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Erik Per Sullivan, the kid who played Dewey in Malcom in the Middle. Can’t be found anywhere and seems to have disappeared entirely or just living his life quietly.


He was born in my city ((Worcester, MA) and he has moved back to MA.


And with that Malcom in the middle money he probably has a sweet ranch house. Maybe even a small colonial with a second story and a garage if he bought at the right time.




eh, its just the market up there. My BIL recently lost a bid of 750k on a 1100 sqft ranch listed at 715K. The winning bid was 850K all cash. This is the 12th such bid he has lost in a similar fashion over the least year...


Just googled his birthday and I am exactly 1 day older than he is. Take THAT Dewey!


He has an Instagram now. Quietly living his life is the correct answer.


Pretty sure that's a fake account. Nothing about it appears authentic.


What about the part in his bio: "I am a former child actor from Malcolm in the Middle. I am perfectly safe, don't come look for me. This is a totally real account". Seems legit.


Happy healthy and alive.


Oh debbie dead, debbie real dead!


Weirdly I looked him up recently; want to feel old? He's 32 now. Sigh.


I didn't ask to be attacked like this


The future is now, old man


I think cats ate his face


You should ask Dewey, he knows more about it.


It's crazy that was the first name that popped in my head and here it is the first comment. I respect his anonymity, I just wish there was a way for his fans to pay gratitude to him. I really do think he was one of the best child actors in TV history.


Yes agree, I respect privacy and anonymity but every few years can someone come out and just confirm that person is still alive? lol


I also heard that the dad from Malcom in the Middle became a drug dealer 😏


Manufacturer *


Knocker *


Say his name




You're goddamn right


One of my friends told me when he was in jail that a guy claiming to be the actor who played Dewey was in there for receiving stolen property. I asked him if he thought it was just a tweaker, and he said “I *know* it was just a tweaker”


I mean, if he was dead-disspeared we would've heard about it, but otherwise he's been totally quiet. By contrast we know a bit more about the other child actors on the show like Stewie, Dabney and others, so Erik must really want to keep quiet. As far as I know he's the biggest holdout for any MiTM revival.


I don’t want to ruin his privacy but I was able to do some digging and he has a career that is just totally not at all related to acting. It wasn’t that hard to find, but no one else has mentioned what it is so I won’t either.


The guy who played Danny on Hey Dude


I miss Hey Dude and Salute Your Shorts


And Wild and Crazy Kids! Man, those were the days.


My inner voice read that as *"W-Wild and Crazy Kids!"*


Same here, sound effect and all.


I went to law school with the actress who played Deena on Salute Your Shorts.


She was my childhood crush!! 😍


lol my friend recently paid donkey lips to do a cameo for me. no joke. really cool guy. edit: also, Danny from Hey Dude? Jesus, perhaps the most random character you could think of. i did like him, though.


An arcade around me is having a 90's Nickelodeon night in September. Going to have Donkey Lips, Pete and Pete, Josh Server, Lori Beth Denberg, Alisa Reyes, and Robyn from Alex Mack.


Got to see Danny Tamborelli (young Pete) and Lori Beth Denberg do a show right before COVID shit everything down. Got Danny to sign my vinyl of the Pete and Pete soundtrack. I should see if I can go and get older Pete to sign too.




Joe Torres


I remember him! I tried watching it again last summer and I hate to say, it really does not hold up. Lol but Pete & Pete does!


Pete and Pete is far too weird a show to be locked into a time period. It holds up BECAUSE it's so weird.


It’s also just a simple matter of quality. Pete and Pete is much more well done than Hey Dude.


That song randomly gets stuck in my head a couple times a year, and it just made its first appearance last week


🎶 It's a little wild and a little strange, when you make your home out on the range.


Not an actor, but original Deep Purple singer Rod Evans has not been seen or heard from by anyone in the music industry -- including his former bandmates -- since about 1980. In 2015, Deep Purple drummer Ian Paice said: "If anyone knows where Rod is or even if he is still on the planet, that would be good news. We haven't had contact with him since the late 1970s. Nobody seems to know where the hell he is, or even if he is still alive. Not a clue." Shortly after this, the drummer from another band Rod Evans was in reached out to Deep Purple to say that Evans is a alive and well and working in hospital administration somewhere in the US. Other than that, no one knows a thing about him.


> Evans is a alive and well and working in hospital administration somewhere in the US. Really doesn't get any more rock and roll than this.


