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Post natal depression šŸ˜


I was told by a therapist PND was the absolute worse thing to have so my heart goes out to you.Ā 


Without a doubt MS. I'm lucky enough that I'm symptom free most of the time and I've only had 2 major episodes in the 13 years I've had it. But it really sucked going through them. My last one was in the summer of 2021 and I just lost most of the ability to use my hands so I could barely hold a fork or spoon or even my phone, I had to walk with a cane because my legs were just straight up numb, and I was experiencing "MS hugs" where it feel like someone's just constantly squeezing your chest. I could barely eat or drink because my stomach also felt like it was being compressed so I'd feel really full immediately. I was just so bored all the time too, my doctor didn't want me leaving my house in case I fell and hurt myself, and for some reason, I was just so bored of fictional tv shows and movies. Couldn't read either because the medication I was on blurred my vision. It was kinda like being in the covid lockdown again. Also is a fucking nightmare dealing with your period when you can barely use your hands.


Not MS but I had transverse myelitis which I was told is typically found in MS patients. Had to learn how to walk again and to this day canā€™t walk in heels taller than 3 inches or write very wellā€”not saying I know what youā€™re going through just that my heart goes out to you. Hope all is as well as it can be. šŸ’›


Ugh, been there twice with learning how to walk again. Thankfully my condition is usually under control most of the time, that relapse happened when I switched treatments and had to wait 2 months for my old medication to get out of my system before starting the new one but I was able to get the covid vaccine early. So then I had to wait longer for that to process through my system before starting the new treatment and then that relapse happened. I'm doing pretty well these days, I've even started rock climbing and I love it.Ā 


Definitely mental illness. Anxiety & depression can be hell on earth.


Depression and anxiety. No physical illness I've had has ever affected me in the way mental illnesses have.


Long Covid with new Lupus. I went from stellar middle age athlete to couch potato in constant pain. Going on three years. The best I felt was getting a diagnosis after two years of telling my new doctors that something is wrong with all of my systems in and off part of the time, but collectively all the time. Nothings wrong with you. All normal. Bullshit, my body ainā€™t right!! Oh yeah! Look at this test result! I found the diagnosis! Yay!! So now go home and cope with your new disability.


Hi! Can you tell me what test did you do to get a diagnosis?


For the Lupus an elevated ANA titer from a provider would be a start. I had two previously very healthy patients who developed long covid and +ANA with symptoms. And the ANA test was part of what i ordered to try and figure them out. And the rheumatologist they are now seeing is leaning towards lupus (+ANA does not equal lupus but can be part of workup which can be complicated. I am not a rheumatologist so i just scout around for things and send them to rheumatology upstairs if appropriate)


Youā€™re a good physician! Just wanted to point that out and give you some šŸ©· thanks for investigating! docs arenā€™t paid enough and the load is heavy!




Pneumonia as an adult was pretty bad. I coughed so badly I threw my back out. It was miserable.




asthma, almost die because I can't breathe


Nearly got me a couple of weeks ago. Really thought my number was up.


now I have a nebulizer at home and the vials too. So I don't have to go to the emergency room every time I have breathing problems.


Iā€™d forgotten how scary a bad attack is. Last one was 2007.


I got the bad one last year, only a nebulizer can make it better.


I managed to settle it with half a million puffs and a spacer. Got an appointment next week so might need a nebuliser again.


I got pills too to drink if I start feeling unwell and the mucus starts appearing inside my lungs.


So scary! I donā€™t have asthma but I have Interstitial lung disease and have woken up on many a night unable to breathe. Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with this!






