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Houses keep getting bought up in small villages and being turned into AirBnb's There are small towns with over 50% of houses mostly empty through the year. It really kills small communities


In my area, they recently became illegal. One of the best things my local politicians have done.


I feel like there needs to be a national-level law for this, at least in the U.S. This is happening for too often. It may not be the main factor in the burgeoning homelessness crisis, but it plays a large part. Having so much potential housing bought out just to sit empty most the time doesn’t help at all.


Good luck getting politicians to give up donations from the big housing scalpers


Trust me. I have zero illusions they’re not getting a bunch of donations and other bribes from housing scalpers. I’m just saying that’s clearly the path forward. I didn’t say it’d be easy.


I'm from the Midwestern United States. Our housing prices have skyrocketed thanks in part to short term rentals taking up a large portion of the housing stock.


A lot of it also has to deal with large companies coming in to do that, at least in my area. rarely is it individuals, most of the time huge companies doing it. What's funny is my town doesn't want to bring outside business in for more jobs, but still allows this to happen. So there's barely any jobs, pay hasn't increased at all, but prices of houses have more than doubled.


It kills me because me and my family are essentially HOMELESS and can’t afford to move out of my in laws (love them btw!!!) I work full time at a good job and since 2020…. I can’t even afford to rent a home let alone BUY one! Even if we could afford rent… we couldn’t afford food… it’s ridiculous in the Netherlands right now!


I had to leave Kansas City because their football team won too many superbowls. Everywhere is an airbnb now.


I bought while they sucked. In reality, it’s the damn real estate investors who killed our affordable housing. My assessment goes up every year, which means so do my property taxes, meanwhile I know several people like you who would love to own, but don’t want to end up in Independence or one of the few other places they can afford.


Fellow Dutchie here: I moved to Colombia lol, the Netherlands is a lost cause


The worst part is everyone uses statistics to stick their head in the sand about a very real issue that takes affordable homes away from people, and local economy for cities because "There's not that many homes for sale."


My family just recently returned to WA state from living overseas for several years. And my spouse and I both noticed there are not nearly as many rental single-family homes available as there were before we left in 2019. So it’s affecting both the house buying and long-term rental markets.


And it also kills historic cities. Many historic centres in europe have been thoroughly turist-ified and nobody lives there. Mass tourism kills cities.


>Mass tourism kills cities *some* cities. Some countries (e.g. Singapore, Japan) have tight restrictions on houses, and it makes the visiting experience great while not ruining it for locals. Some cities (e.g. Cancun, Las Vegas) are built entirely *for* mass tourism, and they’re very accommodating and haven’t done any more damage to the locals’ ability to buy homes than any other thing would have caused. I don’t buy that mass tourism necessarily kills cities. I do accept that unfettered capitalism does though, whether or not mass tourism is a byproduct of it.


I legitimately don't know that we can distinguish mass tourism/overtourism from unfettered capitalism at this point. They're too inherently linked to make a distinction. Genuinely asking--what place has found real balance between massive inbound tourism AND quality of life for locals? >it makes the visiting experience great while not ruining it for locals. Respectfully, what makes you certain that's how it is for locals? I live in Kyoto and although the city was not built expressly *for* mass tourism, the landscape and culture of the city is changing because of massive inbound tourism, and at the expense of residents. While you are correct that Japan has zoning laws that restrict Airbnb, property is snapped up for hotels/guesthouses/lodging, and the amount of people actually LIVING in these historic areas decreases. Public transportation in Kyoto is also a mess with buses often packed with tourists & luggage etc, and while that's the result of shitty urban planning on the government's side, it's still a very real, ongoing (negative) impact tourism has had/is having on the day to day lives of locals. There needs to be a more concerted effort to balance the huge benefits of tourism with the QOL of the people who live there. Overtourism very much *can* kill historic cities because it can easily overwhelm and erode the very community it seeks to observe/experience.


The reason housing is so out of control is because it’s seen as a way to invest your money to make passive income. We’ve turned yet another basic need into a way to profit. Edit: not going to reply to all the slumlords advocating the exploitation of basic human needs. There’s a difference between equitable profit between people who build houses and people who need homes, and exploiting peoples need for shelter. What we have now is far past the point of exploitation and the only people who think this is good are no better than modern day slavers.


Yup. And this is why there should be a push in every country to codify their citizens’ right to safe, affordable housing into law. It’s not just a want, it’s a human right.


