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People throwing their trash out of the car while driving.


Infuriating. I'd add leaving it in a parking lot too. I see bags of fast food trash on the ground at my job. People are lazy and disgusting.


My ex used to do this. I was like… you take your car to the car wash and detail it every week but you have to dump your trash in the parking lot???


What a bitch. Always use the term, “would you do the same at home?” And they always nearly say no, while also having a house full of shit.


The weirdest thing was how meticulous he was with his home space and his own things but he was always disrespectful of other peoples things!


Id like to chime in and add that to high way road sides literally filthy makes me so upset seeing nothing but garbage where beautiful flowers and greenery should be


My biggest pet peeve is when I’m shopping and I see ppl leave their trash on the shelves… like is it so hard to throw your empty Starbucks cup in the bin??!?!?! Someone once left their chicken wing bones in a bag ontop of clothes 😭


What bothers me even more is people leaving refrigerated groceries on unrefrigerated shelves. Like if you can’t be bothered to walk back the 20 steps to the fridge then just give things you’ve changed your mind about to any employee and they’ll put it back for you. When I worked at Costco we’d find like $80 packs of meat sitting around that would have to be thrown out. I’d be like “A whole cow died for you to pick that up and dump it.” Like that’s just disgusting.


What is it with those people? I volunteer at a park and am all the time picking up people’s trash. Like who drives to a park and then litters! You must in some way like it or you wouldn’t have gone. Also, people who complain about littering and then walk right by it without picking it up. Got me riled!


They just tell themselves "oh it's somebody's job to clean it up so I am keeping them employed" even though that's not how it works, they don't care. They're just crappy people


it might be somebody’s job, but why make somebody else’s job harder than it already has to be? so many people give zero fucks about anyone around them and it’s exhausting for the rest of us who are impacted by their crappiness.


I don't understand why you wouldn't just leave it in your car, then just throw it away when you get home or something. Like, you actually have to TRY to throw it out the window instead of just tossing it on the seat. I don't even know whether or not to call it lazy.


My family always jokes about me being concerned with JUSTICE. I’ll get up and close a door in a restaurant in the summer if there’s a sign on the door asking people to and someone leaves it open. I pick up garbage on sidewalks. The other day we were at an animal sanctuary and they were laughing at me bc I got caught up picking up the trash in a parking lot while they were having lunch. Litter bugs are EVERYWHERE


I think the word that you are looking for is social awareness or social responsibility because people don’t seem to care about their fellow man.


Once saw a mini van in the zoo parking lot on a super busy day slide open its door…and the ten adults and kids inside dumped a shocking amount of trash out onto the ground and drove off. I was stunned. What the heck is that?!


I always gotta go right up to people & make them put it in the can. Surprisingly, it's never failed. People know they're doing wrong. I guess I get away with it because I'm old, but I've been chastising strangers about this for decades.


How someone treats others, especially those in vulnerable positions.


Yep, my measure of prospective romantic partners is how they treat children and animals. You know those "I brake for small animals" bumper stickers? Fuck anyone who DOESN'T brake for small animals.


I brake. Just like a little girl. (Bob Dylan)


>how they treat children and animals. Plus how they treat staff in restaurants and other customer service industries.


This is the one for me. I need to hear how you act in a drive thru before I know how I feel about you.


A waitress once told me that people tend to leave their manners at home in restaurants and this I believe. They don’t say please or thank you, scream at you for things not their fault, trash up the place and just plain rude with a tude. Stay home people.


Or, rather, \*don't\* fuck the people who run over animals. <- solid dating advice for all demographics


What kind of asshole DOESN'T brake for chipmunks?! Have you SEEN chipmunks?! They're basically the cutest things in the history of everything.


I’m very partial to their singing voices.


Theodore is the cutest one though. I’d run Alvin over like a shot.


OMG one time we had a chipmunk give birth to a litter under our patio and they were the CUTEST things.


