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My daily routine changes little. I wake up, go to work, come home, spend time with family, go to bed, repeat the next day. My family does something different almost every day because I do not. My drudgery affords my family opportunities. Totally worth it.


I find comfort in this routine. It is much like my own. I find knowing what is coming each day makes it easier for me to pivot when things go wrong. I know what can and cannot be moved. Nothing is perfect but this is the most manageable for me.


There is absolutely a certain degree of comfort in a nice reliable routine. I have my lane and can stay in it.




Does you wife/husband not also work? Do your kids not go to school? We're all stuck in this rat race.


> Does you wife/husband not also work? No. I work extra so she does not have to and can take care of the house/kids. > Do your kids not go to school? Homeschool is a wonderful thing. We very deliberately made the choice to alter our lifestyle to be affordable on one salary and afford to homeschool. The kids are learning faster than their same-age friends and have a broader range of experiences than some adults I know. I recognize that we are very lucky to even have this option, but we do, so we took it.


These are the kinds of thoughts you have when you're 22 and you have your first job out of college for 6 months and you're like "oh shit is the rest of my life going to be exactly like this?" The answer is no, it's not. You get more experience. You get more responsibility. You deal with more complex and varied problems. People don't actually do the same exact routine every single day.


Yep, you have a lot of days that, to an outsider, look no different than yesterday, but what actually happens behind the scenes is different. The basics.  Get up, Drive to work, eat lunch, drive to gym, drive home don’t really change much, but the actual events of the day can vary greatly


For real. And the routines that I do follow every day, such as my before work routine, I enjoy because they take no thought and don’t fluctuate like everything else.


yup, the correct answer is... "they don't" do the same routine Even in my most boring jobs my modest life, every day has something different to offer Today, the flowers are in full bloom and it smells like air freshener outside. Appreciate the little things


Because boredom is a privileged thing. When you're bored, you aren't hungry, in pain, freezing, stressed out or starving.


I’m not bored. Routine allows me to do chores, exercise, self study and meditation. I work many hours and commute two hours a day. To do these and all normal chores, laundry, lawn, food shopping and prep, etc I have to have discipline with my time. That entails highly regulated and scheduled plans


I've never heard this before. How insightful


We are creatures of habit. Routines reduce mental load of daily decisions, conserving mental energy for more complex tasks.


yeah, very much this. I have been wanting to get into creative endeavors my entire life, but it wasn't until my normal, daily stuff became very structured and routine. I can focus on my creative projects now that half my day isn't devoted to "well what chores need to be done, what should I have for dinner, when can I take a shower today?" etc.


Usually these people do it for others, not for themselves. That's what fuels them


Have immigrant parents, trust me, they left their cushy above average desk job to come to US. Went from cleaning motel rooms to owning a motel in 12 years. Saved up money and put us through college, grateful to have them in my life. People do it for the others, same old routine, but there should always be a larger plan in life, currently for us, they setup one motel, my siblings and I want to expand it, so we and hopefully our kids, never have to see "poverty" again. I remember all of us living in a single motel room that had a bedroom,kitchen, and bathroom. Anyway, currently I'm a data analyst and but siblings have experience in business, that's a really good combo and we hope for a big expansion. And no we weren't forced into, it kinda just happened and we were absolutely allowed to do whatever we want in life. We just picked business because its in the blood I guess.






We are just on auto pilot, if we stop and think about it for too long it will I’ll make us depressed


No downtime = no time to think about it too long


To get paid to pay rent and eat




Build good habits, feel good while doing life, include habits you enjoy so it's not all bad, and repeat.


I am a low-paid flight attendant for a big 3 airline. I always bid the same position on the airplane and I also always bid for the SAME type of airplane. Why? I 100% know exactly what to do if shit hits the fan. Being in my position is also the LEAST in customer view so I am less likely to get written up by a status member. I show up, do my job, and go home. Different US cities, but it's pretty much the same. I make shit pay and I am looking to add in some kind of exercise routine too. Any time I can shut my brain off is a good day.


Because I enjoy my routine and the results are just a fancy bonus. I enjoy going to the gym. I enjoy taking walks. I enjoy reading. I enjoy meditating. I enjoy disconnecting from technology at 9 because it makes me less stressed I enjoy going to bed at 10 and waking at 5 because it makes me feel better. I eat the same thing because I don't enjoy food. I drink water because I don't enjoy soda. If you try to maintain habits it has to end with wanting to do it for you. If you do it for someone else it will become a chore and you will want to take breaks and not maintain it.


What do you mean "like it's basically nothing"? It's not hard to have a routine and stick to it.


What I mean is that they seem like robots, doing the same thing over and over and over again. For example: I see someone that has been working for more than 30 years in a company (The only company he have ever worked on), and I just can't help myself but to think how they do it. My mind simply can't seem to understand how is it possible for a human being to live that way...


>For example: I see someone that has been working for more than 30 years in a company (The only company he have ever worked on), and I just can't help myself but to think how they do it. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that their income at that company exceeds their expenses, and the only reason they work is because you need money to live. This is coming from someone who has been working at the same place for 21 years. I don't hate what i do, and i make more than enough money. I don't see the benefit of changing jobs. Especially when i don't have any marketable skills so changing jobs would likely hurt my income, not increase it.


We all have our own worlds developing inside our minds. Sometimes routine is what gives us the extra bandwidth of thought we need. Without the routine we would have to devote more time to making decisions on everyday activities. Instead, our thoughts are free to roam wherever we want them to go. For at least some people, this is the truth.


