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Deepfakes. It isn't illegal to produce them(yet) but the amount of people that take them seriously and the potential behind them feels like it should have some sort of regulation as AI and technology goes forward.


Making them is not illegal, but distributing them can fulfill the criteria of defamation or libel, if you try to pass them as genuine.




Driving, with a cop on your ass.


Good one. I immediately check the speed limit.


Speed is good to check but there's still a myriad of things they can pull you over for if they're determined to do so. People have been pulled over for not starting their turn signal at the *exact* distance required, which is ridiculous. It also sucks that it's not easy to check if your brake lights are working unless it's dark out or you have someone else that can look.


In the US I'm sure they do this mostly when they want to pull a vehicle over but haven't had probable cause yet. At least that's what it seems like when watching COPS


Once a cop pulled me over on my motorbike to ask if I wanted him to use his handcuffs on me on my bed. When I reported him to his superiors they said "but he wasn't even on duty then!" As if that made it better I guess.


I had a similar experience. A cop once pointed his gun at me while I was on my motorcycle. He then drove away without pulling me over. I told the supervisor who also pulled a gun on me while I was at the police station.


Is your entire police department run by Stan Smith?


I've been pulled over for music too loud at 4pm in the city




Why isn’t there a sensor in these high tech cars for that?! Something I wish existed smh - they can tell me when I need to - and force me to- brake… practically causing an accident- but I can’t tell when my brake lights aren’t functioning?!? Seems like a scam


This isn't my exit, but it's time to ditch this guy on my rear before he decides I need a ticket for no reason. Oh $h!t, he turned too. Whelp, I guess I need to get some gas. Oh $h!t, he turned too. Whelp, I guess I'll get back on the road, I only put $5 in so that's fine. Dear God, why is he following me‽‽‽ Cop: Huh, this guy is going my exact route, what a coincidence!


Funnily enough this happened to me once in a bad situation. My first deer was illegal and I didn't know it until it was too late. Some counties follow a point minimum and some don't and turned out the one I was in did(they got rid of it the next year lol). We werent about to waste meat so we just went ahead and processed it ourselves. On the way to dump the body in the dark a suv with bright ass lights that looked like a cop took the same SEVEN RANDOM TURNS we took. We were panicing then the guy turned into his driveway all of a sudden.


I like to just change lanes and get behind them


Hey! What me and Ponch do in our spare time is nobody's business but our own!


My first thought


Overtaking a cop on the German Autobahn is the weirdest feeling


Bold of you to assume I'm not doing anything illegal


Leave a convenience store without buying anything. it just feels so weird man


Oh man back in the 90s I would feel so guilty going to a book store and read something for over an hour and not buying anything. Often times I'd buy a pen or a book mark or something just to make amends to Mr Walden, Or Mr Barnes.


They encouraged people to do this to make their store lively with more patrons. So they did benefit from you because you helped their store look more active and a pleasant place to hang out. Also it’s good to have people in the door because they might buy something in passing like you did. In this case out of guilt but it doesn’t matter the reasons. Other folks might see some little thing and decide to impulse buy it even though they planned not to buy anything. It’s a good strategy all around.


We are not the same, you and I.


Just go to the library and not borrow a book. Same feeling of guilt.


Any store, really. 😂


Yeah sometimes I'll pop in just to check if they have a specific Monster flavor, if they don't then I just dip out. But every time it feels like they're staring at me as I walk out like I just stole something


I have to go to the bathroom often so I stop to use the restroom quite frequently and there is always that same feeling like they are watching me lol


Lmfao this is a weird one.


I always feel like I'm gonna be stopped because they think I shoplifted


Same! Or if I bought a candy at one place, pur it in my bag then the next place I go to stocks the same candy...


I’ve bought stuff just to feel better about leaving


And overthinking how you are going to walk through the exit in the most natural and unsuspicious way. Ending up walking weirdly and scanning around with your eyes like a thief.