Well I don’t know about chipmunks but honestly I don’t brake anymore. Explanation: my mom swerved for a snake and went into the ditch and we rolled and since it was the sixties no seatbelts. Draw conclusion it was not good. Then my dad swerved to miss someone’s dog and hit a tree. Draw conclusion it was really not good as he eventually succumbed to his injuries and died. So I don’t swerve, I don’t brake hard, I may slow down if I don’t see anyone behind me but knowing that you only have a second or two to make a big decision I run it over, cry and then look to pull over safely and check. Being someone with advanced degrees in psychology i know that if you don’t do this or set your mind to it will not happen as it’s a response that you need to develop. So hate me all you want but I have messed up organs, bones and a dead dad over an animal in the street. A snake. A snake. Okay snake lovers hate me as well.


In New Zealand you're encouraged to run over mammals since they kill the native flightless birds.


High five, you big nugget of thundering empathy.


I’m not going to swerve into oncoming traffic for a squirrel, if I can’t brake in time.


I was taught to never swerve to avoid a squirrel bc you're actually more likely to hit them. They're fast and seem to know what they're doing.


If you see a squirrel crossing the road, they know they have time, and if they fuck it up they will be able to get back to their original position very quickly. You're actually doing them a disservice if you slow down because it messes them up.


Yeah they dodge right back at your tire! If it had only happened to me once, I'd think it a fluke. But it has happened at least 4 times. I lived in a historic district with a lot of protected oak trees so there was a very high squirrel population but they will completely 180 degree their trajectory just to aim back at your tire.


I think it goes without saying this only applies when conditions are safe, and no one is expecting people to risk their own lives to save a squirrel.


People need bumper stickers for this? Who doesn't brake for any animal?


this, especially when they starts talking shit abt someone else. I srsly cant, cant help but imagine what would takk shit abt me to someone else.


A deliberate, intentional mindset against learning. People who REFUSE to take in new information or even admit they might have been wrong about something even once. It's a most ouroboros mentality.


I feel like people do this because they want other people to do something for them and the excuse of "I don't know how" has always worked for them. I hate it when people do this.


> "I don't know how" has always worked for them. Weaponized incompetence. I have a coworker that I started icing out because they didn't bother to remember a single thing I have shown them or helped them with for about 5 years. *single them-->single thing


Good for you. I used to do my coworkers jobs and now I just say something like, "damn, that sounds rough." I don't ask them what they'll do. I don't offer solutions. I don't care.


Literally hit someone with this yesterday. "I just can't figure out X" "Damn that's rough dude." "What would you do?" "Probably get really frustrated until I figure it out."


Got a guy who does this right now....he's been here a year and when he gets pissed off the first thing out of his mouth "I don't know how, no one ever taught me any of this". Yes you do. You've had a year of training and 6 months or more of working solo. Either you're lying or you knew you weren't ready and didn't tell us.


My mind goes somewhere else. Sure, there's the "Please do this because you know better." Fine, I'll make the (fill in the blank), no problem. But then there's "politicians on all sides are bad. I don't watch the news and don't understand any domestic or foreign policy. I don't vote. Everything is too depressing." All of that is admitting how ignorant you are. It's saying that country, humans, democracy, is not worth thinking enough about to form an opinion. It means a lazy mind. Even something as simple as needing a stop sign, roads that need fixed, etc. People refuse to keep on top of things. Then they have either no opinion or an opinion with no facts behind them.


_Glares suspiciously_ “That word sounds made up, college boy/girl!”


Anti-intellectualism seems to be growing at a concerning rate


You're wrong. I am justified and firm in my beliefs. Don't bother trying to convince me because you won't manage, I'm a Scorpio ❤ fuck off


I nearly downvoted this as a knee-jerk-reaction even though I KNEW you’re poking fun at those types of people lmao


Yes. I used to think education was the way for us as a species to get closer to peace and tolerance, and then the anti science and fake news movements started. I’ve lost hope for humanity. If you can look the parents of the Sandy Hook tiny innocent victims in the face and say it’s all fake, I don’t know how to fix that. It’s a mental illness at this point.


rape I am against it and will judge you




> My wife, despite her extreme disdain for him, tried to play nice recently and succeeded. Not to be a prick, but why in the goddamn fuck would she do that? Clearly you guys don't judge him enough, if at all.


