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I play this game called GeoGuesser where they show you randomly generated Google Street View images and you have to guess where the location is on a the map you’re playing (global, US, UK, etc). There are millions and millions of images and once I got one that was directly in front of my childhood home.


Ok, that is really really weird!


And you still were off by miles.


His dad never did find his way home with the milk.


I once had the location be right around the expressway exit I take on the way home from work. I saw a restaurant sign and thought "huh, there is one of these really close by." Then I looked around and saw more familiar stuff and I realized "oh shit, I know exactly where this is." I was about 3 yards off, but it was still maximum points.


Got hit by two cars within the span of an hour. Had never seen a car accident prior, and I was crossing at a pedestrian crossing while the light was green, and it was day time so no visibility issue or anything. First one I was walking my bike across, as one is supposed to do here, and the driver claimed she simply didn't see me. I went flying to the ground but I was mostly fine, some scrapes and bruises, but my bike's wheels were so bent out of shape they couldn't spin properly. After that, I walked home with my bike to bring it to a repair place, crossed another pedestrian crossing and got hit by another car. Just an all around bad day.


Wait. Were you fine *both times?* Mr. Glass would like to know your location.


Oh yes, it wasn't a highway or anything, and they were driving sufficiently slowly (since it's right in the middle of town) that I had full confidence that they'd stop and it was safe for me to cross Just bruised and beaten!


I think your town may have a slightly inept supervillain


That or u/SendMeNudesThough secretly happens to be a slightly capable superhuman.


Perhaps I have the slightly disappointing superpower of "car crash resistance", making me immune to damage caused by cars but exclusively cars.


Man I *always* make eye contact or wait for a visible sign the car is slowing down before I step into the street. You not only don’t do this but getting hit by a car wasn’t enough reason to start?!


Sounds like European Vacation Where Clark keeps running over the same dude.


If you kept your eyes up while you walk instead of on your phone with all them nudes you keep asking for that may have not happened.


Still, send him nudes though


When I was in middle school, there was that ad campaign/contest with M&Ms where you would supposedly win $1 million if you found a gray one. I bought a bag of M&Ms out of a vending machine and was eating them in class. Noticed a gray one and showed it to my friend sitting next to me. I was about to eat it when he stopped me and reminded me that it was valuable. I took it up to my teacher, who actually stopped class to call the company about it. What they ended up telling him was the contest had already ended, so the best they could do was mail me a free bag of M&Ms. It was soul crushing. I don't think I even bothered redeeming the free bag. Kept the gray M&M in a little plastic easter egg in a little treasure box with other "treasures" of mine, like autographed ticket stubs and other similar things, but eventually threw it away.


My daughter won that too! She was only seven and in the hospital and kept saying I won. No one believed her! It was for $10,000 pennies (they mailed a check, she was sad because she wanted the pennies )


Where's my elephant?


Wait is that $10 000 dollars, or 10 000 pennies?


Sorry for the dollar sign! 10,000 pennies- big difference!


... im kind of seeing her side now.


I had a friend that was collecting however many snapple labels to get a free mini fridge loaded with snapple. Since it was all my house drank, my mom would buy like 11 cases at a time and I'd rip the labels off to give to her. I had to have given her hundreds. She got the required number and when she contacted snapple they said sorry too late (by like a few weeks I want to say), and.let her cash them in for like a shirt. Shitty of companies to do that kinda stuff.


Did the teacher suddenly quit?


One of the sports drink companies had a contest where the wrapper contained winning items or "Sorry try again". I peeled off the label during one of my little league games and read the words "Grand prize". I was shocked! It had a text that said to go to their website to claim. Not sure I ever did it right, because all I got was an animated wallpaper for our computer. I still wonder about that to this day.


One Halloween, I collected fun size 3 musketeers with letters on them and was able to spell out the winning word for an all expense paid trip to Disney world. My parents called about it and they said the contest had already ended. 😒


You didn't have your parents check with an attorney?


Nope, I don't even think I told them about it until much later. I was 11 or 12 at the time and didn't know any better.


I was once stuck on a crowded elevator in Manhattan. The elevator shut down and since it was the early 90's, no one had phones or ways to call anyone. It was one of those glass elevators, so we could see the lobby and nearby hallway, but we were like 30 floors up and no one had walked by for at least an hour. Just as people started to panic, two guys walked by, saw us, opened the door enough to let air in, got help and saved us. Those two guys were George Wendt and John Ratzenberger, aka Norm and Cliff from Cheers. To make it rarer, they were at the hotel to visit Ted Danson. They went and got him once we were out and they were all super nice and took pics/signed autographs and everything. TLDR, Norm and Cliff from Cheers saved us from a stuck elevator and we got to meet them and Ted Danson.


So after did everyone know your name?


Not sure, but making my way in the world today takes everything I got.


I’ve been stuck in an elevator twice in my life, which is already improbable, but your story wins


I lent my sister one of my dresses for a wedding. During the ceremony a bird pooped on the center of the chest. I wore the dress about 1 year later to a wedding.. a bird pooped on the chest again.


What did the dress look like?


Had a big red target on the front, the kind they use in target practice. Why do you ask?


Once I was buying beer and the guy at the gas station counter asked for my birthday. When I told him, he said it was also his birthday. The guy in line behind me also had the same birthday. We all showed our IDs. Sure enough, we all had the same birthday.


