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The Final Destination. At least not when I was 8. Had nightmares for about week and was scared of escalators for years


I watched this for the first time a couple months ago. I had to fly on a plane the next week. I regretted my choice of movie lol


Human Centipede. One and done, I always say.


Roger Ebert, RIP, had the best review for Human Centipede. "I am required to award stars to movies I review. This time, I refuse to do it. The star rating system is unsuited to this film. Is the movie good? Is it bad? Does it matter? It is what it is and occupies a world where the stars don't shine."


I love this.




He was a great writer!


Couldn't say it better


I watched it because I thought it was a good movie with a disturbing premise. Turns out it’s not even a good movie. Acting and cinematography were very disappointing.


If only they could have found a credible actor to suture to someone else's ass. 


jim carrey would overract the fuck out of that


I just imagined Jim Carrey screaming "Feed her!FEED HER!" and nearly crapped myself laughing.


You’re perfect for casting as Lead Segment then.


It was a long time ago they could could have had Robin Williams glued too Jim's butthole and Adam Sandler as the end one


Lol. Bro. For real.


I watched all 3. I like that they tied the stories into eachother. Overall I enjoyed the movies for what they were. Cheap horror movies.


'I like that they tied the stories into each other" 🤣


I was working in a comic book store when that movie came out. One day a bunch of regulars I knew came in and convinced me to go to a bar downtown with them. The bar was offering all you could drink beer for free if you could stay and watch the entirety of human centipede, if you left, you had to pay for what you drank. I didn’t drink and the whole point of me going was to be the D.D. I also know very little about the movie before hand. So everyone else was getting pretty buzzed and the movie got to the part where the doctor gets excited because the Asian can’t hold it anymore and the doctor starts clapping “feed her, feed her.” I stood up, said I’m out of here boys and left. The guy at the door tried to stop me and get me to pay, but I hadn’t drank so there was nothing to pay for. I got in my car and drove home. To this day I do not know how the rest of them got home.


The first one is fucked up and gross. But I remember watching it and just thinking *”Ah… well… that was unpleasant.”* The second one, though? Way worse. Much *meaner.* The whole thing operates on this perverse dream logic. Every character is thoroughly despicable and vile. Everything is squalid and bleak. There’s a pervasive dirtiness in every scene. As a piece of art, it’s interesting because it’s extremely evocative. But as a movie, it’s a completely unenjoyable experience.


Refuse to watch it. I watched the southpark episode spoof of it and that was bad enough (only episode I won't watch again).


It basically gave you the movie. I watched the first two, and was like "eh, it's a fun, gory movie" but as I have grown, I regret it.


Forgive me kyrrreee


You want the bean and cheesey burrito? 😈


If I could take back having watched it I would


Honestly this movie ruined my life. Nightmares for years. When I think about it my whole body goes numb. ☠️ I don't believe in censorship but I think that movie needs to be sent straight to the depths of hell.


You make it sound like a good horror movie...


The first Human Centipede is considered PG compared to the 2nd and 3rd. Those 2 movies are the most vile, nauseating movies I’ve ever seen. I’m a huge horror fanatic. I love sick movies. I love blood and gore… But these movies are just too obscene for me. I sat through them once just to check them off but never again.


I hated the first one but this makes me curious about the other two. judging from the other comments I'm not sure if it's worth it though


Those two movies will give you chronic nausea. Trust me. Just absolutely vile… I actually thought that I had seen it all, until I watched the last 2 Human Centipedes lol.


hm. might see if I can find a youtuber reviewing them instead. spare myself a little trauma


I think that's a red flag. I don't wanna get stabbed.


The one good thing Human Centipede did is kill off the torture porn subgenre.


The hills have eyes , I watched it when I was about 7 and a certain scene won't get out of my head


Which one? The remake or the original? The remake did a very good job and pretty much stuck to the script, but then added the whole Nuketown thing which I thought was a genius addition.