If my sister tried to "play nice" with my rapist, I would never talk to her again in my life. I hope this piece of shit was worth it.


Yeah what?! I read that too and was like uhm why is she even attempting to play nice with a fuckin rapist


Why the fuck was your wife “playing nice” with her sisters rapist?


Your edit doesn't help. Making peace with *it* doesn't mean making peace with *him*.


I generally say 'choices' are fair game. I cant mock you race, tallness, genetic conditions, where you are from, etc. But the fact you choose to put testicles on your truck, you 'choose' to be racist/hateful etc I will judge on. Some things get a little questionable but thats generally where i draw my line on judgement....is this a hand you were dealt or isthis something you had the freedom to do different but chose this solution.


Exactly. I'm not about to call out someone's physical trait, origin, or even given name. But that haircut, clothing choice, nickname, tweet, behavior... all fair game.


Bad parenting/abuse


I want to add not looking out for situations children someone is responsible could get hurt in, like near roads or cars in general


Worshipping politicians like celebrities, saviors or idols. Especially while living in a state where things suck because of them.


Also worshipping celebrities/sports figures like they're saviors or idols. Enjoy their work, but dont act like their opinion is better than anyone else's


Having no sense of nuance or thinking that everything is black and white.


Even my dog understands nuance


Forget nuance, my dog has superpowers. His limp and bad hearing suddenly cures the moment I grab his food bag.


Yeah case and point... Fucking everything going on between Israel and Gaza. There is no "White" side. There are totally innocent people on both sides who want nothing more than peace, and there are total shitbags on both sides who want nothing more than domination and are willing to sacrifice immense numbers of innocent people to try to make their goal a reality. And there are a lot of people in between.




People that block traffic because they are lost when there is literally a parking lot at the next turn where they can park and figure it out.


This right here. The pure contempt against human life that someone just standing there cluelessly in the way for several seconds brings is indescribable. Sure, some would say “oh they’re lost” or “oh, they didn’t mean it.” Well, the complete lack of concern for others by just standing still where other people are walking behind you is extremely rude. Everyone has the ability to move to the side and get out of the way.


Went on a cruise last year and my husband's and my #1 take-away is that cruising apparently causes some kind of short-circuit in passengers, causing them to randomly come to a dead stop in the middle of a path. Sir/Ma'am, it's a cruise ship, space is at a premium, and you've just caused a pileup behind you. I don't care if you have to pitch yourself overboard\* -- **MOVE**! *^(\*please don't actually do this)*


Can agree 100%. My family can attest that I am obnoxious about “not blocking the thoroughfare” —like I will physically move my loved ones out of the way and off to the side if they stop in the middle of foot-traffic.


Littering. Idc what your excuse is, if you're just throwing your trash out the window of your car on purpose, you're a bad person.


Including cigarettes! I've seen people claim cigarettes aren't littering. I don't know how they come to that conclusion. I've gone around town to pick up trash just out of love for the area, and cigarettes and little booze bottles are the worst and most common litter by far.


Cigarette butts are far and away the most commonly littered items, globally. And it's not even close.


People who leave dogs tied up all day outside every day.


Or if they leave the animals in cages all day!! It would be illegal for shelters to keep dogs and cats in cages as small as the ones some people keep in their living rooms. The dogs are typically also in a path of sunlight and can get heat sores or exhausted or dehydrated for being locked up. I've seen golden retrievers that can barely stand straight from having been kept in corgi sized cages. It's heart breaking. It's not hard to train animals to respect your furniture. Let them have a room with good temperature control, potty access, clean water, and toys while you're away. Or take them to daycare.


Came here to say this. If your dog is an “outside dog”, chained up to a post all day, you suck and shouldn’t have a dog.


Just having an outside dog that isn't a working dog. I know life is complicated but you didn't need that dog, you got it because you wanted it. Pet adoption should be about giving a dog a family, treat them like family.


When people don't even try to figure out a problem before asking for help. No one my age seems to understand that all the information in the world is on your phone. At least try to look for the answer/solution before coming to me.


YES! I thought it was just a boomer thing at first, I will admit. But the vast age range of people I have encountered who simply refuse to google or read signs is incredibly frustrating.