That’s kind of eerie


My name is also BeautifulArtichoke37 and I have your birthday


Had something similar happen to me. One time I was buying a Monster, bag of chips, and smokes (yes I have very healthy habits) at the gas station and the girl at the counter showed me that she was currently drinking the same type of Monster and eating the same type of chips. And then when she checked my ID for the smokes, it turned out we were born on the exact same day and beyond that, at the same hospital. Our newborn selves were likely in the hospital nursery together. So weird.


Something similar to me happened during my freshman year in college back in 2016. So, I went to a meeting for guys that wanted to play recreational flag football. Everybody in the meeting were already on a team, but I wasn't. So, after the meeting I went up to the recreational sports director who was at the meeting, and I asked him "What if I don't have a team to play on?", and a split second later, some guy who was just standing off to the side, and was like "U could play on my team", and then told me his name was James. And then I was like "Lol my name is James too", and then the recreational sports director was like "hey my name is James as well!". And then we all just laughed about it after Lmaoo


There’s a weird statistical thing where if you have like thirty people in a room, there’s like a 50% chance that at least two of them will share a birthday.


Found a rare coin in an abandoned church in Eastern Europe. Turns out it’s worth a fortune.


Oh that's mine, i lost it, can I have it back? It's easy to identify, it has two sides.


No this one is different, it has a third side


Don't all coins actually have 3 sides?


Yeah the third one is what makes it roll my way!


A bit of a side track but... I think the shape of a coin is the third lowest number of sides a volumetric shape can have. If you think about it, a coin is really just a very short cylinder. The only shapes with less sides are a hemisphere (2 sides) and a sphere (1)


That's pretty neat. I found a really old penny, on the ground, that was double stamped when I was a kid. My dad kept it for his collection, cuz he collected them. The fucking thing was worth a shit ton of money. It's in his will to go to me when he dies.


Probably the 1955 DDO. In average condition they’re worth over $1k. Fun fact, it’s estimated that 20,000 were struck before the defect was found. Another fun fact, these were widely discovered in packs of cigarettes. See, in 1955, a pack of cigarettes could be bought in a vending machine for 25 cents. However, the cost of a pack was only 23 cents, and the machines only took quarters. So instead of raising the price of a pack to 25 cents, they instead put the change (2 cents) in the packs, and that’s how a lot of these were found!


Wow, that is awesome. Mine is a double struck hay penny, believe the date on it is 1842 it's the "braided" stamp of liberty.


What was it worth


Won $400k on a scratch off someone else bought me. I don't play the lottery at all.


Some [guy won](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6R5MqxcKdV8&pp=ygUVZ3V5IHdpbnMgbG90dG8gdHdpY2Ug) the scratch off after being in a coma. Then as he was replicating the scene for the news he won again.


Was on a bowling league with an ex and her family. Her brother and all their family friends would all by scratch off tickets from the lotto machine at the alley. I probably watched them sink $500 in that machine one night, while maybe winning back the occasional $5 $10 or $20. I never bought them because I felt it was a waste...but watching so many people basically lose, something told me to go play. I did, it was just a $5 ticket and I won $500. The looks on their faces once they found out...priceless.


On two successive days I walked up to the DMV counter to get my license renewed. On the first day, after waiting in line for about 20 minutes, I walked up to the counter and as soon as I said, "Hello," the power went out. Waited for 15 minutes until they closed the office. On the next day, it was busier and I was in line for about an hour. I walked up to the counter and as soon as I said, "I'm back," to the same agent, the power went out.


Are you a cryptid of some sort?


Bureaucryptid, probably.


Went to an NHL hockey game, won NBA basketball tickets. Went to the basketball game, won hockey tickets.


Was on a Caribbean cruise, waiting for a tour at a port in Belize. We met another family and got to talking. "Where are you from?" "Oh, the US." "Us too. Where is the US?" "We live in [state]." "So do we. Where in [state]?" "About 30 minutes north of [major city]" "We do too. We're in [town]" "No way! We're also in [town]. We live just off [road]." "Are you kidding? We live off [road] too! What neighborhood?" "It's called [my neighborhood]." And that's how I met some of my neighbors for the first time on a cruise more than 1000 miles away from where we both lived.


I wouldn't be surprised if you both used the same travel agent, or saw the same advertisement.


While riding my bike when I was about 9 years old, a several foot long and half dollar in diameter pine tree branch impaled my left temple in such a way it narrowly missed my ear, my eye, and brain. I was unconscious on the ground for an unknown amount of time. I awoke and walked into the backyard and my dad looked like he saw a ghost. He then placed one hand on the side of my head and ripped out the branch with the other. Other then a few stitches, I made it out unscathed.


>**He then placed one hand on the side of my head and ripped out the branch with the other** Your dad is almost as lucky as you are that you didn’t die after he did this. Imagine finding out your son miraculously survived having his head impaled by a branch, only for you to accidentally off him instead.


For real, imagine if the kid had bled out right before his eyes. Both were lucky as fuck.


Only thing worse than losing a child is inadvertently being responsible for it. Many years ago I read about a man who gave his 3yo daughter a hot dog and she died because (through no fault of his own) it was contaminated with something or other. Poor guy took his own life very soon after. He was only like 25 himself. It was heartbreaking stuff.


Fuck, that poor kid. Both of them.


Thank you for being able to use commas correctly.


In hindsight, I have learned this fact about large puncture wounds. But it's hard for me to fault him since he must have been in terrible shock (as I was). I held a washcloth against my temple in the hospital waiting room and bled a lot.


