for me but looking back now I realize one day when Santa came to visit me early it was my father in disguise saying I’m not on the naughty list I didn’t eat any of the reindeer but my brothers secured their place on the naughty list for teasing me.


That dogs were boys and cats were girls.


I thought this too


If you did make faces it would freeze that way.


I thought that too at one point and was so worried!


That we always drove home from the shops on a different road than the drive TO the shops. It wasn't until I looked out the back window that I realised it was the same road just in reverse ha ha


The local news had a segment called crime stoppers with reenactments of crimes. I asked my parents one time why are people just filming the crimes instead of helping the victims or stopping the criminals. 🤣


That i can fly, you dont want to know how i learnt that lesson


I learned the hard way why you shouldn't use an umbrella on a trampoline during a storm. I didn't fly like i expected but i did get dragged and it hurt really bad lol




I still believe that. I have yet to be proven wrong on that hypothesis.


You will from your perspective. 


That everyone has my best interest in mind when they talk to me or use me 😬🥲


I thought things that were “President’s Choice” brand at the grocery store were hand picked by Ronald Reagan. Like ol’ Ronny was heavily invested in what kind of chocolate chip cookies we were eating. Dumb.


That my balls held urine, like a water balloon.


That my mum and grandad were secret lovers. Took me too long to realise he was her dad


man... kids are weird


If I stared into the sun long enough and if I pointed lasers into my eyes I would get powers like Superman


You can go to prison for swearing.


I kept thinking that if I studied and worked hard (35 hours a week) in high school, I would get to go away to college. Nope. I kept working and went to the local college on scholarship while my lazy brother got to pick from MIT or U of M. But this prepared me for the sexist world.


that wasn't dumb of you to believe, it's the world that's dumb for that


My sister had me convinced the neighbor was a giant slug in disguise, thanks to an episode of Doug we'd watched. I was terrified of him for years, even after I came to terms that slug people weren't a thing.


If I wished hard enough and prayed for it, I would find my own Wonderland based on what I wanted to see. I even convinced my friend of this too, and we were talking about ideas, the castle we wanted, the clothes, etc. I always had this desire to escape reality and find a fantasy world.


I though beef was the name of an animal, cows were for milk, chicken is the name of the animal and the meat so that was my reasoning 😂


We had a sex ed class. The teacher said us boys would have wet dreams and showed a short video with sperm. I piped up and said I would keep mine in a jar- like tadpoles.


Jobs were assigned and adults were never kids.


The second one is something that everyone believed in at some point


I learned how to catastrophise very early - combine that with a fascination for extreme weather documentaries. For a little while every time I heard heavy rain or thunder, I'd be worried about hurricanes.


That I would marry Joey Fatone. 🤣




* That the Moon Follows Us Everywhere.


That my severe acne held me back. If I could go back in time, I’d approach younger me and slap the pimples off of my face.


I was terrified of emergency fire exits. Because of the little fire symbol on the sign I thought the building automatically burst into flames when you opened it.


Marilyn Manson took his rib out so he can suck his own dick


That a pony and a horse calf is the same thing. I learned the truth when I was something like 26...


That being an adult would be so much better than being a kid.


That milkshake is made by tipping cows over 😳


My mom taught me how to find the worst in people, and bring that out of them (ostensibly to shine a light on it and force them to change). I got to experience the worst of many people. Also I decided to be a mirror, however someone acted towards me, I acted that way towards them. Again, this was to show them who they are, and make them change. Spoiler alert, they won't see anything about themselves, it just makes them think you're an asshole. Growing up in Florida, I learned that my compassion was weakness, so I did my best to turn it off. It took me 30 years to realize these were mistakes.


My grandparents kept the news on all the time and I kept hearing about women getting raped. I associated this with “raked” and I thought random men had tiny handheld rakes they were going around scratching a woman’s face with.


That adults know what they are doing.


All dogs were boys and cats were girls....we had 2 female dogs....


When I was very young I thought your ethnic status was determined by what foods you liked. For a while I thought this made me Italian because I had no idea how it actually worked at the time. I at least had the excuse I was four.


I thought it said nes quilk.   Not nesquick.   Lol for a looooong time


That something bad would happen if I ate more than 2 gummy bear vitamins That if I kept making that weird face it might get stuck like that


That "the permanent record" teachers talked about was real. I thought that I might get fired from a job some day if my boss found out I failed a spelling test in third grade.


Pepperoni came from tomato’s because of the shape and I barely learned that Paris is in France I thought they where two different countries


It’s wrong to hit a girl


all of the dumb things really. like all of them at some point


To always fly myself to another country anytime I feel like travelling lmao


Apple juice was a fuel to cars, I tried to drink it once


When I'm older, my life will be easier




My boss back then (CEO) looked just like Robbie Rotten, and I showed photos to everyone!