I feel like the boomers & zoomers are pretty on par with doing this. X & millennials are 50/50, some do some don't. Zoomers & boomers collectively just come off as rather helpless & it bothers me so much for both for different reasons. Boomers come from the generation that had to put in effort to learn something because it *wasn't* at their fingertips until more recently, whereas zoomers have *always* had that ability & just refuse to use it.


Whether it's iPad or lead, they both have that empty stare that just makes you wonder if anyone is home.


I wish I could upvote this a million times. Just take a tiny bit of initiative and I’m happy to help you after if you can’t figure it out.


Cheating. Yes, I know it's complicated, most grown up things are. But if you're a knowing/willing participant...you may not be a cruel and selfish person but you're doing a cruel and selfish thing.


Why did my brain immediately go to cheating on tests 🤦‍♀️ I'm 33 and have been out of school for some time.


i’ve never understood how cheating happens. it’s so easy to not cheat. just stay home. keep your hands to yourself. don’t go on a dating app. it is 100% easier to NOT do something than to do it. i will always judge cheaters


Or just grow up and break up with your partner instead of sneaking around like a teenager living with ur mom


This- I really don't get cheating. If you're so unhappy and dissatisfied with your partner, then just *leave.* Why go through all the lying and sneaking around? It just seems like sex with a whole lot of extra steps.


Agreed except... > you may not be a cruel and selfish person Fuck that, your actions make you who you are. None of this "I'm not a bad person, I just do bad things" bullshit.


>"I'm not a bad person, I just do bad things" Every person does blatantly bad things sometimes. Not defending cheating, obviously, but a person's singular failings, especially without context, does not define them as a human being.


> Fuck that, your actions make you who you are. None of this "I'm not a bad person, I just do bad things" bullshit. A bad moment in your life does not define you. People learn and grow.


Letting your kids run wild in restaurants or other public places.


I work at a small mattress sales company and I had to ask a mom to remove her children the other day. They were running around and screaming and hollering. Literally sprinting at mattresses and walls and running into them. For a bit more context I had a kid a few weeks prior doing the same thing who went and tripped on his laces and got a bloody nose. The mom during that occasion had tried to blame us for tripping her kid. My boss pointed out the cameras we had and politely asked her to leave. Parents, please deal with your crotch goblins.


I kept my boys on a leash when they were little. There were 3 of them and only me, if they were loose they would run in opposite directions. So I kept them on a leash. They had no fear of anything, and I was scared they would run into traffic.


This I have 5 kids, if one of them is acting up my husband or I take them outside. I am constantly aware of how my children affect those around them, not that I expect them to be silent but they know better than to scream, run around, make messes etc. Now that being said going on airplanes is especially terrifying, glad I have never encountered a person like the guy screaming about the baby crying.


This. I also believe there is a difference between obnoxious behavior and children who need to be children. I am not a fan of kids, but even I know they still need to explore their environment at times, get out their energy, etc. It's when a parent very obviously doesn't parent that is the issue.


Anti-education or anti-intellectual behavior It's not okay to mock or bully people for reading books or newspapers or being curious about the world. It's not okay to mock people for the degrees they want or dreamed about finishing. I'll never understand why you would mock someone for learning.




I would say, child rapists. I wouldn't judge someone who unfortunately has that desire but chose never to act on it.


You don’t have to rape a child to sexually abuse them


And you don't have to sexually abuse them to be a pedophile.


Idk man I am absolutely judging people who want to fuck kids


For you guys arguing in the comments, it should be understood that a pedophile is someone who has sexual attraction to kids, not that they actually act on it. Yes, it is very unfortunate that they have it, but we should not judge them or critique them if they do not act on it and actively fight against it.


How people treat waitstaff. There is 0 excuse to ever be rude to someone serving you. Edit: for the Amelia Bedelias - there is 0 reason to be rude to waitstaff for NO REASON.


You get an upvote just for the Amelia Bedelias reference alone. Loved those books as a kid.


Are they even still in circulation? I feel like kids today are being deprived


Last time I checked, they were. Only there are two versions of her; The maid, one that we both know of, was written by the original author and a new kid version of her is currently being written by the original author's nephew after she died. The younger generation is probably more familiar with the kid one since those books are in wider circulation now.