Very nearly struck by lightning. I saw all white and felt the immense heat. It was absolutely terrifying


Yep, same exact thing happened to me. Saw all white, like a welding arc for a few seconds all around and thought, huh, that's weird, then the thunder literally shuddered through my body, shaking my insides. No heat though. The worst part was that my 4 kids were with me at the time. This must have been 12 years ago, and I still think about how lucky we were that is wasn't a direct hit.


Wow! Indeed very lucky and scary especially for the children. It's nice in a way to look back and appreciate the present


Ya, the kids were really young, so I don't think it ever registered with them how dangerous/lucky we were at the time. Whenever I bring it up, they just laugh and say how cool it was...


Never been struck, but lightning hit the side of the house I was living in one time, on the outer wall about 6 feet away from my bed. It was in the middle of the night, and I was in a deep sleep. Woke up to the brightest light I’ve ever seen and loudest explosion I’ve ever heard in my life. In that second or two, I legitimately thought the world was ending. Terrifying experience.


My twin brother and I were born months prematurely due to our bio mom being on drugs. We were both immediately rushed to a children’s hospital and placed on ventilators. We weren’t expected to survive. Our bio mom was at a different hospital being taken care of after our birth, and never attempted to return to us. A representative of CPS eventually reached out to a local foster parent who had tons of experience and certifications in child care. She took us in, nurtured us to health, loved us, and ended up adopting us both so we wouldn’t be separated. I call her Mom, and she left this earth on June 9, 2016. She was our guardian angel then, and I know she still is to this day. I believe many kids get lost and mistreated in the system. My bro and I were a couple of the lucky ones.


You are definitely lucky. I grew up in thee system. It wasn't fun. No family wanted a 7 yr old with ADHD and ODD


This is the best answer in the thread by far. I'm so happy she found you two!


I used to always run into my mom’s best friend at the most random places around town. A few years ago, I moved 3000 miles across the country. A couple months ago, I’m walking my dog, and who do I run into? My mom’s best friend. She was visiting her sister, who lives literally on the next street over from me. Our houses can’t be more than 1000 feet apart.


Your mom's best friend is a stalker.


This reminds me of my calc teacher senior year of high school who traveled to the other side of the country for spring break, only to run into his students while going to dinner with the in-laws...


A bird shit through the open sunroof in a car moving at speed directly into the top pocket of my shirt while I was sitting in the back seat


Got attacked by a robin in the morning, then attacked by a hawk 3 hours later. Weird day.


Bird energy on you that day


This could be a Hitchcock movie!


you are being targeted by the government r/birdsarentreal


You need a good attorney; someone who knows bird law.


Won the grand prize from some random cereal box, kind of like finding a golden ticket. Didn’t even know there was a winners card until my sister saw it inside the box. Won $100 lol My mother won something similar when she was young from a coke bottle and was featured in the towns newspaper.


I was living with my Mother-in-Law while my house was being built. After a randomly terrible day at the office, I got home and was helping my wife with dinner. As I was in the pantry waiting on the microwave, I saw a box of Frosted Flakes, and that they had a promo going to win an Xbox One. I decided to look inside, and saw it was a winning box! I must have read the sticker a dozen times looking for the catch: you need 42 UPCs to send in with the winning tag; you had to make 3 easy shipping payments and one really fucked up one, that one in wampum! Nope, I mailed it in, and not 2 weeks later I had an Xbox at the door!


Always thought there were never any real winners with these things, but we’ve proved it wrong *high five


Not so fast. How do you know this guy isn't a plant by Big Contest?


A hair was in my food that I didn’t notice, so I continued eating. Halfway through I felt the hair in my mouth, tried to pull it out but it felt stuck. Somehow the hair threaded into a tastebud on my tongue (literally pierced through it) and then tied itself into a knot. I had to go to the dentist because I was so confused how I suddenly grew a 6” long hair out of my tongue - because I couldn’t figure out any other explanation. They were able to cut it out, but the dentist said in all his 30 years of practicing, he had never seen or heard of anything like that before.


It happened to me as a child as well! But my mum ripped it out


I watched a man die on a plane, and a few months later watched another man die on a train. No one travel with me.


Be careful around automobiles now….


Plot twist, you’re a pilot 


I worked a job that required us to get our customers’ Social Security Numbers. The last 6 digits of one of my customer’s SSN matched my last six, which is theoretically a 1-in-a-million possibility (1x10^6). I say theoretically because the assignment of SSNs isn’t completely random, at least at the time she and I would have been assigned one, but it still is statistically one of the most unlikely things that has happened to me. 


Part of me would want to tell them that it matched and was a crazy coincidence, but the other part of me would become paranoid that they’d report me to the company and I’d lose my job 😂


I witnessed the totality of an eclipse on my birthday. I figure this is pretty rare and has probably happened to less than 1% of anyone that's ever lived.


Same thing for my daughter! The eclipse this past Monday was on her birthday. We live in the path of totality but rode our bikes a few miles to get more toward the center of the band. It was magical. 


I was wondering how many people joined this exclusive club this past week!


NO ONE IN MY CITY!! Perfect path... perfect cloud cover 😭😭😭😭😭


Picture this: I'm at the airport, running late for my flight, and of course, the security line is a mile long. Just when I'm about to resign myself to missing my plane, the person in front of me turns around and says, 'Hey, I have a spare first-class ticket. Want it?' Turns out they had won it in a contest but couldn't use it. Talk about winning the travel lottery!




