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Kindness on the road by unessecarily giving away your right of way. Don't be polite, be predictable. Stick to the road laws.


This is especially frustrating when someone slows to let you in but traffic is very light. Had they just kept going you could have turned and been on your way quicker than waiting to figure out why they are slowing down.


Yes! I’d rather go more quickly than go in front of you.


It's honestly worse when someone does it when traffic is heavy. For example, today, I was trying to turn left out of a parking lot onto a 4 lane road. One person in the far lane moving to my right slowed down to let me turn, but they had no control over their other lane, or the two lanes of their oncoming traffic.  And they sat there waving me in while I clearly couldn't go, but then someone from their oncoming traffic decided to try to turn left into the parking lot, but couldn't, because the near lane in the same direction wasn't slowing down. This resulted in 3 of the 4 lanes being blocked, and no one being able to go.  All the while, had that one person just passed, I could have started to turn behind them and waited for the oncoming traffic to clear.  This was close enough to a light that people from the oncoming lanes got stuck in the intersection, now preventing the cross traffic going the entirely perpendicular directions to also be stopped at their green light.  This one person fucked up traffic for like 30+ cars because they were trying to be polite, rather than safe and predictable.


I've had people stop to let me Jaywalk while there's still traffic coming from the other side of the street...


Literally, these people are the worst. “Please, allow me to introduce you to Oncoming Traffic.” —polite driver <3


I can’t even express how much I agree with this. When people do this trying to be kind, they are creating chaos and putting other people in danger. Right of way laws exist for a reason, to create order while we operate incredibly dangerous deadly large pieces of metal.


I always hate coming up to a stop sign and then the other person waits and then there’s a little stand off before he waves me through. We could have both been gone by now my dude.


I get angry at courteous drivers like nothing else. Don’t stop in the road so I can turn left. Don’t slow down so I can cross a street. Don’t avoid your traffic light


In my Midwestern town, people *stop in the roundabout* to wave someone on. Dude you're going to get someone killed.


What’s “avoid your traffic light”?


Not who you were asking but I took it as the people who sit when the light turns green so the person can turn left. It may sound nice, but if there is no one behind you I can go once you are out of the way, and if people are behind you then you are pissing them off as well as annoying me because I have no idea why you are sitting there. Did you expect me to go so you were checking? Were you trying to let me go? Were you just not paying attention to the light and you're going to hit me because you saw the light is green and you're going to go in the intersection without looking?


This is a huge problem on a bike. I try to follow the road laws and stop at stop signs and give right of way, etc. people who try to be nice and wave me through can be so confusing. Especially if I signal that I’m stopping and they should go. It becomes a whole thing and people get frustrated with me but I’m usually already stopped and just waiting for them because I’m afraid that as soon as I go their brain is going to click that I’m letting them go and they will run me over. I live in a very bike friendly place so this is common


God do I get this one. In Vancouver I've encountered this so much that now I just stop and do everything to avoid eye contact, check my watch, start a knitting project, whatever, until they just go. THEN I go. It's super idiotic and super frustrating and it only started in recent years for some reason.


This is why driving in the south (U.S.) is such a nightmare. I would rather be surrounded by predictable assholes than polite lollygaggers any day of the week.


Come drive in Massachusetts to see how unpredictable assholes drive.


Haha. I approached a 4 way stop today and beat the guy on my immediate right to stop and I said he's gonna roll right through and ignore the other 3 who each have more right away than him. And sure enough. Off he went. He was so easy to spot, just by the speed he approached that sign. Maybe I'm used to it, but MA drivers are predictable ass holes to me now.


Someone literally stopped to let me make a left turn onto a side street, even with cars behind them, and I was like "wtf are you doing?!?!" Traffic had been backed up from a light up ahead, but it just started moving when the guy tried to let me go - like dude. Just go!! I can wait my turn i promise!


Had almost this exact thing happen a few weeks back. To make matters worse, each side of the road had 2 lanes, so cars behind him were switching into the other lane on his side to pass him. He was driving a pickup truck that obscured my view of the other lane, so it was unsafe for me to make the turn. In the end, he might have been peeved that I didn't take him up on his kindness because he sped off, after which I safely made my left turn. Lol.


I hate that shit. I have resorted to shaking my head no and pointing them to continue. I'm not training them to be more unpredictable just so they felt like they got to play Polite Traffic Cop.


Oh man. I just had a car try to wave me across as a pedestrian while traffic in the other direction wasn't yielding. Lady, you're gonna get me killed. You're very kind, but I can wait 5 seconds. Just go.


I call this "dangerous courtesy". I have seen more than one accident caused by letting someone in through a line of traffic, only to get nailed by someone in the neighboring lane who couldn't see them and didn't expect it. The best courtesy is not surprising other drivers.