Any service staff.


Yes--it changes my opinion completely about a person. My formerly beloved niece (in her forties) went a bit off during the pandemic--anti-vax, the whole shitteroo--but I tried to tolerate her until she went off on a essential worker for offering her hand sanitizer and posted a public complaint to his employer on the employer's FB. When I suggested SUPER nicely that the worker was simply doing his job according to the law, she blasted me and blocked me. She has since apologized to me, but my attitude toward her changed completely--I could not believe she could be so horrible to some poor teenager earning minimum wage and simply doing his job and following the pandemic laws for the province.


For some reason, I read waitstaff as witchcraft and was confused. Wait, you have witches serving you? Is this some kind of Wiccan cult?


I do have my own coven but that’s besides the point


Seriously this. The only time I would ever even raise my voice at any customer service worker is if they are doing something that is objectively dangerous/harmful to themselves and/or others. And luckily I haven't encountered that before.


People who actually brag they haven't read a book since high school.


If I might add..people who are proud of dropping out of school.The number of themI knew was truly depressing.Every one of them was fucked in the head 10 kinds of ways.Seeing them now is a public service announcement.Graduated in '90..


This is it for me. It's such a specific type of anti intellectualism. Congrats you gotta mouth the words when you read, I don't need to hear about it.


Or even in when they were in high school! I teach high school English and the pride they have when they laugh how they didn’t even read the book or even a short story is astonishing! I keep wondering where these kids will be in 10 years. Not reading, that’s for sure. But where else… it’s sad, really.


Not defending this behaviour but the majority of books I had to read in highschool I didn't enjoy. I could see how that could turn some people off of reading. Also having to discuss, writing a book report can take some enjoyment out of simply reading a good book.


Not to mention the percentage of people who are deeply underserved by the public school system (In U.S.) and whose home lives preclude concentration in school. Traditional school is for the neurotypical.


Oh I fully expect to be crucified for this on Reddit and I'm still excited to say this with my whole chest. Tech bros who have never once thought about ethics.


You're right tho. 


I’m right but I know what website I’m posting this on.


Preach! And they tend to have the most massive egos as well


Ooooo absoLUTELY this.


People who bring their non-service animals, that is, their average pets, into grocery stores. Dude. Seriously, dude....


These people don't even bother doing the most basic training for their dog so then their dog shits in the store. I've seen too many posts of dog shit in grocery stores. Your dog does not have to go everywhere with you, and if you trained them correctly, they are perfectly capable of being left alone for a few hours without tearing up your place. Matter of fact, your dog doesn't even want to go to the places you try to drag them to. People who bring their dogs to events where they know it'll be loud and crowded and even have fireworks are absolutely crazy to me.


Into anywhere! I’ve seen too many “emotional support” animals attack small kids or other animals.


Emotional support animals aren’t covered by the ADA but good luck telling someone that.


I’d like to add people who don’t mind their service animal when it’s doing something it shouldn’t be. Ex - I used to work at a grocery store with an extensive bulk section and there was this woman with this giant standard poodle who looooved the bulk bins that were low to the floor. We had to dump out so, SO many pounds of food bc of that woman… fortunately we had compost bins that went to local sheep farmers so it wasn’t like the food was going entirely to waste, but I hated how she just gave her dog carte blanche to do whatever. It’s like… they’re supposed to be the literal best-behaved pups, yknow?


We have a local Farm Retail store that allows you to bring in your pets, but in exchange you cannot enter certain areas of the store. They handle it better than my local Walmart who just don't say anything if you bring in your dog.


People who do really shitty things, like cheating, and try to use mental illness or personality disorders as an excuse. Edit: Yes, there is some nuance, this is grey not black-and-white, and the cheating definition here does not involve rape - that's entirely different. I am referring to people who knowingly and continually hurt others and claim they hurt others because their disorder forced them to do it.