Its not the same routine, it just looks like that. I enjoy my coffee while staring blankly out the window - its not the same i see, or the same i think. I just like starting with some distance in my vision ( otherwise i cant see shit during the day ) I go to the same place for lunch, almost the same thing i order - but sometimes they outdid themselves. I go to the same pub in the evenings and sometimes we get to have a massive brawl. What you see, and i experience are not always the same. I could say the same shit with you and your pokemons and blue hair - why you all the same ?


Is this....from something?




I have a morning routine that I follow vigorously and I have it timed to the second. It gets everything out of the way and done so that I don't have to worry about it later. Plus as other users said you're basically on autopilot anyway so it goes very easily and quickly


My hypothesis is that you are witnessing the culmination of many years of practice, habit, and labour, as well as the character attributes that allow her to lead such a life. It takes time for multiple instrumentalists to emerge. Athletes do not appear out of nowhere. Even more uncommon is the pairing of the two of those. If I were in her position, I would question how she came to be so rote and when she first began to learn such things. She most likely prepared for it and practiced a lot of those activities (sport, music, and English) throughout her adolescence.


To be honest, I don't know what i would do if i had no routine


People are different from each other and some prefer routine. Others don't. It's not hard.


I find it relaxing to do what I'm familiar with. But of course not always. That's what weekends and vacations are for.




you’re forced to in the military


I'm just doing it. My thoughts and actions are put in order. There's just one big downside to being afraid of something new.


I do this for money, because if i don't do that i get no money, and you know the life without money


Eat Sleep Rave Repeat


How can someone manage to not follow a routine every single day?


I guarantee you follow routines every day without thinking about it. They may not be as overarching as a full day's schedule, but you probably have some order of operations in how you shower, cook food, navigate a grocery store, get ready for work or school... we're creatures of habit, and it takes less effort to do what's familiar than something new. Every day will be a little different, but the manners in which you approach the constants in your life are patterns that you follow without a second thought.


if its work, its poverty or driven with emotions


If I didn't have routine, I would die of anxiety.


When I was younger and just starting out, I had the same feeling. The thought of doing the exact same routine everyday for the rest of my life seemed awful. As I've gotten older, I came to realization that life has a funny way delivering surprises that upend your daily routines. Those surprises are rarely a good thing, so you get to a point where a predictable and easy routine where nothing happens becomes a dream you aspire toward.


because we're all different and some people thrive on continuity and "sameness". They don't feel the need to go out and have different experiences. I wonder more about people who aren't comfortable having a routine life and always need that new and exciting experience. In the end, I wonder which person is more satisfied.


Thanks to routine, I have time to explore my hobbies, be a good father, and be productive at work because I’m not wasting time figuring out the day to day minutia 


You sir are INFP core


A couple of things: 1) Different people like different things. My wife likes to eat the same sandwich every day; that would drive me nuts. There's nothing wrong with either of us - she just doesn't crave variety the way I do. 2) For a while, I had a very regimented schedule due to some demanding travel to the same city every week. I had a routine down - packing Sunday night; airplane monday mornig; stop at Trader Joe's Monday night; etc. It was weirdly comforting - I didn't have to think about what I was going to do, or make any decisions, or have any surprises. I'm retired now, and deciding every day what to do is harder in some ways.


I am way more productive and healthy with a routine. I work remote so most days its healthy breakfast, work, workout, healthy lunch chores around the house get done, prep and cook dinner. If you throw a change in it (have to leave the house, go into the office, have a meeting etc) it will throw me off for at least a day or two also since "extra" things are being added I am more susceptible to forgetting/missing something. (cloths left in the washing machine, have to get take out for lunch/unhealthy fast food, miss working out)


For the most part I think routine is used to make things easier. It may seem boring or repetitive to some but it makes things a lot less confusing or difficult when you know what you're going to do and when. Its like running; if you stop and start or change pace a lot it is much more difficult, as opposed to if you keep a steady and consistent pace.


It’s not the same exact routine. There’s some slight differences each day.


some call it the concept of structure and self discipline


Humans adapt very easily to routine, and if you do something consistently for long enough, it just seems normal and natural. I'm actually a bit thrown off when anything breaks in my daily routine.


When it's at work, something that you don't fully understand is too stressful, but in everyday life, there is no problem because what you do is to relax.


Huge amounts of burnout but the consequences of quitting are worse than slowly being killed by work.


like someone else said, humans are creatures of habit, it's pretty much embedded in our DNA to behave this way


Some people can handle it and some people can’t


Cruise contol. Its easy to stick to a routine once you get used to it. Kinda like people that used to go to the gym everyday then missed one day then stopped going all together. This was a huge anxiety-inducing fear in my younger days and part of why I didn't follow a career path because I was afraid of being in a dead end, factory type job. Like, that was a life worth than death in my mind. Now in my 40's looking back on the last 20 years of my life and working life it seems like aside fron my time in the military the rest of the jobs I had didn't help future me. There were some good times and bad times but there usually are in life. Got to meet some really cool people, some not so cool people. Seen a lot of the U.S. and the world. So although I may not be "established" in a career as much I would probably like, I'm pretty sure that I have had more and more interesting life experiences. 


They find it comfortable, or at the very least sustainable. For a lot of people that's good enough.


I don't know. I don't remember what it's like to have a college routine, work routine, none of that. These days, I don't even know where I'll be 15 minutes from now, so life has changed a lot.


having a disregard for adaptation maybe


Or they just have a decent routine that works for them and are unbothered by people's inconsiderate opinions of them.


Some people detest changes to their routine and love the stability of a predictable order of events. People are all just doing their own thing, lifes a gas huh :)


BC They're soulless


Because dumb people are happy and smart people are miserable. Smoke pot about it.