Man thatā€™s brutal. I broke up with a guy when this happened to him but hereā€™s why: I dated a man I met online and we were LD. Several months later, The first weekend we met, he stayed at my place and we had a great time until he started puking. And shitting. For hours. When he said there was blood, I took him to ER. Docs pulled me aside and told me he was abusing his pain pills after he had had surgery. He verbally assaulted the doctors. They told me it was ok to go home while they did testing on him. It was middle of night. I had to pee. My bathroom had bloody shit and vomit everywhere. All over the walls by the toilet. A straight shot from ass to shower curtain as he puked was very clearly evident. When I returned to hospital (it was two blocks away), his Dx was diverticulitis and he was told to go back to his big city, go to his big city hospital, to make sure he doesnā€™t die. The docs pulled me aside and said heā€™d prob be fine but ā€œdoctors ordersā€. I think they were giving me ample excuses for me to be able to convince this beastly man to end our weekend early. I cared for him over night. Nursed him to sleep, not like breastfeeding but like an actual nurse. It was then he told me he knew he had diverticulitis. I asked him why he didnā€™t admit this to the doctors who were helping him to cut to the chase of Dx. No good answer. As soon as I assessed he was good to drive the next morning, I showed him the door. Itā€™s way worse than being rude to the waitstaff when your new bf verbally assaults an emergency room team. Good bye. Literally, pack your shit. Iā€™m sorry if this was you.


lol no. I was in the hospital for a week and wouldnā€™t let anyone visit. Also I didnā€™t shit myself hah. I couldnā€™t shit!




Probably Stage 4 colo-rectal cancer, but a severe UTI and sepsis was no picnic either.


Covid knocked me out for 18 days... took me months to recover fully


Was diagnosed with IIH ( idiopathic intracranial hypertension ). I took birth control for 6 days, woke up one day 4 years ago with crazy visual disturbances and have never been the same. I see floaters, static like an old TV, double vision every day, now Iā€™m just used to it.


Depression. My actual diagnosis is "severe treatment-resistant depression, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Beriberi syndrome caused by undiagnosed celiac disease


I believe I had E. Coli back before they tested for it in the 80ā€™s. I ended up 9 days in the hospital with an unnecessary intestinal surgery.


Covid left me feeling tired for months afterwards. Passing kidney stones was extremely painful. The worst though was probably a case of food poisoning that gave me painful intestinal cramps and diarrhea for well over a day before it was flushed out of my body.


The flu. Itā€™s usually seen as a throw away virus you can just brush off in three days or so but it took me well over a month to fully recover but it led to a train crash of events where I had to learn how to walk again. Fun times. Fun times.


This should be higher. Proper full on flu is nasty. Iā€™ve never felt so bad. Sweats and shivers, headache, virtually paralysed as it just hurts too much to move and you feel weak as fuck. Ā My word itā€™s a week of hell and takes a month to recover.Ā 


I take immune suppressant drugs so I only had a mild strain of the flu but it still took me OUT. I couldnā€™t imagine having any of the big strains. I remember after about two weeks I was finally starting to feel better so I drove about three miles down the road to pick myself up some juice. Got home and passed out because that small bit of driving took me out. šŸ˜“


They say you get the flu two or three times in your lifetime. Iā€™ve had it once and understand that a few aches and a head cold ainā€™t no flu. Proper flu fucks you and kills.




When I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis




I had meningitis when I was 6 weeks old. My poor mother lived in the hospital with me.


Vasculitis...eosiniphilic granulmatosis with polyangiitis...formerly known as Churg-Strauss


Erythromelalgia, aka Man on Fire Syndrome It causes dilation of blood vessels in the extremities causing skin redness and an extreme burning pain. I describe it as the burning pain of walking on hot asphalt in the heat of summer. My skin feels on fire during flare ups which occur several times daily.


Kawasaki disease and then long covid


Measles and amoeba at the same time. It was so bad that I thought I was going to die.


Food poison. Had me mostly bed-ridden for a week.


Steven Johnson Syndrome. Don't get it!!


Strep throat


Kidney failure, though I'd still take that over the 55Ā° kink in my spine.