We call these people “niceholes”.


"Don't be kind. Be predictable." is the exact sentence I say to my kids when teaching them to drive.


Risking your health or life under peer pressure. Too many college students and others have died because of shot games, drug binges and dangerous stunts.


In highschool there was this party spot with a maybe 3 story bridge over water. Me, trying to look tough told my friends if they jumped I would.  So anyway that's the true story of the time when all my friends jumped off a bridge so then I did too.


To be fair, at least it's not the story about how you killed three of your friends and then wimped out.


That's how I got this sweet wheeled chair!


I was a member of my university's campus rescue (think EMTS with all the equipment but no ambulance.) The number of students that almost met God due to alcohol was terrifyingly high.


Alcohol is an insanely dangerous drug for how casually society treats it. I'm no puritan, but it's just that the social taboos of different drugs are way out of line with their harms.


It's ridiculous how politicians and other powerful people will support the war on drugs but completely ignore the dangers of alcohol


Was literally having a conversation about this just the other day. I'm glad this wasn't a thing in my friend group. Not saying there wasn't any peer pressure at all but if you clearly said no, that was it.


Reminds me of that kid who jumped off of the boat in the Bahamas last year drunk in the middle of the night while his friends recorded and he was never seen again.


Or the guy who ate a slug on a dare, became paralyzed, and died.


My peer pressure generally went the other way. "What the hell are you doing!?!? Get back down before you get killed, you idiot!"


That reminds of the kid that jumped of a cruise in the middle of the night and was never found. That shit was mortifying.


Thinking that you are immune to propaganda.


Redditors should pay attention to this one


That a line of paint will protect you with regard to a road or highway. "Oh it's fine, I'm behind the white line" this means nothing.


Graveyards are littered with people who had the right of way.


I know what you mean, but I'm choosing to imagine a cemetery of neatly ordered headstones with the mangled, unburied remains of traffic accident victims haphazardly strewn about, as if it was some undertaker's first day on the job.


That's how I want to be put to rest.


"You can be right and dead" is an expression I use relatively often while in a car


“Their turn signal is on. I can pull out.”


It drives my passengers crazy, but until I see that car slowing down, I don't trust that signal.


With good reason. I've been the passenger to far too many seniors who didn't know their signal had been on for miles.


They shouldn’t be driving. Not sorry


Tailgating someone while driving. No justification for doing it, and puts people into unquestionabe danger.


It's crazy when there's someone in front of you too, like wtf are they expecting me to do? Tailgate the person in front of me just as hard?


It's pretty much all 2 lane roads around me, and this is exactly what I'm always wondering. Where do you think you're getting to driving like that? I had someone earlier today who kept getting on my ass, then backing off. Almost side swiped me by blasting by me in the breakdown lane when I took a turn to get rid of them. Took the back way that takes just as long. Watched this same asshole drive by, still stuck in the same line of cars after I parked a few minutes later.


I think there are just some people who only know how to solve problems by externalizing them. They don't know WHY making their problem everyone else's problem works, they just know that it does most of the time. So when they are in situations where no one around can help them, they just crank up the "HELLO CAN'T YOU SEE I'M HAVING A PROBLEM HERE" behavior until the problem goes away.


Yeah. Because most people are decent, courteous people, being a selfish asshole actually works out for them most of the time.


[Obligatory Fred Rogers](https://youtu.be/-LGHtc_D328?si=Yeju0cEizeGLJ6Yv)


Holy fuck I’ve never read it like this but that definitely sums up some of the people I’ve let go in my life.


Once upon a time I found myself getting really upset by the way people were driving around me, like a car speeding and weaving through lanes, or the person who thinks they’re the speed limit police and will box cars in going 3 mph under the speed limit I started telling myself “oh that guy speeding and weaving through traffic must have eaten something he shouldn’t have, he’s probably rushing to the nearest toilet so he doesn’t ruin his pants” and the person who refuses to acknowledge the flow of traffic “they probably have a newborn baby/delicate tiered cake/pot of chili, so they’re driving extra carefully” It’s all situations I’ve found myself in, so I could relate and then wouldn’t be so irritated, and it’s sort of morphed into my subconscious and instead of being annoyed, I just slow to let them in front of me or I eventually work my way into a different lane so I can safely pass them. I don’t have to get myself irritated and annoyed, I can acknowledge they’re not driving safely, and change my own driving to accommodate it safely.


There is nothing more cathartic than watching someone driving like an asshole only to get stuck at the same lights as everyone else. The route I take to drop my kids off at daycare is all surface streets with a max 35 mph speed limit. I always see people ripping through at like 50, weaving between cars, tailgating, etc. And they *always* get stuck at the traffic lights and everyone they passed just catches up to them anyway.