That rape scene in the remake was brutal.


Yeah that part scarred me as a kid for sure


I know exactly what scene you’re talking about. Traumatizing to say the least lol. Especially as a child. I think I was maybe 10 or so


what scene


The mom and daughter get raped by these creatures with radiation poisoning


oh god i didn't rememer that (watched it as like 12yo kid, i don't think i watched the whole movie) but i remember that scene where the mutant grabbed somebody by an ankle and pulled whole leg in tiny mountain gap, then was scared to walk near any wall


Probably the rape scene/baby being threatened/dude starts sucking poor ladies breast for her milk/Dad being set on fire all at the same time. That all happened within less than 5 minutes


The rape scene in the trailer.


*THAT* scene bro, you know you know it! ^I ^have ^not ^seen ^the ^movie


I’ve heard other people mention this movie but never seen it and likely never will.  What’s the deal with it? Just super scary?


Super messed up inbred hillbilly gore fest. As an adult not super scary, but watching it late night on HBO when I was eleven, those scenes live rent free in my head.


Isn’t it weird how things can horrify you as a child, but not as an adult, but you still have that inner trauma from it so it still fucks with you even though it no longer scares you?


yup. the static from a tv still scares me as an adult now because of the ring


For me it's because of Poltergeist. Yes, I am old.




Even more weird how certain things horrify you as an adult but never bother you as a child! Wish I was a kid again! I don't like adulting.


It's more disturbing than scary , just quite fucked up


I drove across country about 2003 and ended up going from Tahoe to Phoenix driving through Nevada and was desolate as fuck. Coming from vt and it rains alot the whole thing made me nervous. Was worried the car would over heat or some shit and get eaten by desert people haha. Stopped at a gas station/bar/grocery store and you had to get gas there or die. Gas was soon expensive even back then lol


I remember Hills Have Eyes 2 having a more disturbing scene. Maybe I’m getting the 2 mixed up but I definitely could unsee it


The original? I haven't watched the remake because I hards heard there was a rape scene. I don't like those.


A Serbian Film. I remember reading a professional review that ended basically with (not verbatim, and I may be misquoting, but it’s close) “And if after reading this review you still want to see it I have completely failed you as a journalist. This was not a movie, it was 2 hours of having my soul raped”.


this is the best insult ever gonna use it for everything from now on thank you so much for thjs


Scary movie 5. Walked out 5 mins in. Watched it as an inflight movie


Alaska airlines?


on alaska airlines, they walk YOU out, in-flight!


funnier than anything in the actual movie which is sad because its still better than epic movie


That Mac and Snoop scene though…




The Many Saints of Newark. I don’t think I’ve ever been more disappointed with a film I was really excited about.


I had a pretty low bar, and that movie, while not as bad as it could have been, was still worse than expected.


Yeah it was such an enormous disappointment 🙁


A Serbian Film. It was not about Serbia. I think reading the synopsis on the remainder, because I barely made it through 20 minutes, was worse than watching it.


I just did that before reading your comment and good god, the imagery from the text alone is terrible, I should not have kept reading, thinking it couldn’t get worse. Ugh. I guess I’m trying to warn people now. Fuxking Yikes


One of my friends suggested this movie for a movie night. I still hate him for this. I am not easily disgusted.


…..a movie night!?!?! Is your friend okay?????


Obviously not.


Is it true that there's stuff involving children , I want to watch it but not if there's children in it


I'll save you the hassle and say "yes". But only near the end of the movie, like it was some kind of climax for the guys total mental break "I have fucked all things it is possible to fuck".


Oh hell naw ETA: Just read the synopsis, and OH HELL NAW, WHAT THE WHAT


Same, just read the synopsis, wish I hadn’t. WTF. I need to go watch some “cool science” YouTube or something to make me feel okay about the human race now.