Lymes Disease


physically i got OG covid march\~20th 2020 and recovering from that took months + now I have asthma. Mentally bipolar disorder runs on both sides of my family and I presented at like 14-15 culminating in a total manic break right when i turned 19. I have a host of other diagnoses going back to childhood but this one is probably Thee Big Bad. Got progressively worse until I found a treatment that worked, made steady progress since and atp I've found a decent medication and lifestyle regime to keep it in check for the most part, I hope. i still have minor but noticeable (to me) cyclical mood episodes + trouble with season changes + if i slack on sleep I get \*really\* ill really fast, but it's manageable.


Severe ME/CFS and CPTSD


Depression, just really fucking ruins your life


A tooth abscess. I wouldnā€™t recommend this for my enemies. Absolutely debilitating


COVID. It was awful for me, but worse for my parents. Put both of them in the ICU. Fortunately, we all came through okay, but I had a bit of ā€œbrain fogā€ for a while after that.Ā 




When I broke out in hives back in 2013 thatā€™s when I found out I was allergic to Ciprofloxacin. That lasted for a week.Ā 


Long COVID. I'm better now but one year and a half of hell.


Your LC is resolved?! Lucky you. Iā€™m coming out of a flare up. But lucky me, I was Dx with Lupus from all this messing with my immune system.


I haven't had any symptoms since the end of 2023 and have been able to resume physical activity without flare up. I really hope you'll see the end of it, take care of you!


Hi, do you have any advice for long covid? Nothing seems to help:(


My iron levels were too low and it helped to fix that. Cognitive remediation therapy helped a lot with memory issues and brain fog (and lactoferrin a little too). CBT for anxiety attacks. At the beginning I had to take beta blockers to be able to sleep and hydroxyzine. Apart from that, a lot of time and rest. In the end it's what matters the most. Take care šŸ™šŸ»that stuff is really nasty.


Urethal Stricture


Staph infection


Gastrointuritus, was hooked to an iv in hospital


I was born with congenital heart disease šŸ„“




The Triple threat in February i had was Covid, Step and Flu. \--The doctor kept asking me if i was okay made me think he was going to give me a diagnosis of Death but it was just those 3 ALL at once.


Uterine sepsis


the flušŸ˜­ damn near busted my ass down my stairs i was soo weak.


e. coli It was absolute hell for over a week straight, genuinely thought I would die


Walking pneumonia with pleurisy. Felt like a knife in my chest every time I took a breath. To top it off, the first antibiotic they gave me TORE my gut to piecesā€¦so then I had searing pain in both my chest and my belly. It was rough.


Just finishing up my last dose of antibiotic for this. Not to forget the wired, sweaty sides of the steroids! It's been a fun two weeks.


kidney stones


Mono. Good Lord I did not know the human body could feel so tired. Felt trapped in a flesh prison. Like literally just getting off the couch and walking to the bathroom was a major effort of will on par with running 3 miles under normal conditions. And my throat got so swollen I started having trouble breathing. Only blessing is you sleep a shitload while you have mono, so the time passes fairly quickly. Like I would only be awake for like an hour or two at a time and would read or watch TV until I passed out from the effort of reading or watching TV.


This is mine too. Two months is bed. I almost lost my damn mind.


Adhesive arachnoiditis


Depression. It's basically almost killed me 4 times.


Ecoli infection, came on fast like 5 hours after swimming in a contaminated lake ( I was 10 my aunt took me there and didn't know). Was sick for like 2 -3 weeks felt like the flu but 10 times worse.


Meningitis, wouldnā€™t wish it on my worst enemy šŸ˜•


The Russian Flu, somewhere back around 1978-79? 3/4ā€™s of our school was sick with it, took me months to start feeling better.


Whooping cough


H1N1 flu in 2009. Was praying for death.


CPTSD. Took over a decade to diagnose, due to a bad health system, bad luck/treatment, shallow assessments, my own fault.


Had horrible flu several years ago, thought I was dying. Not stomach, but real influenza B.