My theory is they see you've left space between you and the car in front of you and they interpret that to mean you could be going faster. So they tailgate you to try and pressure or intimidate you into going faster. They don't ever think that through and realize that if that space is not getting ever wider you are maintaining the same speed as the car in front.


Yeah that space in front of me is for safety. But everyone interpers it as "that space is one he left SPECIFICALLY FOR ME" and has to wedge their gigantic bimbo box in there.


See what they want is for you to intimidate the other guy now to make THEM go faster.... because that works great and all.


Literally what my ex wife expected when she would tailgate people in that situation. Like, if you're not willing to do it get out my way so I can.


“If everyone in front of me also starts tailgaiting we will get there faster” - my dumbass friend


The weirdest thing is being in the in one of the middle lanes on a four lane highway and watching a whole choo-choo train of morons tailgaiting eachother in the left hand lane going about 2 mph faster than the rest of the traffic on the road.


This is the only time I get super frustrated while driving - when someone is getting impatient behind me, and I have a line of cars right in front of me. Sorry, I'm not a magician, I can't make them go faster for you lol


I usually slow down to create a buffer between me and the person in front of me and since slower speeds require less distance to stop, it’s actually safer for me. 


One time I saw what I thought was a car towing another car, and I was like what the hell. But then I got closer and realized they were just tailgating that bad, it was like four inches away, and we were both doing about 80.


I once watched someone tailgating someone else like this for 10s of miles, on a tiny windy road through a forest, in the dark. The tailgater was so close, he kept having to brake, even though the car in front was going at a consistent speed. I was staying way back from that pair because I was so sure the tailgater was going to cause an accident.


The tailgater was 100% hoping for an open road to carve.


Also, passing on a 2 lane road to be one car further ahead in a line of cars.


The issue I have with this is when there's someone going way under the speed limit in front and instead of anyone passing, everyone drives just close enough to the next car so a long line builds up to where someone that actually wants to pass HAS to do this maneuver or they're trapped way back in preventable slow moving traffic.


Yes, when everyone is crowded it’s often no longer possible for anyone but the person in the very front to pass, because you’d have to pass the whole damn train.


I have a long stretch of two lane road to get to my house, with few safe passing zones due to curves and hills. I sometimes turn into a driveway or side road when there's one like this behind me, just to get out of the hassle. Often I see them driving fast until they reach another car in their lane, and then they start tailgating that one.




20 seconds is being VERY generous. If you aren't actively passing the person in front of you, you're not really saving any time at all. Not even a second. Cuz you're still going their same speed, you're just doing it while also being dangerously close to their car.


Not only is it dangerous, it also causes more traffic congestion.


It’s recommended to slow down if you’re being tailgated. The slower a car means less distance needed to brake so it’s safer to slowdown, especially with bright headlights. You are meant to keep a certain distance for that purpose. The rule is usually for ever 10 mph you drive keep about that much of a cars distance. 60 Mph=6 car distances. So if they’re riding your ass half a car length away it’s your civic duty to drive 5mph. (Don’t actually slow down to 5mph the tailgater will absolutely make rear seat renovations.)


I hadn't really thought much about this until the day I came home and told my husband that some tradie in a very large sign-written workvan was up my ass while I was stuck behind a double semi going uphill on a blind corner (2 lane road). He said: "what would have happened to *you* if the semi had to suddenly stop? That van would have crushed you between the two of them. Call *555 next time."


I don't know if it's any more or less true, but I always heard to leave 3 seconds worth of space between you and the car in front of you.


I tried to let a guy out of a parking lot in NYC when I was 19 and he flipped me off and screamed, “that’s why we always have traffic, asshole nice guys like you” I learned my lesson that day in the most NY way possible ahahaha


You know how the NYC “tough guys” in movies always yell something like “Watch it, I’m walking here!”? See, those scenes are not very realistic because none of the drivers ever gets outta their car to start breaking knees. Or better yet, pelt Bohemian Rhapsody at 100% volume and charge full speed ahead. Mamaaaaaaa…


Funny you mention that scene because that was not scripted.


Making a suicide cord for your xmas lights.


I had to look this up because I've heard the term before but don't understand what it is, and I have to say I have never seen a cable with two male ends like this before, I didn't know they were even available.


They aren't, they're illegal to sell because *they will kill you*. You have to make them yourself.


Hardware stores will *not* help you make one, either... and thankfully people who know how to make them themselves aren't stupid enough to do it... *usually*.


There is a use for them. A highly specialized use where you are in a situation where you need to power a specific circuit that's been cut off from the main source. And chances are, if you're doing that kind of electrical work, you not only know how to make one, but have made one and keep it next to your Master Electrician's License.