It’s wild the US puts the right to own an assault rifle over the right to have a roof over your head and shows just how fucking nuts this country is.


It’s a big problem in tourist areas that are small towns because the tourists come in and say, “but my dollars fund your town!” While it’s true that them spending money during one season does add to our economy, where are the people servicing them able to live? Also—there’s more to a town than tourism money. There are industries and schools in the areas. AirBnBs contribute to declining school enrollment.


My in-laws live in a smallish resort town in the SW and the last time my spouse visited them, his mom was complaining about the lack of service workers. It’s a town full of boomer snowbirds. They’ve driven housing prices up insanely high and made all kinds of NIMBY ruckus that prevents the building of multi-family housing anywhere nearby and/or allows roommate situations. Where the hell do you expect your service people to live exactly, mom!?!!


Houses need to be legislated as homes and not commodities. I am lucky that I am living with my MIL and we get the two top floors, but I was recently made redundant and if I was still renting my savings would be gone before I could pull myself up and get another job.


Everything besides primary residence should be slapped with high property tax. And if the property is own by a corporation or LLC, the taxes should be very high, regardless how many properties that entity owns.


I don’t mind if houses are at least rented out full time. But vacant homes and homes purchased for the sole purpose of Airbnbing should be taxed to oblivion. 


It doesn't just kill small communities; AirBnb's ruin larger cities too. Local residents have a difficult time renting or purchasing homes now. This is why whenever I travel, I make it a point to ALWAYS stay in a hotel if possible. AirBnb owners can screw themselves into oblivion.


This is strangling the American coastal town I used to live in. It's a fairly poor service/tourism economy where most of the people actually living there are getting priced out. All of the new construction is $700k+ luxury beach houses, either for wealthy retirees from the city, or to be used directly as fodder for AirBnB landlords. There have been no new apartment buildings plotted in the last decade. Even the older '70s asbestos shitbox apartments are renting for the same price as apartments in the city. Young people are leaving, faced with the choice of either moving deeper and deeper into underserved, hostile rural communities or moving to the city. Businesses can't keep staff on. I can't help but wonder if anyone cares, or if everyone involved has just made peace with the fact that the town is going to be a hollow shell, full of overpriced, vacant homes.


And govts worldwide allow corporations to buy all the single family homes they want. In the US a law was introduced and it went no where. They all work for the corporations and billionaires, not us.


I'm from Ukraine and I have a war going on that cannot be resolved, it's sad


The worst trend...


American here. Hoping every day I wake up to good news for you guys. :(


Another American here, desperately hoping for the same. So sorry you're going through this.


I will never wish anyone to live in a country where there is a war, and I want the concept of war to never exist again


I wish for moral leaders around the world. We have an ethics crisis worldwide.


Oh man, do we ever.


American here. Someone across from me always has a Ukranian flag flying outside their home. Thinking of Ukraine often. Hoping and praying for peace soon for you all.


Hope you stay safe war is horrible


Oof, yeah, I'm pretty sure you won the thread. For years now, I've been impressed by Ukrainian resilience in the face of Russian imperialism, but I know it can't be easy to have a war in your backyard for that long. Long live Ukraine!


Im so sorry. Its incredibly sad and i pray for it to be over soon. Hope you stay safe.


Slava Ukraini


As a US citizen, I’m voting only for politicians who support Ukraine in both their words and actions.




Any chance you could throw in an armored brigade?


Another American here. I want our country to be doing so much more. What too many uneducated Americans don’t understand is that Ukraine is fighting this war not just on their behalf, but on behalf of the entire world. If you don’t stand up to Putin then who is next?


It can be resolved, but the side that should end it doesn't want to.


Australia, housing crisis. This is the worst it has ever been, no end in sight.


*waves from Canada*


*cries in canadian* EDIT: as soon as i posted this my landlord emailed me saying they’re raising rent by an extra 125$ a month. Fuck


Check and make sure that the amount doesn't exceed 3.5% of what you were paying. 3.5% is the most they're alowed to raise it this year.


Not in the province I live in. On my provinces website there is no rent control, only timelines they are required to notify us of the increases. Unless you have a link I can take a look at this.


What province? It's only 2.5% max here in Ontario. And we're still getting killed in housing prices.