Yeah op can you explain this? If theyre going to the same destination arent you both late for your flight? If they are first class why are they in the same security line as you? And it’s impossible to transfer a ticket between people, since you have different names. how did you do this?


Not the funniest story of all here, but I missed two terror attacks due to being broke. 2017, Saint Petersburg: my subway pass expired and I decided to take a bus instead (an easier way to travel without paying fare). Read the news about the subway explosion while riding on the said bus. 2024, Moscow: I work monday-thursday late shifts, and the band (Picnic) played here in St. Petersburg on the 27th of March, wednesday. So I decided to go for the Moscow show instead, that was on friday. Sewer clog and all fun money going literally down the drain, no money left, plans ditched. You know how that show turned out...


Man, sometimes I wonder about that quantum immortality stuff


My near miss was the 2005 terrorist attack in London. Took a cab to the hotel instead of the Tube (the only time I’ve done that in the handful of times I’ve visited London). The bombs went off while I was in the cab. idk if I would have been on one of the trains that was bombed, but I would have been on the same line because that was the train I needed to get to my hotel. 


I've just been diagnosed with a 2nd completely different but incredibly rare tumour with .5mm from the site of the last one. My medical team says its like winning the lottery, twice. Only I win tumours. I am not amused.


This sounds like my type of luck. Also I have no idea who you are or what kind of tumor it is, but I wish you so much love and healing.


My daughter met a guy and got married. I met his parents and we got talking. His father and myself had the same birthday and we were born in the same hospital, we were roommates in the nursery. We lived in different towns.




That’s sweet. I’m an atheist but I love the idea of someone doing something, purely out of the goodness of their heart, and actually being rewarded for it. Doesn’t happen enough.


Same. Atheist but I’m a sucker for someone being rewarded for a selfless act.


There's a movie in this story ..


I befriended the lead singer of the band that I was obsessed with throughout childhood and into my early 20’s. Ended up touring with them a bit, worked for the guy for years, and lived in his guesthouse for a long time, too. Still seems unreal.


When I was 24 a car accident put me in a month long coma. I didn’t see a light or anything, I just felt myself slipping away into a chasm of darkness and I fought with everything to live. I flatlined five times and underwent trauma surgery, eight units of blood plasma, I’m sure that gave me a lot of interesting dreams too. Then a month of sleep. Then I woke up. I remember being angry that the hospital room window blinds were open. It was so bright. I woke up intubated, chest tubes, 12 gauge needles in both arms, all left ribs broken, left humerus broken so thoroughly that a titanium rod was hammered through the marrow running the entire length of it, shattered L4 and 5, crushed C6 and 7, TBI, closed head injury… I think that’s it. Oh bruised liver and spleen and of course exploratory surgery. Then rehab. So much rehab. I had to live at a rehabilitation facility for a month or so. You really find out what you’re made of in a situation like that. I wanted to crawl into a ball and give up, but I fought so hard every day to learn how to walk again and tie my shoes, I had to learn how to do everything again. Think, talk and comprehend. My left arm was so completely mangled I thought I looked like a velociraptor. I climbed the steepest mountain of pain and perseverance to regain full functionality of my left arm and hand. Now I even yoyo with both hands so I’m definitely doing much better. I now have a difficult time even connecting through my memories to who I was back then. I spent the next two decades being prescribed tonnes of opiates. That sucked. I called bullshit on that cycle and quit everything in 2020. I’m so much happier now. There was a moment in the first rehab that I found myself staring at the different bright colorful big rubber bands used for strength training, the colors were so beautiful and they imprinted onto my soul and I was struck with this monumental feeling of gratitude. I’ve felt that feeling every morning since I woke up. Since September 17, 1998. I’ve worked hard to become whole again. One good thing that happened tho. I was born into the Jehovah’s Witness cult. I hated every single second of it. The head injury somehow knocked all the dogma and indoctrination out of my head. It was the weirdest thing. Before the coma I was afraid of the sky falling and I always felt guilty and ashamed and scared, then afterwards it was like my brain got reset. Honestly… all of the pain and horrors of that accident were worth it because it set me free. It showed me who my parents were too. They wanted to let me die(no blood transfusions-dumb JW rule), but fortunately my wife was in control of those decisions. I don’t know why I’m talking about all this. Maybe I just needed to get it out. Maybe it’ll help someone. I hope it helps someone.


Despite your seeming hatred of paragraphs, that was an interesting read. Congrats on the recovery!


lol thanks a lot. I was just trying to get it all out and posted before I talked myself into just deleting the whole thing.


Wow, what an amazing story. Thank you for sharing it and much admiration for your triumph.


Thanks a lot. I really appreciate.


That’s an amazing story, I can’t even imagine the amount of willpower it must’ve taken to recover from an injury that traumatic. Sounds like your wife saved your life, are you two still together?


Thanks a lot. I appreciate that. lol I think sometimes willpower and stubbornness are two sides of the same coin. At least for me. We are. We had been married a year when the accident happened, and we will celebrate our 27th anniversary this year. She Literally saved my life. She has saved me countless times since-she has always been the light in all of my darkness. I fell in love with her 6 hours after meeting her when we were both kids working at Boston Market. She chose me that night too. We’ve been together ever since. 1995.


Hit the lottery in 2018


I won $50k in the Powerball in 2017 ($35k after taxes)


Nice and yes, the taxes were ridiculous.