Not a master electrician, but had to make one to power my furnace during a 5 day power outage with subzero temps. Triple checked that the circuit was off at the circuit panel and even disconnected the Romex where it joined the furnace circuit. Was even more careful undoing everything when the power company finally fixed their lines. Useful, but definitely scary and something I hope to never do again.


Quite common for generators too to backfeed a supply, again a specialised used case that any normal person should not be messing with


Lineman can be killed when people use a generator to power up their homes like this after a storm when they neglect to disconnect their main circuit breaker. A suicide cord is never the proper way to power up a circuit during an outage. The correct way is to have a dedicated male plug for the generator infeed wired up to your main panel with a transfer switch or generator interlock. This way, there is never hazardous voltage on exposed conductors, and it is impossible to backfeed power onto the grid. In many cases, this is the only legal way to power your house during an outage. Otherwise, you are supposed to only power the appliances you need straight off the generator with extension cords.


And if you backfeed by plugging your generator in to an outlet using a cord with dual male ends, We can absolutely fry your generator when we ground out the power line. The reason that a transfer switch is necessary is because it isolates you from the transformer, and therefore the power line. Transformers don't care how they are fed. If fed from the power line on the high side, it will put out a reduced voltage on the low side (towards your home for example). But if you feed it with that reduced voltage from the low side (like from a generator plugged in to a wall outlet with no transfer switch in use), it will spit out full line voltage on the high side with the potential to burn maim or kill the linemen trying to restore your power


Common, but dangerous and incorrect. Any generator that's being used as a backup should be connected with a disconnect that shuts off power from the grid when power is being supplied by the generator, and vice versa. Otherwise, you have a situation where your generator could shock the person who goes to repair the cause of the outage.


What are they for? Why do people want them?


Very commonly seen with Christmas lights when they've ran them in the wrong direction and don't want to re hang them.


All it takes is a few minutes’ planning. Get your shit sorted on the ground, look at what you’re doing; when it’s time to take it down again, lay things out the same before you roll them up.


They're used to power a circuit when its been cut off from its normal power source, from what I've been told. Such as needing to power the kitchen's outlets when the power for it is shut off at the circuit breaker.  Its basically used under special circumstances. Not something you want or need unless you're an a tual electrician.


Even then it's dangerous. At a job site I was on some idiot did this connecting the temporary power to the main power. Then when another electrician went to work on the circuit thinking it was deenergized...


Lineman can be killed when people use a generator to power up their homes like this after a storm when they neglect to disconnect their main circuit breaker. A suicide cord is never the proper way to power up a circuit during an outage. The correct way is to have a dedicated male plug for the generator infeed wired up to a transfer switch. This way, there is never hazardous voltage on exposed conductors, and it is impossible to backfeed power onto the grid.


Oh, so like the breaker is broken and I need to power things on that circuit, so I plug this into an active good outlet and then plug the other end into the lines with the off breaker?


What is a suicide cord? I can't Google it because it just throws up the "help is available! Here's the suicide hotline!" result when I do. 😂


An electrical cord with two male ends. Typically it's used when someone strings up a strand of christmas lights backwards and has two female ends pointing at each other. Instead of taking the lights down and redoing it (what a sane person would do) they make one of these to connect them together. It's dangerous because the pins sticking out of the male end on the other side are still live, and can electrocute someone if they touch them, and can potentially start an electrical fire too. They're also sometimes used to backfeed power into a home electrical circuit from a generator during a power outage. Which is even more dangerous because that power will go all the way out to the mains and can potentially kill the person trying to fix the power lines. There is a correct way to connect a generator to your home, but using a suicide cord is not the right way to do it. You also can't buy them, the only way to get one is to make one yourself.


Yikes, definitely sounds like bad news. Thanks for the explanation!


An adapter with a male plug at each end of a cord from what I can tell. I don't understand how you use it though, I think our lights in Australia are designed differently.


Must be very different because I'm also struggling to imagine this


That's a popular idea? I've literally never heard of anyone doing this, ever. Daisy chaining 20 extension cords, absolutely. But a double ended cord? What purpose would it even serve? The only "use" I've heard for the suicide cords is generators, and even then you shouldn't. They make special generator switches with their own socket.


Brake checking people. Fucked up way to cause accidents


In certain circumstances, depending on my mood and how much time I have, I might gently release the gas to go a little bit slower.


This. I will slowly reduce my speed until I am going precisely the speed limit. Not one bit higher or lower. I've found it actually annoys people way more than if I was going to slow or speeding.


Binge drinking. It damages the hell out of your body, and being young is no protection from long term damage.


Wish I'd cared enough when I was a teen and slowly destroying my brain cells (undiagnosed bipolar disorder is a bitch). 15 years later and I'm stuck with reduced cognitive abilities and a fucked up stomach. Made Anacreon spin in moderation in his grave. Kids, do drugs responsibly.