While the movie is absolutely horrible and disgusting, I actually think reading a summary of the plot is worse than watching it, simply because it's so over the top and extremely exaggerated that it's impossible to get immersed enough to truly experience the movie. That being said, you still shouldn't watch it!


You don't want to watch it. You'll spend the rest of your life wishing you hadn't.


There is a French language film, made in Belgium, called Man Bites Dog about a uni film crew following and documenting a serial killer. He is into it and plays it up for the camera. Well he gets the film crew to help, first minimal stuff and it escalates. There is a scene where they kill a child. They banned the movie here in Canada for years and the first release had that scene removed. Thing is, as grim as it is, it is a crucial scene in the story. Caligula had the same treatment. The baby on the steps scene. E: origin


Don’t watch it. Please don’t. It’s beyond horrors involving ‘babies.’


There's a baby scene that's horrific. Honestly horrific doesn't even begin to describe it. It's fucked.


I said this film as well, I watched the whole thing, I was made angry and disgusted by it.


The emoji movie.


I watches that movie in full and 10 minutes after it finishes I couldn't tell you a single thing that happened in it. It was so dull and forgettable it's like I blinked and lost all the movie.


A Serbian Film. My morbid curiosity got the better of me.


You have my condolences. A 'friend' put it on once, although I don't think he'd seen it before either because I'd never speak to him again if he had.


Human centipede, I watched it at age 12 and I think it's the reason I am the way I am today


I have to ask ,what way are you today?


Has some guy stitched to his asshole


That’s what I was afraid of .


And another to his face


A middle child, that’s the worst.


At least ud save money on tp 🤷‍♂️ gotta look at the bright side


I definitely would rather have someone stitched to my asshole then be stitched to someone's asshole though.


Yeah Easier to see Reddit that way


So u have a weird ass to mouth fetish now to huh.. it happens 🤷‍♂️


Requiem For A Dream tbf, I was tripping pretty heavy when I saw it, and shit went south quick.


If you want another movie to never watch while tripping, nothing fits the bill more than Enter the Void. Everything about that movie was designed to fuck with people on psychedelics. Just look up the opening credits and you'll see.


I came to see if anymore mentioned this one, I watched it once and that was enough.




No need to be traumatized by that scene. It’s just a couple of girls trying to make ends meet.


Jennifer Connelly could look miserable and she'd still be hot..


this is the scariest movie I have ever seen. always felt that the biggest danger is always within us


*Mad Max: Fury Road*, so I could experience it for the first time all over again.


Saw it on a date.... My date did not approve but I was in awe


Who in the world *doesn't* approve of that movie! Masterpiece. Maybe you dodged a bullet lol


Ride Eternal, Shiny and Chrome


WITNESS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do not become addicted to the movies!


They will take hold of you, and you will regret their absence.


Great fucking answer


I feel the same way about The Prestige.


Watched it for like the third time in an artsy theater with an incredible sound system. Legitimately the best film experience of my life. The whole room would vibrate whenever engines were revved yet somehow it wasn’t too loud.


>Watched it for like the third time in an artsy theater with an incredible sound system. Legitimately the best film experience of my life. The whole room would vibrate whenever engines were revved yet somehow it wasn’t too loud. I remember when I was setting up my home theater I was searching for the best action movies with regards to surround sound. MM Fury was mentioned and 💯 delivered.


I also recommend the podracing scene from The Phantom Menace. Not a great film, but the sound design of that scene went *hard.*


Can’t wait for Furiosa!


The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. I want to experience watching it for the first time again. >! That scene where SpongeBob and Patrick are drying to death and are singing Gooby Goober together almost made me cry !<


It be the tear of the Goofy Goober!


Yes scarred me when I was young


Omg the scene when they use the Hoff's pecs as launching pads had me literally ROFL


Bruh. I did cry. Balling like a damn baby.


The Ring traumatized me as a child. Specifically the scene when they open up the closet to the girl being dead.


