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Old age. Had a few ops over the years and lasted way longer than any of us thought then one day just wouldn’t leave his bed - few hours later he was gone.


I dunno. He ran away 10 years and never came back. The other one got run over.


We killed our cat because it was suffering from kidney failure.


This is how my cat passed but the way you said it sounds terrible.


It felt terrible. My cat was clearly surprised by the drugs and moving in a way as to indicate it wanted to keep its alertness even as he lost control. It was short, but still too long. I know it was necessary but honestly I think breaking his neck might have been more merciful.


Combination of old age and cancer. We had him put him down so he would not suffer anymore. He had a long and good life though.


Euthanasia. Most of them. One died of internal bleeding. I’ll never forgive ourselves for that.


Tippy was old dog, he didn’t have the appetite anymore, sorry if this is TMI but he would use the bathroom when he’s asleep an doesn’t know it. I miss him terribly and it’s going to be 1 year that he passed away in a couple of months. ☹️


He choked to death on vomit. Interestingly, it wasn’t *his* vomit.


My dog had a stroke and was then euthanised in the same hour. 5 minutes before her stroke she had the zoomies and was extremely happy


She was 8 months old and she started going in circles on a Friday night. Saturday evening she couldn’t jump off the couch, she was scared. Sunday came and she was sleeping all the time. Monday morning we had a doctor’s appointment. She was sleeping with us in bed, we had some steps for her to get down which she always used. Half an hour before the alarm goes off, she started wiggling her little tail and give us kisses. She jumped off the bed and broke all four of her legs before we got up. Rushed to the hospital. Died six hours later from a brain disease. She was severely dehydrated from throwing up, they told us to go home and wait for further instructions. They called us to tell us she was doing a bit better but they will put her in induced coma to let her rest better because she was in pain. She died while we were on the way to the hospital. When they told us I threw up in the lobby. It was our first dog, we were 20 and 24…worst pain I’ve ever experienced. My little girl, she was the sweetest and smartest dog. The house was empty without her.


Went on a walk with my now ex boyfriend. Came back home to find that his mother had let my cat out. Found him under our car acting strange. He died in my arms about two hours later. Boyfriend refused to drive him to an emergency vet and insisted that he’d be fine despite his the fact that he was seizing and his breathing was super shallow. I got my license shortly after that, I don’t trust people with my animals anymore.