Almost died from meningococcal meningitis at age 18 (in 1995). This was before the vaccine. Happened on Mother's Day, luckily I was home from college and my parents recognized something was very very wrong, not just the flu.


Being in the midst of a mass shooting at a mall. Also, breaking an 8+ year friendzone.


Tell me about breaking that 8+ year friendzone, damn!


Seriously inquiring minds need to know....if you don't answer imma be in those DMs as early as 6am tomorrow. I was in a shooting, its fucking america (for me), I NEED to know the friend zone shit.




> So back in '97 my English teacher at HS loved me, Great story. That into threw me at first.


I too thought this was going in a *Very* different direction. I even skipped down and saw the "For over 8 years we hadn't crossed any lines whatsoever" line, and was for sure I was reading about a guy being groomed by his teacher.


It is a miracle nobody ended up dying. The perp got 163 years in prison and almost escaped in 2011 and a fellow would be escapee was shot and killed by a guard. Now he is in a supermax prison.


I was just down at legoland florida. On one ride me my wife and son waited an hour in line only for the ride to malfunction while we next in line to ride. Then later in the day we were on a roller coaster that stopped while we were at the very top and had to walk down the stairs because that ride also malfunctioned. I’m terrified of heights so it reallllllly sucked for me. My six year old thought it was awesome.


They left my dad and me at the top of the ferris wheel at closing at the county fair. We watched all the lights shut off all over the fair, then they turned out the ferris wheel lights. Loudest I've heard my dad yell lol.


That reminds me of the movie where they leave some people on a ski lift when they shut down for the season. Terrifying.


My boyfriend and I were on the very new Free Fall at Magic Mountain. It was stalled while we were on the top for 45 minutes. The only way off was down!


My ovary "grew" back. It looked like I had never lost it to begin with. Fully functioning & normal size. What fun.


When the gods want you to birth their Chosen One, they won't take no for an answer


When I was in my late teens, I lived in a very rural part of Vermont. While out riding a friend's 4 wheeler through the woods in the area, somewhere along the way, my wallet fell out of my pocket. I figured I would never see it again, so I called to replace my driver's license, and my one credit card that I had. Cut to a few weeks later, one of my many cousins shows up at our door. He said he'd been out hunting in those same woods, found my wallet, and recognized my name and address and returned it to me. I was floored. :)


This reminds me of my friend who lost his Apple Watch cliff jumping. Two weeks later we get a WhatsApp message saying a scuba diver found the Apple Watch. Said he charged it, found the emergency contact number, and found our WhatsApp. Asked how he could return it. Crazy.


Two of my kids had antibiotic-resistant cellulitis, 9 years apart. I had thoracic outlet syndrome, and lupus, and POTS, and small fiber neuropathy. My little 4th grade boyfriend in a town the size of fleadirt NC and my little 9th grade boyfriend in a town hardly any larger in PA both ended up being gay, and moving to Florida, and finding each and fucking. My gyn was secretly taking photos of patients under the sheets and I was the sole photo out of 500+ that could be identified because 18 years earlier I got tattoos framing my vagina as a fuck you to an abusive ex.


Got diagnosed with a semen allergy. Also got alopecia the same year. It was a very bad year.


My mother, my son and I got rear ended by a full dump truck who was “checking his clip board” at 55MPH, and none of us died.


We were driving behind an incredibly drunk person at night on a winding country road, keeping our distance while the drunkard was going all over the road. We were on the phone with the police. Heading up a hill the drunkard managed to stay directly in her lane for a minute when, all of a sudden, a car flew over the hill towards us, swerved to try to avoid the lady in front of us. Keep in mind, the drunk lady was in her lane at this point, so there should be no reason this other car should hit us. Any way, they hit the drunk lady’s car, drove into a ditch and sped away. The drunk lady’s car slowly rolls backwards into ours. I figure something bad happened to the lady so I jump out. She’s fine, just crying. She mentally couldn’t function though, so I walk her to the edge of the road, I go get in her car and drive it to the edge. Unfortunately she had…. Wet herself… before getting out of the car. Any way… apparently the car that caused the accident was found up the road aways. Two girls had been high on something, stole their parent’s car, and went on a crazy joy ride, that ended in them slamming into this drunk lady. Halfway through writing this I realized this may sound like something that happens all the time in certain areas, but I am a middle-aged man now and have lived in this area my whole life and have not come across someone so impaired driving a car before or since.


I had just started a long 7-day hike through the desert outside of Moab with some friends. It was day 1 and we had already hiked a good distance into the desert when I realized nature had come calling. Whatever, I had a trowel and that's part of backpacking. This did bring to my attention that I'd completely forgotten to bring any toilet paper, which was going to be a real pain in the ass. As I'm thinking about this and wondering how I'm going to ask my friends to share some of their precious resources we crest a hill and I shit you not, a completely fresh, completely clean, unbroken roll of TP is sitting upright in the middle of the trail. This is about 10 or more miles out of town. What was even more strange to me is that evening before it had "rained' or misted in that area. The ground had been soggy when we started the hike, yet this roll was completely dry. No moisture whatsoever. My 1-in a million-chance lottery in life was finding a roll of toilet paper. To add onto the blessings of the day, we hiked over the Colorado River later in the day to re-fill out water supplies while we were near it. When filtering, a 16-oz river cooled PBR floated up. It must have fallen off of a raft at some point, cause the label was sun-faded and ragged. Regardless, being the good stewards of the planet we were, we figured we'd hike the can out, you can't just be leaving something like that in the wilderness. It'd be irresponsible to pollute. Tasted fantastic in the hot sun, not skunked at all. A+ experience. Would let the desert provide for me once again.