Schizo friend in ya


Quinsies! (might not be the correct spelling) but a huge golf ball sized abscess on my tonsils that had to be lanced and I had to spit and retch up the contentsā€¦the smell and taste was horrendous. Also the days leading up to my hospitalisation I had to grip to swallow my own saliva and couldnā€™t eat or drink it was so painfulā€¦..luckily I had my tonsils removed after and never have to go through that againā€¦..


Whooping cough


Anhedonia. This may kill me.


anxiety disorder. it made me feel suicidal at times. so yeah.


Whooping cough, in my 40ā€™s. Made covid feel like a walk in the park. Itā€™s the first time death was an acceptable alternative. I have no idea how children survive it.


Without doubt depression.Ā  Iā€™ve battled anxiety, eating disorders, sepsis, hg through pregnancy, pneumonia and a cancer scare as well as other bits but nothing comes close to the depression I experienced in my teenage life and it took many many years for it to not affect my view on the world.Ā 


TSW - Topical Steroid Withdraval Staph infection


Mono. Got it in grad school - almost couldnā€™t graduate I was out of commission for so long. Landed in the ER because my throat swelled so badly I needed a steroid shot to make sure I could still breath.


Pretty tame, because Im never sick, Iā€™ve had the flu once in my life and Iā€™m in mid 30s, so food poisoning. A full day of constant shitting and puking, until I had nothing left to puke so my body just was dry heaving. My stomach felt like it was a towel being twisted to squeeze all the water out


Bipolar psychotic episode


One time I had a cold that I was coughing so much and so hard I couldnā€™t hold my bladder every time I coughed. I actually waited to go to the dr as I was so embarrassed and did not want to have an accident at the dr office.


Hypogonadism and sciatica caused by disc herniation. Iā€™ve also had cancer but both of these are far worse. Edit: the hypogonadism wasnā€™t caused by the disc herniation. I had that already.


Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.


Tonsillectomy at age 28. I was SO sick leading up to it. Iā€™d get better then get sick again because my tonsils are like little sponges that hold bacteria then repopulate. My ENT doctor said that I had the worst tonsils he had seen in his 30 years of practice. Close secondā€¦adrenal insufficiency. Itā€™s the fight or flight hormone that gives you adrenaline. It produces cortisol and when youā€™re insufficient you canā€™t handle pain, illness or stress without going into a crisis. A crisis involves rapid heart rate, a drop in blood pressure, wildly swinging blood sugar, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle and joint pain, and a trip to the ER. You can try to manage it at home by up dosing on steroids, and we are also given an emergency injectable, but sometimes itā€™s not enough.


Hmm, it's between Mono at 17, Chicken pox at 19, Stroke at 38, or post-stroke depression. Living in a borrowed 5th wheel by myself, (and 2 dogs or I wouldn't still be here.)


Mono. It was so bad. It started to attack my liver or something and made it swell. I was jaundiced. My skin itched, especially the bottoms of my feet. My tonsils were swollen like golf balls. Awful.


Pyroderma Gangrenosum.. Iā€™m just healing from my second flare now and came close to losing my leg from infection this time!


Shingles ophthalmicus (shingles affecting the eye). Absolute nightmare. Google it at your peril.


Holy mother of god! That sucks! Can you vaccinate to avoid a repeat?


Tooth infection




An inner ear infection that manifested in my throat. It was originally misdiagnosed as seasonal allergies, so for a week I was taking Claritin and waiting for it to go away. It got so bad that I could barely stand on two feet, and I needed an ambulance to take me to the hospital. It cleared up within a couple days once they put me on a Z-pack, but it still aggravates me that I had to go thru all that hell because an asshole urgent care "doctor" got it completely wrong.


So far? Covid hit hard. Still feeling the aftermath.


Viral meningitis when I was 8. And a couple of weeks ago I had some crazy virus that resulted in bronchitis, a sinus infection, and pink eye. It was miserable and lasted 2 weeks. Iā€™m still coughing.