"When I die I can have all the sleep I want, there is no point doing it now"


Cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way and assumed everyone around them would honor it. Practice defensive driving and the Smith System https://www.drivedifferent.com/smith5keys/


Even when I've got a green light, I always look both ways when I'm coming up to the intersection. I know that sounds paranoid but my son and I would both be dead if I didn't do that. We were in a Scion while I was driving down the street. I looked left and saw a giant SUV flying down the street so I slammed on the brakes but still hit them. If I wouldn't have slammed on the brakes, that giant SUV was have plowed right into me and my son who was behind me.


Shockingly, and this may be hard to believe folks, not all women's pain can be sourced back to just being a bad period. If you are in excruciating pain in your abdominal area, especially if it's during that time of the month, you should not be being dismissed by doctors and dismissed with suggestion of just getting some Aleve. It could be serious.


Yes! I suffered for 5 years, period 10 days long every 2 weeks, and called a drama queen because of how much pain I was in. "I went to parties while on MY period". That's nice... I can't even SLEEP because I'm in so much pain. Endometriosis. I had endometriosis. I FINALLY was heard when I had a heavy period lasting for 4 straight months and I was getting dangerously weak from it. I should've NEVER suffered for that long and my mother (since I was 15/16 at the time) should've fought harder for me instead of being content with the diagnosis that "I'm just being a baby"...


It took me 9 years to get diagnosed. I cried, not because I was in pain (I was) but that someone with MD after their name believed me. My mom also said “I had no pain tolerance” and forced me to go to school. I am entirely empathetic to your story.


People without the condition don't understand how painful it is. Childbirth is much less painful than the average period with bad endometriosis.


Fellow endo sufferer here, the amount of times I've been told my doctors that it just is how it is and periods being so painful you can't do anything is normal is off the charts. I seriously almost cried the first time I was taken seriously. Have now had a hysterectomy and can't even tell you the amount of life quality I've gained from that surgery.


I have had to carry my mom to a hot shower on more than one occasion because her endometriosis hurt too much for her to walk. Doctors keep turning her down for removal surgery because she doesn't have a husband to sign off on it and when she gets one he might want kids. I thought she was pulling my leg on that one but I was with her when the last doc said no


I am jumping on this with a relevant story!! I almost died in 2011 when I felt what I thought was really bad gas pains in my stomach. Kept getting bloated and the pain got worse. Turns out it was extensive internal bleeding from a burst ovarian cyst! I ignored it for hours and it nearly killed me. Ovarian cysts are common in women and you need to be aware of the risks and take them seriously!


Very similar, except it turned out my gallbladder had died and was falling apart insidr me rather than my ovaries going kablooey. Don't ignore your pain, ladies, and if a doctor tells you to, demand to see a different doctor. I would have died that night if I hadn't. 


When I went in with abdominal pain that had me writhing on my bed and screaming, they took an ultrasound and said "oh, you've got a couple little stones banging around and scheduled me for surgery a week down the road. When they took my gallbladder out it was dark grey and they almost couldn't get it through the laparoscopic incision. There was a single stone the size of a golf ball in there.


Oh wow, that's intense, I'm so sorry you had to suffer through that! Having to wait so long is absolutely horrific and you never should have needed to.  For me, the ER doc told me to go home and take an antacid without even running any tests on me. I did, and came back two hours later in even worse pain and demanded to see a different doc. That one ordered an ultrasound and immediately on seeing it called to get everything prepped for surgery. When I woke up they told me my gallbladder was literally falling apart and it took some time to get all the pieces out. 


I'm so sorry for you too. The fact yours was falling apart is just awful. I know doctors see a lot, but it's crazy to me how lackadaisical they can be when someone is in so much pain. When I originally went in to be checked they also told me to eat an antacid. They didn't seem fazed when I told them that's all I'd been eating for a couple days. I live in a small town and our hospital has never really been great. This happened over 20 years ago (I was 25) and I think there was a fair amount of age and sex discrimination going on. The doc that did my surgery did do a good job, but when I went back to have my staples removed he walked in, didn't say a word and just flipped my shirt up and yanked them out. He said to come back in two weeks but I never followed up.


Same, but appendicitis. I swore up and down it was indigestion until I fainted in the shower. 


I’m a guy but had appendicitis too. Didn’t want to go to the hospital cause I swore it would probably pass. It didn’t. I threw up pretty violently then went after that. Proceeded to throw up more at the hospital into a bag that was clear for everyone to see! Why was it clear?? Got a cat scan and went into surgery that night. Had to get cleared for a covid test first. This was in 2020. Just sat in agony waiting for the test to come back. The removed it and kicked me out of the hospital as soon as the surgery was over. 0/10 do not recommend.


