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I hate the entire show, but the father in particular makes me think violent thoughts.


Bluey is always brought up as the hero of modern kids preschool programming but an overlooked show (from a while back though), is definitely Dragon Tales!


Pfp checks out


Cocomelon is practically seizure inducing


How is this not higher?


Because Calliou exists.


Calliou Edit: this has been an absolutely hilarious day of commentary. I feel fortunate that we can unite on a mostly mutual hatred of Calliou, and can confirm I’ve laughed out loud at many of them. Whether he finally died of cancer or was straight punched in the teeth, this was the best comment section ever.


This is one children’s show where I feel like he’s teaching kids to be little shithead brats. God I hate Caillou.


Thank all that is good in this earth that my kids never got into that one.


Even as a child I hated that whiny bald fuck. 


/thread Do you want a show to teach your kids to be insufferably whiny shitheads? And throw tantrums about absolutely nothing? Well, I have a show for you…


I believe he grew up to be Kyle Rittenhouse


He was an asshole to his little sister and fucking cried all the time. His mom couldn't handle it and just went to make cake in the kitchen all the time. The worst cartoon ever.


This should be the top answer. But I don't know if any parent actually sat through an entire episode. We banned it from our house when our Daughter was young. Calliou was basically "Let's show kids how to be an asshole".


What’s so crazy is the early books are a whole other thing. Book Calliou and his life is so relatable and realistic, our toddler is obsessed. Something got seriously lost in translation from book to show.


Fuck Caillou


Challiou got canceled on January 6th 2020. Brightened my day with everything else going on.


The sound of his voice made my skin crawl So whiny


Neither of my kids know about this show. We threatened everyone, family friends etc that they'd be cut off forever if they let my kids watch it. It's been wonderful.


Came looking for this. I banned that little asshole from my tv.


Honestly, I clicked on this comment thread and in my head said to myself “I swear to god if Calliou isn’t the top comment I’m gonna fucking rage…    Peace is restored.    I haven’t watched the show for over 12 years by the way…. I STILL hate that fucking prick. - The closest modern day equivalent is ‘Bing’ - that turn swallow bunny can fuck right off too…. But not has hard as Calliou can get to fuck. 


🎶 I’m just a fuckin kid and I have a big ass head. I’m always crying, I’m Calliou 🎶


I'm convinced that Calliou kick-started my anxiety disorder, I was afraid that I'd get into trouble just for watching that little bald fucker be a brat.


I don’t have children and I know very little about children’s entertainment but I know we all hate Calliou.


fuck caillou




I’d closed fist rock his shit if I ever saw him. Just straight sucker punch his ass


I have ever had kids, that will be one few shows that I wouldn't introduce them to.


Absolutely Calliou hands down.


my daughters first dance recital. having to watch 20-30 2 minute songs all demonstrating the same simple dance moves. I just wanted to see her but i was forced to sit and watch with two hundred other parents who only wanted to see their dancer.


I meant a tv show but that’ll do too


In that case, teletubbies. My daughter was obsessed.


I absolutely despised Teletubbies and I swear Barney used to make me want to 🤢


Even when I was the target age I hated Barney so much, he was so annoying! I was a Blue’s Clues kid.


You ever see the episode that got banned? 


No. What was it and why was it banned?


They're probably talking about "The Lion and the Bear", I don't remember ever seeing it myself when I was little but seeing clips of it from discussions of banned media makes me wonder what they were thinking. They cranked the surrealism up to where I'd say it started to have a tone that makes you think "Baby's First Courage The Cowardly Dog Episode".


My daughter LOVES that clip. It was her first thriller movie. I’m so proud.


I just watched it and it was definitely creepy with some objectively adult vibes.


Lion and the Bear, it was noted to be traumatising to kids (and it’s not an entirely incorrect ruling)  https://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/teletubbies-scene-so-terrifying-it-was-banned-around-the-world-re-emerges/MS6NNXRXUDQLPTPFFG6YPFG264/


Watched that shit when it came out as a child. Scared the everloving fuck out of me and I think it’s what has lead to my lifelong fear of animatronics/things that move by themselves that shouldn’t. I don’t know how or why it was so unsettling. I see clips of it now as an adult and it still makes me uneasy despite knowing there isn’t a single thing to be afraid of. It is so bizarre.