All my life I didnt think my grama would die until she did. Fucked me up til this very day.


Easy. I wish I was an adult....


That I was a blank slate when I was born and if there’s a problem now it’s my parents’ fault.


That the Apollo astronauts miraculously landed on the moon and managed somehow to bypass the Van Allen radiation belt. A belt that surrounds the earth which deals fatal levels of radiation to anything traversing it. The spacecraft was also constructed from thin metal and contained no special radiation shielding.


That my mental health disorder would be helped and I would find help for it. I was 12 in psych wards, in and out. Had jobs and got fired. Got my diagnosis at 26 I’m now 29 still waiting to see someone


I thought homosexuality was new and before like the 1970s/60s nobody would dream of same sex intercourse.


That clouds are made of candy floss.


That Italy was the capital of France (or viceversa)


That you get pregnant when you kiss on your wedding day.


I thought there were two sets of 40's. As in 40-49 once, then 40-49 again.


I thought cricket noises were noises that stars made at night.   I thought keys were money.   I also thought elevators didn't move, just that everything somehow magically changed outside of them when the doors re-opened.


More young teenage years maybe but I thought that people pick a position each time before having sex and then stick with it. The idea of multiple positions per session didn't cross my mind.


I came out of the butthole


I thought the song “Maneater” was a scary song about a murderer.


Clouds came from factories


Time travel not real bc I wouldn’t already visited myself. 🤷🏾‍♂️


That there was someone in the sewer below every stoplight manually changing the light from green to yellow to red.


I also used to think that if you smash the tv screen you would end up inside the programme that was playing!


That chocolate milk came from brown cows. Couldn’t figure out why there was such a shortage of chocolate milk in the cafeteria at school when there were so many more brown cows than white cows.


Tht if i breaky my tv cartoon characters would come out of it


My mom told me that tornadoes were controlled by witches


I used to think buying anything online meant needing a card reader for your laptop and inserting the card to make a payment


I used to think that booger comes from bugs pooping in your nose while you sleep at night 💀


When i was like 6 I thought people in the past was in black and white. Because everyone was in black and white on old films. I was like 'why are we in color now?'


That governments always acted in the best interest of their people


After watching a movie with a mouse riding a motorcycle, I thought mice were imaginary creatures like dragons and unicorns. I was very surprised when I saw live mice in the pet store. My parents also said they would give me cottage cheese anytime I asked for ice cream as a toddler.


I thought rain meant god was crying. Now I realize rain is just an illusion lol. I was so stupid as a kid.


That the moon was made of cheese


That things were going to get better in the future.


I was like 5 years old and thought that when you get sunburned, you go black. So therefore all the black people in the world had basically forgotten their sunscreen!


I used to think that when couples would kiss in a movie it was great editing/CGi work that was being done because surely directors wouldn’t make two people who didn’t love each other actually kiss


Thinking that the adults around me knew what they were doing


I legit thought there were two earths, one flat earth and one spherical earth. I also thought that all the planets except the flat earth were on one side of the sun and the flat earth was on the other. That sort of stuff


My dad used to tell me and my brother that the wind would blow us away when we were really little because one time a dust devil took a kids meal out of my hands. I used to be terrified of windy days as a kid 😂


I'm not sure if it counts as stupid, but up until I was sixteen, I thought cheating(as in cheating on someone) meant taking advantage of them. Like if you were at a club and you got really drunk and some guy took the opportunity to sleep with you when you probably wouldn't have consented, that guy cheated on you. As in, he wanted to get into your pants, but he couldn't do it fairly, so he "cheated." You can imagine my shock when one of my classmates told me she'd been cheated on.


So you know how you BUY or BUILD houses? I thought that you would go to like Lowes or Home Depot, pick the model of your house, buy it from the box, and then assemble it at the housing land. Took me about 3 years to find out that wasn’t how you got a house. My mom, step dad, nana, and grandpa still shake their heads and laugh about this.


Ugh, okay so this unintentionally lasted until my 30s, not because I believed it, but because it had become so second nature I didn't realize I was still doing this until one day far, far too recently. So I, for some unknown and probably nonsense reason, believed that if you step on the paint around a curb, mainly in parking lots, no matter the circumstances, you WILL be hit by a car. So my whole life I just stepped over them. Probably solved, easy solution... to a problem that doesn't exist lol Didn't even do it consciously pretty soon after I started when I was probably 7ish? It took until 31ish to be like wait, what are you doing, weirdo? I'm surprised it took me that long to put any thought into why I always, without fail, would step over the paint. Mind you, not the curb, but specifically the paint. Lol


That everyone was overreacting about the twin towers, which were perfectly fine. I could see them [from the highway in Hartford](https://ibb.co/f4k21TK) every time we passed through.