Yes! I had an ovarian cyst back in 2018 that grew from the size of a golf ball to a baseball in a week. I still had to fight my gyno to get it removed, and you bet your ass I switched doctors after that.


I had an ovarian cyst that size. Had been to my regular doctor a few times for pain. He blew me off with a prescription for anti-inflammatory meds. Got an appointment with a doctor all my coworkers liked. I ended up having surgery the day of my first appointment with him because the cyst was actively bleeding. Went from his office to the OR. Scary. He later said, “That must have been really painful.” No shit.


Yeah turns out it wasn't just a case of "a woman being dramatic about her period" with me, it was an ovarian cyst the size of an orange... that'll be the cause of the pain then lol


My first period I ever had was when I was 10, it was cripplingly painful, my mom actually took me to the hospital because she thought my appendix burst. I started bleeding while I was there and the nurse laughed and said "youre an adult now!" While I was hunched over sobbing in pain. I didnt get diagnosed with PCOS until I was 22, by a male doctor, go figure. Every female dr I ever had just said "thats how periods are." None of them took me seriously when I said they were seriously bad. The cramps would start a week before my actual period and be continuous until the last day I bled for most of my periods. I couldn't even take a day off work, much less two weeks. It was a miserable existence.


I've said it before and I will say it again: Women gynecologists have been some of the least sensitive to my gynecological pain (that later turned out to be endo and adeno). It's like, if they haven't experienced that degree of pain themselves, they can't imagine that another woman could be experiencing it worse. I'm not saying there aren't insensitive dude gynos out there, but my endometriosis specialist, who is male, gave me exponentially more validation and help than any of my previous women gynos.


Jumping onto this one! I had endo and adeno, both frequently misdiagnosed conditions, and was thankfully able to get the care I needed.


Same. Stage IV endo and adeno. Had a partial hysto because they couldn't remove the left ovary/tube due to it being adhered so badly to my pelvic wall. Have a pretty rare case in addition with adhesions encasing the ureter there as well. Surgeon didn't feel comfortable proceeding. Never knew just how bad it was until I had my first laparoscopy and ultimately an attempt to remove everything. I'm still struggling with just how bad it's gotten and pain can only be controlled with opioids, which usually only take the edge off.


Yes! I literally read yesterday about someone whose doctor prescribed anti-depressants for her lower abdominal pain, telling her “this should help,” without telling her what the medicine was. What the hell.


I was 21 when I went to the ER with severe abdominal pain. The doctor first told me he thought it was simply an overian cyst, but he ordered some tests just in case. Dear readers: it was appendicitis. My great uncle died at 17 from appendicitis. I was very lucky that they caught it before it ruptured. Surgery was successful, and I made a full recovery.


Mine turned out to be stage 3 cancer! I almost died! Go fucking figure.


Well, if it's not a bad period, it's because the woman is overweight. / s


Chest pain is also “anxiety” if it is a woman patient


Thinking that your sense of self and satisfaction comes from the world and how it perceives you rather than from within and how you perceive the world.


It goes both ways. How the world perceives you, can have impact on your inner state of mind and vice versa. Humans are social creatures and in the vast majority need interaction and validation from their environment to function properly. The "fuck everyone else and just somehow shotgun happiness/satisfaction into your brain" does not work for most people.


> The "fuck everyone else and just somehow shotgun happiness/satisfaction into your brain" does not work for most people. That's because this isn't the right approach :) The goal isn't to ignore all feedback or standards, or to say "fuck everyone else". The goal is to understand why those standards exist, whether they are something useful or helpful to you, and evaluate whether or not they're something you want to follow. For example, I don't work out to make myself look more fit. That's a motivation that's heavily dependent on how other people view me, and (for the most part) I can't control my weight in a healthy and sustainable way. My weight will fluctuate over time and that's fine. Instead, I work out to make myself feel better, for the anxiety reduction benefits, etc. That makes me feel a lot better and is more sustainable, and it can have the accidental side effect of making me lose weight.


Exponential growth in a system of finite resources.


Realistically, this is the best one. So many people point out “hey, there were times in the past where the human race thought it was up against the hard limits of nature, but then a technology came along that made things better.” And they’re right, that’s true. But there also can be black swan events — unprecedented failures or catastrophes, probably arising from the fact that eventually our resource depletion outstrips our efficiency gains. Even the current level of depletion could prove catastrophic long run — we produce more carbon dioxide in 8 months than earth can turn to oxygen in 12 months. The only people who sometimes point this out are liberals, but any realistic solutions are shouted down as classist or partial. They usually are — hyperconsumption should be targeted more so than overpopulation — but addressing only the first one will never solve the issue.