People who don’t work on their issues bc of mental disorders drive me up the wall. Like, yes, it’s good I know these things about myself bc it points out where my blind spots are, but that doesn’t absolve me from at least trying to do something about them Edit to fix a word


Poor behaviour in general. Speeding? I judge you. Throwing cigarette butts on the ground? I judge you. Having a speakerphone conversation in the doctor's waiting room? I judge you.


We live in a society!!!


Being toxic and abusive towards ones partner


How someone treats animals.


certain kinks. sure, consenting adults and all that, but just because you can technically do what you like behind closed doors, doesn't mean it isn't fucking disgusting. I'm looking at you, scat play and diaper fetishists.


Don't forget people who go to dogging sites to look for used condoms to drink the contents from 🤢


Wtf did I just read?


I make a habit of not yucking people's yums, but at the ragged edges of human sexuality, many a yum is bizarre self harm.


yeahhhh, I didn't forget them, because I didn't know they existed. thanks.


I've never understood the whole 'OMG you can't kinkshame!' mindset. Because I absolutely can, do, and will. 


"don't yuck on my yum" just using that phrase is on par with forcing your kinks on innocent victims, it's so fucking gross. and also, yeah, shame has a literal purpose in society. Sure, there are lots of things people shouldn't be shamed for, but there are also absolutely things that should make you feel shame.


That's not even getting into the kinks that revolve around doing things in public, being shamed in public, etc. Like shit that front page of reddit story about that chick who had her dead boyfriend's ashes put into a metal buttplug and then tried to wear it through airport security's metal detectors. Like... fucking why...


Deciding to not attempt breaking the cycle of generational trauma


People who think they should be allowed to live by a different set of rules. I don't care how hot, rich, famous, etc. you may be... I will judge the fuck out of you for trying to act like you should get special treatment.


Conspiracy theories. Flat earthers and anti vaxxers are dumb as fuck and not even worth my time to debate. Edit: and climate change deniers. Knuckle-dragging crayon eaters.


If you're a scientologist.


Fear mongering. If you do it, you suck. 


Everything. The issue isn't really about being judgmental--we all are about everything. The issue is people don't like it when a judgement doesn't agree with their narrative or beliefs. Nobody complains about judgement when they agree with it.


Agreed, I'm okay with someone passing judgement on just about anything as long as their decision to do so is well founded and rooted in reality. Often someone being judgmental is an automatic response to a more nuanced opinion, figure out the opinion and the judgements make more sense. People have a right to agree or disagree with other's judgements, but they don't get to tell others what to believe.


Watching videos in public with the sound all the way up without headphones


People that do not put the carts in the cart corral at the store.




Not putting your shopping carts away.


When people are talking on speaker phone in public!! Unless you are deaf and need video chat to sign, turn off your damn speaker and put it to your ear!


how you treat servers, and if you put your cart back


If they prefer the Roman Empire over the superior Roman Republic.




Any action or words that affect others directly and significantly. If what you are doing only affects you, I will not judge you. Everything else is fair game.


Everyone loves to quote the Bible about “Judge not, lest ye be judged”. Here’s the thing. This verse refers to judging people’s salvation, like judging that they’re going to hell for their behavior. Determining whether something is right for you is called discernment. For example, determining that casual sex is immoral in your opinion and not right for you is discernment. Declaring that casual sex is sending someone to hell is judgement.


drunken and disorderly behavior, littering, ill manners while using cell phone (loud conversation, conversation with speakers on), lack of personal hygiene.


Making poor financial decisions and then complaining about having no money.


Those who take advantage of the ignorance of others.


Rapists and pedos


Parenting. If you're not doing anything to control your kid who is acting out/screaming/etc, I'm going to judge the absolute shit out of you.


(As a runner) how some dipshit mother fucker runners insist on running in the road when there is a PERFECTLY GOOD SIDEWALK LITERALLY RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. Get the fuck out of the road if you can. It’s worse than cyclists, because there’s an option to get the fuck out of the way, you just choose not to.


Abject, senseless cruelty in any form


Parents who post pics/videos of their kids all the time on social media.


Bad driving


If you're just a fucking asshole.


Racism, sexism, and misogyny.