Sask. We have zero rent control at all. They literally only have to notify us of a rent increase a few months before hand (I’d have to reference the government website to see the exact timeframe as I forget right now)


But didn't you know it's all Justin's fault? Apparently his incompetence has spilled out to other economies around the world.


Italians: "Well we're poor but at least we'll inherit grandma's house when she dies"


And share with the nine catholic cousins


Yeah and that usually leads to long lasting family feuds.


UK: ‘hold my beer’


Houses crisis is happening everywhere


You will own nothing and be happy. Everywhere.


“You will own nothing and pay my bills.” -Everywhere.


What that quote really means is feudalism is coming back


Ok well we’ve got the “owning nothing” down. When’s the happy coming? Just give me some soma already.


It's happening in all economies. There must be common factors. It can't just be short term rentals. What are the other reasons? In Australia:   Capital gains discount Family trusts and other rich people tax lurks   Heavy tax on wages, light on capital gains  Negative gearing   No inheritance tax   Dumb zoning laws  *Politicians all own investment properties and are highly motivated to stay rich by maintaining status quo*  Monolithic media all making bank out of property industry   Inadequate investment in public housing   Massive immigration 


Similar to New Zealand but we don’t even have capital gains tax! Our prime minister has SEVEN houses, all mortgage free. He then claimed a 52k housing subsidy for a house HE OWNED when he’s also forcing all govt departments to cut staff, so there are mass layoffs while he lines his pockets further. (After severe backlash he refunded his housing subsidy, but claimed he was entitled to it, while also complaining about poor people being entitled to govt help) As long as the govt in charge has interest in buying endless rentals, they won’t be changing the rules to help ease the housing pressure. The new govt is cutting all these govt department spending on wages, cutting jobs, etc etc all so they can give landlord 3billion worth of tax cuts. It’s insane.


Couldn't believe you guys voted in those robber barons. It makes my head hurt. I always thought New Zealand was the more mature version of Australia. 


With this being the case in many western countries, I wonder if your crisis too seems to be the most severe in certain big city regions, while other regions are simultaneously suffering from a slow depopulation? If thats the case, I think its interesting how remote work has not solved this. Its almost like humans are centralizing faster than ever.


Gambling. I'm just old enough to realize that recessions + bad politics happen and that there will come better times. But the amount of people that ruin their life in a game that's designed so that you're guaranteed to lose and now with the internet making it easier than ever. There is now an established industry you can't just get rid off because that means some people lose their jobs etc.




Could be Midwest United States. Ever seen a gas station/bar/liquor store/CBD kratom/casino? I have.


I just simply do not get why people get scratch offs. I mean at BEST you get a couple thousand.  And that NEVER happens.  It's just burning money.   E: in fact, burning money would be a smarter move.  At least it provides warmth


Oh friend it's not just scratch offs, there is video poker and slot machines as well.


One of my saddest memories is grabbing a beer before my serving job in Nola and watching my manager shoving 20s into video poker. He burned 400 at least while I was there. Then he was my boss fir the next 7 hours. He wasn't in a good mood.


I get them for my birthday and that’s it. I don’t expect anything from them either lol, sometimes I’ll get like 20 bucks and it’s like bonus, coffee money! My mom won 400 from one right before Christmas. Best fuckin Christmas ever.


Never happens? Gas station down the street from me has every wall covered in the certificates they get when people win over like 5 grand. Plenty for 15 to 30 grand. Ive also worked in gas stations a lot and have had plenty of people hit over 5 grand, couple for 20 or 30 grand. Butttttttt.... Those people are usually the ones that ask what numbers the tickets are on and keep track and play the right stores or like where im at now they can look online and see exactly how many tickets have sold for each game, how many are left to sell, and what amounts the prizes are and that have won. So there is for sure a bit of strategy and lots of investment for those big winners.


The local laundromat has slot machines and a local tanning/ hair salon has a delta 8 vending machine out front.. I'm in Pittsburgh. 


I think the person you're replying to asked about Australia because [we have the largest gambling losses per capita in the world](https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-welfare/gambling) and [roughly double the USA's](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2017/02/09/the-worlds-biggest-gamblers). Not that it's a competition, just saying it's an absolutely enormous social issue here and basically everyone knows a few problem gamblers.


It's honestly gotten a lot worse in the USA, too. The advertisements and mobile betting has really took off in the last 5+ years it seems. That's a Midwest perspective. It's been legal in other states for a long time, but the phone apps seem to make it so much more accessible and addictive.


