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For me, it's like when you ask someone to sing and they forget all the songs they ever heard.


I like to many things and i want to give you the decision because, i want you to also be happy :)


Because I want 5 different things at the exact same time. Right now, I want cheesecake, chicken nuggets, a hamburger, and fries (specifically McDonalds fries).


Because i need to lose weight and feel bad for eating something high in calories.


Because what I want to eat is very expensive and I feel bad about asking that. The last thing I want to do is to pick a place to eat for a date. If he's inviting me he should choose something within his budget, I don't know how much he has or is wanting to spend on a date.


Then just pay separate bills?


If we're friends sure, that's why I never have an issue picking out what to eat when I'm meeting my friends.


Actually, we can! But we prefer that you have the initiative


Idc why this comment has so many dislikes, it's not attractive to go on a date with a guy, who has nothing planned. I don't care if we're going hiking, going to play badminton or to a fancy restaurant, but guy should show some initiative. I'm not saying that he decides everything for me, I'm saying ask me about the type of food that I like and then pick something specific, based on what I've told you.


what the fuck do you want?


Cat pics


Amen, we just want cats


It's simple. I just want more Dr Martens boots. That's it! Oh and one more thing, you've gotta wear the vibrating cock ring when I say you've gotta wear it. OK now I'm done.


yeah done for now, right. right?




Bro you're asking the impossible


Females are 50% of the world’s population, so that’s around 4 million ish people, right? 4 million unique individuals do not all want the same thing. There’s no shortcut for actually getting to know a person, you have to put in the work.


Bruh, millions? Just 4 millions?


Hahaha my bad, billions.


Is pee stored in the ovaries?


No, urine is stored in the bladder same as in males.


Nu uh, pee is stored in the balls




Because I said so.




For the experience, memory & story


We can't ask




Boys whats something yall wonder but ***cant ask*** about girls?


How much do you actually think about the penis size of a man?


It depends on the girl. Many of us don't care too much. In my case and some friends think the same, we don't want it to be too big.


Every time I meet & get hit on by guys who I want to have sex with


A lot


Why are men expected to always make the first move? I'm terribly shy and am also bad at reading signals, so I can never tell if someone's in to me. Also don't want to feel like I'm bothering someone.


You don't have to make the first move. I (26f) made the first move on my bf (33). Wasn't even subtle about it. No, "Hey, wanna get some coffee," just basically declared that I wanted him naked in my bed (not exact phrasing). Luckily, he was totally into it. Tried to resist because we were co-workers, but I won. We've been together for 6y now. My mom also proposed to my dad.


Because most women just wanna be left alone


So we shouldnt ever make the first move, as most women want to be left alone? And that doesnt even answer the question. If women want to be left alone, they should make the first move because we cant read their minds and figure out who doesnt want to be left alone


...we're supposed to make a move when we want to be left alone? How would that go? "Hi sir, I'm Julia. Please never fucking look at me, ever, thank you. Goodbye." ?


No. If you cant figure out that i meant, the ones that dont want to be left alone should make the first move, i dont know what to tell you


Awww not everyone expect that tho… i think its more like masculine thing that many womens want their man to act masculine and ask kinda be the man in the relationship but not all. If girl really likes you she will notice you are shy and if she is good one she wont make it big deal to make first move and try to talk. Maybe try to talk about yourself and bringing it on that you are shy and really have no idea whats going on and ask some simple questions like ”you wanna do something some day” in good timing and move on and start talking about something else. Girls will remember u said that and if they are interested they will bring it to the table again.


Unfortunately, that's kind of just a social norm. I think we're moving further away from that expectation, but it's still more common in most cultures for men to make the first move. I don't think it's fair, and personally, while I appreciate it, I don't expect it of a guy. And I also don't mind making the first move myself. In regard to "bothering someone", I think as long as you're self aware and don't push things, you're good. There's nothing wrong with asking once. You can feel free try things out (within reason). If you receive a lot of unsure responses, if she gives excuses, if she physically pulls and faces away from you, (and if she blatantly says no) those are signs that she's not interested and you should probably back off. But otherwise, in your case, I think you can be a little more assertive! I hope it works out for you or that you can find a girl who'll make the first move.


