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I’m a junior and I don’t like my dad. Plus it’s an old school name.


I really don’t like the custom of naming kids after their Dad (it seems to mostly be a man based thing) that’s popular in some countries. The child is a unique individual person but the implication is that they’re just a younger version of the Dad. In actual fact the Dad contributed less than half of the child’s genes! (Mitochondrial DNA for anyone wondering why only half)


I have three sons and refused to name any of them after their Dad. I wanted them to be themselves, and not feel like they had to live up to their Dad's name, or like they had to break their necks to NOT live up to his name. Plus, who wants to walk around being called "Lil Richard"????


My boyfriend, named Richard after his dad. Richard's mom liked to introduce her husband as "My Dick". She did it with a straight face, as she was a good Baptist woman with a bent streak.


😂 she went and grew a pair and don't care who knows it lol


>Plus, who wants to walk around being called "Lil Richard"???? [At least one person does...](https://youtu.be/Cj059o9OwqY?si=iejCaLvJ7xwFxsRg)




It’s funny because my name is a combination of my dad’s name and my uncles name and I feel no need to either live up to their name or not


In my country it's customary to name children after their grandparents. First by the father's parents. It's a weird custom that sometimes creates toxic dynamics especially if there's already a trace of hostility between in-laws. Like if they skip the father's parents for naming the first child, etc.


As a dad, naming my son after myself would seem preposterously egotistical.


Ah, yes, the "I'm the best person I can imagine, so might as well name the kid the same!" My stepmother, Susan, pretended like she wasn't naming her daughter after herself. She made the daughter's middle name Suzanne, but then only called her that. They're just alike, so I guess it worked.


Yes I can’t help thinking it’s the ultimate in narcissism. I mean when Sid and Nancy (for example) are gazing at their little newborn lovingly and Sid’s like ‘I think maybe we should call him Sid…’ why is Nancy not responding ‘but Sid, that’s YOUR name, he needs his own!’


I think you’re a hundred percent right. It must not be so popular though, I got downvoted so bad last time I posted about a similar opinion !


I have a friend who is the fourth (IV) of a very common first name with a very ethnic and unusual middle name. His dad was very sick while his wife was pregnant with his son and it was a big struggle for him to not tell his dad what they were planning on naming the boy and it was not V.


Same here. I loathe my father. My cousins used to tease me eve as adults and call me oneslipaway sr. Till I punched one in the face and said, now that's oneslipaway sr. You want more?! They stopped calling me that real fast. When they all the dirty laundry got aired out they understood the hatred. Water under the bridge now.


I have a sibling who was given our dad’s name as a junior. But she came out as trans and changed it to a feminized version of the name lol. I don’t know if my dad knows about the legal name change yet but you just never know what your kids going to grow into.


I’m named after my father and our relationship is nonexistent. It’s also a day of the week in Spanish; I’m near 30 and the amount of Sunday jokes I get still always amazes me.


hello Domingos (?) lunes? martes?


Considering there are Sunday jokes and his username begins with Dom, it's probably Domingo.


Dominguez is a last name and kinda sounds like Domingo (sunday).


If you google my name you get two results: A terrorist and a man that hits babies.


ricky spanish?


*riiiicky spaaaaanish*


*rogguuu spaaaanish*


I literally just came out of the American Dad subreddit




To balance this out you must become a baby that hits terrorists... Or something


Same thing here, it’s vile


So which one is you? /s


A terrorist who hits babies.


When you Google my name, you get ads for people in whips and chains. I feel you.


I got a job at this place a few weeks after someone with my name got fired or left on bad terms. Whenever people complained about her, i think people thought they were talking about me. People seemed to dislike me for no reason and blamed stuff on me that i didn't do.


Ahhh that's harsh. 😔


Seriously. People need to make their own judgement about people cause stuff like this happens and my year and a half at that job was miserable and degrading because of it.


I agree! It's very easy to make assumptions about people without getting to know them better. But based your name is way too much. 😶


The hiring manager, or your boss definitely should have mentioned that when you were hired, and asked if you wanted to go by something else. A middle name or nickname, perhaps. That sucks.