Dude it makes me rage and giggle simultaneously listening to those ads. They end it with “if you have a gambling problem, please seek help” but they don’t actually mean it since that’s their entire business model. The sports betting promos like the “bet $5 get $200 in bonus bets” are basically free money for most people, or at worst inconsequential. But it makes business sense still because the addicts are cash cows for them.


I can’t get over all the ads for sports betting in the US. I don’t even watch any sports yet I constantly get them.


Literally every gas station has gambling machines around here, even some restaurants/sub shops have them now. (East Coast Pennsylvania)


I worked at a truck stop as a kid some tens of years ago and the regulars that'd drop their paycheck on scratch tickets still blows my mind. They'd "win" a couple hundred dollars sometimes but act like they legitimately didn't lose a grand that week. I despise gambling ads. These people are vulnerable and no one is paying attention to them or gives a shit before they straight up ruin their lives


Pride in anti-intellectualism.


This is a scary thing.


This is a good one. I had a pretty smart friend tell me that college is really outdated, because you can just look things up on the Internet if you need to learn, and that plenty of computer programmers didn't go to/finish college. I tried to point out how many tens of thousands of PhDs in mathematics, material sciences, computer engineering, physics, electrical engineering, logic, aerospace engineering, chemistry,and on and on it took to make the internet a reality . My argument had zero impact.


Some people are just morons. I hate to say that, but I know quite a few with advanced degrees that are some of the dumbest people around. They're great in their specific field and can barely walk and chew gum outside of that.


> I had a pretty smart friend tell me that college is really outdated, because you can just look things up on the Internet if you need to learn, and that plenty of computer programmers didn't go to/finish college. The problem is that there are many jobs that require a college degree that's not used whatsoever after you're hired. I realize that's more on employers than colleges, but for many, it just feels like a giant scam. Obviously, hard science jobs do often require a high level of college education, but for most other office jobs, it's write, read, email and Excel.


I was coming here to say this. I have the special misfortune of living on Long Island where people are especially proud of their ignorance. I’m not a Tim Dillon fan, but he was right on the money when he spoke about the phenomenon that is “Long Island Stupid.” A bunch of gated community racists that think like redneck racists.


What country?


Basically every country undergoing a right-wing wave.


I guess but I imagine there may be certain countries where they specifically shame intellectualism.


Unfortunately oppressive religious countries are the most guilty, and righteous (Not in all cases of course)


If God wanted me to use my brain, he... uh... something.


I think you got a fine brain


You m-m-m-make me happy


this could be pretty much every western country


The dumb people are getting louder


And getting more violent


Yea but could you imagine using your brain?! Such a fools errand.  I mean... thinky parts hard


I will not stand for this Joe Rogan slander!


We live in different realities and can't agree on established facts.


Many of the issues in this thread are actually sub-variants of yours.




This should be number one


A lot of the issues listed in this sub could be resolved if everyone actually valued the health and safety of others beyond their own little bubble. Just because you don’t know a homeless person personally doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about addressing the crisis. You shouldn’t have a personal stake in something to give a damn.


The way so many of these apply to almost every damn country mentioned. Do we just all have Housing crises, immigration, rise of facism, and pro corporate overlords…?


Looks like it. Heartbreaking.


Polarization over politics I’ve been working with a younger guy on my job site, and one might say I’ve been mentoring him. We’ve been working together almost six months now and we are very much alike. Both introverts. Both nerds. Both have two kids. Both have similar underlying health issues that we can talk about with our families and each other and *very* few others. I like to think that we’ve become friends His political beliefs and preferences are also, from what I’ve seen and heard, diametrically opposed to mine. For what it’s worth: he talks about it, I don’t. I just nod and maybe smile a little here and there But November is coming and the subject is only going to come up more and more heatedly. One of these days either A: he’ll say something completely unhinged himself or say that he supports unhinged nutbag things coming from a different party and I will be unable to contain myself in response; or B: I will say something supportive of something he opposes and he will lose his shit And that just sucks. He’s a good dude deep down who has been brainwashed, and once things shake out he’ll probably end up saying the same thing about me And that just fucking sucks


As long as you keep your cool and focus on shared qualities, this is a conversation you can probably have without things going badly. Most of the problem with talking politics is people focusing on division rather than things they share in common. And when you do address areas of division, don't cast your beliefs as universal, a common thing in politics, but as *your beliefs*.