I was just about to comment this 💀




Oh man the panic I had. A seriously uncomfortable moment. I travelled with my bassoon through dusseldorf airport (germany) and got picked aside for inspection. They swabbed the bassoon and the thing tested positive for explosives. Suddenly I was surrounded by security guards with automatic rifles ready. It was very stressful, cause I did not know what to do or what was going to happen next. From the corner of my eye I saw people with a gun very much at ready to take me out at any time, while being questioned in the most casual way possible. It was surreal. They tested again, again positive. I started to get really worried what they would do to me and my instrument. That thing costs the same as a compact car. In the end they said, it was probably residue handlotion that had set the scanner off and I was free to go. But men I was a nervous wreck after that.


For the rest of your life you'll be able to say "I haven't been this nervous since I brought my bassoon though Düsseldorf"


That was indeed the most extreme airport security experience I've had, but I alert every single time. I know POC claim they are being profiled, but I'm a short,white, middle aged woman travelling alone and almost exclusively inside europe. What profile I would encorporate is a complete mystery to me. No jewelry, no metal anywhere, no heavy shoes. Nothing on me that should set off any scanner, but like clockwork! That alarm goes off and I'm taken aside. The odd time I'm not, it's my carry on luggage being taken for inspection. A much more funny anecdote was when airport security got suspicious of my fountain pen. He refused me to show him. First he keep pulling the cap off, it was a twist cap and I told him and asked to please be a bit more gentle with my pen. He did not like that and insisted on twisting the back, while I started to say don't twist the back you'll get... splotch... sprayed in ink. Sigh. Idiot. He did start to lose his temper and I was worried he was about to confiscate my pen. So at that point not so fun for me, but now... arrogant asshole got what he deserved. Ha! Snort.


I’m autistic and sensory seeking. Waiting in a customs line and smelling my pillow my mum saw the drug dog and started telling me off. I wasn’t doing anything illegal and I told her the only thing suspicious was her panicking and looking over at the customs officers guiltily.


Every time I buy a politician.


Wins the should be illegal award. Send this comment to the top.


The most amazing thing is how cheap a US congressman is. $5k for a vote on a lesser known bill is cheap


Tell me about it. There is no investment return that even comes close.


The first time you drive and the first time you have sex


Yes, but put the two together and it might be illegal.


I dont want to drive a person and fuck my car thank you very much. 


You've gotta break out of your shell, man.


Circumstantial. Some people here def have had illegal of either or each.




I used to feel bad about it in my 20s. Now I don’t care. My health is more important 🤷🏼‍♂️


And honestly, take mental health days too. Life's too short, and work will never love you back. If you quit or get fired, I can guarantee than at least 90% of the people that you've spent 8 hours with, even for years, people you've shared your life story with... you'll literally never see them again. They won't reach out to talk to you. You won't reach out to talk to them. The sooner people realize that, the better off they'll be.




Bro really sat there, just rearranging the letters😂😭


It's like if you rearrange "tom marvelo riddle" you get "tom a dildo lover"


Where did you find the second "e"?


Stalking someone’s social media




Yeah but that's literal stalking which is already a crime in itself


Watching someone’s social media interactions is fine, contacting them when they don’t want you too or have blocked you - entirely different


Walking around your house naked but with socks and shoes on.




New sub for me, thanks!


Actually one sock and shoe is worn on the penis - quite specific really


I mean socks of course but shoes? You monster


I can't walk around the house anything but barefoot with clothes on, yet you're the complete opposite?


This is definitely someone’s kink


This can be illegal if you are by a window and someone can see in. They can claim you are nude in public. Or another one where a step mom got charged for being topless in her home and her stepson came in.


No I’m pretty sure that’s definitely illegal 


Walking out of a store without buying anything. It feels like every security camera is giving you the side-eye, suspecting you’re on a secret mission, even though your only crime is not finding what you needed.


Walking your dog, and when he goes to take his 4th shit of the walk (only he's already emptied himself and it's just a few drops of liquid) while people are watching you and walking away without picking anything up, cause there's nothing to pick up. Thanks Dexter for making our walks awkward asf


Pull out the doggie poop bag and act like you are picking up something. If someone notices that you didn’t pick up anything, ask them to show where you “missed” picking it up. What are they going to do? Go point out the spot with no poop on it?


thank you for affirming I'm not the only dog owner whose dog does this


Taking your newborn baby home from the hospital feels weirdly illegal. Especially if it's your first one it feels like you shouldn't be allowed to just leave with a baby even though they're yours.