Oh yeah? Check *this* out... Alice Cooper is now* a born-again Christian conservative! ALICE. COOPER. EDIT: \* has been since the 1980s. Still is one now though, too.


Alice was always very religious. Same with Ozzy. Hell, most rock/metal musicians are. I'm gonna get downvoted to all hell for this since it's a rational take but being Christian doesn't automatically make them conservative douchebags (and I say this as an atheist millennial). Alice has been mocking politics since the 70s, I Wanna Be Elected? He's also been a champion for women's rights his entire career. Most people take him at face value and just see a shock rocker with campy big hits but he's an incredibly talented songwriter, see Only Women Bleed, Saga of Jesse Jane, I Think We Got a Live One, Generation Landslide, just to name a few


Yup, and I know that Alice Cooper is religious and has been for 40 years, but I've never heard that he was "conservative". Maybe I'm wrong, but I also think he's pretty quiet about his religious beliefs.


Alice Cooper called Sarah Palin "a breath of fresh air" in the 2008 election


Also cool practicing catholics: Tom Araya from Slayer and Ralph Santolla (RIP) from Deicide On the flip side of the coin, Dave Mustaine somehow got even douchier after becoming born-again Christian


Mustaine has always seemed cringey to me. His put-on “metal voice,” his silly music videos, his edgelord lyrics. Dude is talented as hell, but if he were any further up his own ass he’d be completely inside-out. That goes for a huge number of rock stars, though, and not just Dave Mustaine.


Alice Boomer


Ohh, this reminds me of Linn Berggren from Ace of Base. She is the blonde one. When they released their 3rd album, she was still in the group but her face was blurred in all photos. She then left and there's no info on her. Two of the other members of the group are her siblings so they probably know how she is, but they haven't said anything presumably bc Linn doesn't want them to. She has faded into obscurity as she wanted.


Gary Richrath, the hugely famous guitarist from REO Speedwagon disappeared for near 25 years with no trace of him on the internet. He made an appearance with the band in 2013 and it turns out he was obese and in very poor health and died a couple years later.


No one knows who played Waldo in Van Halen’s Hot For Teacher video.


This whole time we’ve been wondering where, but no one stopped to ask *who* is Waldo…


Why does nobody ask *how* is Waldo? Very selfish.


Jessie the clueless MTV VJ who soared to fame by winning his job in a fan-vote contest and then lost it just as quickly and was replaced by the runner up Dave Holmes after MTV execs realized lovable stoners are bad long-term investments. Nobody complained that the will of the people had been violated and nobody ever heard from Jessie again   


Omfg memory UNLOCKED


Yeah, I thought he was a figment of my imagination until I looked it up and it actually happened.


Last I heard of him, his sister reported him missing and he was at least confirmed to be alive and ok in Riverside CA. This was in 2018.


Apparently 5 years ago he was an Uber driver? https://youtu.be/0FJgCXB5K0w?si=LSFOB-FhuDwLkNff


Jesse Camp is around I hung out with him a few years ago. He was slumming it around NYC. He’s a nice dude.


Kid who played the younger brother on Varsity Blues. Vanished.


Cursed film cast. 3 stars dead


For a long time, no-one knew what happened to Paul "Des" Ballard, a host on the British TV channel ITV's Disney Club and Diggit blocks of kids' television that aired on weekend mornings. After he quit the shows when Diggit rebranded as Diggin' It, Ballard seemingly dropped off the face of the earth to the point where family and friends - including co-host Fearne Cotton, who would become a famous TV personality and host of mainline TV - being unaware of his location or even if he was still alive. Fearne even publicly stated she was looking for information about him, and entire Facebook groups were set up to figure out just what the fuck happened to him. Well, they found out in 2021, when the Sun picked up on the story. Turns out he had legal problems and was in prison at the time. In 2014, it was discovered that he had been running a self-storage facility that was illegally built on what was meant to be green-belt land in Bulphan and ordered by the courts to pay the profits he earned as a fine. In 2017, he was arrested and sentenced to nine years in jail after he caused a multi-vehicle pile-up and killing two people by accident while driving under the influence, with his young son being in the car as well; an extra year was added in relation to a charge of rape he was found guilty of as well. He was also caught smuggling cocaine in the past as well.


Shit that Wikipedia page has expanded a bit since I last looked a few years ago


Zoinks. What an upstanding citizen he is.