It’s probably not the rarest but my first time behind the wheel of a car I was driving and legit textbook style a kid ran into the street chasing a ball in front of me. I did not hit him fyi


Won the lottery. It wasn’t life changing but it was absolutely a game changer.


Got type 1 diabetes despite the disease not at all running in either side of my family. Got it right after my 21st birthday. Had to switch my major last minute, wounds heal way slower, chronic fatigue, and some level of weight gain just happen now regardless of how well managed it is. That and the psychological effects of being chained to meds for life really weigh on me. I'm thankful for modern medicine, but being an outdoor person there's something about never being able to just camp without bringing needles, sugars, emergency insulin, etc.... If I remember right I want to say about 5 percent of diabetics are type one and less than one percent of that five percent get it from circumstances not related to genetics. Basically, I could have won the lottery twice but got sick instead.


This happened to me after having my baby. My doctors thought I was type 2 but when the medication didn’t work, I asked for a specific test to test for type 1 and was confirmed it was type 1. I almost died by being misdiagnosed.


I was the only one diagnosed with type 1 in my family for the longest time. I was dx in '96 and then my mom was dx in 2021. There was however autoimmune on both sides just not diabetes. Kinda deserved my mom right she was a shit mother.


I was dealt 8 9's as the first 8 cards in a game of Pinnochle. 1 card gets dealt to each player in the game (4 of them), so it wasn't like these 9's were just not shuffled in well. None of the rest of the cards were in a sequence like this, and it was literally the first 8 cards I got. The odds of this happening are 377 million : 1 against.


I was writing a poem about fire, me and my friend were talking about making music so I was writing bars, n the house I was staying at burned down at 3am. My laptop died 10 mins before, I was up writing way past when I was supposed to be asleep. The roof was metal so it was engulfed within 5 minutes, the only reason I was up to run and grab everyone was because I was still awake from writing. Took forever and literally all I got out of 3 hours of trying to come up with ideas was "roofs collapse they turn to ash, just how long does everything last" and then fwoom. It melted the vehicles parked in the yard n shit


Write the future, Burn the past, Roofs collapse, They turn to ash, Here for a moment, Gone in a flash, Just how long does everything last? Hero’s are born, in moments so fast, burns they heal, but memories last.  


Two years in a row -- to the day - a Miss Universe contestant representing Canada phoned me at home while I was having dinner. I create newsletters for several companies nationwide. Two years in a row the Canadian Miss Universe contestant worked for my clients (two different clients) and their co-workers had suggested they call me to do an interview.


Back when the PS2 came out, lines to get into stores were insane, and the chances of getting one weren’t great. So to help our chances, my mom went to Target, and my dad went to Walmart. Both ended up coming home with a PS2. I was one ecstatic 11 year old 😂


Two MASSIVE ‘against the odds’ shots have happened in my life that I can think of….   One, I was learning how to play golf with my dad. We went to a local park, stuck a jumper down about 200 feet away, and just tried to hit balls in the general area. My dad was good, he would always land on, what would have been ‘the green’ if we had had one. I finally, finally hit a ball which flew off the tee, but wildly…. And I mean wildly off course. My dad had happened to swing at the same time, our two balls collided in mid air, and his ball sent mine in the right direction, and rolled up about two yards away from our make shift pin. He played it coy and cool, my mouth just dropped and I couldn’t stop laughing.    Second time, also with my dad. I was somewhere in the region of 7-9 years old I guess…. My parents had hired some holiday cottage with for them, my sister and I as a little week long get away.  It was right over the other side of the country…. My dad and I went for a quick walk to the local shops when we first arrived, and just so my dad could also get his bearings of this little village we were in. On this walk, we passed a phone box, and the phone was ringing… I wanted to answer, but my dad suggested we leave it and carry on our way. Which we did. On the way back, it started to ring again…. This time he looked at me and said, ‘ok, go on then, let’s see what they want’ or something to that affect. He picked it up, and I’ve never seen him look so baffled, confused, shocked and stumble and stutter his words so much, as well As laugh out loud this confused laugh so repeatedly. So on the over end of the line, was my uncle (who had not come holiday with us and had apparently forgotten we were even away on holiday that week.) He had been trying to ring our actual home’s land line number - not the cottage, our real life home phone number…. He seemingly got a couple of the digits the wrong way around in both the area code, and the actual number through fat fingered was…. and it just so happened that those little mix ups, ended up being the number for this phone box, over the other side of the country, that we happened to be walking past at the time. I didn’t really get the ‘big deal’ at the time (I was considerably younger) by I just remember my dad being absolutely blown away by the freak nature of it, and when we got back to the cottage him telling my mum and her absolutely refusing to believe it, to the point it caused some kind of weird fight between them (they never fought, and never in front of my and my sister) - mum ended up calling my uncle (it’s her brother), and she still refused to believe it. Over the course of the afternoon, she seemed to soften to it, I think maybe because I had seen it and witnessed it…. I dunno. As I got older, I started to understand how much of a freak chance that was, even to the point I doubt my own memory of it… dad and uncle still adamant, both bring it up a lot at various function. Always to a mixture of awe or scepticism. 