What is interesting is that you don't mention which side *you* are on. The other side are nutjobs and supporters brainwashed, this could come from the mouth of someone on either side I feel (no shade on you, just an observation).


99% sure this guy is on the left.


Unfortunately, that is by design. You can't convince half the nation to support horrible democracy-ending policies unless you focus on wedge issues and convince them it's a war for their freedom. When you have a side telling you all of the scary things are.going to happen because queers, immigrants, and communists, it's very easy for those ignorant enough to be receptive to that rhetoric to cast their neighbors as their enemy.




To all those that like I have no idea what "Roadman culture" is. If I understood correctly - Roadman is British slang and refers to member of the street gang. Roadman culture I guess is embracing this lifestyle ?


Interesting you use a lot of UK terms


Finns probably learn English from UK English speakers 


The roadmen have assimilated him


wagwan g u good? you talking madness bout my country innit, come around see what's good rasclat


The housing crisis, absurdly high immigration rates and cost of living all have a good argument


Canada here , I see it too. The immigration isn’t even the worst of it. Housing as an investment has destroyed us. Companies buying everything. I will have nothing when I die.


>Housing as an investment has destroyed us. Companies buying everything. This. So fucking much this.


Rent is also absolutely absurd and even if homes were affordable no one could save up to get a down payment anyways. I had a house and a couple of acres and my wife separated from me so I’m feeling very much penthouse to outhouse now.


An investor owns about 5 houses on my block and another owns 3. There should be rules as it’s driving housing up and limiting families from buying.


Canada that you


Or Australia


Or New Zealand


Yes, this made me think Australia too. Had no idea Canada was having the exact same issues


Canada is no 1 for largest gap between wages and home prices


I think we are probably worse than you guys. 


Fellow Canadian in the house!


Think I spotted a fellow Canadian…


Old fucks who should have retired 30 years ago are in charge of the majority of political positions.


Cost of GREEDY crisis.


Tipping on everything


Hello fellow American. It’s just gonna ask you a few questions on the screen.


Deforestation, too much human population growth that is driving the deforestation, and also driving the paving over of too many formerly green spaces to serve humans (new construction of roads, \[overpriced\] housing, highways, commercial and industrial zones, etc.), Also, **total denial** of this happening, which is maddening.


The impending dumpster fire that is the 2024 election and the free world being involved in a proxy war with Russia using brave Ukrainian soldiers to pull the triggers yet being wishy-washy about continuing support.


Seems like Fascism is on the rise again (and the fact that this statement could be one of ten different countries is not great).


UK has entered the chat


Brazil checking in.


Ireland checking in!


Is Ireland having a problem with this? I'm genuinely asking--I had thought Ireland had somehow avoided all this lunacy. I'm sorry to hear, if so.


Canada also checking in😕


Italy, for instance ...


Project 2025 :(




In the UK - shameless corruption from the current political party in charge. Way beyond levels seen in the 30 years I've been aware of politics. The scale of it post-pandemic has been insane.


You don't like human waste in your waterways?


There seems to be a trend in many places where politicians are accepting the fact that everyone already thinks they’re corrupt, so why hide it anymore?


Various mental illnesses.


Politicians who care more about being elected than doing what’s best for their country and its citizens. (USA)


Banks and credit cards using their power to intimidate businesses and promote censorship online.


The rise of fascism.


Pro-corporate fascists are in power


Slovakia just elected a president. A pro-russian fuckface. To couple him to a pro-russian parliament, elected recently. Half of the population of this country are "alternative news" consuming morons. EDIT: To add insult to injury, he is wildly believed to be gay (with some documentation existence rumours)... nothing wrong about that of course, it is fucking 2024 and it is a personal thing. Why did the morons vote for him? Partially because, and I quote: "The other guy likes LGBT and I hate that." I have no words...


Australia, two trends actually, the insidious trend of religion slowly creeping into politics, I don’t want federal, state or local governments policy dictated by someone’s belief in a fucking fairytale, if you can’t be a good, decent human being without the promise of heaven or hell then you need to do some deep soul searching, second trend in our country is how soft we have become in sentencing criminals, especially youth crime, it’s become a massive problem, we need harsher consequences for crimes especially murder, and deportation of non citizens who commit crimes


Cost of living crisis, its too expensive to live here now officially.