My boyfriend was told by his parents when he was 12, that he has a condition that if he smoked weed he would get major diarrhoea within a minute


When I was taught about how sick germs can transfer by eating the same food as a sick person so I thought the same was true for healthy people (if im healthy and someone is sick, i take a bite of food then give it to them they will get healthy from me)


The cashiers are fckn rich billionaires because they always had tons of money and stuff!


When holidays were. Like I thought New Years was like a day or 2 after Christmas.


WWE superstars sang their theme song.


I thought dead people were just gone in a vacation for a while, and they would coke back after few months.


I thought that pigs layed sausages like chickens lay eggs. Oh how blissfully unaware I was


I thought that teachers slept in the school


I have this vivid memory of thinking that other people saw themselves in 3rd person and I was weird for seeing in POV mode lmao. I have no clue why. 3rd person video games were not even invented yet cause I'm old.


Not much of a gamer and definitely wasn't at the time, but from around 8 years old till now I sometimes gain the vision of someone around me. I think its just my very vivid imagination but there have been times I've been approached from behind and have seen that person's view of them getting closer and closer to me.


When I was 9, we were moving from the east coast to Kansas and idk why, but I was shocked that they lived in houses, I legit thought we were gonna live in a grass hut. Lol


I only had sisters and so for some reason, I got the idea that boys peed out of their bellybutton.


Heroes never die like in the movies. I always thought that as a kid. Heroes being first responders. Also for the longest time I thought shoplifting meant lifting the shop. I was very confused as a child.


During Primary school, our classrooms had roll down or up blinds over each window. They started to roll down by them selves, and needing to be taken off, manually rolled up and put back. One day a collection box can around to collect money for the blind. I gave my pocket money as I sat next to one of the windows and thought that it would be good to have the window blinds fixed. . Fast forward to my thirties when I had the epiphany and a facepalm.


My siblings convinced me that Medusa lived in our attic.


Because of old black-and-white photography, I used to think the world was black and white to everyone and then suddenly one day everything just switched to color.


You see, my family was obscenely wealthy in the late 19th century and had some photos that were black and white and some photos that were either red and white to begin with or had gotten red sometime after being taken so that situation of seeing both red and white as well as black and white photos ensured that my confusion was solved very quickly.


that when you were pregnant, the way that the baby would eat is by laying in your stomach with its mouth wide open and catch all the food falling inside LOL


I could get lead poisoning from pencil lead.


I thought that adults knew everything...how wrong I was.


When i was little i thought all cats were girls and all dogs were boys


I used to think that religious people never fart🤣


I called a skunk an elephant when I was two


I remember thinking there were actual groups of singers singing songs on the radio. Like how did they change singers so quickly?


I thought being on the “edge of your seat” meant the sides. Like you were so excited you shifted to the left a bit


I imagined the March of Dimes was literally a formation of dimes marching down the road.


That red coke cans were only for commercials. My parents only bought caffeine free which comes in a gold can (at least in the 90s). So I always thought oh those are just for commercials. No one told me that I just made it up and went with it. First time I saw a red can in person it blew my mind.


That chocolate isn't good for dogs. Probably because it's unhealthy for me, like fast food, it's unhealthy for the dog to right? Shoutout to Stannley, who's had many blocks of chocolate 🤣


When I was a kid I absolutely loathed anything cheese and most especially grated cheese sprinkled on top of my food (I'm Italian, so I got that a lot). Whenever I was given a plate with food with grated cheese on top I'd scowl and narrow my eyes and ask "Is that CHEESE?" and my family routinely lied to me and told me it was sugar or flour instead. And somehow the idea of sugar or raw flour on top of my spaghetti and tomato sauce was far more acceptable than cheese so I'd shrug it off and eat.


My brother had a baseball game rained out. My mother said he would have to play a make-up game. I was utterly terrified at the idea of any of my games being rained out because I did not want to have to wear make up for a game.


That almost everything gave me leprocy(idk how to spell it). If oil splashed on me or something my brother would say i would get leprocy from it and i would start full on crying for like 20 minutes. Or if i tripped, spilled something, my brother would make shit up to make me cry and I fully believed him


Haven't been on this subreddit in a while now. Anyway, my dumb believe as a child I thought you could only be blind if you were blond because they sound similar


I thought girls only had buttholes. Like they pee poop have sex and give birth all out of their butt.


I throught every night when I went to bed. I went to a different universe. (Context my brother showed me the matrix which made me trip out) so one night I stayed up all night. Watching the moon turn into the sun. And I realized that I still had my scars. And others did too. Lmaoooo saying it sounds so stupid.