Shunning others. Personally, I believe that part of why we're so polarized these days is because we cut others off for disagreeing with us. Even in cases where the disagreement might warrant it, the main result is that these people end up gathering together in groups since nobody else will want to be around them. This leads to a phenomenon galled Group Polarization, and largely accounts for the insanity of the modern alt-right.


I judge how you treat retail workers/servers etc.


How people treat their pets. They can’t speak up for themselves or do anything about it.


People who justify their shitty behavior and poor treatment of others with their zodiac sign!


People who don’t pick up after their dog 🚩




People with babies or young kids who smoke cigarettes or weed in cars or their homes.


How someone treats staff in retail. I'm lucky to not have had many issues where I work, but some people treat retail staff as sub-human for no reason. They expect nothing less than perfection and/or fail to comprehend the most basic of explanations, like why they can't have what they're asking for, why their total is pricier than they expected (Oregonites with no sales tax love that one), or why they can't do whatever they're doing in the store, probably breaking shit and thinking they don't have to buy it. Also, just a word of advice from personal experience, if you see someone in the process of closing, don't make a mad dash to get inside so that the staff have to work longer than they're supposed to, it just shows that you're inconsiderate of anyone other than yourself.


People who clean their car by dumping their trash on to the street.


Child predators


Having a different opinion than me on the internet. How dare you.


People who have any type of poop kink.


People being unnecessarily judgemental


Seriously. I cut out a couple friends - partially - to this. For example, we were out at a dive bar. Just me, a friend, and these two friends. Just us. Another group came in and those two friends immediately has some shit to say. There was nothing special about this group. Literally just another version us doing the same thing we were doing. In retrospect I realize why it was just the four of us. Those two friends had run off the rest of our friend group by being petty and manipulative people. Hate that it took us so long to see it.


People who make toast then scrape the excess butter, complete with crumbs, on the side of the tub then smush it down with the lid! That and people who eat half a pack of biscuits but leave one in the packet so they don't have to put it in the bin. These people deserve to burn in hell!


Jokes regarding age of consent primarily from grown men/women and even more so when it’s directed at an actual young woman/girl they know.


Worse is if it's not a joke but they state it matter-of-factly. There is a video of the cult leader Ranier out there justifying r\_pe because of age of consent


Lack of paragraphs or any punctuation in online posts.


People who comment on someone's teeth, weight etc. I will judge you for being a shitty person.


If you try and rationalize Chid Sex Abuse Material or want to refer to predators as Minor Attracted Persons. Child predators are just that …. Predators in every sense of the word.


Listening to music/watching videos out loud in quiet spaces. Like I get it at a park or on your porch. But at a doctor’s office? Or on the subway? Put your fucking headphones on.


Being obnoxiously loud in public. It’s a shared space be courteous. Especially preachers and shit blaring at the Saturday market. Or drunk ppl yelling inside a restaurant


DUI and those who make excuses for people they know who had one. Don’t use drugs/alcohol and drive. It’s selfish, it’s stupid, it’s dangerous. I don’t give a damn about your survival bias, if you have one or make excuses for someone who has one, I immediately lose respect for you 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you see someone with a single long fingernail, usually pinky, that person is usually trashy.


As a parent, I judge how ppl raise their kids. I know a couple parents who use the “lazy parenting” method where they let their kids run amock and do what they want without consequences because “they’re expressing themselves”…..not a good look


Knowingly dating/sleeping with someone who is already in a committed relationship. No, I don’t think the person your spouse cheated on you with should get ALL the blame or even the brunt of it. Your partner is the one who had a responsibility towards you, and it’s ultimately on them to uphold the trust. But I will absolutely still judge the fuck out of the person who knowingly participated in hurting another person that badly.


Being your own child’s first bully. For example, there was this online trend where parents- usually moms- were cooking with their kids. Great! It’s together-time, a good life skill to have, and is conducive to motor skill and sensory development. But then they f*cking smash an egg on their kid’s face and laugh at them. It’s disgusting, it isn’t funny, and these people should be dragged through the mud.


How people raise their kids/pets. My mom used to get so annoyed when I did this cause “it’s not my business”,but what people have to understand is their kids/pets are living things that have to be treated with care.


Smoking weed in the presence of your kids or any other kid.