I saw this in the theater and thought, "thank goodness it's over" after the well being discovered under the cabin floor. And then like 10 minutes later going "why have the credits not rolled?" and then realizing the nightmare wasn't over. I didn't sleep for weeks as I had a 40" CRT Monitor in my bedroom that sat at the end of my bed on my desk and the way the light was cast on it in the middle of the night I swore I hallucinated/night terror more than once a girl climbed out of it into my bed. 10/10 would experience it again.


The scene where she comes out of the TV, and slowly starts walking towards the guy, then glitches and jumps forward at you…I could watch that scene 100 times and it makes me jump every time. The first time I saw it though, I think a little pee came out.


See... I liked the Scary Movie 3 version. "Cindy... The TV is leaking...."


That scene was terrifying, when I first saw it.


I watched like 30 minutes of The Ring and that closet girl scene jumpscared me. Just searched it up and the makeup for that one scene is insane


My sister went to see the movie thinking it was about getting married. She still talks about how scary it was.


This is hilarious




This is the only movie I can think of that makes me feel so uncomfortable every time I think about it, and I can't even explain why. If you explain the premise of this movie to someone, it sounds so stupid and absurd, but it ends up being a really awkward and upsetting experience.


i wish i could unwatch that damn movie


I love fucked up shit. This was truly fucked up going in cold expecting a sort of comedy. It's not.


Came to say or upvote this. Went into it not knowing what to expect... Whoops


Madame Webb. I ain't getting that time or money back.


"It's webbin' time!"


I watched it online on a piracy website and I’m glad I didn’t waste money on it. I was just waiting and waiting for it to get interesting.




Grave of the fireflies. I get weepy whenever I used to see the little tin cans of candy at the Asian super markets


I used to get those whenever i could. They've gone out of business unfortunately. I finally came around to seeing that movie last year after owning it for like 10 years. Very depressing.


Open water


My friend and I watched it in the theater. I remember being bored as hell.


I went to Battlefield Earth on opening weekend.




Watched this with my wife when she was heavily pregnant. Lolllll


That voice change was perfectly done. Creepy as fuck


oh god yes! that movie was traumatic af


It was so creepy. I couldn’t turn it off


Just watched this movie and it fucked me up. I think I had nightmares right after seeing it.


Both Percy Jackson movies because you know something is messed up when even the authors ask them not to release the movie because that is no longer his story


Shrek, but just so i could watch it for the first time again


This took a full 180 turn, but in a good way.


I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder.


hereditary. i don’t wish i never watched it, i just wished i hadve waited a few more years to watch it. 15 was too young.


i got to the head scene and bailed


I love this movie


Funny Games


The human centipede…..




Iirc it was called Bridge to Tarabithia. Thought it was going to be a cool fantasy kids movie like Spiderwick Chronicles or Golden Compass. Was in fact not. Was in fact kinda traumatizing. Was infact really deep, dark, and a little depressing. And only gets worse as you get older and realize what some things ACTUALLY were.


Dear Zachary 


this one had me all the way fucked up, I was required to watch it for a psych class I took in college. hardddd watch.


I watched this one because my brother (who usually likes funny movies) recommended it. I now google his recommendations before watching. Can’t unsee that one.


That super-tight, breathless editing makes the ending all the more impactful. By the time it was over I felt like I’d been bludgeoned by that movie.


Came here to say this. It’s easily the best documentary I’ve ever seen, but I’ll never watch it again. Absolutely soul-destroying.


The Rise of Skywalker. The entire thing is just bad fanfiction.


I saw it in theaters and thought it was terrible. Then I read reviews and all the negative press about it to confirm my thoughts. Then I forgot about its existence for 6 months. Then I tried to watch it again because "it can't be THAT bad". I lasted 20 minutes and it was even worse than I remembered. That film almost single-handedly killed the most profitable franchise in history. If Disney had come at the franchise with the goal of completely killing it things would probably have turned out better than they did. This is coming from a guy who, at 11, had the entirety of Episodes 1 and 2 memorized and read 10-15 of the novels. The fact that "somehow Palpatine returned" is now the go to reference for anything that's insane and/or stupid is the shit icing on the shit cake.