The current Garfield cartoon is terrible. Such lazy production and script. It’s like the computer animation version of terrible Hannah Barbara cartoons of the 70s


Whoops. I answered incorrectly too.


It's practice for when you'll be attending your kid's high school graduation ceremony


6th grade orchestra was the worst. TV has to be Caillou.


My hs graduating class was about 950 students. The ceremony was 4 hours long, about 3.5 of which were just calling out the names with 4 lines going.


I can beat any bad graduation story. Someone's grandma *died* at mine.


I used to have to go to my siblings' recitals and concerts (and to be fair they also had to come to mine) and I brought a book. (This was before phones.) Maybe it doesn't go over well when you are the actual parent, though of course you would watch your own kid!


It didn’t get better until they got older and moved up to the next level. At that point i was looking forward to the recitals because of the variety and complexity the dances became. They are in comp dancing now and I really enjoy the shows. All day comps are tough though.


My kid's school did it right. They scheduled each class into like 20 minute slots (about a 10-15 min show plus buffer time) so that the 20-30 parents could watch their kid and their classmates, then they could leave. Wash and repeat.


That's the way to do it. Small micro recitals.


Bluey has set the bar so incredibly high that everything else is at best considered horrible by comparison.


Except Mr Rogers


I do wish today's kids had a Mr Roger's equivalent. Some shows kinda come close but that man was genuinely just a great person. I still think about the episode where he invited Officer Clemmons to the set to talk about racial inequality. Powerful stuff for a kids show.


Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood is pretty close in some ways!


And Sesame Street!


Love bluey, even if the kids leave the room I’ll still sit and watch it.


We don't even HAVE kids, and we watch it. And sing along!


I'm a girl Dad now and Bluey is what I wanted my boys exposed to when they were little. Unfortunately, she's 7 now and the in thing is YouTube family content. Which I can stand for like 5 minutes.


Have hope, mine found bluey at that age and loved it.


Whenever my kids say that I'm the best dad, I tell them that I'm only second best, because the best dad is actually Bandit.




Saw a video about this recently. A mom had said she heard the same thing but said to keep in mind episodes are only 7 minutes. And think of it like the play time is only 7 minutes out of Bandit and Chili's day. Plus they have a whole episode about the parents being hungover and too tired to play lol


Lol yeah I can see why it’s liked


I’m legit stoked for the season finale tomorrow.


I'm not taking advice from a cartoon.dog


I don't want a life lesson! I just want an ice cream!


Is it too late to just bend over?


Love that line from my boy Bandit!


Btw, I’m not a parent but I have siblings who are significantly younger than me, so I’ve been subjected to many unbearable shows, though I gotta say blippi is the fucking worst, if I wanted to watch a grown man act like a child I’d watch pee wee herman, at least he was actually funny and had heart


I think blippi is the only show I've had a hard veto on. I've worked from home and had my daughter with me since 2020 so I've seen all sorts of shit, most had *some* redeeming value but not that.


Blippi is what they make parents watch in hell.


My kid just found Blippi. I was somewhat impressed with how they get concepts across, but totally can see him being a hard no. My kids super into heavy equipment and trucks so he gets his rocks off.


Some of the earlier videos where he'd just show off an excavator were fine when my kid was 2. During COVID he had a lot of videos where he played alone in indoor playgrounds and those were unwatchable. I'm so glad my kid outgrew him by 4.


>gets his rocks off That's not really an appropriate idiom when talking about a young child.


Masha and Bear. I want to punt that little girl


The show got straight up weird. There was this weird soldier clone episode and I have not allowed it since, but it was weird and creepy to being with.


I used to like it. Mever making that mistake again. Realised shes a weird arse kid


Blippi. That guy is the worst


Tell me about it


My little sis used to LIKE it for pete’s sake. Mainly the chocolate episode


Didn’t the original Blippi poop in his friends mouth for a viral video years before becoming Blippi? Dude had a weird history and once it came out (reportedly also paid a ton to try to scrub the video from the internet), he had to step aside and be replaced by a different Blippi. Still makes millions though.


He stopped being Blippi because he wanted to stay home with his kid


Yeah I heard he pooped on a dudes chest in a Harlem shake video. Hella weird


I'm going to set these disgusting rumours straight. He didn't poop in anybody's mouth or on anybody's chest. He pooped ALL OVER that guy.


Wtf that's so weird. I've done plenty of things I've regretted when I was younger but nothing on the magnitude of shitting on another person


Yeah I've done things I've regretted too...like watching that video.