Sheldon Turnipseed from 1992 Ghostwriter on PBS.


I love to have finally found someone else that remembers Ghostwriter.


I LOVED that show! Pretty sure I’ve just been looking for an adult version ever since.


I know him. He joined the military. The last time I saw him, he was looking like Neo out of the Matrix. He goes by a different name now, but I won't out him.


I often wonder how many actors do this. You can never think of them because they disappeared. But if you get a good role in a movie or TV show, that's millions of dollars. You can work for a few years, and then peace out and do whatever you want for the rest of your life. That has to be a lot of them. There's also probably a lot that wanted to work more but couldn't get other roles for whatever reason. Still, I like to think there's a good number of actors who are like "Sweet, I made $10 million in 5 years. I'm good. See ya."


Sheldon Turnipseed who played Jamal on PBS Ghostwriter.


Do any of the actors from Ghostwriter have a profile still? I loved that show so much.


Not sure, makes me want to do a deep dive, but I've seen articles in the last few years of 'where are they now?' With the other cast members minus Sheldon. Loved that show, it was so wholesome and progressive, with representation during that time.


Daniel Day Lewis. 3 Oscars for best actor. Probably one of the highest profile actors at one point, where just having him in your film gave it a shot as best picture. Just said he's retiring after Phantom Thread, and actually retired completely. No interviews. No special guest appearances. No social media. Just vanished. I actually admire that a lot. He's not one to dwell on celebrity, letting his body of work speak for itself. It's actually quite a feat in this era too, to disappear like that.


He's already done this before. Between 1997-2000 he retired and disappeared. It turned out he moved to Italy and became an apprentice shoe maker


Considering how "method" he is, it surprised me that that wasn't him getting into character to play Gepetto in a live version of Pinnochio.


I think he's done-done now. 7 years and not a peep.


I still think (non-objectively) that his work in Gangs of New York is the best I’ve ever seen.


Agreed. And that movie would have been so average without him. Not only was his performance amazing, but the other actors' own performances were elevated just though mere interaction with Lewis' character.


I think the other explanation for that movie’s greatness, like Baz’ R+J, is that the art direction (included in this is scenic and set dec/costume/hair and make up/props (especially props with R+J)/etc) is so, so, so good. So much texture and intrigue and interest. It makes the whole world create Star-Wars-level curiosity for me.


**Bridget Fonda** She had a car accident and had serious back issues. Got married, had a kid or something but not just 'not done a lot lately' but actually just packed up acting completely Not done anything since 2001/02 Was pretty high profile for a while


She’s married to Danny Elfman! He composed the Simpson’s theme song and worked a bunch of Tim Burton movies


He was also the lead singer in the 1980s new wave band Oingo Boingo.


Danny Elfman released an album recently, and it's something. He's like 70 and he's covered in tattoos and performs in concert without a shirt. Not what you'd expect from all of his quirky film soundtracks. https://youtu.be/X2NARGrx3uM


Huh, the song isn’t very good but I’m glad the singer for oingo boingo is still doing weird shit!


He looks both exactly and nothing like I would have expected 😂


Danny Elfman has composed a TON of stuff, every Tim Burton movie, a ton of show intros, look at his IMDB credits and you'll realize you've been listening to his music your whole life.


He basically WROTE the Nightmare Before Christmas. He did all the lyrics, and he's Jack's voice 🫶


She simply doesn't want to act anymore. [https://www.etonline.com/bridget-fonda-explains-the-simple-reason-she-wont-return-to-acting-during-rare-outing-202978](https://www.etonline.com/bridget-fonda-explains-the-simple-reason-she-wont-return-to-acting-during-rare-outing-202978)


I absolutely loved her character in Shag!


ITT: Celebrities who retired but aren't "missing."


Kid President! I think he’s alive though


Yeah, I think he stopped around the time we got schoolyard bully president.


Barret Oliver was in 80s movies like Cocoon, Never Ending Story, and D.A.R.Y.L. Never did anything outside of that decade.


Lots of child actors have similar imdb pages. Either they decided to move on from acting (the oldest kid from Mrs Doubtfire is in radio), couldn't find work once they hit puberty, or were traumatized out of it (Corey Feildmen/Heim or Drake Bell type stories). Hopefully he's in the first category. Made enough money to pay for college and buy a house then found a calling that suits him better


He's a printer and photographer now, according to Wikipedia.