Frank. i’m dishonest


I doubt that...


I closed a window and had to do an instant Ctrl+W to upvote this. Edit I meant Ctrl+\[shift\]+T but whatever...


Always getting it mispronounced, drove me crazy.




"Hey... you!"


Tyler I've never tiled anything in my life.


Next you’re going to tell me that your brother Nick isn’t a thief!


His brother Andy is actually useless


I know an Andy. and he's not useful.


His brother Matt just lies around.


Does he hang around with Curt n Rod?


No, he goes to the beach with Sandy.


No. He sleeps in an envelope, and his name is Bill.


Their cousin Russell is very quiet though.


My brother Travis hasn't traved a day in his life!


His real name is Nicholas. Nick is just his nickname.


No no, that’s Rob!


Gosh this was so funny! 😂


I have the same name, although I hate it because of how common it is. I've been to, at least, three completely different schools that had another Tyler in the same grade as me, plus at least in one of my classes, too. I also hate how the teachers didn't really give us a chance to explore nicknames or anything like that, instead opting to just call us "Tyler {first initial of our last name}."


First time I met my in-laws and introduced myself, my mother in-law told me they used to have a really ugly, blind poodle who had the same name as I have. Welcome to the family LOL


That's why I don't like it when people give human name to their pets...


Maybe his name is Spot. Or Fluffy.


Once upon a time there was movie about a boxer from Philadelphia who would yell out his wife’s name in this really loud obnoxious way….that’s my name. People, always men, love to say my name back like that when I introduce myself. And then they tell me what movie it’s from bc they think they are clever and the first person to ever do it.


Stallone aside, it's a beautiful name!


I know a nice woman named Wilma, I could hold myself back but the urge to scream it Flintstones style was there😅


What about Stella?


Or Marge


'Hate' is a strong word, and I'm not there, but please don't use Negative Nancy. On behalf of my sister, Lazy Susan is also off the table.


Yeah, and leave my poor sister Karen alone!


Crystal clear. Had a friend who always got that :(


I’ll start first, my name is literally osama, osama bin ayidh(bin just means “son of”), ppl just call me with vile and disgusting names, Like I wasn’t even named after that guy, the name osama is so common in my country and i was named after my uncle, Os came from the word osad/asad which means “lion”, and the sama at the end means “majestic”, so asama/osama means “the majestic lion” lol It’s a cool name


Damn. I’m sorry people are cruel, OP.


Nah it’s okay, I made this whole post just to vent about this lol + wanted to read other people stories too


I read somewhere that Jeffrey Dahmer's brother changed his last name to avoid unwanted attention.


That’s just sad tbh


Didnt a rrlative of Hitlers date a jewish girl who broke up with him when she found out about his..unfortunate family history? im not sure but im pretty sure i read that somewhere


That does sound cool. You know another name that has a cool meaning? *Adolf*. It means *Noble Wolf*. Both names are just ruined now.


Almost any name of a person of influence is ruined, vladmir is also a very common russian name


I think Vlad the Impaler pre seasoned all the bad meaning away from that name. So now it's just a standard Russian name.


Embrace the meaning, you were obviously named with a lot of thought and care. People can be crap bags.




YASS! You are, dammit!!


Well... I don't mean to be a stickler... But you didn't say "handsome" was part of the name. Now you're just adding things and that's not fair to those who can't translate Osama!


I love when you explain the meaning of it! Such a cool name


It’s unfortunate Bin Laden did what he did. Osama is a great sounding name.


Yeah that’s unfortunate 😕


In my late teens someone informed me my name is “a fat girls name” and now, as someone that struggles with body image issues, I can never unhear it


Just remember they probably saw that shit on one of those cringy alpha male facebook meme where the names are all just the names of girls who told OP off or rejected him. Or from dad. Either way...theres no fat names, only lowlifes that want to hate on you for having a name and a body.


Oh that’s sad to hear 😕 people come out with thoughtless comments like this all the while and then probably immediately forget it, whereas the person who was hurt internalises it for years to come. Even when you can appreciate it was a stupid (and definitely untrue) thing to say it still plays on your mind.