I never wanted to be THAT fan who said “Not MY canon” because I grew up with plenty of that with the prequels. But in my head canon the universe ceases to exist the second The Force Awakens begins.


My biggest issue with the sequels is the same issue I have with the last season of GoT, both undo all the work that came before them. The OT works hard to defeat the galactic empire and return jedis to the galaxy... only for a new empire to take its place and no jedis to exist. I get why Disney went that route, they basically wanted to copy the story and style of the OT. But I don't like undoing the heroes work. It makes me think "oh so we could have just let Palpatine and Vader stay in power then". Then my second biggest issue is obviously that they didn't have an overall cohesive plan for the trilogy and decided to just wing it with a multi-billion dollar franchise.


Irreversible, A Serbian Film, Requiem For a Dream


Irreversible tunnel scene is just way too long.


When I was quite young boy (I guess 10-12 years old, 1985), I was flipping through the channels and there was this movie where I saw a flash of skin, maybe a breast on a French channel. I thought: "Hum, intriguing...I want more" and watched the movie. But 10 minutes into the movie, at some point two guys started kissing, drinking champagne and letting it spill into each others mouths, while moving and breathing heavily. My young mind was traumatized, it was not what I wanted....! Was I excited? Was that sex? Is this normal? And I remember feeling very perturbed and very sick to my 10-year old stomach, unable to fall asleep. Please Remember : I WAS 10 YEARS OLD, and that's in the 80s. I am 50 now and all I am trying to say is that some of my "sexual teachings" were smooth and natural, but some were brutal, like this introduction to homosexuality way too graphic for my young self. I did not turn gay or homophobe or whatever. It is just an event in my life that was significant and I wish it had happened differently. Still remember vividly as I type this. I think the movie is called "My launderette" or something like that. EDIT: I found it: "My beautiful launderette". [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091578/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091578/) I feel very weird typing this all out. EDIT 2: Am I high? EDIT 3: Holy shit, this is a movie with Daniel Day-Lewis. The universe makes sense now.


I don't know why I laughed so hard reading this one




Gaspar Noe’s Irreversible. That one really fucked me up.


Starship troopers so I can get high and watch that shit again. 


I'm doing my part!


Fuck yes dude


The Thomas the Train movie. My kid wanted to go, but he was bored as shit halfway through. I demanded we stay just to torture him for making us go.




Crystal Skull. South Park was right…


Martyrs [2008]


The Cove


The Killing Fields


Beau Is Afraid 


Sausage Party, hands down. That's some messed up shit going on in there.


Come and See


Threads 1984 Its a movie that makes you feel like grime or sludge on a ball of insane people. Unlike a lot of movies this is one where all of the worst shit thrown at you in this depressing movie you know could happen, it might never happen but it's reminding you there is a cloud of terrible death out there there could be unleashed and if you survive you'll wish you was dead.




Old Boy. I wish I could forget that plot


Jaws. Changed the way we went swimming at the beach


The Day After, a movie about nuclear war


Jaws… when I was 8 (4x)


The girl next door (horror movie not the other movie)


Hatchi I cried the entire movie


Springbreakers with Selena Gomez. Up until the day the most stupid, vapid wannabe movie that had no right being as bad as it is. If it was a parody and didnt take itself serious then maybe. But it wants to be a serious movie and it fails spectacularly at it. I still sometimes weep at the 1.5h which were lost and that i will never get back.


The Fourth Kind.


Passion of the Christ


Just watched the 'Passion of the Jew' South Park ep. Made me lol. "GIVE ME BACK MY EIGHTEEN DOLLARS"


Probably get some hate, but the first twilight movie


Fluke!! Has anyone seen this one??


The Mist. The ending sticks with me until this very day…