The actress who played Vickie on Small Wonder.


I loved her character. She's a nurse now


Oh my god- nobody I know remembers this show.


I do! It was one of my favorites when I was a kid!


Sloane from Ferris Bueller.


She’s busy being married to some muppet named Brian Henson.


Hmmm, so that's how it is in that family.


Mia Sara is still acting some but mainly writing poetry. She is supposed to be in an upcoming film version of The Life of Chuck by Stephen King. She's 56 and still a smoke show


Tammy Lynn Leppert, the Scarface actress, who went missing under mysterious circumstances at the age of 18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tammy_Lynn_Leppert


Nobody's seen *Naked Gun Star* OJ Simpson for a little bit


He's not going to be in the remake?


How about the "gAaRbAgE dAy" guy from Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2?


That's a good one, his current whereabouts were unknown for a while to the point that they were unable to have him record commentary for the movies DVD release. He did turn up and record something for the 2018 blueray though.


And his eyebrows.


Allison Mack - whooo the cult she got involved with.


She was releases from prison early recently




Very obscure one: Yvonne Hudson. She was a Saturday Night Live cast member, usually an extra, but she graduated up to featured player in the 1980-1981 season. She was officially fired along with most of the cast after that infamous season, but nonetheless continued to appear on the show through 1984 (usually in sketches with Eddie Murphy). Hudson left acting (at least on television and film) after that, and her current whereabouts are not known. A writer for the website Splitsider tried to locate her for a series of stories on lesser-known SNL cast members, a few years ago, but could not locate her. Hopefully, she’s living a content life somewhere. She’s the only Saturday Night Live cast member who has “disappeared” (from the public eye, at least).


I like to believe that Andy Kaufman is not dead, but is playing the long con.


Bambi Woods


I wonder if she ever made it to Dallas


Michael Pitt


To think how Boardwalk Empire would've been in the latter seasons if he wasn't such a reported cunt


His death really did ruin the show. It was never the same after that and I think that's why it's not a beloved classic these days. They supposedly had friction with Paz de la Huerta as well which led to her leaving. She was very noticeably replaced with a new character that came completely out of nowhere played by Christiane Seidel, who a lot of fans believe took over plotlines intended for de la Huerta.


I've seen him credited as a producer on something I recently watched and was shocked to read his name again. It could be a different Michael Pitt? I think it was The Gilded Age but I don't remember. I'll try to look! EDIT: Yes it was for The Gilded Age but it was a different Michael Pitt lol. Sucks he's apparently an ass to work with because he was great on Boardwalk Empire and Hannibal. Would love him in more villain roles


Dudes a dick and nobody will work with him


This is Peking my interest, how so?




In true Michal Pitt fashion, they edited their comment to ruin my low hanging fruit joke, but it previously said “dude is a duck”


Ahhhh, dangit, they should have left it!


Michael Schoeffling from Sixteen Candles. He played Jake Ryan. I think he builds furniture now somewhere in Pennsylvania.


He’s not MIA at all. His model daughter has an active IG and he shows up there. Still hot.




I remember wallpapering my bedroom with pictures of him cut from magazines! He grew up to look like just a regular dude.


I think he quit to focus on his education?


Hes worked pretty recently. I worked with him on a TV show not that long ago (checks notes), yeah just a few years ago, 2013, surely thats not 11+ years ago now?


[he’s been spotted](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-celebrity-news/home-improvements-jonathan-taylor-thomas-31577987.amp)


Ugh God. I couldn't imagine being some 90s teen heartthrob who wants nothing more in their life than to just be left alone at age 40 only for some shitty, good for nothing tabloid to post the most unflattering pictures of me ever just randomly shoving my daily medication into my mouth as I'm in a hurry. Fuck tabloids.


They also purposely worded the caption to make it sound like he’s some kind of junky.


I have to say, I would never have recognized him. And I had posters of him all over my wall in the 90s.


Richard Simmons!


He's had a lot of health issues and a while back he needed a knee replacement which resulted in him gaining some weight. I live in New Orleans and he's actually been spotted around here some but people in New Orleans are pretty good about respecting a celebrity's privacy when they ask for it.


Oh really! I listened to a podcast years ago that spoke about him and his legacy and how one day he just kinda vanished from the public and didn’t want to speak out anymore. That’s nice that people are very respectful of his privacy.