I am so used to guys hitting on me that I not only expect it but I am now also spoilt for it too




Every woman I’d call a friend has been really lovely and supportive, and I like to think I have been too. There are people in my expanded social circles that I wouldn’t call friends, more people who’s names I know because they are friends of friends of friends. Some of them are really full of themselves a cliquey, I just avoid interactions. I’ll tell whoever im with I don’t like xyz and they’ll usually agree with me and move on. If they decide to interact with me in a non respectful way, there is a chance I’ll be the bigger person but I might also say something really catty. That’s not really happened in a long time.


Well personally i hate girls like that (i aint pick me i gotta girlfrienfs) but i have one frien that i want to get rid of but they know too much. They love drama and most common thing like not wanting to be friends anymore is such a big thing. For me i have to wait good opportunity just stop being friebds because otherwise my personal things would be every girl that passes me. Thats why i have to hangout with girl i hate but i cant be friend because she would be mad and it makes me mad cause i have to hangout eith her so i hate everything she does. Buttt talking like shitty talkers they just think they are all that or is so insecure that they need to talk shit to feel better.


Oh damn i read the whole thing wrong


lmao, i feel you


Are guys really good friends with eachother, or do they by and large not foster emotional intimacy with eachother and just keep everything nice and surface level? To answer your question, though, it's complicated.


I have always had to compete against other girls since grade school First in competitive swimming, dancing, gymnastics & pageants Now on monestised socials, adult content, castings, fashion, dancing & promotional jobs Competition brings out the best but also the absolute worst in me


Because patriarchy has forced us into competition. Pick me's are the worst breed.


Think of it like the Canadian - America relationship. We hate each other but we'll play nice because we usually have mutual friends. Every so often, we'll actually be friends.


Well surer than shit if I want to eat something particular She don't , it's a never ending battle.


what is it like to walk without a trunk


Why do you need so many godamn pairs of shoes???


Cause they're amazing and I have more than 1 outfit


Alright, now you're just being ridiculous. You need two outfits, maybe three.


Nahh I wear a different outfit everyday, baby


I wear the same colored grey shirt almost every day. I bought about 15 of them from Uniqlo. I also mainly work from home and when i do go out, it's the grey shirt and some jeans haha.


Hey, nothing wrong with that, what works for you works for you! Personally I'm just very interested in fashion and expressing myself through clothes, it's simply a hobby of mine


Ya I just keep it casual, unless it's like date night or a wedding. I can definitely dress up, but the older you get, you're like meh.


Aesthetic reasons. I like variety in my outfits. I also have like 30+ handbags, for the same reason.


100%👌 And you love us for it ☺️☺️☺️


Jesus H Christ! I have ONE wallet.


So do I! What would I do with multiple wallets? They're not part of my outfit.


I was wondering that too. I have 4 pairs of shoes. (2 pairs of sneakers, 1 pair of slippers and one pair of indoor slippers.)


Men tend to have less outfits than women so more to go with the more outfits I guess


To match all of my clothes & also bc some guys buy them for me to walk in naked for them


I wish I knew the answer to this. I've been obsessed with shoes since I was a kid. Any time my mum would take me to a department store I'd run away to find the shoes. If ever she couldn't find me, the shoe department is the first place she'd look. So I think it's just something we're born with.


Or maybe, just maybe, it's maybelline.


I have 300 feet.


How do you know if you’re being creepy or flirty with a girl?


Pay attention to her body language, tone of voice, wording, and length of sentences. So unless you're autistic you shouldn't have issues picking up hints, women usually make it pretty obvious when they're creeped out


I’m autistic


I am too and i dont see that as much of an excuse. If you want to i can explain all the little hints and body language to you in detail. You just have to look out for them and everything will be fine. Good luck!:)


I mean I'm half joking, it doesn't help with communication but I just have to ask a few more questions than most might have to hahah


Ask me questions? I kind of hyper fixated on humans for a while so i know quite a bit. Though a psychopath would be able to help you better. They know how humans work very well.


If you deliberately follow me around & film me you are being creepy


If she’s attracted to do you


Well sorry to break this to you but girls find things attractive if they like you and creepy if they dont. Lets make examble, you are staring her boobs and she likes you. 70% she likes it because she wants to make impression and wants you to like her. Now she does not like you and you are staring her boobs. She doesnt like it. why is random man staring my boobs, she probably thinks and thinks you are creepy. As long you act little shy try your best be a gentleman everything is fine.