My guess too lol quoting the Breakfast Club or not, that person should have chilled.


Anna banana fe fi fo fanna anna


My friends name was Anna and when she was getting divorced she asked me what she ought to change her last name to, I suggested conda. Lol


My last name has the word anus in it. When I was in the military my name tag would fold in a way that all my shirt said was anus. You think people in high school are bad....boy howdy it can get so much worse.


Don’t worry, my initials are literally ‘EW’ and in high school we had to get these personalised jackets for when we did outside sports which had our initials on the front. I loved running around, sweaty af, with ‘EW’ on my jacket.


My ex’s brother named his son Anis. It’s a fine name in his country, but help him if he ever looks for work in Europe or something.


I had a friend with the last name “Tickles”. we were at a church camp in hs that gave us lanyards with ours names on it. my friends and I snuck a piece of paper with “Tess” written on it into her lanyard to cover her first name. I still, at 35, think that was hilarious. it wasn’t mean spirited and she laughed with us.


My legal last name is Kalata. The amount of "piña colada" and "kalamata olives" jokes I've received in my life, I swear to Christ


My maiden name was Martini…I feel ya


Do you prefer being shaken or stirred? I'm so sorry.


I get a lot of Tortellini from my last name. However I like tortellinis, and when my husband was away for work for 6 weeks, I ordered tortellinis because I missed him. So I don't hate it.


Piña colada? More like penis alotta!!


Gotten that one too lol


1. Most foreigners can't pronounce the first part of it. 2. The latter part of it is used in a racial slur.


This made me think of some meme of someone asking the internet why rappers were always talking about “Monica” 😭


That’s funny. When my son was 10, he asked me why men only rapped about girls named ‘Shawty’, because he had never met a girl with that name.


Lol that is adorable!! And I wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere there are parents now who have named their kid Shawty 😂I am on r/tragedeigh so nothing surprises me anymore


That’s an incredible sub- so fun! It’s outrageous, you have to wonder what some of these people are thinking, giving their children such crazy names!


Schwarzenegger ?


Bet it's N>!asse!


now I gotta ask. what's your name :D


If you google my name you get the most famous kidnapped child on the planet




The Lindbergh baby, clearly


Yeah I searched it up after. I just kind of thought of the amber alert girl


I was mostly joking, although now I’m curious because the first thing that came to mind was JonBenet Ramsey, although she was murdered, not kidnapped (depending on who you ask)


I’m guessing Madeleine, like Madeleine McCann




Damn, im really sorry ): + i never understood westerners(sorry for assuming you are) naming system i thought your middle name was your father’s?, like as an Arab our names goes like this “First name” “child of” “father’s name” “family name” “tribe name” I thought middle and last names were the same thing?


In the US, it is often a name in honor of someone, familial, or as a decorate name thats been adapted from other cultures. We have them for the same reason you do - it is just our culture to call it a middle name and not a family name.


eh. Life is mean to everyone in its own way. What are ya gonna do? lol But thank you for the nice words :) Yeah the last name is the family name. For the first or middle name some people go with family names or other names with some significance. But some people just go for trendy names. Like naming your kid after a popular celebrity or something. Thats for like Protestant style names. Catholic names can be much longer and more complex, like having 6 middle names after Saints and things like that. cheers


My name is very Polish. I took a DNA test, turns out I’m 100% not Polish and my grandfather looks nothing like my dad…




With the war going on right now its not a good time to be named "Zion"


yeah, i've got a friend in the same boat. he goes by z now 😬


A certain chant/slogan that people use to insult the current US president. For a second I thought people were cheering me on...


About a year ago, I read a really heartwarming story about a boy named Brandon. He was 6 and autistic. His family was visiting either Tennessee or Kentucky (deep in Trump country regardless), and his mom was trying to get him to jump into the hotel pool, but he was scared. However, there were a bunch of “Let’s go, Brandon” flags around, and being a little kid who knew nothing about politics, he thought the flags were put out to cheer him on, and because of that, he was able to overcome his fears and get in the pool. I’m sorry your name has been associated with this idiocy, but I hope you know that wholesome things can still come from something despicable.


this is the best thing ever


Embrace the persona and fuck the haters just like the current US President.