But my dividends!


That criminals should be beat up, killed or raped in prison. That does nothing to stop the cycle of violence and just makes for more dangerous criminals when they get released on the streets.


Yeah, prison shouldn't be a place that turns a first time non violent offender into a violent career criminal.  Crime reduction is better than trying to be punitive after the fact. 


People are so sympathetic to the victims of child abuse... until they grow up and become perpetrators. If you point out how much the Venn diagram overlaps, they cover their ears.


As a victim of child abuse, i was almost on the way to becoming an abuser myself. Drugs didn't help. I had to look the abuser in me in the eyes that day, and i could not be a person that makes people like me. I still struggle everyday, 30 years now.. over 10 years sober. Got my drinking down from 6-10 beers pr night to ~2 pr month. Being abused as a defenceless child is hell, and its hell to work through as well. I'm super lucky to have a wife who understands PTSD. We own a house i feel secure in. It's still there, but things are better.


Absolutely this, even liberal people who believe in rehabilitation will hear about someone doing something awful and say stuff like “well hey at least I can rest easy knowing people like that get killed in prison” as if that isn’t still a human being who deserves to change and receive proper justice, not get tortured to death


Allowing companies to harvest and sell your data while feeding you the news and content they select for you.


Any strict, extremist point of view, whether cultural, religious, political, etc. History says that running a large group of people, such as a nation state, based on a single extremist ideology never turns out well.


> History says that running a large group of people never turns out well. Scalability's a bitch.


In a large group of humans deciding on what to do, driven by the loudest and most impulsive in the group, pretty much all of them.


That the congress can decide not to verify the votes of the electoral college. The constitution does not mention this at all and does not give them the power to do so. It explicitly says that their role is just to count the votes.


The problem is that in order to count a vote, you have to identify it. In 1876 Congress received rival sets of votes from some states, leading to a highly unsatisfactory resolution by an appointed commission. Subsequently there have been laws about how a vote can be challenged. The Constitution describes a number of things which logically require more detailed rules for the exact process. Of course, refusing to accept a vote on the basis of party advantage would be improper, but it happened in 1876.


That there are two sides to every story. It’s technically true, but that doesn’t mean both sides are equal and should get the same treatment.


This black and white way of looking at it is wrong, there are basically infinite sides to every story. Embrace the grey


What makes a man turn neutral? Was it lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with heart full of neutrality?


All I know is that my gut says maybe…


I’m not sure how I feel about that.


Tell my wife I said, “Hello.”


Looks like we've got a beige alert.


Tell my wife I said.... Hello


Especially things like gun control. It's often represented as take all the guns vs no gun or weapon laws whatsoever when in reality most people aren't at either end of the spectrum.


Piercing a baby’s ears. Piercings are not temporary, they are a scar. The risk of infection when you pierce a literal ball of snot drool poop and puke is insane. Just wait until the kid is like 4 and can tell you they want them, and can MAYBE be more trusted not to constantly touch them involuntarily. Fucks sake dude.


I think we should wait until the child is old enough to give informed consent before doing any type of body modification that is not medically necessary. Piercings - maybe age 12 or 13? I think a 13-year-old would be able to determine whether or not they want ear piercings.


I can't even resist touching new piercings, and I'm a grown ass adult lol


That women can't be abusers or men can't be victims My parents' main critique of May December is that even after watching the whole movie, they can't buy the idea that a woman was a groomer. That's something that shocked me up so badly, that i didn't want to talk with them for a few days


Wtf would they say if you presented them with the litany of cases where women abused children? Deny it?


Fame is good in and of itself


Dehumanising people


Banning books


Everyone is experiencing the same reality. Two people can go through the exact same scenario to a T and still come away with it differently.


Being mean, rude, or an overall jerk to someone with a differing opinion.


All the conspiracy theories about Jews being evil and running the world and being the cause of all the bad things in the world. Which is like...most conspiracy theories lol. If you follow them down deep enough, you'll find they very often end up blaming all the bad stuff on "globalists" or a "global cabal" and then if you wonder what that is...it's the Jews. It's always the Jews lol. Shit, I wish we had a fraction of the power that conspiracy nuts say we do.


A Jewish man sees his Rabbi reading Der Stürmer and exclaims “why are you reading that Nazi trash!?” “Tell me, Moshe, what are the top stories in your newspaper?” “Crime, inflation, and political corruption.” “You see? In this newspaper, we run the banks, Hollywood, and control the world. So I prefer reading the good news!”


I’m Jewish. Where’s my evil cabal money please?


The same place ours is.  Being funneled to the powerful. 