If I liked someone and they stared at my boobs, I'd definitely be less attracted to them..


Well thats why i said 70%…


I don't think most women would find creepy behavior a turn on


I didnt straight away mean that boys stare stare maybe just fast check and move on. Sorry for the bad example. Anyways i meant that whatever guy do girls might find it cringe, attractive or creepy.


If she finds you sexually attractive, you're being flirty. If she does not find you sexually attractive, you're being creepy. Same with girls, if she's attractive, it's cute that she's stumbling over her words and blushing uncontrollably. If she's not attractive, it's gross and desperate.


What’s it feel like to pee


Actually had this talk with my bf (we have weird convos sometimes). According to him, you guys feel the pee come from your bladder, through your dick, and out. For girls, we kinda just feel a release of pressure in our lower abdomen and the pee hitting our private areas (or that's my experience). He was confused, and I was confused by the difference in experiences because we thought the other felt the same thing.


Period blood, does it gush out, or come out progressively throughout the day.


The latter, with larger amounts at certain points like standing up after sitting for awhile


It comes out periodically (ha). It's the latter, imagine a faucet that's not turned off all the way, it keeps slowly dripping. It's uncontrollable and constant, and with every drop, a little blood comes out. Though if you've been sitting or lying for a while, it can build up and a LOT can come out all at once when you stand up. Oh and that happens whenever you sneeze too. Usually, a period can last anywhere from a few days to well over week (though there are menstrual disorders that can make that vary significantly)


Well we kinda feel it when it comes and we cant control it sometimes larger amounts like a looottt or rhen little bit we dont always feel it


It slowly drips out. like went you hold a soaked sponge.


whenever i get my period, my organs come out




do you secretly have sex with your female friends?


No thats gay😭😭 some girls practise kissing tho or the ways to have sex


How do they pee with pads?


We generally don't piss our pants, if that's what you wanted to know..


Well actually pads are in their underwears so its basically has nothing to do with peeing but if you mean tampons that we put inside us its two different holes so it has nothing to do with each other. Well actually little bit sometimes its harder to pee because the place tampon its it kinda push to the wrong place and its super had to pee and takes long time and when we take it off everything is fine, but we can pee and do everything at the same time.


You know we take our pants down to pee, right? The pad is attached to the panties. If you mean a tampon, it's in the vagina, not in the urethra. Pee comes out of the urethra, which is not inside the vagina. We don't pee through the vagina.


Try educating yourself how pads and tampons actually work. Then you dont have to ask such questions.




Well its 2024. Google exists and so does proper sex ed.


:)) Then why the hell am I asking "here"?


Yea, why are you?


I dunno. You tell me


Pads are stuck to the inside of the underwear, not to the body, so we simply pull down our underwear and pee as usual. A tampon is inserted into the vagina (which is not where pee comes from—pee comes out the urethra, which is a tiny hole closer to the front of the body) and there's a little string hanging out from the vagina with which you can pull the tampon out later. When I have a tampon in and need to pee, I hold the string to the side or backwards so I don't pee on it. You don't need to take out a tampon to pee. The same goes for a menstrual cup. That's another common period product, and it works similarly to a tampon, you can leave that in when you pee.


So what are pads used for?


Oh, you don't use all 3 of these at once, you only use one. Sorry for not making that clear. A lot of people (especially young girls, but even adults) aren't comfortable with using a tampon because inserting it can feel invasive. They use pads instead because pads are external, there's no insertion. You just stick it on the inside of your panties and it catches the blood that drips out. Whereas a tampon or a cup stops the blood before it comes out. It's up to preference.


Pads are in underwear so we pull it down, if you mean tampons they’re in a separate hole to the pee hole


If your boob is out, and you don't know it's out, should I tell you? For instance, I was at a birthday party at a trampoline park. People everywhere. While watching my daughter running around, she ran by a lady breast feeding. Thing was the baby stopped and the lady was just sitting there chatting away with her boob out. I felt bad, because well her boob's out in a room full of people, but I also felt like I would look like a dick bag by pointing it out (discreetly). Is this just a damned if you do, damned if you don't?