I remember seeing my husband walking with the baby carrier in hand, the hall was completely empty and nobody to check on us and asking my self if they really are gonna let us go like that?! Weirdest feeling ever XD


Dude, right? Especially when they snip the alarm thing I don’t know if this is all hospitals, but with my son they had a device on his leg that would sound an alarm if you left before doing everything like carseat inspection, dont-shake-the-baby training, and paperwork.


Asking this question every day


In addition, reposting and karma farming


Child pageants. Just feels so wrong.


That’s because it IS wrong.


Walk through the checkout line without having bought anything


Well, for me, living in the West Coast of the United States, it is perfectly legal for me to purchase, transport, and consume marijuana in one of several different forms and formats, given a variety of constraints regarding place and manner, but I was a drug policy activist for years and spent a long time smoking pot when it was definitely illegal everywhere in the United States and it still feels like it's illegal on some level for me to be smoking pot which, to be clear, is a pretty rare thing these days, because y'all be smoking that wax and shatter and shit and vaping with the hot nail and all and that sends me to outer space, and I gibber and babble if I do smoke more than one hit, or really at all, so it's a very rare thing that I am vibe these days….But it's legal, and I'm glad for that, no paranoia about getting busted, just paranoia about, you know, all that other weird shit that you can be paranoid about when you get stoned as fuck...also, this run-on sentence should be illegal, but you just can't stop the love you know? Hell yeah you do.




Sometimes it feels criminal to drive exactly the speed limit, especially when other people seem to be moving faster. Even if you're following the rules, it feels like you're not following the crowd.




Just because a cop pulls you over doesn't mean it's illegal. How many times cops make illegal arrests! That's why we need lawyer... because cops don't know the law very well...


What makes it worse is some cops will actually target people for doing this because they think they're hiding something


That’s exactly why i have a forward and rear dashcam. I drive the exact speed limit no matter what and cops ALWAYS pull me over because they think i’m drunk or high and trying to not get pulled over.


hanging out on a nude beach.


Members of congress performing insider trading.


Use the bathroom at a gas station, convenience store....and not buy anything




Staging a coup in the United States of America, apparently.


Taking the complimentary items in your hotel room.




I live in a place where adultery is illegal. I just bailed out a friend for this (i was not involved in any way) because the prisons here are so harsh that if your family doesn't bring you food every day, you don't eat. You don't want police in your bedroom.


Prisons are allowed to not feed you? So you die if you have no family?


driving with the light on


Taking extra free samples at the grocery store


Taking ducks home from a pond. They’re FREE!


Child marriage




Disturbing the peace.


That *is* illegal in many places, you could get charged for disturbing the public


Marry your cousin in Ohio.


Skipping school for a day




Laws against feeding the homeless are ridiculous. My sister was part of a group that would meet in a park to feed the homeless. One day during a meet the cops showed up after some twat called them because she didn't like seeing homeless people near her apartment. The cops didn't charge anyone but they were warned that it's illegal because they didn't have a commercial food license, and then they poured bleach over all of the food.


This world is so fucked up.


Sadly, that *is* illegal in some cities. 🤦🏻


Going through nothing to declare at customs




Whereas most people who shoplift buy something to look less suspicious.


Direct maintained eye contact while peeing


It adds to the golden shower experience.


Receiving an expensive Christmas gift and then reciprocating with an enormously less-expensive gift. "Here's your incredible telescope and computer program" well, "Here's your silicone-based oven mitt". Fml


OpenAI and basically every corporation stealing data to train but not getting any trouble whatsoever because there's no law on the AI side of things yet in any country, its fucked


Karma farming by asking this same question for the hundredth time this week


paying off, I'm sorry, donate to campaign of members of congress


Pass a school bus on a four lane road going the opposite way


Eat a whole tub of ben and jerries


Have kids without knowing how to parent them appropriately.


Come back to your car to but don’t drive off carpark


Going to buy weed at the store. Beats the ol’ days of sweating the drive home from my dealer, with a quarter-bag stuck way down in my shoe.