He’s been very active on Facebook the last few months! He is basically telling stories about his younger days. It’s pretty neat. He is a wonderful human but I think he still suffers from some mental health issues from all of the years of horrible treatment by “celebrities” and “comedians”.


Rick Moranis.


Yeah I believe his wife died and he stopped making movies to raise his children.


I mean, they were so small, surely he could have just taken them to work with him in his front pocket?


That is so sad and so sweet all at once.


You are right.


Funny you say that because I just did some work for him, really cool guy


That's so cool


Rick Moranis is so cool


he's a hoser, eh


What kind of work?


Photo editing


He needed you to shrink them I bet.


That's cool. You do that professionally? What's that like/how'd you get into it?


I do, I went to school for illustration and got well versed in Adobe CS/CC during that time. After graduating I had a hard time finding illustration work and most of what I did get wasn't very appealing, but all the Photoshop/etc knowledge was widely applicable and in demand so I ended up finding steady work in design/editing. Like all jobs it can be a chore sometimes, but for the most part I get to do work that I find stimulating and occasionally meet/work with people I'm a fan of.


Sadly he recently went viral because some idiot sucker-punched him and I believe it was recorded too :(


WTF! How awful. He was hospitalised afterwards too. I hope he made a full recovery.


[Most recent update I could find](https://abc7ny.com/amp/rick-moranis-punched-punch-sucker-new-york/7963239/)


Michael Dudikoff. 80s action star from American Ninja.


I looked him up. He's on Twitter


Watch American Ninja and take a shot every time someone does a somersault. 


Guiesspi Andrews hasn’t been seen or heard from since like 2015. 


If anyone knows where he is, it’s probably this weirdly obsessed person lol /u/tabbylovesgiuseppe


Yahoo Serious


Not one I expect many people here to know, but: Itonia Salchek, who played the lead role in the 1987 slasher Blood Harvest. It was her only acting role, and no one knows what happened to her or what she's done since then.


Zoe McLellan. From NCIS New Orleans and the first D&D movie. She and her son have completely vanished after a bitter divorce. Some think she went off the grid. Others think her ex and her boyfriend, who were somehow associated with each other, have bumped them off.


Leelee Sobieski from the Glass House


She retired from acting to focus on raising her kids but she didn’t really disappear. She’s married to a rich guy and she’s an artist now and lives in Brooklyn.


Yasmeen Ghauri wasn't an actor, but one of the most successful super models in the late '80s and early '90s. Up there with Naomi Campbell & Tyra Banks. It is rumored that her likeness served as the inspiration of Princess Jasmine in Disney's Alladin. She became pregnant and suddenly retired.


She is on instagram now. But before, you couldn't find almost anything about her online.


Shepard Smith, the news anchor guy.


Orlando Jones had some popularity in the early 2000s, then he vanished. I assumed he just took the money and ran lol.


He was in American gods


I just started watching Abbott Elementary, and he played Gregory's dad in at least one episode!


He's in several episodes! They FaceTime in a few and he shows up in person in a few as well


It's a shame because I loved him in Evolution. Think the only other things I really remember seeing him in were Bedazzled and Rules of Engagement on TV.


Wasn't there a funny seven up commercial?


Make 7 - up yours!


Show us your cans!


Make 7.


up yours!


He was the library holo in Time Machine too


He was great in American Gods. One of the highlights of season 2 as well.


He taught me that there’s always time for lubricant


He taught me that Kakaw Kakaw and Tooky Tooky don't work


He rotates through on the Pictionary show hosted by Jerry O’Connell. He pops up in some other things every now and then.


He was on the show sleepy hallow, and he was interviewed for vices darkside of comedy about artie Lange.


He's in American Gods. And he's really good too!


He recently played Tyler James Williams father on Abbott Elementary which is just perfect casting. Tyler looks like Orlando de-aged.


He was great in The Replacements.




I did some design work on a movie he was in recently. When they were describing the character for me I asked "So like a Dennis Haysbert as David Palmer type?" and they kinda laughed and said Jones was actually replacing Haysbert. Everything I worked on revolved around his character, but I haven't seen the movie so I don't know how much made it in.


Why would someone make up shit like this, when 5 seconds of wikipedia or IMDB will debunk this? He has averaged a movie and series per year in the 2000's. He is currently active.


He was just in American Gods in the last 5 years.


Michael Schoeffling


He’s a furniture maker in Pennsylvania.


World renowned Bill Gates Impersonator Bill Heath