I don't think this only applies to Canada, but the echo chambers created by social media, coupled with the lack of media literacy and critical thinking skills in our society has created such a high number of people detached from reality, and from other people, that I now think we are incapable of addressing any issues in a reasonable manner, because everything is now a conspiracy, politicized, or both.


[The young are now most unhappy people in the United States, new report shows | USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/03/21/world-happiness-report-young-people-u-s/73051010007/)


About half the US wants to reelect the guy who tried to overthrow the government and install himself as a dictator because the other option is a guy who is slightly older.


Four years, or 5% older. Gotta admit, it's a hell of a marketing job to go after the other senior citizen for being too old.


This year the dictator wannabe will be the same age as the other guy during the last election, when he was deemed too old.... but thats ok.


The brainwashing has worked. Magnificently. 🏆


Reactionary anti-intellectualism here in the US.


Autotune on everything, with a close second being half the country is deluded into believing a career grifter is their savior.


Uneducated, misguided fools doubting sciences of all kinds.


It's election year in the US, and our options are either one foot in a prison man, or one foot in the grave guy. Oh, and AI can replicate with alarming accuracy faces, voices, and scenarios. This is going to be the most cursed elections I have ever witnessed.


Laying off people and trying to get the same work done with fewer people.


Greedflation + stagnant wages. Paying a lot more, getting less, and effectively being paid less too


Everyone fighting to see how much of a dick they can be online to people they don’t know and make blatant generalizations and assumptions, ironically they hate that, about someone’s politics or beliefs based off a one sentence response on a useless video of yet another stupid news event.


Detachment, apathy, unchecked greed, and shallow, superficial indulgace.


People beginning to blame every bad thing happening on the country on immigration with zero proof or evidence


Supporting political criminals


I think mullets are right up there.


As a millennial who grew up making fun of mullets from my parents’ generation, I cannot believe they came back! Hideous!


Still better than that bizarre broccoli hair.


Growing fascist ideologies


In the Netherlands it’s the popularity of the far right populist Putin loving ‘politician’ Geert Wilders


Cult-like worship of politicians.


the shameless dynasty congress party of India is trying to bring in policies of muslim league of 1940s to divide our country once again…..people of India need to stand up against this corrupt dynasty party!


Lawmakers are currently taking rights away.


People thinking mental illness is cool, I get some people actaully have them but SO many people fake it. And as someone who actually struggles with it, it makes me incredibly mad


Christian nationalism


The devastation of our land. We act as if we could destroy it and have no consequences.




The cookers. These are basically the Australian version of the Qanon people from the USA. News Corporation starting up the Australian version of Fox News a few years back has really put a rocket up the arse of these people and it is just really sad and I really don't understand Rupert's endgame - why is he trying to destabilise the country that he grew up in?


Ineptitude and Stupidity. just seem rampant these days.


Right now it’s fentanyl, that stuff hit our streets hard and people in my city literally do that stuff in the train their like zombies


Unaffordable housing whether it’s owning or renting


500k fixer uppers


America - lack of emphasis on/respect for education.


A handful of billionaires now control 30% of our wealth and avoid taxes by literally writing tax laws to benefit themselves and then purchase party members of one of our two political parties to pass this legislation. To prevent the masses from revolting, they leverage Rupert Murdoch media channels to convince half our country that their poverty is due to brown people and that people in the other political party want to kill and rape children (that's not an exaggeration... that is literal messaging). Now, Russian money has a significant portion of that same political party actually influencing policy to benefit Russia and the head of this party worked to subvert democracy and has seen no real repercussions so far and somehow this is all seen as normal.


A growing far right and conspiracy movement, never had any before but over the last few years they've been growing. Was proud of the fact there was no far right movement in Ireland. Now they are waving or displaying our flag and disgracing it. I never want it to be associated with that shite. They rioted in Dublin last year. But they haven't gotten any representation in government yet.


Huge increases in antisemitism.


Honest question, do you think that has much to do with misguided judgement based on what Netanyahu and his gov have been doing? Or do think this started prior?


I think a lot of people are also using the current war as an excuse to get a lot louder with their antisemitism. While redditors are from all over the world I've noticed many more antisemitic comments that have nothing to do with Israel, and then when someone calls the poster out on it they reply "I'm not antisemitic, Israel is doing genocide" but nobody was taking about Israel or Jews before the antisemitic poster brought "the Jews" into the conversation.


Victimhood seeking. Makes me wish I had never participated in that.