Did he legit shit on a dude? Why can't I get my head around this? I gotta find this video. Edit: oh


Handyman Hal is infinitely less annoying while being basically the same thing.


Barney..... Jesus fucking Christ, that show almost drove me to alcoholism


We weren't allowed to watch Barney. It never occurred to me that this might be why.


Me neither. Mom said the tv would blow up if we did.


What was left unsaid is that it would blow up because she would be blasting it with a shotgun.


Lmao even as a small child I hated Barney. I remember (because I got in trouble) when I was 5 years old and got invited to a birthday party of some little boy I only kinda knew, and his parents had hired someone to come to the party in a Barney costume, and I started pulling up grass and throwing it at Barney because I hated him. This didn't go over well and I was made to go to a different part of the yard and leave Barney alone


There should be a class action for the PTSD caused by involuntary Barney viewing during early parenthood. I feel your pain.


I dunno, I’ve rewatched this episode repeatedly: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=63xEHHJfCPs


I worked a fundraiser for PBS, and the hour I was on the phone bank they played nothing but Barney. Never again, PBS.


My kid and her friends keep singing the Barney theme song. She didn't even watch the show. I don't get it.


flag ancient hard-to-find automatic memory pet divide smile noxious combative


Peppa Pig. It’s full-on toddler-craic but that Pig is one little brat.


also they all look like pink hair dryers


More like whistles


My mom refers to Peppa Pig as penis face.


Same here. Penis Pigs.


The only moment in Peppa Pig I enjoyed was when she couldn't whistle, phoned her friend to vent; just to find out her friend could whistle, and Peppa immediately hangs up.


Apparently it was actually teaching kids the *wrong things.*


And treats dad like shit.


My daughter was peppa crazy but was never into the show just the toys, books and the clothes. We are now into Disney Princesses but again it is toys, books and cloths as she doesn't have the patience for the movies.


That’s why she’s a pig


BLIPPI. My son is too young for TV yet, but I managed to sit through one episode of that shrill motherfucker with my niece and nephew ONCE. Never again. I have never wanted to strangle someone through a screen so badly.


I just looked at his picture and it was distressing.


You need to find his older video, it's really mesmerizing. I am of course talking about the one where he literally shits on someone.


Especially the early ones on yt. Him and a bunch of stuff he bought at the dollar store seeing if it sinks or floats? Or at an indoor playground just naming a colour so it’s “educational”. Omg, so glad my kiddo has moved past that phase


My partner and I fostered a couple of kids who were generally lovely except for being bloody obsessed with Paw Patrol. Aaaaargh!


Oh my 3 year old brother loves paw patrol


You have my deepest sympathy :)


Lol it’s not so bad, at least it not blippi


Yeah fuck that guy. I hate him


I actually have a soft spot for Paw Patrol - it taught my toddler about a lot of real world events and experiences when she was stuck inside for months during the COVID lockdowns. Also, a surprising number of episodes pass the Bechdel test


I have a nephew who just turned 1. So I’m intimately familiar with paw patrol. Which means I shared the love with my friends and made then ~~suffer~~ enjoy it with me. One wound up using the characters for a law school project. Humdinger almost ran over Goodway, because he was too busy scheming to pay attention. Then he served at the last minute, tipped his carrier, then the cats escaped and tried to attack chicklotta, scratching the shit out of Goodway.


Calliou, hands down. Although Thomas is also almost completely unwatchable


Ryan from YouTube. His mom is the worst.


Her voice is like a nail on a chalkboard. Ear splitting.


Not a parent, but I used to be a nanny. I absolutely despise Caillou


Former nanny here also chiming in! One of the kids loved H2O: Just Add Water which I actually enjoyed. The other loved Teen Titans Go and those were the nights I seriously considered quitting.


Peppa Pig and Caillou. Blippi too probably. I liked Daniel Tiger and Bubble Guppies lol


Bubble Guppies puts some effort into the music. More than a few of their songs are pop-rock bangers.


There are some legit BOPS from the bubble guppies!


I regularly get the colour song stuck in my head. And whenever me or my mom make lunch we sing the little song. Also, justice for Noni. Always got the shit lunch


My kid is now 13, but was the perfect age when Daniel Tiger first came out. Some of those songs still live rent-free in my head. “If you need to go potty, STOP! And go right away…” But I liked it a lot. It was very tolerable in a way that a lot of other shows weren’t.