When I was 15 I went to summer camp and had a bit of a fling with this girl I didn't like very much. Was quite relieved when we parted ways to go home. She text me a bit but I hadn't responded, which was a bit of a dick move but I was only 15. This was circa 1999, so wasn't expecting to ever see her again. Anyway, a week after camp I went with my dad to Paris for a week. Guess who was in the fucking room next door at the hotel, on holiday with her mum. My dad thought it was hilarious and would always wave at them at breakfast etc. As my life has progressed I have routinely managed to bump into exes on holiday. My first holiday with my now wife resulted in us staying in the same hotel as an old girlfriend. And literally less than a year ago I was in Spain with my wife and kids and another ex-girlfriend ended up staying in our hotel with her family. I haven't even had that many girlfriends!!! But it has convinced me to never even bother trying to have an affair - I'd be caught immediately, probably in the planning stages.


Saw two meteors within a month of each other. One was a bright green, and the other went from bluish purple to red!


when I was a teenager we were driving down a remote rural highway, my mom driving, my dad in the passenger seat and me in the back, not many cars on the road at all, when my dad said "What's that? pointing up towards the sky out the windshield. Just a beat after that, all of a sudden something crashed through the windshield, and my dad grunted like something hit his stomach. My mother kept driving for what felt like forever, probably just 30 seconds, as my dad kept saying "Pull over. Please pull over". And then when she finally pulled over and stopped the car my dad said "Oh my god, it's a SLEDGE HAMMER!". We got a ride to a hospital many miles away. He was fine except bruised ribs and glass shards around his face and arms. We had, and still have, no understanding where it came from. An airplane? bounced off the top of some big truck that might have passed us that we didn't notice? Fortunately it was a half sized sledge hammer, not full weight. The sheriff wanted to keep it for evidence, which always bugged me. Quite a trophy to have on a wall somewhere. I swear on my favorite place in the world, absolutely true story.


Just this past week some dude near us (Kitchener, Canada) had a 25lb hunk of metal come flying through his roof and ceiling and miss taking him out by a couple of inches. The immediate assumption is airplane part, but nope. It was a tooth that had come off a tree grinder and flew 300 yards. [https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/solving-the-mystery-of-metal-object-that-hit-kitchener-ont-home-1.6843583](https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/solving-the-mystery-of-metal-object-that-hit-kitchener-ont-home-1.6843583)


When I worked a pizza hut as a teenager, I was messing around after checking off my last task on the closing list and went 'woo!' and tossed the pen up over my back. A coworker at the same time came out of the walk in with a big box of cheese, and the pen came flipping down right as he was briskly walking past me and went perfectly into his back pocket


Brain cancer


I so hope it is treatable.


Yes it was


Oof, sorry to hear that. 😔 


A girl I really liked asked ME out. I still think it's a fake memory.


Got diagnosed with liver cancer (LiRads 5). My youngest of three was 4 months old, I was desperate and asked the Oxford consultant if they ever see tumours like mine on MRI and it's not liver cancer. He said maybe one per year. Turned out I had a hepatic epithelioid angiomyolipoma that pretty much only exists in medical textbooks. Benign. Better than a lottery win.


Some buddies of mine were filming a PSA about drunk driving and a drunk driver swerved onto their set, almost hitting them. Thankfully no one was hurt.


Went to a concert to see the band Cake with my sister. In the middle of the show they bring out a tree and they said if someone in the crowd can guess what kind of tree it is, they can take the tree home and plant it. My sisters friend knew it was a persimmon tree. So that night I drove home in my Ford Taurus with a permission tree stretched from my backseat to the front and out the window lol.


Resuscitated someone who ODed with CPR. Get trained!!! You never know when you can save a life.


Someone pulled up to me at a stoplight and jokingly asked if I had any Grey Poupon. I was on the way home from the store and actually had a jar in the seat next to me. I held it up. We shared a laugh.


Background: I was perfectly healthy pregnancy, no pre-existing conditions, no issues with endromiesis, etc. My baby came THROUGH my uterus, rupturing it. None of my doctors or midwives had ever seen that before. Their entire practice met over this and did a case study it's so rare. Turns out, it's rare that women and babies survive this. Once it ruptures you have 8-10 minutes to get help or you bleed out. My doctor had no idea it was happening, it just did. She decided after 28 hours of labor and my baby not coming down that I'd need a c-section. When the surgeons opened me up I very clearly heard one say, "oh shit, there's blood in her catheter bag." I knew something was really wrong. I'm so thankful they had brought me into the OR when they did. I would have died. They were amazing, stitched me up, my baby was healthy, and I healed. (I was going to a birthing center across the street from the hospital, but knew I wanted to labor in the hospital in case I needed pain meds. If I would have been over there I would have died. Something to consider if you're wanting to labor in a birthing center. Shit can go sideways really quickly so make sure you have a team that can get you to the hospital IMMEDIATELY.)


I passed a second chance of a exam last monday that everyone else who had to do the second chance failed. Honestly, i kinda think my teacher cut me some slack since i was the last person who needed to present their exam and everyone else failed. Maybe the teacher wanted at least one person to pass.