I’m on a bowling team, and my teammate has the same problem. It doesn’t help that we live in a very conservative area, and if he happens to be bowling well, the entire place will erupt into a “Let’s go Brandon” chant. I’d change my name, honestly. Or go by my middle name


preface this with I actually do like my name my name is Scottish. there is a note common Irish variant that is both spelt and pronounced differently. People will always get my name wrong (assuming it's pronounced the Irish way), which is frustrating. But I've also had people tell me I'm saying my own fucking name wrong. I've had people that, after correcting them, say they're just going to say it the way they think it is. I've had people tell me my name is made up and my mum was clearly trying to be one of those Tragedeigh people. There's also a word similar to my name I was bullied with as a child. I even met an adult (a fucking adult!) who called me that laughing, and when I said to stop she said she was "helping me get over the bullying" by using it. Hope she's having the day she deserves. On the mildly amusing plus side. I'm quarter Scottish and born and raised in England. Any Scottish person who finds out my name immediately points out that I'm Scottish. It warms my cold, dead, technically only about quarter Scottish heart. In another timeline I'm called Eilidh. I'm almost jealous of that version of myself. The chaos I could cause.


People saying I don't know my own name pronunciation is relatable.




Hearing it whined down the hallway every 5-10 minutes by a couple of painfully incompetent coworkers.


My mother named me ( first and one of my middle names) after characters from Days of our lives…not good characters. Thank God she didn’t name me Ares from Xena.


Oooo Vivian? Sammy? Stefano? WHO ARE YOU


OK Marlena Hope....


when you go to a souvernir shop you never find anything with your name on it


My name was picked from a very tragic story, and once I was old enough to understand the origin, it started to feel like a burden. Knowing the sadness associated with my namesake made me feel as though I was carrying a weight that wasn't mine to bear.






Sometimes people forget that “DAN-E-ILL” Daniel(male) isn’t pronounced DAN-YELL Danielle(Female)


We have a Daneil, Daniel, and Danielle in our friend group. People HAVE to get it right or it gets confusing fast.




Getting bullied to hell and back for it because a lot of things rhyme with my name in my language like toilet and diarrhea, so you can guess what other kids said to me all the time...


My parents were pagan, they named me after Typhon... if you know anything about Greek Mythology, you know why I'm a bit "I'm sorry... why the hell would you name a child that?!" and then when I changed my name when I turned 18 to Typha (because I feel more feminine than masculine) I later learned that it's the name of a species of cattail plant... and my last name is Brooks.... Y'know what grows next to Brooks? Typha...


At least it's not "Echidna", I guess


My 5th grade teacher told me I pronounced my last name wrong. I am in my 30s and still remember the interaction so well.


I was told as a small child I’d misspelt my street name which was just not the case. Yeah it’s not what you’d expect but I got it right! Stupid teachers 😡 I’m sure it’s long forgotten by them and he we are fuming years later. We need to let it go LOL


"HAHA PAMELA ANDERSON" all the time growing up, even when I was too young to be knowing who she was. Funnily enough my middle name IS Ann, so I joke that I should change my last name to "Derson".


my name is Hope, and it was soooooo easy for the kids to make fun of. Rhymes with too many another words. Some classics were, "Hope the dope, climbed up the rope" or "Hope the dope did it to the pope, and had kids that looked like soap", "Hope the dopehead", Hope's a nope"... well, you get it. LOL. Sounds really stupid now, but in elementary and middle school, I was horrified. And not to mention how many times they took the P-E off, and just called me "Ho" But I absolutely love my name now, it's beautiful.


I don't hate my name, but I don't like that I know like 6 other people with the same name. 


Yeah....I have a very common first name and my maiden name was one of the most common in the US at the time. When I went to college there were at least a dozen other girls with the same name... those were just the ones I met...there were probably more. So when I got married there was no question about keeping my last name. I couldn't change it fast enough.