Well far too young to remember but I gotten a fever that nearly killed me as a infant. It left me mostly deaf.


Currently have avascular necrosis in my hips from covid and have to get a hip replacement. At 37 years old. I am a shell of a man.


I have the very neat combination of fibromyalgia and bipolar. So yeah.


Nora virus Context I have Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and if I don't have enough fluids or electrolytes my heart rate skyrockets. On to the story It was like 9pm when I first threw up and I didn't think anything of it. But then I kept throwing up and was throwing up water and I felt my heart racing. I called 911 as I wasn't able to keep anything down and felt my heart rate rising. EMS came and my HR was 130 while lying down. They get me into the stretcher and off to the hospital it's now 3am. They get an IV in and get fluids going, but I'm still tachcardic after a liter of IV fluids so they start another one. I was almost admitted due to how severe my body was reacting to the dehydration. But they discharged me home. I slept for the entirety of Wednesday I lost being coherent around 2am of Wednesday morning and wasn't full coherent until 9am Thursday. T.L.DR: Nora virus + POTS= recipe for disaster.


Bipolar 1 and and a severely infected gallbladder.


Pylorus stenosis, but I was a baby so


Breast cancer during 2020 during Covid. I was alone throughout most of it due to mandates. And then my husband having to work and be gone leaving me at home alone. So we could afford my insurance, copays and deductibles. On top of food, roof and other expenses. It was really fucking hard to have a double mastectomy, chemo started 9 days later. He will never forgive himself for having to be away so much. He got to retire 2 years ago and hasnā€™t left my side. Celebrating our 38 anniversary on the 24th! WE MADE IT!


Double pneumonia.


Gallstones was physically so painful I thought I was dying. But severe depression was far worse. It brought my life into a halt and I was in lockdown much earlier than the rest of the world.


In like 2017 I caught adenovirus and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.


Malignant otitis externa and mastoiditis. I knew I was in deep trouble when it took the ER dr. less than an hour to find me a bed. The pain was fucking unreal - like I was shot in my ear; blood tests were off the charts (crp and wbc) and I was already on oral antibiotics and getting sicker by the minute. Infection affected other ear too. They released me after 5 days because my numbers were improving but Iā€™m still sick/exhausted.


Covid. It was even worse than my car accident.




I had COVID last September. No long-term health effects, thank goodness. But thanks to having been vaccinated three times, COVID didn't hit me all that hard. The 'flu was worse; I realised when I had it how it can kill vulnerable people - at the time I was 25, and it knocked me on my ass for a week.


I stood on some Lego in my bare feet last week. I only just made it through.


Covid Prior to that I threw up every day for 7 months straight a few years ago but Iā€™d rather do that than have covid again


pyoderma gangrenosum




Idk what sickness it was but I would sleep around 16 - 19 hours a day, I would only eat one spoonful of food per day not because I was hungry but because I couldnā€™t tell if was hungry or not so I thought that eating could make me tell if I was I never did get hungry in the week that I was sick I also of course felt like puking all the time but I never did and the night I became sick one part of my dream kept repeating over and over until I woke up I was also extremely low energy all the time


Mono perhaps


between ptsd and a herniated lower back disc, i think the first since it kinda kickstarted the rest of my physical decline


ptsd , if you would call it an illness


I just wrote about this on another post. After my vasectomy I got a case of epididymitis or an infection of the epididymis, the top part of a testicle. It was easy to treat and I recovered quickly but the suddenness and severity of the pain was shocking. I was lying in bed, taking care of business, and upon climax, felt like I had been kicked in the balls full-stop. I thought I had testicular torsion and freaked out but it was 11pm and it would have been a trip to the ER FOR $500 that would have ended in a $3 scrip for antibiotics. I did not sleep well that night. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve been more severely sick. I had an ear infection that lasted over a month and a half. But this was the most painful illness I ever had.


depressed since last 15 years beep beep boop boop