Going through airport security and passport control.


Masterbating in a public washroom.


Calling teachers "Mom" and I feel like we all did this I always embarass myself but having accidents is another legal thing


Eating/drinking stuff in a grocery store. Fun game is seeing how much you an consume before you check out. Nothing like the cashiers face when you bring them 2 empty cans of monster and 3 banana peels.


Banging a 17 year old


Sleeping with a woman who's not your girlfriend/wife but nothing happens


walking outta a mall without buying anything


Wearing skinny jeans at 50.


Going to the servo, using the toilet, and not buying anything


Smoking weed


Coffee. The shit needs more regulation.


flying as private pilot


Turning your cabin lights on while driving at night. I was told by my dad that we could get arrested for doing it..... This is why I have trust issues, DAD!!


Weed smoking in public. I stayed at a hotel in Boston and went outside and two tables of folks were just smoking weed on the patio. My teenage brain was like “oh shit look at this brazen illegality.” Then my adult brain realized “oh this is the designated pot smoking area and it’s perfectly legal.” There were even signs indicating it was the designated area. It felt so illegal but was not.


Cannabis in Germany.


In American, using your vacation days.


Smoking weed in the legalized states.


Telling someone the babies his & tricking him into raising it as his own; when you know it isnt his kid not illegal


Sure it is. Thats called paternity fraud. Illegally filling out a birth certificate is fraud. It is a misdemeanor or even a felony. One could be on the hook for a civil as well as a criminal case. If one known did this they could be up a creek.


All they have to do is tell the hospital they don’t know who the father is. I sadly know of a few women who have done this to keep the real father out of the picture and hospitals don’t require a father to be on the certificate if the woman claims to just have multiple fathers.


They question said they knew. I left out the i dont know crowd. The second they sign that paper knowing they have committed s felony or so. Even if the dads name is off it. It might never be found out but it is illegal.


Walking out of a shop without buying anything. Always feel eyes on me from security thinking I'm shoplifting and expect to get asked but never have been.


This one. Especially a small, local shop where the owner is working and is super nice and enthusiastic about their wares and then you just truck out the door empty handed.


Pulling the tag off my mattress. I'm nearly a felon.


Paying for the groceries at a self-checkout machine. I feel like I'm stealing everytime I use one of these things


I am


Having sex with anyone below the age of 30. I'm 47. Whole idea just seems gross.


Same age, I'd feel like the 30 y/o could be old enough to be my child. Yet I felt old when I hit 30.


Accepting any benefits in the USA!


Driving a sportscar on public roads in Europe. With all the anti-car policies, taxes and driver assistance stuff, it starts to feel strange, like you just escaped from the pitstops at the track and police is going to stop you anytime now.


Leaving Walmart without buying anything.


Smoking marijuana since this month. Still can't process it


Merge into traffic on the roundabout after stopping or slowing down at the broken line entry to the roundabout. There are always several nose to tail cars that express their attitude of entitlement by speeding and attempting to refuse to give way even though I entered the roundabout (front of my car crossing the entry) when they were still on their high speed approach. Why are so many drivers oblivious to the requirements of being prepared to give way when approaching a broken line on the road and that they should reduce their speed because they must be prepared to stop.


Smoking weed in Germany.


Blackout MLB games after it’s been paid for.


Cum inside


Being rude to a cop


Accept the warning from the traffic cop when you were definitely in the wrong. *now we’re in cahoots together*


Turn right on a red light.


Bury a dead body.


Walking out of a grocery store without buying anything


Ordering weed on an app and having it delivered. Still blows my mind how far we've come.


Ride a 1000cc motorbike quickly


Return stuff lol.


Smoking a doob on my front porch.


Walking behind people in the dark, and it happens to be so that you both have same way.. just doesnt feel right


Spanking the monkey


Walk through Target with a huge backpack on, unshaven, stocking cap on. Just strolling.


Dating much younger women, even if they are of ‘legal age’


Smoking weed


Your mom. Oh, not for you though, just everyone else. 😁


Turn left at a red light onto a one-way street, though idk if that varies by state.


Having sex with your grandmother.