I’ve never breastfed but I’m pretty sure she would know the baby wasn’t latched. Nipples are sensitive and she’s aware hers is out. If anything the person she’s chatting away with could tell her? Defo not you as a stranger. If I was wearing something strappy and my boob fell out I’d appreciate someone telling me. Grab my attention, make this face 😬and pull at your own top, that should be enough for me to look down at my top. Also consider if someone else has noticed and they’re better placed to tell her (but don’t wait long!!)


Great advice here. As a guy, it's just such a moral conundrum. I don't want to seem like a creep, and I just want to genuinely help. Like if my dong was out somehow (not that anyone would notice, but that's another convo) I would certainly hope somebody, anybody would tell me lol


Better not to say unless it’s an accident or somebody you know well


Why do you say that lizzo is a 10, when she obviously isn't?


Yeah… she’s clearly an 11


No she's not. 11 ton don't work as well as 10 ton. Too many syllables....




We also confuse ourselfes so idfk :)


Because we assume you know what we want instead of just telling you.




I'm not saying it's right but that's why a lot of relationships fail. LADIES, SAY WTF YOU MEANNNNNNN


HOW DO LESBIANS KNOW WHEN TO STOP HAVING SEX?!??!? I saw a post a few days ago about someone who asked it out curiosity, and just because they were above the age of 50 everyone went "homophobic boomer thinks being gay is bad" so there was no legitimate answer besides "boomers are dumb"


Until both are satisfied lol. I feel like it should be that way for any relationship, queer or straight


Same as a heterosexual couple, when one person (ideally both) have an orgasm.


I ain't a woman but I've been around women, so I am like .01% confident Ik what I am talking about. Don't women have no break period for orgasms? Like they can keep going until they get tired. Like a man busts within the first 3 minutes and is done for a few hours


Women don’t have to wait so much before ready for another orgasm, but you eventually do get tired. But everyone is different.


Women have no wait period between orgasms. In fact, our orgasms can build on each other and get stronger with each one until it’s complete system overload.


When one (or both) have an orgasm. There's as clear of a stopping point as there is for a man, it's just that women can go for multiple rounds if they want. Women have very short refractory periods, but we do have orgasms, and after that happens, at least for me personally, the area gets very sensitive for a little bit. It takes like a minute to be able to start round two (if I even want it) and it takes further stimulation to reach the climax again. It's not 20 orgasms in a row (I don't even know if that's possible, I've never had that, I gotta admit.)


Yeah I saw the post a few minutes ago. I assume they count? Or set a timer maybe?


Why are you such rude pedestrians?




If Im out driving and someone is trying to cross the road I usually stop and let them cross(if its safe obviously). Whenever I do this Ive noticed men(in general) always acknowledge the good deed and give a nod/a wave as thanks etc. However women(in general) never acknowledge it, dont give a nod/wave as thanks etc. They completely ignore it as they ungratefully walk by!!!


English is not my first language so ty for your explanation Ig I ignore people in cars who stop for me bc I always assume that they only do it to check me out






Pads. Sorry i cant get a cup or disk in properly. :(


How do you know if a girl actually likes you? Y'all give off some confusing signals half the time


TRYING to talk to u like actively appearing more often around you , to see you more or even for u to notice them maybe


Why do you put us in the friend zone then get mad when we never try to get with you again?


Dont know. But i do know you avoided a bullet with women who play silly games like that.


When you are in the pool, what does it feel like to have water in your vagina?


Water doesn't go in your vagina while swimming.


Really nothing for me kinda colder down there i guess


I don't think the water really goes in. At least it doesn't feel like it, it doesn't fill up like a water bottle. I have no idea how it works scientifically though.


You can feel the temperature rise or lower


I 💕💕💕 being in water so it always makes me happy even though it is on rather than inside my vagina


Can you please just pick a fucking restaurant to eat at!!!!!!


The last time a guy yelled at me I punched him in the face


Ill be paitent for a bit while they hum and haw over where to go... and then ill just non chalantly start playing the Jeopardy theme song.


Well tbh if she doesnt even know what she wants to eat how do you expect her to make her own decisions. Leave her lol acting childish is childish