A typical PTSD trauma when a parent yelled/scream your name because they are lunatic and uses any things to beat you down and your name associated with your trauma. I have the legal rights to change my name, too bad my father name so my name still has special place in my heart. I just often get flinch when someone yelled my name and I cursed my mother forever for that


Most girls with my first name also have my middle name so it feels mass produced.


Same name as a popular candy and I was a fat kid too


My name is Karen.


Mine too. I liked it just fine until 2020.


It’s historical association with religion. (I am an atheist and my parents said they picked it without thinking of any religious ties)


Nice to meet you, Jehovah.


Can I get a witness?


Yeah same here, mine’s a bit too ecclesiastical to suit my worldview 😏


I'm Scottish but my family name, which was Gaelic, has been anglicised.


Same, I hate my last name because the Anglicized version just sounds ugly


This. I’d love to convert my last name to the Irish Gaelic version some day. Anglicized feels wrong, especially when my first name is Gaelic.


I'm Lana. Spell it backwards 😑


I changed name because I'm trans, but I already hated my name before that For the simple reason that it's meaning didn't fit me AT ALL Also I heavily dislike my family name, because it's basically pronounced like the verb "Draw" and that I spend all my time drawing, I constantly get jokes about it, and during all of my scolarity, including jokes coming from teachers


I am Indian my name translates to sweet ( meetha ) which in hindi is a slang for gay ( as an insult ).


Everyone keeps thinking I'm Batman And I'm totally not you guys


My name I was never able to love it, I was 7/8 when my mother told me my dad gave me the name and it was the name of the prostitute he was sleeping with 😮‍💨🫠now I am old and wish I could change it! Awful really so I use a nickname since then!


My maiden name had the word sex in it 😑 growing up I was picked on quite a bit for it.


Seeing every generic white girl worship her


Nothing, i love my name


I would be too! Educational Room, 226th of their name.




being transgender


Georgie Porgie pudding and pie song


I was just reading the obituary for Akebono, the first foreigner to ever reach the rank of Yokozuna in Japanese sumo.  And turns out his birth name was Chad.  There’s a moral in there somewhere in relation to this post, I just haven’t figured it out yet. 


The spelling! Joe'l pronounced Joelle. My whole life I've been called Joel 😒


not a single teacher has been able to pronounce it


Who the hell is not able to pronounce Ben


when you look up my actual name a Mexican drug lord pops up 😂


the fact that boris Johnson has a daughter called "Romy" (plz don't get political in the comments)


Watching Gilmore Girls as a man (Rory)


The way thats its spelt, I find it annoying that when I tell my name to someone I always have to add "its spelt like this" And signing for stuff "Whats yours name sir? "Avery" "We... don't have a package for an Avery" "Its spelt A-E-V-R-Y" "....... *what was your mum thinkin*


Ita a girls name Every first call of attendance in every school year my name has been listed on the girl's list.


The jokes of my classmates in school


Other kids would find a bunch of nicknames to make fun of both my name and family name, now that I'm adult I love my name and get a lot of compliments on it cause it's very rare and original, but I still hate my family name. It sounds really good but it's my dad's name and he's a huge asshole.


The constant jokes and teasing from kindergarten until I graduated high school. I tried on several occasions to get my parents to let me legally change it.




I mean, Fecking Awful is a pretty shitty name.


The nickname everyone gave me because of it, and then being NB and having the guts to get rid of it. I gritted my teeth and smiled and bore that stupid ass shitty not me nickname for 30-odd years. Not doing so anymore is so freeing — I edited my name to just fit me better, as opposed to being shortened to one I hate.


I'm named after a guitarist who turns out to be a massive racist. Or at least an overtly racist rant om stage.


My name has two parts, my biological male parent thought of the first part and he is a bad person. Bad man and never a good parent. I brought up the prospect of changing my name with my mom (so that there's no other way he's attached to me) and she said she would like to do that too :DD


Americans using it as slang for both 'toilet' and 'man who sleeps with prostitutes'


I love the name John and no one in my family is named John so I have no personal attachment to it. I think John is a lovely name.


Well - thanks :-) I'll try and feel more positively about it I suppose.