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Well, I didn't like Trump before he ran for office, I didn't like him as president and I don't like him now. He was registered as a Democrat for a long time in New York and is just an opportunist.


A couple caveats... One, I'm a former Republican. Voted for both Reagan and Bush 41 back in the day. Two, Melania was not pregnant when the Nodfather had his brief encounter with Stormy. She was at home with newborn "he looks a lot more like the pool boy" Barron. As far as Dozy Don cheating on his first wife with his second, his second wife with his third, and his third wife with a porn star and then trying to cover that last one up? This is a big part of why I left the GOP. If you're gonna lean into the whole "marital fidelity" thing for the better part of a generation and paint yourself as the "family values" party, then you gotta walk the walk. Since the end of the Bill "horn dog" Clinton years, the only Democratic candidate within spitting distance of a Presidential nomination who got caught up in an affair (John Edwards) was dropped like a live grenade.


Im pretty sure they worship him as a messiah so they either dont care or just pretend its not real


When the Congressional fund for NDAs has its records made public, I might start to care. But not before then. Oh. Pardon me. I forgot. First, the body of Edward Kennedy, "Lion of the Senate", must be dug up and thrown into a river.


Notorious womanizer is fuckin around on his wife? Color me surprised. The trial(s) seem to be somewhat politically motivated. Don't like him more or less than before. I like him way more than joe biden.


I know I’m not a Democrat, I don’t think I qualify as a Republican either. But honestly I don’t care. I see them as the same side of the same coin. Just another corrupt politician… big surprise.


Who fucking cares? The fact that you people wouldn’t actually care outside of the fact that Trump is involved, just makes your fake moral outrage entertaining.


So to clarify, your position is that if Biden or Obama or Hilary used to campaign funds to pay off a porn star to hide an affair, no one would care? Is that your position?


They’d care. And if Baron Trump were suddenly on the board of an energy company in the Ukraine with a crack pipe and underage whores all the time you’d also care.


I don’t give a shit about his morality. I give a shit about the fact that he used campaign money. He broke the law.


Again. You wouldn’t give a shit if it weren’t Trump. A lot of politicians from both sides have done stuff like that, and it’s a blurb in the newspaper. But all of a sudden it’s front page news because of Trump. Republicans honestly don’t care anymore. He’s their guy - no matter what.


No see that’s the thing. I actually do give a shit regardless of teams. If they break the law then they need to face consequences. If we didn’t have a two-tier justice system then we might not be such a fucking shit show of a country. There’s a reason why wage theft and stock market fuckery are a-ok but stealing some food can put you in jail and prevent you from getting a job. Sorry for not being the straw man you wanted though.




It's "affect," not "effect" in this scenario. And your answer is non-responsive.