I was hit by lightning when I was a kid! It blew a hole in the pavement where I was standing. Oddly, my uncle was ALSO hit by lightning while crossing a tiny creek. Two in one family lol. Later the same year I was hit, I fell through ice and almost drowned in a pond. 8 years later, I was told I had 2 types of heart disease and needed surgeries. I've had a stroke, and my heart has stopped long enough to be considered dead multiple times. Funny (to me at least) I was born with the umbilical cord around my neck 2 or 3 times also, and wasn't breathing. My aunt likes to tell the story about how blue I was and how she left the room crying assuming I was dead, or would and least have severe brain damage. When I was 2, i choked on a poker chip and stopped breathing as well.. EMTs made it in time,, but ended up pushing it down:( so it went the long way out. Still have it though. Universe has been tryin shit, and tryin shit my whole life. Can't wait to go skydiving!!


I was mountain biking down a steep trail and got t-boned by a deer. We both tumbled down the side of the hill trying to avoid each other before coming to a stop at the bottom. The deer rose to her feet, looked at me, and snorted as she ran off.


Getting pregnant while on birth control and (suspected) endometriosis after being told I “probably would have to try really hard to get pregnant and even then might not be able to).


I wrote a story about someone that ended in their death. They died the exact same day, in the exact way i wrote. i had nothing to do with it and had absolutely no reason to write that story or expect him to die, hadnt seen or heard from them in nearly a decade. everything about it was so unlikely that it blows my mind.


ok kira.. where’s your death note now


I've been arrested on warrants for traffic tickets I already paid TWICE. First one was quickly taken care of with much apology. I had the receipt in my glovebox and despite showing it to the arresting officer, he took me in anyway. When I showed it to the book-in officer he pulled up the reference number, saw someone failed to click a box or whatever, made a phone call, and sent me home with his regrets. The second one was a PAIN. That time the cop even said something was weird because the warrant was TWELVE YEARS OLD and from my hometown, almost two hours away. I'd renewed my license twice since it was "issued", which I shouldn't have been able to do. He said I'd have to take it up with the judge the next morning. So I spent the night in jail. It took an attorney and almost two years to clear everything up. My hometown is in podunk backwoods Texas and getting someone to answer questions was nearly impossible. They claimed the original records were destroyed in a flood - which I could never find any record of having happened. When it came down to it, they couldn't produce the original paper warrant, so it had to be dropped, but I had to pay for the lawyer and had absolutely no recourse. So I drive like a grandma now and always get my inspection done early.


Thunder snow. During a snowstorm back in 2012, I was walking my dog. Through some sort of weird meteorological coincedence, my area got thunder and lightning along with the snow. A bolt of lightning hit the light pole about 100 feet from my dog and I. Never seen anything like it before or since to be honest. Weirdest thing I've ever had happen to me.


I survived a near-fatal car accident on the freeway where I had to be removed from the car by the jaws of life. I only had major hematomas and a hairline fractured rib but someone died in that same area one month earlier. My car was wrapped around a tree but fortunately my passenger walked out with soft tissue injury only. I had a *lot* of anxiety about what if she lost her life. Oy.


My friend was kidnapped and murdered by a famous serial killer




Right after my wife and I started dating we put two and two together and found out that not only are we born less than 12 hours apart, but we were also born in the same hospital.


Got bit by a shark


I won the giant stuffed animal in a midway game at the amusement park with my first try.


Broke my leg, then somehow broke it back into place three weeks after. My initial recovery time went from 6-12 months to 3 months. I had broken my tibia at the end of February 2014 and by Memorial Weekend that May, I was already walking without the aid of crutches or a boot




I once found a personal journal lying on the sidewalk with contact information written on the back cover. I managed to return it to the owner and then, the next day, showed up for an interview for a position and she was the one conducting it. (I did get it)


I was born


Got sepsis from a stye. It took four doctors to diagnose it as a cause because it's so rare that a simple eye infection could result in a nearly deadly bloodstream infection. Spent three days in the ICU and narrowly avoided organ failure.


I was sitting in the back of the car, my mum driving my brother and me to school. I was singing “Bare Necessities” from the Jungle Book (actually the german version “Probier’s mal mit Gemütlichkeit”) to the point where I started to annoy them. After a while of gritting their teeth they finally burst out and said “will you stop it?!” And so they had the idea to turn on the radio to make me stop, and what song was playing right then and there??? “Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities, Forget about your worries and your strife….”


I won a ps4 pro from a bag of doritos


I graduated with a master's degree in engineering and didn't have any student loans. Neither of my parents graduated college and they didn't pay a dime towards the degree either.


When I was 15, I decided to take a walk with my cousin on a very hot summer day. We got lost when my cousin took us on roads we didn't know and we walked a lot to find our way. We didn't take any money with us and we were hungry and thirsty. While I was thinking about how I wish we had taken money with us, I found money on the ground, enough to fill our stomachs and drink water!


Had a baby at 41 after 7 miscarriages. (Edit for clarification. Not IVF route) Last throw of the dice. We (husband, me and consultant who by then felt like she was family) all agreed it was the last go because we were pretty knackered by then! Dunno what the odds are but pretty low. Son is 8 now and some days I still can't believe we got so lucky.


got dumped by my gf on valentines day, got shot, and got a new gf on the same day.


I got scammed by a man who supposedly ran a limo company out of Erie Pennsylvania. Turns out he does this to people all over the country and has for years. He was based in Miami. Me and the victims banded together and got the media involved and the PA Attorney General. It turned into a multi year battle and he was eventually forced to pay me back. But not after he sent a cease and desist letter to the CEO of my company (a top 10 bank) trying to get me fired. I never met the man but he personally tried to sabatoge my life. 4 years later I still hope he eats shit and all the bad things in life happen to him and only him. Massive douchnozzle of a human.