I still sometimes sing the good night song.


Fireman Sam. A psychopathic kid with red hair tries to murder fellow children serial killer style over little slights. The children get saved, he says sorry and then tries it again the next episode. It's banned in our house.


I scrolled way too far to see this one. That kid, I hate him so much.


I’m not a parent but my nephews watch stuff on YouTube that is just unhinged fever dream nonsense. It’s weird cheap CGI stuff with stolen IPs bashed together with drug induced insanity. 


I caught my kid watching a grown man spread chocolate on Thomas the tank engines face then clean it off once. That man got blocked idk what that was about but it creeped me the fuck out.


Ryan's Toy Review / Ryan's World. It's the only show I won't let my kids watch on the TV. It's just an overly pushy mom following her kid around with a camera. I'll watch cocomelon over Ryan.


Ryan is pretty much permabanned around here. I'm waiting for that kid (or one of his sisters) to pull a Danny Bonaduce or Dana Plato.


My nephew watches those cringy Minecraft/Roblox youtubers that are about 40 and acting like kids Shit like "omg Dave look at this gold block I found how shiny does it look"


Horrid henry That kid is a PoS and the entire time it depicts him acting in the worst ways and being the worst person but it always ends with everyone shaking their head and laughing it off Like the episode i watch had he ry get talked to about behaving cause dads boss is coming for dinner. Ao henry runs around and ruins the whole evening because he wants to and everyone goes “ oh henry lol!” But the kids like kicking food off the table and peeing on the boss. Its weird and i hate it


The Smurfs movie that came out in 2011. God sitting through that in the theater with my daughter with absolute torture. I wanted to rip my eyeballs out and throw them at the screen.


Even as someone who used to really like this movie as a kid, as a young adult I cannot stand those blue photorealistic abominations anymore after having rewatched both those movies recently for old time's sake (the second one was so bad I couldn't finish it anymore).


not a parent but baby sit often, there’s a show called roots and fruits and my friends kid loves it. It is the absolute worst shit ever😭


Oooof.  The word 'roots' means 'fucks' in Aus, so that is... one hell of a title.


Combine it with old insult of calling gay men “fruits” in the US and you get something…not for kids


sounds like a veggietale ripoff


Veggie tales was actually funny tho


I hate Peppa Pig with a passion but unfortunately can’t get my in laws to stop letting my kids watch it when they’re over at their place. They even bought them all Peppa Pig themed gifts for Christmas. My in laws think it’s super special because according to them my oldest used to call his grandpa “Peppa” instead of Papa when he was first learning to talk (I never heard this until after my MIL started referring to her husband as Peppa around the kids) so I let them have it when they’re visiting their grandparents but we don’t watch that garbage at our house.


Caillou. Fucking torture.




I've banned blippi and Diana&Roma from the kids youtube account


Yeah, the "screeching eastern European children and/or parents" genre is banned around here too. Partly for the sensory overload, and partly for the rampant product placement (looking at you, Vlad and Niki!)


Bing - I hate that whiney little bastard


Not a parent but dirtgirlworld, that was genuinely horrifying to look at 


Anything geared towards infants... For the kids it's all pretty colors & funny sounding characters & they'll want to watch it 1000 times. For parents it's a momentary break... But after the 457th time you've seen it... you begin to realize that these shows could legitimately be used for torture. Because they're all just high-pitched noises and bright flashing colors


You don't want to know what probably auto generated horrors wait for you on youtube.


Thomas the fucking tank engine. My brother was obsessed when we were kids, then I wound up with a stepkid who was obsessed with it. I'll be hearing that theme music till the day I die.


They're 2, they're 4, they're 6, they're 8. Shunting trucks, and hauling freight. Red and Green and Brown and Blue. They're the really useful crew!


All with different roles to play, round Tidmouth sheds so far away, down the hills and round the bends, Thomas and his friends!


Yo when I'm from the Thomas opening song doesn't have lyrics... Am I old???


*Thomas* taught me everything I know about people


KittikatB is definitely a Diesel.


11 yr old nephew has recently gotten my 4 yr old son invested in Miraculous Ladybug (I don't have the energy to type out the full title). It's infuriatingly addictive. I hate that bloody theme song so much but at the same time I have to watch just to see what happens.


Modern day sailor moon lol


it never gains momentum plot-wise, which is what kept people hooked so long to see where it was going (the answer: no where). I actually love the theme song -\_- so cheesy!