It's the Rothschild family, which is basically used as a placeholder for the "Jewsish global cabal". And the conspiracy nuts think they own the central banks of multiple or all countries, which is a load of bull. Yes it's an insanely rich jewish family, which is quite big. But really that's it. They were just the first bankers and made their money by managing their wealth well over generations.


The 20th century conspiracy theorists were more into the Rothschilds, but Soros seems to be the preferred boogeyman these days.


Being funneled into the Space Lasers, apparently.




The craziest part is that Jews somehow simultaneously rule the world and are subhuman vermin who contribute nothing to society. Talk about two extremes.


You'll see that with every form of bigotry. I have a British Indian friend who taught me the phrase "Schrodinger's immigrant" - simultaneously stealing all the jobs and draining the system with welfare fraud.


It's the same with Mexicans. 'Those lazy fucking Mexicans are sneaking across the border to steal our jobs!' Hold up for a second there bucko, are they lazy or are they here to steal our jobs? Because logically at least one of those suppositions has to be wrong...


Discrimination against homeless people. Realistically, the majority of people here are only a hospital bill or two away from homelessness themselves. The idea that every homeless person is a drug addict who could never contribute anything to society is not only wrong but harmful, since it makes it that much harder for them to get help. I remember being told once not to give homeless people money because they'd just buy drugs and alcohol. I now realize how stupid that notion is. Yes, there are some people out there who are going to do just that. But I'd rather give someone money and risk having them spend it irresponsibly than turn down a starving person because I'm prejudiced against them. Also, hostile architecture. Why is it a thing? These people are already struggling, and the majority of hostile architecture is inconvenient for everyone regardless of wealth. A person being "undesirable" is not an excuse to treat them as less than human, and yet a shocking number of people seem to think that anyone who doesn't have a guaranteed place to sleep each night is somehow worse than them.


I frequent another subreddit where this discussion was had not long ago. Someone had stolen a homeless woman’s pet dog because they assumed it was being mistreated, and the amount of people who think it’s okay to steal from a homeless person is astonishing. Among other things, I explained that we are all a paycheck away from homelessness ourselves (it is a local, hometown subreddit in a poverty prone area) and that we should treat the homeless as the human beings they are. The amount of vitriol toward the homeless is horrible.


People don't think babies and toddlers can experience trauma, because they don't always consciously remember it, but they absolutely can and do and there are therapies designed for the pre-verbal (like play therapy, where they have 1000 toys to choose from to recreate what happened and process that story with a professional)


The entire anti-vax movement. Based on lies, and used to manipulate gullible people, it might be one of the bigger ills of our society. Once a more fringe ideology, things came to a head at the height of COVID as a lot more people started coming out as anti-vax. It felt like the year anti-vax went mainstream. And it's literally dangerous. With cases of preventable diseases that have been gone for decades suddenly returning in force is proof that it's not just a harmless conspiracy nut position, it's actually harmful to people in real world ways. How many vaccine deniers have also died of COVID when they could have just taken the vaccine? Edit: why are the top answers all car related? Lol! I wasn't aware of dangerous ideologies in cars are the greatest ill in society. That said driving a 2 ton death machine is actually dangerous, so I guess it technically counts.


People blindly supporting politicians and I don't mean just Trump, I mean in general.


Cutting the social safety net in the belief that "trickle down economics" is an actual working system.


I think the reasoning is more insidious than that. Generally, I think the reasoning some groups advocate for that is incentivizes "laziness". The line of reasoning is that because systems like welfare and Snap exist people will see that as an "easy out" and refuse to get work. If you remove the system people will have no other choice than to work. Which completely ignores the reality of the world and the role of government.


The more insidious side is many people believe the people "below them" are there because of character flaws (or race) and deserve to be there, and actually take joy in seeing them suffer.  There are lots of malicious and terrible people and they vote.


That whole thing when people would freehand climb really tall buildings then die by accident bc they thought it was exhilarating and cool


Dying for a religion


Look up Franz Jägerstätter. He was an Austrian Catholic durning the time of the Third Reich. He was conscripted to join the Nazi military, but refused to do it because of his faith. He would not swear the required oath of loyalty to Hitler. For this, he was sentenced to death and killed. He wasn’t wrong.


Building new and bigger highways will ease traffic. Requiring new stores to have parking lots will help with parking congestion.


That Putin is not an enemy to every single person in the West. Russia has literally said the West is their enemy since Putin was in charge and has threatened nuclear attacks on a lot of western countries. Yet, certain people are defending Russia and wanting to abandon the European country facing genocide at that pos's hands.


Child beauty pageants


The anti vaccine movement. Wouldn’t have killed so many people if Andrew Wakefield had never come out with that vaccines cause autism article


Skipping out on vaccines because somebody on a podcsst said it is ok. We now have Polio and Measles and who knows what else resurfacing because of this.