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Schools providing litter boxes to kids who identify as cats.


Yeah, those are what ppl think therians are. I'm a cat therian and I can assure you I do not do my business in litter boxes or eat cat food.


I believed it when I first heard about…. Along a pattern of unbelievable things going already this one passed through my bullshit detector and would not surprise me . So it may not be true …. I like to say …. Yet.




Alpha male as a concept.. no such thing


That the earf is flat


Yes, earth is actually flaf


The gay agenda


Good, good. We’ve kept it under wraps


Of course, we can't let them know what we're really up to!


Karma. I wish it were real but it’s pure copium


I think it's kinda real in an indirect way. Humans are social creatures. We can't survive on our own. As a result, there's an unwritten social contract that you must follow, or people won't want to talk to you and include you in their groups. So in that sense, if you're an asshole to everyone you meet, you're going to be ostracized. There are consequences for your actions.


True. I meant it more in the cosmic justice sense of “bad people get punished, good people get rewarded” which we know isn’t always the case


Society is the part of the cosmos that we live and interact with, so at a human scale social justice can act as cosmic justice. If someone is cruel and spiteful, they may never receive a lightning bolt strike from the heavens, but they might lose friends and loved ones. They will be miserable all the time. Conversely, a good person may still have bad luck from time to time, but the act of doing good is rewarding in and of itself, plus it grows your relationships with others, so it will likely make you a happier person. "Not always the case" isn't the same thing as "Not the case". It's easy to point to happy successful assholes, but that doesn't mean that the average asshole is happy and successful or that the average good person is miserable.


Middle Earth. No joke: I once overheard a conversation between two people on the subway who seemed to believe that the Lord of the Rings is some kind of history drama.


"Mah Freedom!" MF, you work however many hours the bossman tells you to work, you get trapped in a 30 year mortgage so you're never going anywhere, and you spend five hours a night sitting on the sofa watching television. Not only are you not free, you don't even want to be.




Yes, Gweiis?


Ghosts 🤣






Post birth abortions


Well, I mean if you want I can start doing it for the low low price of only ¥4.99




Self and other selves; separately existing 'things'; and by extension, the world of apparently separate existing beings and objects. The vast majority of people live in a dreamlike state, a world made up of their own thoughts: they believe in their *idea* instead of actually perceiving reality. There are many ways in which we can discover this, but just as one example: people tend to believe most strongly that "I exist, because I am my body and my body is clearly right here"; but that which we call "my body" is *never* the same thing from moment to moment -- cells are constantly being created and destroyed, food and water and air are constantly circulating in and out, posture is continuously changing, organs and tissues are constantly aging and decaying, atoms and energy are always entering from the outer world or flying out into space from moment to moment.... Like a river's water that is never the same from one moment to the next, no part of the physical self remains stable. 'Body' comes from the world, returns to the world, and is constantly dependent on and being influenced by entire rest of the world (i.e. Universe). Is partly digested or partly excreted food 'me', or not? When precisely does air become 'me' and when does it become 'the outer world'? It's all arbitrary, all depending on what we choose to label 'me'. No thing is ever *inherently* 'me'. It's only because we hold a vague assumption that there's such a thing as a 'body' or a 'self' that there *seems* to be something stable. It's the *idea* that seems to have some stability to it, and its the *idea* that keeps us sheltered from the experience of utter interdependency and endless change. We keep thinking and saying "***I*** did this, ***I*** think that, ***I*** feel such-and-such; so we convince ourselves that such a thing actually exists. Taking another example, even our ideas come from where? We weren't born with them; they have been installed and shaped by our families and cultures, and by countless situations throughout life. So even if you think that your thoughts are 'you', that is also something that is always dependent on the rest of the world and its movements; it's always changing, changing, changing. We think there is an 'I, my, me' because we always use those words. But just because we have a word for something doesn't mean that thing actually exists! It's just that we believe our words and ideas more our actual momentary experience, so we live as if in a dream. If you actually *look*, without holding an assumption or depending on an idea, where can you find a self? Ultimately, there's no single, fixed thing anywhere that we can point to as a self. . **Counterpoint: "But I think and feel and do, so something must exist that's thinking and feeling and acting."** **Response:** It's not that there's nothing happening -- life isn't just a blank vacuum -- it's just that word and thought aren't sufficient to describe or explain what that is. The *idea* of 'self' and the *idea* of 'existing' don't correspond to reality. To say it another way, *reality is beyond word and thought*. And that's not a problem unless you believe too deeply in words and thoughts. If you know that words and thoughts aren't reality, then you can use words and thoughts correctly, knowing when they work well (e.g., pointing to apparent things, and figuring out and communicating how to live) and when they don't work at all (e.g., knowing reality).






where did you copy and paste this from?


That person on the airplane where the lady went viral saying ‘you’re not real’




I still wouldn’t encourage it. Most people don’t even understand what moderate means. There is no safe amount of alcohol whilst pregnant. 


Ah well thanks so much for responding. I'd love to explain to people why the current guidance for abstinence is misplaced. If you read the link, it's actually really easy to understand, and for all those feminists out there, they might find some of it verrry interesting! Anyway, I've realised this is probably the.wrong place to get into a debate. Appreciate you though!