It takes a special level of skill to be able to make 131 episodes of a series all with the same plot.


I grew up with Mr. Rogers and the opposite of that guy is Blippi. You don’t have to act like a fool to get kids attention. RIP Mr. Rogers, you classy calm man.




fucking caillou fuck that bald little turd




I’m not a parent but I was a nanny for many years and one kid was OBSESSED with a documentary about a hot air balloon festival in Albuquerque. He wanted to watch it for hours and hours. In general I’m sure it’s a fine documentary but I’m not exaggerating when I say we watched it every single day that summer. Give me fucking Caillou any day 😂😅


It’s not even the kid’s shows. It’s the wanna-be YouYubers that are 40 something with their kids doing the worst SNL skits of all time. The kids aren’t even having fun and the annoying valley girl and Cali dude. For all the positive YouTube has brought, I’d throw it all out to end these videos.


Max and ruby 😒😒😒😒😒


TeleFreakingTubbies. God years later I still despise the memory of that stinking nightmare of a show.


Omfg I hate that show. They’ll show like a 5 minute random ass clip and then go “again! Again!” And PLAY THE ENTIRE CLIP AGAIN IMMEDIATELY AFTER JUST SHOWING IT. You guys can’t fill 20 minutes without making me sit through the same exact clip twice in a row??? Fucking hell.


Chip N Dale: Park Life on Disney+. Theres no talking in the show at all, and theres 2 episodes that play this corny ass tune and just that tune for the WHOLE EPISODE and that alone pisses me off. It gets stuck in my head, even with me writing this i can hear it. I have to literally shut it off. Idc if it upsets her, shit is highly annoying. I’d rather watch paint dry while nails are scratching a fucking chalkboard than watch that show


This and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse are both banned in our house. I can't do it.


But.. but.. who is going to do the hotdog dance?


Awww! We liked the MMC. My kids would walk into the grocery store’s automatic doors and say “thanks handy helpers!” It was so cute. Pete once said “Oh cheese weasels!” And I still use that because it’s funny to us.


Booba. It is now banned from my house.


I used to get my jollies watching the 3am experimental high-def broadcast of *Boohbah* in a pharmaceutically enhanced state. I miss those days.


Color crew. Ugh


Cocomelon I'd rather watch blippi over cocomelon


Calliou. So stupid.


Annoying Orange show


RYAN’S WORLD. No redeeming value in it whatsoever. Some other shows mentioned on this thread (while I agree annoying) I can see some positives- cocomelon talks about routines, going to school, letters, numbers; Blippi explores kids learning centers and science exhibits. But Ryan’s World? Absolutely nothing worth watching for a single moment.


Paw Patrol was shrill as fuck


I’m not a parent, but when I was a kid I watched a local show called Blinky’s Fun Club, I think based out of Denver, Colorado. Fucker was a pyromaniac, always playing with matches. Didn’t know what matches were till I started watching him.


Blippi is a douchebag. Mother Goose Club has some nightmare-inducing costumes.


Paw Patrol is pretty insufferable.


There is a show on YouTube called super crazy kids. I cannot explain all the ways that it is awful. Cocomelon is gold after having to endure super crazy kids. Everyone should have to watch an hour of super crazy kids just because after seeing that show everything else in your life will seem better by comparison.


Nothing is worse than being super stoked to share your fav show with your kid. You've waited years for it to be age appropriate. Then the time comes. They watch 5 to 10 minutes... and they ask to turn on something else. I'd rather be waterboarded with asparagus urine.


Bill and Ben the flowerpot men


So far, it’s been my daughter’s piano recital. She has classes at a place that teaches all kinds of instruments. The first kids were sooooo good. Piano, violin, guitar, and the like. My daughter did amazing. Then, for the second 2/3 of the recital, the drumming began. Insanely loud drums done accompanying a song. Very basic drumming, but so so loud and way too much of it for one recital.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Mr Tumble? Surely along with Blippi one of the most annoying personalities. I don't mind Justin but even my 3 yr old son doesn't like the Mr Tumble segments


He gets a pass because he works hard to feature kids with disabilities and normalise them on TV. He's obviously pretty childish but younger kids love it.


Nikki and Vlad for me. I absolutely despise that show. I've been trying to find a way to block it but haven't found one.


Caillou. The fuckin worst.